mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 17:14:14 +08:00
This command deletes a group, as `groupDelete` does, but works for owners so that they can delete their own group. `groupDelete` remains as a restricted command, able to delete any group. Closes #40.
1206 lines
65 KiB
1206 lines
65 KiB
# vim: set filetype=sh ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:
# shellcheck shell=bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2016,SC2046
# below: convoluted way that forces shellcheck to source our caller
# shellcheck source=tests/functional/launch_tests_on_instance.sh
. "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"/dummy
grant accountCreate
# first we need to create account1, account2 and account3
success accountCreate a0_create_a1 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account1 --uid $uid1 --public-key "\"$(cat $account1key1file.pub)\""
json .error_code OK .command accountCreate .value null
#grant accountModify
#success realm modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account1
#json .error_code OK .command accountModify
run accountCreate a1_fail_to_create_a2_because_not_granted $a1 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account2 --uid $uid2
retvalshouldbe 106
contain "you to be specifically granted"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
run account2access a2_cannot_connect_because_does_not_exist $a2 --osh info
retvalshouldbe 255
nocontain "Your alias to connect"
contain "Permission denied"
# account with no key
success accountCreate a0_create_a2_nokey $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account2 --uid $uid2 --no-key
contain "info"
json .command accountCreate .error_code OK .value null
grant accountListIngressKeys
success accountListIngressKeys a0_check_a2_ingress_keys $a0 --osh accountListIngressKeys --account $account2
json .command accountListIngressKeys .error_code OK .value.account "$account2" .value.keys '[]'
revoke accountListIngressKeys
grant accountDelete
script accountDelete a0_delete_a2 $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account2, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command accountDelete .error_code OK
revoke accountDelete
# /account with no key
script accountCreate a0_create_a2 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account2 --uid $uid2 \< $account2key1file.pub
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "info"
json .command accountCreate .error_code OK .value null
script accountCreate a0_fail_to_create_a2_already_exists $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account2 --uid $uid2 \< $account2key1file.pub
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "already exists"
json .command accountCreate .error_code KO_ALREADY_EXISTING .value null
#success realm modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account2
#json .error_code OK .command accountModify
success account2access a2_can_access_the_bastion $a2 --osh info
contain "Your alias to connect"
json .command info .error_code OK .value.account $account2
# now create a3 directly, we'll need it to test groups
script accountCreate a0_create_a3 $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account3 --uid $uid3 \< $account3key1file.pub
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "info"
json .command accountCreate .error_code OK .value null
#success realm modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account3
#json .error_code OK .command accountModify
success account3access a3_can_access_the_bastion $a3 --osh info
contain "Your alias to connect"
json .command info .error_code OK .value.account $account3
revoke accountCreate
# now create g1
grant groupCreate
run groupCreate a2_fail_to_create_g1_with_a1_as_owner_because_not_granted $a2 --osh groupCreate --group $group1 --algo rsa --size 2048 --owner $account1
retvalshouldbe 106
contain "you to be specifically granted"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
plgfail groupCreate a0_fail_to_create_g1_with_a1_as_owner_because_bad_key_size $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $group1 --algo rsa --size 1024 --owner $account1
contain "minimum configured key size"
json .command groupCreate .error_code KO_KEY_SIZE_TOO_SMALL .value null
plgfail groupCreate a0_fail_create_group_reserved_1 $a0 --osh groupCreate --group key --no-key --owner $account1
json .command groupCreate .error_code ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER
plgfail groupCreate a0_fail_create_group_reserved_2 $a0 --osh groupCreate --group keytothegate --no-key --owner $account1
json .command groupCreate .error_code ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER
success groupCreate a0_create_g1_with_a1_as_owner $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $group1 --algo rsa --size 4096 --owner $account1
contain "The public key of this group is"
json $(cat <<EOS
.command groupCreate
.error_code OK
.value.owner $account1
.value.group $group1
.value.public_key.family RSA
# new state: g1[a1(ow,gk,acl,member)]
# create g3 with a3 as owner to test key generation of a group a3 is not an owner of, without getting the early no-owner deny
success 350-groups a0_create_g3_with_a3_as_owner $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $group3 --algo ed25519 --owner $account3
# test egress key generation as an owner
run 350-groups a0_generate_key_g1_fail $a0 --osh groupGenerateEgressKey --group $group1 --algo ed25519
retvalshouldbe 106
json .command null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND .value null
plgfail 350-groups a3_generate_key_help $a3 --osh groupGenerateEgressKey
json .command groupGenerateEgressKey .error_code ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER
plgfail 350-groups a3_generate_key_g1_fail $a3 --osh groupGenerateEgressKey --group $group1 --algo ed25519
json .command groupGenerateEgressKey .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER
success 350-groups a1_generate_key_g1 $a1 --osh groupGenerateEgressKey --group $group1 --algo ed25519
json .command groupGenerateEgressKey .error_code OK .value.typecode ssh-ed25519
local key1id
local key1fp
key1id=$(get_json | $jq .value.id)
key1fp=$(get_json | $jq .value.fingerprint)
success 350-groups a0_list_group_keys_g1 $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
json .command groupInfo .error_code OK ".value.keys.\"$key1fp\".typecode" ssh-ed25519
run 350-groups a0_del_key_g1 $a0 --osh groupDelEgressKey --group $group1 --id $key1id
retvalshouldbe 106
json .command null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND .value null
plgfail 350-groups a3_del_key_g1 $a3 --osh groupDelEgressKey --group $group1 --id $key1id
json .command groupDelEgressKey .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER
success 350-groups a1_del_key_g1 $a1 --osh groupDelEgressKey --group $group1 --id $key1id
json .command groupDelEgressKey .error_code OK .value.id "$key1id" .value.fingerprint "$key1fp"
unset key1id
unset key1fp
grant groupDelete
script 350-groups a0_delete_g3 $a0 --osh groupDelete --group $group3 '<<<' "$group3"
retvalshouldbe 0
revoke groupDelete
# /egress key generation
# now test all group-* commands from a2 to grant a3 on g1 => should get an early deny
run groupAddOwner a2_fail_to_addowner_a3_on_g1_early_deny_owner_cmd $a2 --osh groupAddOwner --group $group1 --account $account3
retvalshouldbe 106
contain "owner"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
run groupAddMember a2_fail_to_addmember_a3_on_g1_early_deny_gatekeeper_cmd $a2 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account3
retvalshouldbe 106
contain "gatekeeper"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
run groupAddOwner a2_fail_to_addserver_on_g1_early_deny_aclkeeper_cmd $a2 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port 1234 --user nobody
retvalshouldbe 106
contain "aclkeeper"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
# a0: create g3 and set a0, a2 and a3 as owner/gatekeeper/aclkeeper to rule out early denies for next tests
# >>>BEGIN
success groupCreate a0_create_g3_with_a0_as_owner $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $group3 --algo ecdsa --size 256 --owner $account0
json .error_code OK .command groupCreate .value.group $group3 .value.owner $account0
json .value.public_key.family ECDSA .value.public_key.typecode ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 .value.public_key.size 256
#g3_pubkey=$(get_json | $jq .value.public_key.line)
#g3_fp=$( get_json | $jq .value.public_key.fingerprint)
revoke groupCreate
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_create $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.members|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json .value.guests '[]'
# ... we also take the opportunity to check with groupinfo that the add/del works as intended
# ... we always try to remove a3 and fail, then add it, then add it again and fail, then remove it, then remove it and fail, then add it back
# ...... for owner
success groupDelOwner a0_del_a3_as_g3_owner_no_change $a0 --osh groupDelOwner --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .command groupDelOwner .value null
success groupAddOwner a0_add_a3_as_g3_owner $a0 --osh groupAddOwner --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupAddOwner .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_owneradd $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --arg want "$account0 $account3" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.members|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json .value.guests '[]'
success groupAddOwner a0_add_a3_as_g3_owner_no_change $a0 --osh groupAddOwner --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .command groupAddOwner .value null
success groupDelOwner a0_del_a3_as_g3_owner $a0 --osh groupDelOwner --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupDelOwner .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_ownerdel $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.members|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json .value.guests '[]'
success groupAddOwner a0_add_a3_as_g3_owner $a0 --osh groupAddOwner --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupAddOwner .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_owneradd2 $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --arg want "$account0 $account3" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.members|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json .value.guests '[]'
# ...... for gatekeeper
success groupDelGatekeeper a0_del_a3_as_g3_gatekeeper_no_change $a0 --osh groupDelGatekeeper --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .command groupDelGatekeeper .value null
success groupAddGatekeeper a0_add_a3_as_g3_gatekeeper $a0 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupAddGatekeeper .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_gatekeeperadd $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --arg want "$account0 $account3" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0 $account3" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.members|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json .value.guests '[]'
success groupAddGatekeeper a0_add_a3_as_g3_gatekeeper_no_change $a0 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .command groupAddGatekeeper .value null
success groupDelGatekeeper a0_del_a3_as_g3_gatekeeper $a0 --osh groupDelGatekeeper --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupDelGatekeeper .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_gatekeeperdel $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --arg want "$account0 $account3" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.members|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json .value.guests '[]'
success groupAddGatekeeper a0_add_a3_as_g3_gatekeeper $a0 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupAddGatekeeper .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_gatekeeperadd2 $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --arg want "$account0 $account3" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0 $account3" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json --arg want "$account0" '.value.members|sort == ($want|split(" ")|sort)' true
json .value.guests '[]'
# ...... for aclkeeper
success groupDelAclkeeper a0_del_a3_as_g3_aclkeeper_no_change $a0 --osh groupDelAclkeeper --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .command groupDelAclkeeper .value null
success groupAddAclkeeper a0_add_a3_as_g3_aclkeeper $a0 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupAddAclkeeper .value null
#success postreq a0_g3_removembr $a0 --osh groupDelMember --group $group3 --account $account0
success postreq a0_g3_removeaclk $a0 --osh groupDelAclkeeper --group $group3 --account $account0
success postreq a0_g3_removegk $a0 --osh groupDelGatekeeper --group $group3 --account $account0
# START egress passwords
# ... for groups
success groupGeneratePassword works1 $a0 --osh groupGeneratePassword --group $group3 --size 17 --do-it
json .command groupGeneratePassword .error_code OK .value.group $group3
md5a=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.md5crypt')
sha256a=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.sha256crypt')
sha512a=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.sha512crypt')
success groupListPasswords works $a0 --osh groupListPasswords --group $group3
json $(cat <<EOS
.command groupListPasswords
.error_code OK
.value[0].metadata.created_by $account0
.value[0].hashes.md5crypt $md5a
.value[0].hashes.sha256crypt $sha256a
.value[0].hashes.sha512crypt $sha512a
.value[1] null
success groupGeneratePassword works2 $a0 --osh groupGeneratePassword --group $group3 --size 17 --do-it
json .command groupGeneratePassword .error_code OK .value.group $group3
md5b=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.md5crypt')
sha256b=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.sha256crypt')
sha512b=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.sha512crypt')
success groupListPasswords works $a0 --osh groupListPasswords --group $group3
json $(cat <<EOS
.command groupListPasswords
.error_code OK
.value[0].metadata.created_by $account0
.value[0].hashes.md5crypt $md5b
.value[0].hashes.sha256crypt $sha256b
.value[0].hashes.sha512crypt $sha512b
.value[1].hashes.md5crypt $md5a
.value[1].hashes.sha256crypt $sha256a
.value[1].hashes.sha512crypt $sha512a
.value[2] null
unset md5a sha256a sha512a
unset md5b sha256b sha512b
# ... for accounts
grant accountGeneratePassword
success accountGeneratePassword works1 $a0 --osh accountGeneratePassword --account $account1 --do-it
json .command accountGeneratePassword .error_code OK .value.account $account1
md5a=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.md5crypt')
sha256a=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.sha256crypt')
sha512a=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.sha512crypt')
revoke accountGeneratePassword
grant accountListPasswords
success accountListPasswords works $a0 --osh accountListPasswords --account $account1
json $(cat <<EOS
.command accountListPasswords
.error_code OK
.value[0].metadata.created_by $account0
.value[0].hashes.md5crypt $md5a
.value[0].hashes.sha256crypt $sha256a
.value[0].hashes.sha512crypt $sha512a
.value[1] null
revoke accountListPasswords
success selfGeneratePassword works2 $a1 --osh selfGeneratePassword --do-it
json .command selfGeneratePassword .error_code OK
md5b=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.md5crypt')
sha256b=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.sha256crypt')
sha512b=$(get_json | $jq '.value.hashes.sha512crypt')
success selfListPasswords works $a1 --osh selfListPasswords
json $(cat <<EOS
.command selfListPasswords
.error_code OK
.value[0].metadata.created_by $account1
.value[0].hashes.md5crypt $md5b
.value[0].hashes.sha256crypt $sha256b
.value[0].hashes.sha512crypt $sha512b
.value[1].metadata.created_by $account0
.value[1].hashes.md5crypt $md5a
.value[1].hashes.sha256crypt $sha256a
.value[1].hashes.sha512crypt $sha512a
.value[2] null
unset md5a sha256a sha512a
unset md5b sha256b sha512b
# END egress passwords
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_aclkeeperadd $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\",\"$account3\"]" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\"]" '.value.members|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[]" '.value.guests|sort == ($want|sort)' true
success groupAddAclkeeper a0_add_a3_as_g3_aclkeeper_no_change $a0 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .command groupAddAclkeeper .value null
success groupDelAclkeeper a0_del_a3_as_g3_aclkeeper $a0 --osh groupDelAclkeeper --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupDelAclkeeper .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_aclkeeperdel $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\",\"$account3\"]" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ ]" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\"]" '.value.members|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[]" '.value.guests|sort == ($want|sort)' true
success groupAddAclkeeper a0_add_a3_as_g3_aclkeeper $a0 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupAddAclkeeper .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_aclkeeperadd2 $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\",\"$account3\"]" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\"]" '.value.members|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[]" '.value.guests|sort == ($want|sort)' true
# ...... for member
success groupDelMember a3_del_a3_as_g3_member_no_change $a3 --osh groupDelMember --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .command groupDelMember .value null
success groupAddMember a3_add_a3_as_g3_member $a3 --osh groupAddMember --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupAddMember .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_memberadd $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\",\"$account3\"]" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\",\"$account3\"]" '.value.members|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[]" '.value.guests|sort == ($want|sort)' true
success groupAddMember a3_add_a3_as_g3_member_no_change $a3 --osh groupAddMember --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .command groupAddMember .value null
success groupDelMember a3_del_a3_as_g3_member $a3 --osh groupDelMember --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupDelMember .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_memberdel $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\",\"$account3\"]" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\"]" '.value.members|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[]" '.value.guests|sort == ($want|sort)' true
success groupAddMember a3_add_a3_as_g3_member $a3 --osh groupAddMember --group $group3 --account $account3
json .error_code OK .command groupAddMember .value null
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_memberadd2 $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\",\"$account3\"]" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\"]" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\",\"$account3\"]" '.value.members|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[]" '.value.guests|sort == ($want|sort)' true
# ...... ok now resume to just adding a2 to avoid early denies as stated above
success groupAddOwner a3_add_a2_as_g3_owner $a3 --osh groupAddOwner --group $group3 --account $account2
success groupAddGatekeeper a2_add_himself_as_g3_gatekeeper $a2 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group3 --account $account2
success groupAddAclkeeper a2_add_himself_as_g3_aclkeeper $a2 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group3 --account $account2
# new state: g1[a1(ow,gk,acl,member)] g3[a0,a2,a3(ow,gk,acl,member)]
# check with groupInfo that the data is correct
success groupInfo a0_info_on_g3_after_a2_add $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group3
json .error_code OK .command groupInfo .value.group $group3
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\",\"$account3\",\"$account2\"]" '.value.owners|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\",\"$account2\"]" '.value.gatekeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[ \"$account3\",\"$account2\"]" '.value.aclkeepers|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[\"$account0\",\"$account3\"]" '.value.members|sort == ($want|sort)' true
json --argjson want "[]" '.value.guests|sort == ($want|sort)' true
# now come gatekeeper tests, first check that a2 can't do anything privileged on g1
plgfail groupAddOwner a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_owner $a2 --osh groupAddOwner --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddOwner .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
plgfail groupAddGatekeeper a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_gatekeeper $a2 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddGatekeeper .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
plgfail groupAddAclkeeper a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_aclkeeper $a2 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddAclkeeper .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
plgfail groupAddMember a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_member $a2 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddMember .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_GATEKEEPER .value null
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_guest $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host --port 15487 --user username
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_GATEKEEPER .value null
plgfail groupAddServer a2_fail_add_server_to_g1 $a2 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port 15487 --user username
json .command groupAddServer .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_ACLKEEPER .value null
# ... then grant a2 as g1 aclkeeper
success groupAddAclkeeper a1_add_a2_as_g1_aclkeeper $a1 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account2
json .command groupAddAclkeeper .error_code OK .value null
# new state: g1[a1(ow,gk,acl,member) a2(acl)] g3[a0,a2,a3(ow,gk,acl,member)]
# then check that owner/gatekeeper commands still don't work
plgfail groupAddOwner a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_owner $a2 --osh groupAddOwner --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddOwner .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
plgfail groupAddGatekeeper a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_gatekeeper $a2 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddGatekeeper .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
plgfail groupAddAclkeeper a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_aclkeeper $a2 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddAclkeeper .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
plgfail groupAddMember a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_member $a2 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddMember .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_GATEKEEPER .value null
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_guest $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host --port 15487 --user username
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_GATEKEEPER .value null
# and see that aclkeeper command now works from a2 on g1
# TODO test elsewhere the syntax/good functioning of those commands with all combinations of parameters allowed. here we test the RIGHTS.
success groupAddServer a2_add_server_to_g1_works $a2 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port 22 --user g1
json .command groupAddServer .error_code OK .value.ip .value.group $group1 .value.port 22 .value.user g1
contain "have access to yourself"
success groupAddServer a2_add_server_to_g1_force_but_dup $a2 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port 22 --user g1 --force
json .command groupAddServer .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .value null
success groupAddServer a2_add_server_to_g1 $a2 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port 22 --user g2 --force --comment '"\"this is a comment\""'
json .command groupAddServer .error_code OK .value.ip .value.group $group1 .value.user g2 .value.comment "this is a comment"
# new state: g1[a1(ow,gk,acl,member) a2(acl) acl(g1@,g2@] g3[a0,a2,a3(ow,gk,acl,member)]
# ... then grant a2 as g1 gatekeeper and remove it as aclkeeper
success groupAddGatekeeper a1_add_a2_as_g1_gatekeeper $a1 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account2
json .command groupAddGatekeeper .error_code OK .value null
success groupDelAclkeeper a1_del_a2_as_g1_aclkeeper $a1 --osh groupDelAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account2
json .command groupDelAclkeeper .error_code OK .value null
# new state: g1[a1(ow,gk,acl,member) a2(gk) acl(g1@,g2@] g3[a0,a2,a3(ow,gk,acl,member)]
# then check that owner/aclkeeper commands still don't work
plgfail groupAddOwner a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_owner $a2 --osh groupAddOwner --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddOwner .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
plgfail groupAddGatekeeper a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_gatekeeper $a2 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddGatekeeper .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
plgfail groupAddAclkeeper a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_aclkeeper $a2 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupAddAclkeeper .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
plgfail groupAddServer a2_fail_add_server_to_g1 $a2 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port 15487 --user username
json .command groupAddServer .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_ACLKEEPER .value null
# ... and now try working gatekeeper commands
run ssh a3_noaccess_not_a_member_of_g1 $a3 g1@
retvalshouldbe 107
success groupAddMember a2_add_a3_as_g1_member $a2 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account3
# new state: g1[a1(ow,gk,acl,member) a2(gk) a3(member) acl(g1@,g2@] g3[a0,a2,a3(ow,gk,acl,member)]
# a3 is now a member of g1 so should be able to access the 2 added user@ip:port of g1
# (err255 because the pubkey is not there, but we're only testing if the bastion code allows the connection)
run ssh a3_access_g1_as_member_a $a3 g1@
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "allowed ... log on"
contain 'Permission denied (publickey'
run ssh a3_access_g1_as_member_b $a3 g2@
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "allowed ... log on"
contain 'Permission denied (publickey'
# ttyrec: take the opportunity to test selfListSessions/selfPlaySession as we just recorded a ttyrec
success ssh a3_selfListSessions $a3 --osh selfListSessions --host --user g2 --type ssh
json .command selfListSessions .error_code OK .value[0].allowed 1
local sessionid
sessionid=$(get_json | $jq '.value[0].id')
plgfail ssh a3_selfPlaySession_nonexisting $a3 --osh selfPlaySession --id 123456
json .command selfPlaySession .error_code ERR_NOT_FOUND
script ssh a3_selfPlaySession_existing $a3 --osh selfPlaySession --id $sessionid '< /dev/null'
retvalshouldbe 0
json .command selfPlaySession .error_code OK
contain 'Total Recall'
contain 'Permission denied (publickey'
nocontain 'n/a'
# /ttyrec
run ssh a3_access_g1_as_member_but_ip_not_in_group $a3 g1@
retvalshouldbe 107
json .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
# try to add a3 as a guest of g1, should not work because already a member
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess a1_add_a3_guest_of_g1_fail_already_member $a1 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --user g2 --host --port 22
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_MEMBER_CANNOT_BE_GUEST
# now remove membership of a3
success groupDelMember a2_del_a3_as_g1_member $a2 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupDelMember .error_code OK .value null
# add a guest access to a3...
success groupAddGuestAccess a1_add_a3_guest_of_g1 $a1 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --user g2 --host --port 22
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code OK
# ... then add it as member again: it should remove the guest access we've added just above...
success groupAddMember a1_add_a3_member_of_g1 $a1 --osh groupAddMember --group $group1 --account $account3
contain "Cleaning these guest accesses"
json .command groupAddMember .error_code OK
# ... then remove its membership
success groupDelMember a2_del_a3_as_g1_member_2 $a2 --osh groupDelMember --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupDelMember .error_code OK .value null
# ... and verify there's no ghost guest access remaining
success groupListGuestAccesses a2_list_a3_guest_access_g1_empty $a2 --osh groupListGuestAccesses --group $group1 --account $account3
json .command groupListGuestAccesses .error_code OK_EMPTY .value null
# new state: g1[a1(ow,gk,acl,member) a2(gk) acl(g1@,g2@] g3[a0,a2,a3(ow,gk,acl,member)]
# check that a3 can no longer access the ips
run ssh a3_fail_access_g1_as_member_a $a3 g1@
retvalshouldbe 107
json .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
run ssh a3_fail_access_g1_as_member_b $a3 g2@
retvalshouldbe 107
json .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
# and now we add a3 as guest of g1 with only access to and not
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess a2_fail_add_a3_as_g1_guest_invalid_tuple $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host --port 15487 --user username
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_GROUP_HAS_NO_ACCESS
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess a2_add_a3_as_g1_guest_1 $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host --user g1 --port 222
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_GROUP_HAS_NO_ACCESS
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess a2_add_a3_as_g1_guest_2 $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host --user g1 --port-any
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_GROUP_HAS_NO_ACCESS
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess a2_add_a3_as_g1_guest_3 $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host --user g9 --port 22
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_GROUP_HAS_NO_ACCESS
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess a2_add_a3_as_g1_guest_4 $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host --user g1 --port 22
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_GROUP_HAS_NO_ACCESS
success groupAddGuestAccess a2_add_a3_as_g1_guest_and_works $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host --user g1 --port 22
json .error_code OK
# new state: g1[a1(ow,gk,acl,member) a2(gk) a3(g1@ acl(g1@,g2@] g3[a0,a2,a3(ow,gk,acl,member)]
success groupAddGuestAccess a2_add_a3_as_g1_guest_and_dupe $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host --user g1 --port 22
json .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE
run ssh a3_noaccess_guest_but_not_to_this_g1_tuple $a3 g2@
retvalshouldbe 107
run ssh a3_access_because_guest $a3 g1@
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "allowed ... log on"
contain 'Permission denied (publickey'
# now we want to try selfListAccesses, work with a3 that has a groupguest access to g1: add a server to g3 (he's a member of it), and a personal access
success groupAddServer a3_add_server_to_g3 $a3 --osh groupAddServer --group $group3 --host --port-any --user-any
grant accountAddPersonalAccess
run accountAddPersonalAccess a0_add_personal_access_to_a3_works_slash_1 $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $account3 --host
json .command accountAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.ip .value.port null .value.user null
run accountAddPersonalAccess a0_add_personal_access_to_a3_fail_badslash $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $account3 --host
json .command null .error_code KO_INVALID_IP .value null
run accountAddPersonalAccess a0_add_personal_access_to_a3_works_slash_2 $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $account3 --host
json .command accountAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.ip .value.port null .value.user null
success accountAddPersonalAccess a0_add_personal_access_to_a3_works $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $account3 --host
(( todo_inc=1 ))
for todo_port in --port-any "--port 33"
for todo_user in --user-any "--user usah"
(( todo_inc++ ))
for todo_ip in 2.2.$todo_inc.2 2.2.$todo_inc.3/32 2.2.$todo_inc.0/24 2.$todo_inc.5.0/23
run accountAddPersonalAccess a0a3_add_personalxs_batch $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $account3 --host $todo_ip $todo_port $todo_user
if [ "$todo_ip" = "2.$todo_inc.5.0/23" ]; then
retvalshouldbe 100
retvalshouldbe 0
(( todo_inc++ ))
for todo_ip in 2.2.$todo_inc.2 2.2.$todo_inc.3/32 2.2.$todo_inc.0/24 2.$todo_inc.5.0/23
run groupAddServer a2g3_add_server_batch $a2 --osh groupAddServer --group $group3 --host $todo_ip $todo_port $todo_user --force
if [ "$todo_ip" = "2.$todo_inc.5.0/23" ]; then
retvalshouldbe 100
retvalshouldbe 0
(( todo_inc++ ))
success groupAddServer a1g1_add_server_batch $a1 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host 2.2.$todo_inc.0/24 $todo_port $todo_user --force
success groupAddGuestAccess a2g1a3_add_guestxs_batch $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host 2.2.$todo_inc.66 $todo_port $todo_user
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess a2g1a3_add_guestxs_batch $a2 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host 2.3.$todo_inc.1 $todo_port $todo_user
# TODO check after removing a group access that the guest access no longer works
success selfListAccesses a3_list_own_accesses $a3 --osh selfListAccesses
json .command selfListAccesses .error_code OK
json --splitsort '[.value[]|.type]' "group-member group-guest personal"
json --splitsort '[.value[]|.group]' "$group3 $group1 null"
json --splitsort '[.value[]|select(.type == "group-member" and .group == "'$group3'").acl[]|.user]' "null null null null usah usah usah null null null usah usah usah"
json --splitsort '[.value[]|select(.type == "group-member" and .group == "'$group3'").acl[]|.user]' "null null null null usah usah usah null null null usah usah usah"
json --splitsort '[.value[]|select(.type == "group-member" and .group == "'$group3'").acl[]|.ip]' ""
json --splitsort '[.value[]|select(.type == "group-member" and .group == "'$group3'").acl[]|.port]' "null null null null null null null 33 33 33 33 33 33"
json --splitsort '[.value[]|select(.type == "group-guest" and .group == "'$group1'").acl[]|.user]' "g1 null usah null usah"
json --splitsort '[.value[]|select(.type == "group-guest" and .group == "'$group1'").acl[]|.ip]' ""
json --splitsort '[.value[]|select(.type == "group-guest" and .group == "'$group1'").acl[]|.port]' "22 null null 33 33"
json --splitsort '[.value[]|select(.type == "personal").acl[]|.user]' "null null null null null null usah usah usah null null null usah usah usah"
json --splitsort '[.value[]|select(.type == "personal").acl[]|.ip]' ""
json --splitsort '[.value[]|select(.type == "personal").acl[]|.port]' "null null null null null null null null null 33 33 33 33 33 33"
contain "33 accesses listed"
# TODO check in selfListAccesses that comments / addedDate addedBy remain
# TODO try keys with from="" and command="" etc (also in selfAddIngressKey)
revoke accountAddPersonalAccess
grant accountDelPersonalAccess
(( todo_inc=1 ))
for todo_port in --port-any "--port 33"
for todo_user in --user-any "--user usah"
(( todo_inc++ ))
for todo_ip in 2.2.$todo_inc.2 2.2.$todo_inc.3/32 2.2.$todo_inc.0/24 2.$todo_inc.5.0/23
run accountDelPersonalAccess a0a3_del_personalxs_batch $a0 --osh accountDelPersonalAccess --account $account3 --host $todo_ip $todo_port $todo_user
if [ "$todo_ip" = "2.$todo_inc.5.0/23" ]; then
retvalshouldbe 100
retvalshouldbe 0
(( todo_inc++ ))
for todo_ip in 2.2.$todo_inc.2 2.2.$todo_inc.3/32 2.2.$todo_inc.0/24 2.$todo_inc.5.0/23
run groupDelServer a2g3_del_server_batch $a2 --osh groupDelServer --group $group3 --host $todo_ip $todo_port $todo_user --force
if [ "$todo_ip" = "2.$todo_inc.5.0/23" ]; then
retvalshouldbe 100
retvalshouldbe 0
(( todo_inc++ ))
success groupDelServer a1g1_del_server_batch $a1 --osh groupDelServer --group $group1 --host 2.2.$todo_inc.0/24 $todo_port $todo_user --force
success groupDelGuestAccess a2g1a3_del_guestxs_batch_1 $a2 --osh groupDelGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host 2.2.$todo_inc.66 $todo_port $todo_user
# TODO next line should be OK_NO_CHANGE
success groupDelGuestAccess a2g1a3_del_guestxs_batch_2 $a2 --osh groupDelGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account3 --host 2.3.$todo_inc.1 $todo_port $todo_user
revoke accountDelPersonalAccess
grant accountAddPersonalAccess
success selfListAccesses a3_list_own_accesses $a3 --osh selfListAccesses
json .command selfListAccesses .error_code OK
contain REGEX '77\.66\.55\.0/24[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+personal[[:space:]]+'$account0'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '1\.2\.3\.4[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+personal[[:space:]]+'$account0'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '77\.66\.55\.4[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+personal[[:space:]]+'$account0'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.1[[:space:]]+22[[:space:]]+g1[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group-guest\)[[:space:]]+'$account2'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '10\.20\.0\.0/17[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+'$group3'\(group-member\)[[:space:]]+'$account3'[[:space:]]'
contain "5 accesses listed"
run accountDelete notingroup $a1 --osh accountDelete --account $account2
retvalshouldbe 106
contain "you to be specifically granted"
nocontain "attempting to continue"
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
#sudo usermod -a -G osh-accountDelete $account1
grant accountDelete
script accountDelete sudookbadconfirm $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 "<<<" "foobar"
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "aborted"
nocontain "attempting to continue"
json .command accountDelete .value null .error_code ERR_OPERATOR_IS_DRUNK
script accountDelete sudook $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account2, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
nocontain "attempting to continue"
json .command accountDelete .error_code OK .value.account $account2
script accountDelete sudooknotexists $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account2, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 100
contain "Account '$account2' doesn't exist"
nocontain "attempting to continue"
json .command accountDelete .error_code KO_NOT_FOUND .value null
revoke accountDelete
run info nosuchaccount $a2 --osh info
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "Permission denied"
nocontain "Your alias to connect"
grant accountCreate
script accountCreate sudookrecreate $a0 --osh accountCreate --always-active --account $account2 --uid $uid2 \< $account2key1file.pub
retvalshouldbe 0
contain "info"
json .command accountCreate .error_code OK .value null
revoke accountCreate
grant groupCreate
#success realm modify_account1 $a0 --osh accountModify --pam-auth-bypass yes --account $account2
#json .error_code OK .command accountModify
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers()
plgfail groupCreate dup $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $group1 --algo rsa --size 4096 --owner $account2
contain "The group $group1 already exists"
json .command groupCreate .error_code KO_ALREADY_EXISTING .value null
revoke groupCreate
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers()
success groupList noaccess $a2 --osh groupList --all
json $(cat <<EOS
.command groupList
.error_code OK
.value["$group1"].flags[0] no-access
.value["$group1"].flags[1] null
# --- now test some group-*/ plugins and ensure that a2 gets early denied because he's not gatekeeper/aclkeeper/owner of any group
# early deny for group-gatekeeper plugins
# group1:a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member)
run groupAddGatekeeperkeeper earlydeny $a2 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
retvalshouldbe 106
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
# early deny for group-aclkeeper plugins
# group1:a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member)
run groupAddAclkeeper earlydeny $a2 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
retvalshouldbe 106
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
# early deny for group-owner plugins
# group1:a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member)
run groupAddOwner earlydeny $a2 --osh groupAddOwner --group $group1 --account $account1
retvalshouldbe 106
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
# early deny for restricted plugins
# group1:a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member)
run accountListAccesses earlydeny $a2 --osh accountListAccesses --account $account1
retvalshouldbe 106
json .command null .value null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND
# now just add a2 as aclk/groupk of group3, we won't use but it's just so that for other tests it won't get early-denied for group cmds
success groupAddGatekeeper a0_add_gatekeeper_g3_a2 $a0 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --account $account2 --group $group3
success groupAddAclkeeper a0_add_aclkeeper_g3_a2 $a0 --osh groupAddAclkeeper --account $account2 --group $group3
# done with group3
# ---
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers()
plgfail groupAddServer notanaclkeeper $a2 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port-any --user-any
contain "an aclkeeper"
json .command groupAddServer .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_ACLKEEPER .value null
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers()
plgfail groupAddServer firstadd $a1 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port-any --user-any
contain "you still want to add"
json .command groupAddServer .error_code ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED .value null
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers()
success groupAddServer firstadd_ok $a1 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port-any --user-any --force
contain "was added to group"
json .command groupAddServer .error_code OK .value.group $group1 .value.ip .value.port null .value.user null
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers(
success groupAddServer firstadd_dup $a1 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port-any --user-any --force
json .command groupAddServer .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .value null
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers(
success groupAddServer secondadd $a1 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port-any --user-any --force
contain "was added to group"
json .command groupAddServer .error_code OK .value.group $group1 .value.ip .value.port null .value.user null
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers(,
success groupAddServer thirdaddttl $a1 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --host --port-any --user-any --force --ttl 0w19s0d
contain "was added to group"
contain "expires in 00:00:"
json .command groupAddServer .error_code OK .value.group $group1 .value.ip .value.port null .value.user null .value.ttl 19
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers(,,
success groupListServers list $a1 --osh groupListServers --group $group1
json .command groupListServers .error_code OK
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.1[[:space:]]+22[[:space:]]+g1[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account2'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.2[[:space:]]+22[[:space:]]+g2[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account2'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.10[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.11[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.12[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]+\S+[[:space:]]+00:00:[01][0123456789]'
contain '5 accesses listed'
# wait for the access to expire
[ "$COUNTONLY" != 1 ] && sleep 20
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers(,
success groupListServers listttlexpired $a1 --osh groupListServers --group $group1
json .command groupListServers .error_code OK
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.1[[:space:]]+22[[:space:]]+g1[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account2'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.2[[:space:]]+22[[:space:]]+g2[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account2'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.10[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.11[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
nocontain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.12[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
contain '4 accesses listed'
success groupListServers include $a1 --osh groupListServers --group $group1 --include
json .command groupListServers .error_code OK
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.1[[:space:]]+22[[:space:]]+g1[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account2'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.10[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.11[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+\(any\)[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account1'[[:space:]]'
contain '3 accesses listed'
success groupListServers include_exclude $a1 --osh groupListServers --group $group1 --include --exclude --exclude 127.?.0.11
json .command groupListServers .error_code OK
contain REGEX '127\.0\.0\.1[[:space:]]+22[[:space:]]+g1[[:space:]]+'$group1'\(group\)[[:space:]]+'$account2'[[:space:]]'
contain '1 accesses listed'
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers(,
plgfail groupListServers list $a2 --osh groupListServers --group $group1
json .command groupListServers .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED .value null
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers(,
run ssh a2_noaccess $a2
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
json .command null .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers(,
run ssh a2_noaccess2 $a2
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
json .command null .error_code KO_ACCESS_DENIED
# owner sets a max ttl guest access policy
success groupModify guest_ttl_limit $a1 --osh groupModify --group $group1 --guest-ttl-limit 15s
contain "with maximum allowed duration of 00:00:15"
json .command groupModify .error_code OK .value.guest_ttl_limit.error_code OK
# try to add a guest without a ttl (should fail)
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess guest_add_fail_nottl $a1 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account2 --port-any --user-any --host
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER .error_message "This group requires guest accesses to have a TTL set, to a duration of 00:00:15 or less"
# try to add a guest with a too big ttl (should fail)
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess guest_add_fail_bigttl $a1 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account2 --port-any --user-any --host --ttl 14d
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER .error_message "The TTL you specified is invalid, this group requires guest accesses to have a TTL of 00:00:15 maximum"
# try to add a guest with a low ttl (should work)
success groupAddGuestAccess guest_add_ok_lowttl $a1 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account2 --port-any --user-any --host --ttl 1s
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code OK
# remove ttl policy
success groupModify guest_ttl_limit $a1 --osh groupModify --group $group1 --guest-ttl-limit 0
json .command groupModify .error_code OK
# if we're just counting the number of tests, don't sleep
[ "$COUNTONLY" != 1 ] && sleep 1
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2() servers(,
success groupAddGuestAccess works $a1 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account2 --port-any --user-any --host
contain "has now access"
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code OK
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2(guest( servers(,
plgfail groupAddGuestAccess nosuchserver $a1 --osh groupAddGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account2 --port-any --user-any --host
nocontain "has now access"
json .command groupAddGuestAccess .error_code ERR_GROUP_HAS_NO_ACCESS
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2(guest( servers(,
run ssh a2_partialxs $a2
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "allowed ... log on"
contain "group-guest of $group1"
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2(guest( servers(,
plgfail a2_partial_groupaddserver shouldfail $a2 --osh groupAddServer --group $group1 --port-any --user-any --host
nocontain "was added to group"
nocontain "you still want to add"
contain "must be an aclkeeper"
json .command groupAddServer .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_ACLKEEPER .value null
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2(guest( servers(,
run ssh a2_noxsnofull $a2
retvalshouldbe 107
contain "Access denied for"
nocontain "$group1 group key"
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2(guest( servers(,
success groupDelGuestAccess works $a1 --osh groupDelGuestAccess --group $group1 --account $account2 --port-any --user-any --host
contain "removed group key access"
json .command groupDelGuestAccess .error_code OK .value null
# even if user2 adds himself private access to .11 ? TODO
grant accountAddPersonalAccess
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2(guest( servers(,
success accountAddPersonalAccess own11 $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $account2 --host --user $account2 --port 22
contain "adding the access blindly"
json .command accountAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.account $account2 .value.ip .value.user $account2 .value.port 22
# just try the ttl param
success accountAddPersonalAccess own11_ttl $a0 --osh accountAddPersonalAccess --account $account2 --host --user $account2 --port 22 --ttl 3
contain "adding the access blindly"
contain "expires in 00:00:0"
json .command accountAddPersonalAccess .error_code OK .value.account $account2 .value.ip .value.user $account2 .value.port 22 .value.ttl 3
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2(guest( servers(,
# account1: perso(account1@
run ssh a2_noxsnofullevenprivate $a2
retvalshouldbe 255
contain "allowed ... log on"
nocontain "$group1"
contain "personal access"
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2(guest( servers(,
# account1: perso(account1@
plgfail groupTransmitOwnership noright1 $a0 --osh groupTransmitOwnership --group $group1 --account $account1
json .command groupTransmitOwnership .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
# group1: a1(owner,aclkeeper,gatekeeper,member) a2(guest( servers(,
# account1: perso(account1@
plgfail groupTransmitOwnership noright2 $a1 --osh groupTransmitOwnership --group $group2 --account $account0
json .command groupTransmitOwnership .error_code KO_GROUP_NOT_FOUND
grant groupCreate
success groupCreate works $a0 --osh groupCreate --group $group2 --owner $account2 --algo ecdsa --size 521
revoke groupCreate
success groupInfo owner $a2 --osh groupInfo --group $group2
tmpfp=$(get_json | $jq '.value.keys|keys[0]')
json $(cat <<EOS
.command groupInfo
.error_code OK
.members null
.value.group $group2
.value.owners[0] $account2
.value.owners[1] null
.value.gatekeepers[0] $account2
.value.gatekeepers[1] null
.value.full_members[0] $account2
.value.full_members[1] null
.value.partial_members[0] null
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.family ECDSA
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.size 521
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.fingerprint $tmpfp
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.typecode ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
unset tmpfp
plgfail groupTransmitOwnership nope $a2 --osh groupTransmitOwnership --group $group1 --account $account0
json .command groupTransmitOwnership .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER .value null
success groupTransmitOwnership oknochg $a1 --osh groupTransmitOwnership --group $group1 --account $account1
json .command groupTransmitOwnership .error_code OK_NO_CHANGE .value null
success groupTransmitOwnership ok $a1 --osh groupTransmitOwnership --group $group1 --account $account2
json .command groupTransmitOwnership .error_code OK .value null
run groupTransmitOwnership nopedup $a1 --osh groupTransmitOwnership --group $group1 --account $account2
retvalshouldbe 106
json .command null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND .value null
run groupInfo notmember $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
tmpfp=$(get_json | $jq '.value.keys|keys[0]')
json $(cat <<EOS
.command groupInfo
.error_code OK
.members null
.value.owners[0] $account2
.value.owners[1] null
.value.gatekeepers[0] $account1
.value.gatekeepers[1] null
.value.full_members[0] null
.value.partial_members[0] null
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.family RSA
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.size 4096
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.fingerprint $tmpfp
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.typecode ssh-rsa
run groupAddGatekeeper notOwner $a1 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account2
retvalshouldbe 106
json .command null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND .value null
success groupAddGatekeeper add $a2 --osh groupAddGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account2
json .command groupAddGatekeeper .error_code OK .value null
run groupAddGatekeeper shouldBeGK $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
tmpfp=$(get_json | $jq '.value.keys|keys[0]')
json $(cat <<EOS
.command groupInfo
.error_code OK
.members null
.value.owners[0] $account2
.value.owners[1] null
.value.gatekeepers[0] $account1
.value.gatekeepers[1] $account2
.value.gatekeepers[2] null
.value.full_members[0] null
.value.partial_members[0] null
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.family RSA
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.size 4096
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.fingerprint $tmpfp
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.typecode ssh-rsa
run groupDelGatekeeper notOwner $a1 --osh groupDelGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
retvalshouldbe 106
json .command null .error_code KO_RESTRICTED_COMMAND .value null
success groupDelGatekeeper add $a2 --osh groupDelGatekeeper --group $group1 --account $account1
json .command groupDelGatekeeper .error_code OK .value null
run groupDelGatekeeper shouldNotBeGK $a0 --osh groupInfo --group $group1
tmpfp=$(get_json | $jq '.value.keys|keys[0]')
json $(cat <<EOS
.command groupInfo
.error_code OK
.members null
.value.owners[0] $account2
.value.owners[1] null
.value.gatekeepers[0] $account2
.value.gatekeepers[1] null
.value.full_members[0] null
.value.partial_members[0] null
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.family RSA
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.size 4096
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.fingerprint $tmpfp
.value.keys|.["$tmpfp"]|.typecode ssh-rsa
unset tmpfp
plgfail end groupDestroy_fail $a2 --osh groupDestroy --group $group3 --no-confirm
retvalshouldbe 100
json .command groupDestroy .error_code ERR_NOT_GROUP_OWNER
success end groupDestroy $a3 --osh groupDestroy --group $group3 --no-confirm
json .command groupDestroy .error_code OK
success end groupDestroy $a2 --osh groupDestroy --group $group2 --no-confirm
json .command groupDestroy .error_code OK
success end groupDestroy $a2 --osh groupDestroy --group $group1 --no-confirm
json .command groupDestroy .error_code OK
grant accountDelete
script end accountDelete $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account3 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account3, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
nocontain "attempting to continue"
json .command accountDelete .error_code OK
script end accountDelete $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account2 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account2, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
nocontain "attempting to continue"
json .command accountDelete .error_code OK
script end accountDelete $a0 --osh accountDelete --account $account1 "<<< \"Yes, do as I say and delete $account1, kthxbye\""
retvalshouldbe 0
nocontain "attempting to continue"
json .command accountDelete .error_code OK
revoke accountDelete