2018-11-22 05:05:33 +08:00
const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
2021-08-05 19:15:49 +08:00
const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require('vue-loader')
const vue = require('./loaders/vue')
2023-02-02 16:35:10 +08:00
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const { basename, resolve } = require('path');
const { readdirSync } = require('fs');
2018-11-22 05:05:33 +08:00
2019-08-08 20:03:15 +08:00
2021-08-05 19:15:49 +08:00
environment.plugins.prepend('VueLoaderPlugin', new VueLoaderPlugin())
environment.loaders.prepend('vue', vue)
2019-07-02 20:37:05 +08:00
2023-02-02 16:35:10 +08:00
// Engine pack loading based on https://github.com/rails/webpacker/issues/348#issuecomment-635480949
// Get paths to all engines' folders
2023-02-14 17:43:55 +08:00
console.log('Including packs from addons...');
let enginePaths = [];
try {
enginePaths = execSync('ls -d $PWD/addons/*').toString().split('\n').filter((p) => !!p);
} catch {
console.log('Unable to find any addons.')
2023-02-02 16:35:10 +08:00
enginePaths.forEach((path) => {
const packsFolderPath = `${path}/app/javascript/packs`;
let entryFiles;
try {
entryFiles = readdirSync(packsFolderPath);
console.log(`Found packs in ${path}`);
} catch {
console.log(`No packs in ${path}`);
entryFiles.forEach((file) => {
// File name without .js
const name = basename(file, '.js');
const entryPath = `${packsFolderPath}/${file}`;
environment.entry.set(name, entryPath);
// Otherwise babel won't transpile the file
module.exports = environment;