2017-09-19 21:02:16 +08:00
2017-09-22 17:56:50 +08:00
<% if @protocolsio_too_big %>
2017-10-27 06:17:42 +08:00
HelperModule.flashAlertMsg(' <%= t('my_modules.protocols.load_from_file_size_error',
size: Constants::FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB ) %>','danger');
2017-09-19 22:07:54 +08:00
<% else %>
2017-09-22 17:56:50 +08:00
2017-09-22 22:02:56 +08:00
<% if remotipart_submitted? %> <%# a workaround to a bug with remotipart, that caused alot of headache, courtesy of github.com/dhampik %>
2017-10-08 02:47:05 +08:00
"<%= j "#{render(:partial => 'protocols/import_export/import_json_protocol_preview_modal')}" %>"
2017-09-22 17:56:50 +08:00
<% else %>
2017-10-08 02:47:05 +08:00
"<%= j render(:partial => 'protocols/import_export/import_json_protocol_preview_modal') %>"
2017-09-22 17:56:50 +08:00
<% end %>
2017-10-30 08:57:42 +08:00
2017-09-22 17:56:50 +08:00
<% end %>