2017-07-06 23:37:29 +08:00
require 'rails_helper'
describe Asset, type: :model do
it 'should be of class Asset' do
expect(subject.class).to eq Asset
describe 'Database table' do
it { should have_db_column :id }
it { should have_db_column :created_at }
it { should have_db_column :updated_at }
it { should have_db_column :file_file_name }
it { should have_db_column :file_content_type }
it { should have_db_column :file_file_size }
it { should have_db_column :file_updated_at }
it { should have_db_column :created_by_id }
it { should have_db_column :last_modified_by_id }
it { should have_db_column :estimated_size }
it { should have_db_column :file_present }
it { should have_db_column :lock }
it { should have_db_column :lock_ttl }
it { should have_db_column :version }
it { should have_db_column :file_processing }
it { should have_db_column :team_id }
describe 'Relations' do
it { should belong_to(:created_by).class_name('User') }
it { should belong_to(:last_modified_by).class_name('User') }
it { should belong_to :team }
it { should have_many :report_elements }
it { should have_one :step_asset }
it { should have_one :step }
it { should have_one :result_asset }
it { should have_one :result }
it { should have_one :asset_text_datum }
describe 'Should be a valid object' do
it { should validate_presence_of :file }
2017-07-28 16:14:50 +08:00
it 'should validate the presence of estimated size' do
asset = build :asset, estimated_size: nil
expect(asset).to_not be_valid
# should validate_presence_of :estimated_size }
2017-07-06 23:37:29 +08:00
it { should validate_inclusion_of(:file_present).in_array([true, false]) }