2018-03-20 21:45:57 +08:00
<% provide(:head_title, t("libraries.index.head_title")) %>
2018-05-08 22:33:42 +08:00
<% provide(:container_class, "no-second-nav-container") %>
2017-05-22 23:54:30 +08:00
<% if current_team %>
2018-03-21 16:22:55 +08:00
<%= render partial: "sidebar", locals: { repositories: @repositories } %>
2018-03-20 21:45:57 +08:00
# show only if no repositories present. If the team will have them we will
# handle this in left side navigation bar
2018-05-08 22:33:42 +08:00
<div class="content-pane">
<div class="jumbotron text-center" style="margin-top:12%">
<strong><%=t 'libraries.index.no_libraries.text' %></strong>
<% if can_create_repositories?(current_team) %>
<h2><strong><%=t 'libraries.index.no_libraries.title' %><strong></h2>
<br />
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"
href="<%= create_modal_team_repositories_path(current_team) %>">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>
<span class="hidden-xs"><%= t('libraries.index.no_libraries.create_new_button') %></span>
<% else %>
<h2><strong><%=t 'libraries.index.no_libraries.no_permission_title' %><strong></h2>
<% end %>
2017-05-24 15:29:44 +08:00
2017-05-22 23:54:30 +08:00
<% end %>
2017-05-30 21:09:09 +08:00
<%= javascript_include_tag "repositories/index", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>