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synced 2024-12-26 09:42:46 +08:00
Enabling tests for home page
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4 changed files with 179 additions and 50 deletions
@ -6,75 +6,105 @@ Feature: Home page
I want to add user, comment to a project
Given the following users is registered:
| name | email | password | team | role |
|Karli Novak (creator)| nonadmin@myorg.com | mypassword1234 | BioSistemika Process | Administrator|
|Marija Novak | marija@myorg.com | mypassword5555 | BioSistemika Process | Normal user |
Given default screen size
Given the "BioSistemika Process" team exists
Given the following users are registered
| name | email | password | password_confirmation |
| Karli Novak | nonadmin@myorg.com | mypassword1234 | mypassword1234 |
| Marija Novak | marija@myorg.com | mypassword5555 | mypassword5555 |
And "nonadmin@myorg.com" is in "BioSistemika Process" team as a "admin"
And "marija@myorg.com" is in "BioSistemika Process" team as a "normal_user"
And "nonadmin@myorg.com" is signed in with "mypassword1234"
Scenario: Successful create new project
Given home page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user
And I click to "New project" button
Then I fill in "Mangart" to Project name field of "Create new project" modal window
And I click to "Public" button
And I click on "Create project" button
Given I'm on the home page of "BioSistemika Process" team
And I click "New Project" Scinote button
Then I fill in "Mangart" to "Project name" field of "Create new project" modal window
And I click "All team members" Scinote button
And I click "Create" button
Then I should see "Project Mangart successfully created." flash message
Then I should see "Golica" public project card in "BioSistemika Process" team page
Then I should see "Mangart" public project card in "BioSistemika Process" team page
Scenario: Unsuccessful create new project
Given home page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user
And I click to "New project" button
And I click on "Create project" button
Then I should see "is too short (minimum is 2 charaacters)" red Project name error message of "Create new project" modal window
Then I fill in "Golica" to Project name field of "Create new project" modal window
And I click on "Create project" button
Then I should see "This project name has to be unique inside a team (this includes the archive)" red Project name error message of "Create new project" modal window
And I click on "Cancel" button
Given I had project "Mangart" for team "BioSistemika Process"
Given I'm on the home page of "BioSistemika Process" team
And I click "New Project" Scinote button
And I click "Create" button
Then I should see "is too short (minimum is 2 characters)" error message of "Create new project" modal window
Then I fill in "Mangart" to "Project name" field of "Create new project" modal window
And I click "Create" button
Then I should see "This project name has to be unique inside a team (this includes the archive)" error message of "Create new project" modal window
And I click "Cancel" Scinote button
Scenario: Successful edit project
Given home page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user
Given I had project "Mangart" for team "BioSistemika Process"
And user "Karli Novak" owner of project "Mangart"
Given I'm on the home page of "BioSistemika Process" team
And I click to down arrow of a "Mangart" project card
And I click to "Edit" of a Options modal window
Then I change "Mangart" Project name with "Golica" Project name of "Edit project Mangart" modal window
And I click to "Privat" button
And I click on "Update project" button
Then I should see "Golica" privat project card in "BioSistemika Process" team page
Then I change "Mangart" with "Golica" of field "Project name" of "Edit project Mangart" modal window
And I click "Project members only" Scinote button
And I click "Save" button
Then I should see "Golica" private project card in "BioSistemika Process" team page
Scenario: Successful add user to a project
Given home page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user
And I click to avatar of a "Golica" project card
Then I click to "Manage users" on "Golica" project card
And I click to "Marija Novak" in users dropdown menu of a "Manage users for Golica" modal window
And I click to "User" in Select Role dropdown menu of a "Manage users for Golica" modal window
And I click to "Add" button of a "Manage users for Golica" modal window
And I click to "Close" button
Then I should see "Marija Novak" in Users list of "Golica" project card
Given I had project "Mangart" for team "BioSistemika Process"
And user "Karli Novak" owner of project "Mangart"
And I'm on the home page of "BioSistemika Process" team
And I click "users" icon on "Mangart" project card
And I click "Manage users" link
And I select user "Marija Novak" in user dropdown of user manage modal for project "Mangart"
And I select role "User" in role dropdown of user manage modal for project "Mangart"
And I click "Add" Scinote button
And I click "Close" Scinote button
Then I should see "Marija Novak" with role "User" in Users list of "Mangart" project card
Scenario: Successful change user role to a project
Given home page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user
And I click to avatar of a "Golica" project card
Then I click to "Manage users" on "Golica" project card
And I click to "Owner" in Change Role dropdown menu of a "Manage users for Golica" modal window
And I click to "Close" button
Then I should see "Owner" under Marija Novak in Users list of "Golica" project card
Given I had project "Mangart" for team "BioSistemika Process"
And user "Karli Novak" owner of project "Mangart"
And user "Marija Novak" normal user of project "Mangart"
And I'm on the home page of "BioSistemika Process" team
And I click "users" icon on "Mangart" project card
And I click "Manage users" link
And I change role "Owner" in role dropdown for user "Marija Nova" of user manage modal for project "Mangart"
And I click "Close" Scinote button
Then I should see "Marija Novak" with role "Owner" in Users list of "Mangart" project card
Scenario: Successful add new SciNote user to a project
Given home page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user
And I click to avatar of a "Golica" project card
Then I click to "Manage users" on "Golica" project card
And I click to "Invite users" link of a "Manage users for Golica" modal window
Then I should see team BioSistemika Process settings page of a Karli Novak user
Given I had project "Mangart" for team "BioSistemika Process"
And user "Karli Novak" owner of project "Mangart"
And I'm on the home page of "BioSistemika Process" team
And I click "users" icon on "Mangart" project card
And I click "Manage users" link
And I click "Invite users" link
Then I should see team "BioSistemika Process" settings page of a current user
Scenario: Unsuccessful adding user to a project
Given home page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user
And I click to avatar of a "Golica" project card
Then I click to "Manage users" on "Golica" project card
And I click to "Marija Novak" in users dropdown menu of a "Manage users for Golica" modal window
And I click to "Add" button of a "Manage users for Golica" modal window
Then I should see error message "Plese select a user role."
And I click to "Close" button
Given I had project "Mangart" for team "BioSistemika Process"
And user "Karli Novak" owner of project "Mangart"
And I'm on the home page of "BioSistemika Process" team
And I click "users" icon on "Mangart" project card
And I click "Manage users" link
And I select user "Marija Novak" in user dropdown of user manage modal for project "Mangart"
And I click "Add" Scinote button
Then I should see "Please select a user role." error message
And I click "Close" Scinote button
Scenario: Removing user from a project
Given home page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user
Given I had project "Mangart" for team "BioSistemika Process"
And user "Karli Novak" owner of project "Mangart"
And I'm on the home page of "BioSistemika Process" team
And I click to avatar of a "Golica" project card
Then I click to "Manage users" on "Golica" project card
And I click to "X" sign at "Marija Novak" user in dropdown menu of a "Manage users for Golica" modal window
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Then("I should see {string} public project card in {string} team page") do |project, team|
expect(page).to have_selector '.nav-name', text: team
expect(page).to have_selector '.panel-project a', text: project
expect(page).to have_selector '.panel-project span', text: 'All team members'
Then("I should see {string} private project card in {string} team page") do |project, team|
expect(page).to have_selector '.nav-name', text: team
expect(page).to have_selector '.panel-project a', text: project
expect(page).to have_selector '.panel-project span', text: 'Project members only'
Then("I should see {string} error message of {string} modal window") do |message, modal|
modal_object = page.find('.modal-content', text: modal)
expect(modal_object).to have_selector '.help-block', text: message
Given("I had project {string} for team {string}") do |project, team|
FactoryBot.create(:project, name: project, team: Team.find_by(name: team))
Then("I click to down arrow of a {string} project card") do |project|
page.find('.panel-project', text: project).hover.find('.caret').click
Then("user {string} owner of project {string}") do |user, project|
FactoryBot.create(:user_project, role: 0, user: User.find_by(full_name: user), project: Project.find_by(name: project))
Then("user {string} normal user of project {string}") do |user, project|
FactoryBot.create(:user_project, role: 1, user: User.find_by(full_name: user), project: Project.find_by(name: project))
Given("I click to {string} of a Options modal window") do |link|
page.find('.panel-project .dropdown-menu', text: 'Options').find('a', text: link).click
Then("I click {string} icon on {string} project card") do |icon, project|
page.find('.panel-project', text: project).find(".fa-#{icon}").click
Then("I select user {string} in user dropdown of user manage modal for project {string}") do |user, project|
within('.modal-content', text: "Manage users for #{project}") do
find('.dropdown-menu.open a', text: user).click
Then("I select role {string} in role dropdown of user manage modal for project {string}") do |role, project|
within('.modal-content', text: "Manage users for #{project}") do
find('.btn[title="Select Role"]').click
find('.dropdown-menu a', text: role).click
Then("I change role {string} in role dropdown for user {string} of user manage modal for project {string}") do |role, user, project|
within('.modal-content', text: "Manage users for #{project}") do
within('.row', text: user) do
find('.btn[title="Change Role"]').click
find('.dropdown-menu a', text: role).click
Then("I should see {string} with role {string} in Users list of {string} project card") do |user, role, project|
within('.panel-project', text: project) do
within('[data-hook="project-users-tab-list"]') do
user_row = find('.row', text: user)
expect(user_row).to have_content(user)
expect(user_row).to have_content(role)
Then("I should see team {string} settings page of a current user") do |team|
expect(current_path).to eq team_path(Team.find_by(name: team))
@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ When(/^I click "(.+)" button$/) do |button|
Then("I click {string} Scinote button") do |button|
find('.btn', text: button).click
Then("I trigger click {string}") do |string|
@ -113,6 +117,14 @@ Then(/^I fill in "([^"]*)" in "([^"]*)" rich text editor field$/) do |text, inpu
Then("I fill in {string} to {string} field of {string} modal window") do |value, field, modal|
page.find('.modal-content', text: modal).find_field(field, with: '').set(value)
Then("I change {string} with {string} of field {string} of {string} modal window") do |old_value, new_value, field, modal|
page.find('.modal-content', text: modal).find_field(field, with: old_value).set(new_value)
Then(/^I fill in "([^"]*)" in "([^"]*)" field$/) do |text, input_id|
@ -169,3 +181,7 @@ end
Given('default screen size') do
page.driver.browser.manage.window.resize_to(1920, 1080) if defined?(page.driver.browser.manage)
Then('I make screenshot') do
page.save_screenshot(full: true)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
def check_active_team(team)
expect(page).to have_selector '#team-switch button', text: team
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