+ ref="modal"
+ :start-hidden="false"
+ :info-params="infoParams"
+ title="Some title"
+ help-text="Help">
I am a component that gets consumed by the slot
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index 7c14d2b00..035ac164b 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -2135,29 +2135,57 @@ en:
list_error: "%{key}: %{val}"
update_inventory: 'Update inventory'
+ steps:
+ step0:
+ id: 'step0'
+ icon: 'sn-icon-open'
+ label: 'Step 1'
+ title: 'Update inventory'
+ helpText: 'Help'
+ exportTitle: 'Export'
+ exportFullInvBtnText: 'Export full inventory'
+ exportEmptyInvBtnText: 'Export empty inventory'
+ importTitle: 'Import'
+ importBtnText: 'Import'
+ cancelBtnText: 'Cancel'
+ dragAndDropSupportingText: '.XLSX, .XLS or .CSV file'
title: 'Guide for updating the inventory'
+ id: 'el0'
icon: 'sn-icon-export'
label: 'Export inventory'
subtext: "Before making edits, we advise you to export the latest inventory information. If you're only adding new items, consider exporting empty inventory."
+ id: 'el1'
icon: 'sn-icon-edit'
label: 'Edit your data'
subtext: 'Make sure to include header names in first row, followed by item data.'
+ id: 'el2'
icon: 'sn-icon-import'
label: 'Import new or update items'
subtext: 'Upload your data using .xlsx, .csv or .txt files.'
+ id: 'el3'
icon: 'sn-icon-tables'
label: 'Merge your data'
subtext: 'Complete the process by merging the columns you want to update.'
+ id: 'el4'
icon: 'sn-icon-open'
label: 'Learn more'
linkTo: 'https://knowledgebase.scinote.net/en/knowledge/how-to-add-items-to-an-inventory'
+ dragAndDropUpload:
+ notSingleFileError: 'Single file import only. Please import one file at a time.'
+ wrongFileTypeError: 'The file has invalid extension (.csv, .xlsx, .txt or .tsv.)'
+ emptyFileError: 'You have uploaded empty file. There is not much to import.'
+ fileTooLargeError: 'File too large. Max file size limit is'
+ importText:
+ firstPart: 'Import'
+ secondPart: 'or drag and drop'
import: 'Import'
no_header_name: 'No column name'
success_flash: "%{number_of_rows} of %{total_nr} new item(s) successfully imported."