downgrade to react 15 since bootstrap-react is not fully compatible

This commit is contained in:
zmagod 2017-10-06 17:02:14 +02:00
parent 3321fc495c
commit 839eaf8e03
17 changed files with 1304 additions and 162 deletions

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl";
import { Modal, Button } from "react-bootstrap";
import { Button, Modal } from "react-bootstrap";
import _ from "lodash";
import styled from "styled-components";

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// flow-typed signature: 335999f92001a6e33cb3af926ffbabc1
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/babel-eslint_v^7.2.3/flow_v0.56.0
// flow-typed signature: 65c9f1430648fbaf06abeea3169ff3da
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/babel-eslint_v^8.0.1/flow_v0.56.0
* This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// flow-typed signature: 3c76a5e2f8058840a3168bc96ec7f8ca
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/coffee-loader_v^0.7.3/flow_v0.56.0
// flow-typed signature: 7b7b86fc0fad4cfbf30038772f571c29
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/coffee-loader_v^0.8.0/flow_v0.56.0
* This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// flow-typed signature: b38159beac10c089153cce2c1986e655
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/compression-webpack-plugin_v^0.4.0/flow_v0.56.0
// flow-typed signature: 7d84dc6546c9df13320e544d946d732f
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/compression-webpack-plugin_v^1.0.0/flow_v0.56.0
* This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:
@ -22,12 +22,18 @@ declare module 'compression-webpack-plugin' {
* require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't
* needed.
declare module 'compression-webpack-plugin/dist/cjs' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'compression-webpack-plugin/dist/index' {
declare module.exports: any;
// Filename aliases
declare module 'compression-webpack-plugin/index' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'compression-webpack-plugin'>;
declare module 'compression-webpack-plugin/dist/cjs.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'compression-webpack-plugin/dist/cjs'>;
declare module 'compression-webpack-plugin/index.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'compression-webpack-plugin'>;
declare module 'compression-webpack-plugin/dist/index.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'compression-webpack-plugin/dist/index'>;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// flow-typed signature: 11f58273605a07821f77e43cfd45beec
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/eslint-config-google_v^0.5.0/flow_v0.56.0
// flow-typed signature: f06730fe600ef52b4c8e39e66963c0dc
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/eslint-config-google_v^0.9.1/flow_v0.56.0
* This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// flow-typed signature: 40624b8d2b29da21129e49e7527a93c2
// flow-typed signature: aec9aa96b5c666a6ebe3fafe1dd8ed84
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/eslint-config-prettier_v^2.3.0/flow_v0.56.0
@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ declare module 'eslint-config-prettier/react' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint-config-prettier/standard' {
declare module.exports: any;
// Filename aliases
declare module 'eslint-config-prettier/bin/cli.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint-config-prettier/bin/cli'>;
@ -57,3 +61,6 @@ declare module 'eslint-config-prettier/index.js' {
declare module 'eslint-config-prettier/react.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint-config-prettier/react'>;
declare module 'eslint-config-prettier/standard.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint-config-prettier/standard'>;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// flow-typed signature: a605c48121c4c5363d608ed4bffe1896
// flow-typed signature: c59945fc54913dd2f6ece89668f3ea5b
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/eslint-plugin-react_v^7.1.0/flow_v0.56.0
@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ declare module 'eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/jsx-closing-tag-location' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/jsx-curly-brace-presence' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/jsx-curly-spacing' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -347,6 +351,9 @@ declare module 'eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/jsx-closing-bracket-location.js' {
declare module 'eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/jsx-closing-tag-location.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/jsx-closing-tag-location'>;
declare module 'eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/jsx-curly-brace-presence.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/jsx-curly-brace-presence'>;
declare module 'eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/jsx-curly-spacing.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint-plugin-react/lib/rules/jsx-curly-spacing'>;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// flow-typed signature: 3f154d994a7e2f22be0d49c85afbc4df
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/eslint_v^3.7.1/flow_v0.56.0
// flow-typed signature: a6719b1399ead6d4768a89c68e2250a2
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/eslint_v^4.7.2/flow_v0.56.0
* This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:
@ -26,7 +26,15 @@ declare module 'eslint/bin/eslint' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/conf/cli-options' {
declare module 'eslint/conf/config-schema' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/conf/default-cli-options' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/conf/default-config-options' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -94,6 +102,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/config/autoconfig' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/config/config-cache' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/config/config-file' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -122,10 +134,6 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/config/plugins' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/eslint' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/file-finder' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -190,6 +198,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/internal-rules/internal-no-invalid-meta' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/linter' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/load-rules' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -202,7 +214,7 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/options' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rule-context' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/report-translator' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -214,6 +226,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/accessor-pairs' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/array-bracket-newline' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/array-bracket-spacing' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -222,6 +238,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/array-callback-return' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/array-element-newline' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/arrow-body-style' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -318,6 +338,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/eqeqeq' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/for-direction' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/func-call-spacing' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -334,10 +358,18 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/func-style' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/function-paren-newline' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/generator-star-spacing' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/getter-return' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/global-require' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -362,6 +394,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/id-match' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/indent-legacy' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/indent' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -466,6 +502,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/no-bitwise' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/no-buffer-constructor' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/no-caller' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -1026,6 +1066,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/padded-blocks' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/padding-line-between-statements' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/prefer-arrow-callback' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -1094,6 +1138,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/semi-spacing' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/semi-style' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/semi' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -1138,6 +1186,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/strict' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/switch-colon-spacing' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/symbol-description' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -1186,10 +1238,6 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/yoda' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/testers/event-generator-tester' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/testers/rule-tester' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -1250,7 +1298,11 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/token-store/utils' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/comment-event-generator' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/ajv' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/apply-disable-directives' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -1298,6 +1350,10 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/util/rule-fixer' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/safe-emitter' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/source-code-fixer' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -1322,8 +1378,14 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/util/xml-escape' {
declare module 'eslint/bin/eslint.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/bin/eslint'>;
declare module 'eslint/conf/cli-options.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/conf/cli-options'>;
declare module 'eslint/conf/config-schema.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/conf/config-schema'>;
declare module 'eslint/conf/default-cli-options.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/conf/default-cli-options'>;
declare module 'eslint/conf/default-config-options.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/conf/default-config-options'>;
declare module 'eslint/conf/environments.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/conf/environments'>;
@ -1373,6 +1435,9 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/config.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/config/autoconfig.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/config/autoconfig'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/config/config-cache.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/config/config-cache'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/config/config-file.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/config/config-file'>;
@ -1394,9 +1459,6 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/config/environments.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/config/plugins.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/config/plugins'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/eslint.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/eslint'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/file-finder.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/file-finder'>;
@ -1445,6 +1507,9 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/internal-rules/internal-consistent-docs-description.j
declare module 'eslint/lib/internal-rules/internal-no-invalid-meta.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/internal-rules/internal-no-invalid-meta'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/linter.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/linter'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/load-rules.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/load-rules'>;
@ -1454,8 +1519,8 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/logging.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/options.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/options'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rule-context.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rule-context'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/report-translator.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/report-translator'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules'>;
@ -1463,12 +1528,18 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/accessor-pairs.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/accessor-pairs'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/array-bracket-newline.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/array-bracket-newline'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/array-bracket-spacing.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/array-bracket-spacing'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/array-callback-return.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/array-callback-return'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/array-element-newline.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/array-element-newline'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/arrow-body-style.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/arrow-body-style'>;
@ -1541,6 +1612,9 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/eol-last.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/eqeqeq.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/eqeqeq'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/for-direction.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/for-direction'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/func-call-spacing.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/func-call-spacing'>;
@ -1553,9 +1627,15 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/func-names.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/func-style.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/func-style'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/function-paren-newline.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/function-paren-newline'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/generator-star-spacing.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/generator-star-spacing'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/getter-return.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/getter-return'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/global-require.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/global-require'>;
@ -1574,6 +1654,9 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/id-length.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/id-match.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/id-match'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/indent-legacy.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/indent-legacy'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/indent.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/indent'>;
@ -1652,6 +1735,9 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/no-await-in-loop.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/no-bitwise.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/no-bitwise'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/no-buffer-constructor.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/no-buffer-constructor'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/no-caller.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/no-caller'>;
@ -2072,6 +2158,9 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/operator-linebreak.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/padded-blocks.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/padded-blocks'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/padding-line-between-statements.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/padding-line-between-statements'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/prefer-arrow-callback.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/prefer-arrow-callback'>;
@ -2123,6 +2212,9 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/rest-spread-spacing.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/semi-spacing.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/semi-spacing'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/semi-style.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/semi-style'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/semi.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/semi'>;
@ -2156,6 +2248,9 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/spaced-comment.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/strict.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/strict'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/switch-colon-spacing.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/switch-colon-spacing'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/symbol-description.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/symbol-description'>;
@ -2192,9 +2287,6 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/yield-star-spacing.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/rules/yoda.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/rules/yoda'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/testers/event-generator-tester.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/testers/event-generator-tester'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/testers/rule-tester.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/testers/rule-tester'>;
@ -2240,8 +2332,11 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/token-store/skip-cursor.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/token-store/utils.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/token-store/utils'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/comment-event-generator.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/util/comment-event-generator'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/ajv.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/util/ajv'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/apply-disable-directives.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/util/apply-disable-directives'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/fix-tracker.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/util/fix-tracker'>;
@ -2276,6 +2371,9 @@ declare module 'eslint/lib/util/patterns/letters.js' {
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/rule-fixer.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/util/rule-fixer'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/safe-emitter.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/util/safe-emitter'>;
declare module 'eslint/lib/util/source-code-fixer.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'eslint/lib/util/source-code-fixer'>;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,56 @@
// flow-typed signature: 83935520f5ff73d31271b162a330d97e
// flow-typed version: 3b064385b7/lodash_v4.x.x/flow_>=v0.47.x
// flow-typed signature: ec4c44a54a1213be98f78d185b1680ea
// flow-typed version: f8c676de4c/lodash_v4.x.x/flow_>=v0.55.x
declare module "lodash" {
declare type __CurriedFunction1<A, R, AA: A> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction1<A, R> = __CurriedFunction1<A, R, *>
declare type __CurriedFunction2<A, B, R, AA: A, BB: B> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => CurriedFunction1<BB, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction2<A, B, R> = __CurriedFunction2<A, B, R, *, *>
declare type __CurriedFunction3<A, B, C, R, AA: A, BB: B, CC: C> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => CurriedFunction2<BB, CC, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB]) => CurriedFunction1<CC, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction3<A, B, C, R> = __CurriedFunction3<A, B, C, R, *, *, *>
declare type __CurriedFunction4<A, B, C, D, R, AA: A, BB: B, CC: C, DD: D> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => CurriedFunction3<BB, CC, DD, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB]) => CurriedFunction2<CC, DD, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC]) => CurriedFunction1<DD, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction4<A, B, C, D, R> = __CurriedFunction4<A, B, C, D, R, *, *, *, *>
declare type __CurriedFunction5<A, B, C, D, E, R, AA: A, BB: B, CC: C, DD: D, EE: E> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => CurriedFunction4<BB, CC, DD, EE, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB]) => CurriedFunction3<CC, DD, EE, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC]) => CurriedFunction2<DD, EE, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD]) => CurriedFunction1<EE, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD, EE]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction5<A, B, C, D, E, R> = __CurriedFunction5<A, B, C, D, E, R, *, *, *, *, *>
declare type __CurriedFunction6<A, B, C, D, E, F, R, AA: A, BB: B, CC: C, DD: D, EE: E, FF: F> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => CurriedFunction5<BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB]) => CurriedFunction4<CC, DD, EE, FF, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC]) => CurriedFunction3<DD, EE, FF, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD]) => CurriedFunction2<EE, FF, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD, EE]) => CurriedFunction1<FF, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction6<A, B, C, D, E, F, R> = __CurriedFunction6<A, B, C, D, E, F, R, *, *, *, *, *, *>
declare type Curry =
& (<A, R>((...r: [A]) => R) => CurriedFunction1<A, R>)
& (<A, B, R>((...r: [A, B]) => R) => CurriedFunction2<A, B, R>)
& (<A, B, C, R>((...r: [A, B, C]) => R) => CurriedFunction3<A, B, C, R>)
& (<A, B, C, D, R>((...r: [A, B, C, D]) => R) => CurriedFunction4<A, B, C, D, R>)
& (<A, B, C, D, E, R>((...r: [A, B, C, D, E]) => R) => CurriedFunction5<A, B, C, D, E, R>)
& (<A, B, C, D, E, F, R>((...r: [A, B, C, D, E, F]) => R) => CurriedFunction6<A, B, C, D, E, F, R>)
declare type UnaryFn<A,R> = (a: A) => R;
declare type TemplateSettings = {
escape?: RegExp,
evaluate?: RegExp,
@ -495,6 +544,7 @@ declare module "lodash" {
before(n: number, fn: Function): Function,
bind(func: Function, thisArg: any, ...partials: Array<any>): Function,
bindKey(obj: Object, key: string, ...partials: Array<any>): Function,
curry: Curry,
curry(func: Function, arity?: number): Function,
curryRight(func: Function, arity?: number): Function,
@ -996,9 +1046,9 @@ declare module "lodash" {
// NaN is a number instead of its own type, otherwise it would behave like null/void
defaultTo<T1: number, T2>(value: T1, defaultValue: T2): T1 | T2,
defaultTo<T1: void | null, T2>(value: T1, defaultValue: T2): T2,
flow(...funcs?: Array<Function>): Function,
flow: $ComposeReverse,
flow(funcs?: Array<Function>): Function,
flowRight(...funcs?: Array<Function>): Function,
flowRight: $Compose,
flowRight(funcs?: Array<Function>): Function,
identity<T>(value: T): T,
iteratee(func?: any): Function,
@ -1045,3 +1095,862 @@ declare module "lodash" {
declare var exports: Lodash;
declare module "lodash/fp" {
declare type __CurriedFunction1<A, R, AA: A> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction1<A, R> = __CurriedFunction1<A, R, *>
declare type __CurriedFunction2<A, B, R, AA: A, BB: B> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => CurriedFunction1<BB, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction2<A, B, R> = __CurriedFunction2<A, B, R, *, *>
declare type __CurriedFunction3<A, B, C, R, AA: A, BB: B, CC: C> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => CurriedFunction2<BB, CC, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB]) => CurriedFunction1<CC, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction3<A, B, C, R> = __CurriedFunction3<A, B, C, R, *, *, *>
declare type __CurriedFunction4<A, B, C, D, R, AA: A, BB: B, CC: C, DD: D> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => CurriedFunction3<BB, CC, DD, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB]) => CurriedFunction2<CC, DD, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC]) => CurriedFunction1<DD, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction4<A, B, C, D, R> = __CurriedFunction4<A, B, C, D, R, *, *, *, *>
declare type __CurriedFunction5<A, B, C, D, E, R, AA: A, BB: B, CC: C, DD: D, EE: E> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => CurriedFunction4<BB, CC, DD, EE, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB]) => CurriedFunction3<CC, DD, EE, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC]) => CurriedFunction2<DD, EE, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD]) => CurriedFunction1<EE, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD, EE]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction5<A, B, C, D, E, R> = __CurriedFunction5<A, B, C, D, E, R, *, *, *, *, *>
declare type __CurriedFunction6<A, B, C, D, E, F, R, AA: A, BB: B, CC: C, DD: D, EE: E, FF: F> =
& ((...r: [AA]) => CurriedFunction5<BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB]) => CurriedFunction4<CC, DD, EE, FF, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC]) => CurriedFunction3<DD, EE, FF, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD]) => CurriedFunction2<EE, FF, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD, EE]) => CurriedFunction1<FF, R>)
& ((...r: [AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF]) => R)
declare type CurriedFunction6<A, B, C, D, E, F, R> = __CurriedFunction6<A, B, C, D, E, F, R, *, *, *, *, *, *>
declare type Curry =
& (<A, R>((...r: [A]) => R) => CurriedFunction1<A, R>)
& (<A, B, R>((...r: [A, B]) => R) => CurriedFunction2<A, B, R>)
& (<A, B, C, R>((...r: [A, B, C]) => R) => CurriedFunction3<A, B, C, R>)
& (<A, B, C, D, R>((...r: [A, B, C, D]) => R) => CurriedFunction4<A, B, C, D, R>)
& (<A, B, C, D, E, R>((...r: [A, B, C, D, E]) => R) => CurriedFunction5<A, B, C, D, E, R>)
& (<A, B, C, D, E, F, R>((...r: [A, B, C, D, E, F]) => R) => CurriedFunction6<A, B, C, D, E, F, R>)
declare type UnaryFn<A,R> = (a: A) => R;
declare type TemplateSettings = {
escape?: RegExp,
evaluate?: RegExp,
imports?: Object,
interpolate?: RegExp,
variable?: string
declare type TruncateOptions = {
length?: number,
omission?: string,
separator?: RegExp | string
declare type DebounceOptions = {
leading?: boolean,
maxWait?: number,
trailing?: boolean
declare type ThrottleOptions = {
leading?: boolean,
trailing?: boolean
declare type NestedArray<T> = Array<Array<T>>;
declare type matchesIterateeShorthand = Object;
declare type matchesPropertyIterateeShorthand = [string, any];
declare type propertyIterateeShorthand = string;
declare type OPredicate<A> =
| ((value: A) => any)
| matchesIterateeShorthand
| matchesPropertyIterateeShorthand
| propertyIterateeShorthand;
declare type OIterateeWithResult<V, R> =
| Object
| string
| ((value: V) => R);
declare type OIteratee<O> = OIterateeWithResult<any, any>;
declare type OFlatMapIteratee<T, U> = OIterateeWithResult<any, Array<U>>;
declare type Predicate<T> =
| ((value: T) => any)
| matchesIterateeShorthand
| matchesPropertyIterateeShorthand
| propertyIterateeShorthand;
declare type _ValueOnlyIteratee<T> = (value: T) => mixed;
declare type ValueOnlyIteratee<T> = _ValueOnlyIteratee<T> | string;
declare type _Iteratee<T> = (item: T) => mixed;
declare type Iteratee<T> = _Iteratee<T> | Object | string;
declare type FlatMapIteratee<T, U> =
| ((item: T) => Array<U>)
| Object
| string;
declare type Comparator<T> = (item: T, item2: T) => boolean;
declare type MapIterator<T, U> =
| ((item: T) => U)
| propertyIterateeShorthand;
declare type OMapIterator<T, U> =
| ((item: T) => U)
| propertyIterateeShorthand;
declare class Lodash {
// Array
chunk<T>(size: number): (array: Array<T>) => Array<Array<T>>,
chunk<T>(size: number, array: Array<T>): Array<Array<T>>,
compact<T, N: T>(array: Array<N>): Array<T>,
concat<T, U, A: Array<T> | T, B: Array<U> | U>(base: A): (elements: B) => Array<T | U>,
concat<T, U, A: Array<T> | T, B: Array<U> | U>(base: A, elements: B): Array<T | U>,
difference<T>(values: Array<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
difference<T>(values: Array<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
differenceBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): ((values: Array<T>) => (array: Array<T>) => T[]) & ((values: Array<T>, array: Array<T>) => T[]),
differenceBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, values: Array<T>): (array: Array<T>) => T[],
differenceBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, values: Array<T>, array: Array<T>): T[],
differenceWith<T>(values: T[]): ((comparator: Comparator<T>) => (array: T[]) => T[]) & ((comparator: Comparator<T>, array: T[]) => T[]),
differenceWith<T>(values: T[], comparator: Comparator<T>): (array: T[]) => T[],
differenceWith<T>(values: T[], comparator: Comparator<T>, array: T[]): T[],
drop<T>(n: number): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
drop<T>(n: number, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
dropLast<T>(n: number): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
dropLast<T>(n: number, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
dropRight<T>(n: number): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
dropRight<T>(n: number, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
dropRightWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
dropRightWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
dropWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
dropWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
dropLastWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
dropLastWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
fill<T, U>(start: number): ((end: number) => (((value: U) => (array: Array<T>) => Array<T | U>) & ((value: U, array: Array<T>) => Array<T | U>))) & ((end: number, value: U) => (array: Array<T>) => Array<T | U>) & ((end: number, value: U, array: Array<T>) => Array<T | U>),
fill<T, U>(start: number, end: number): ((value: U) => (array: Array<T>) => Array<T | U>) & ((value: U, array: Array<T>) => Array<T | U>),
fill<T, U>(start: number, end: number, value: U): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T | U>,
fill<T, U>(start: number, end: number, value: U, array: Array<T>): Array<T | U>,
findIndex<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (array: Array<T>) => number,
findIndex<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, array: Array<T>): number,
findIndexFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): ((fromIndex: number) => (array: Array<T>) => number) & ((fromIndex: number, array: Array<T>) => number),
findIndexFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, fromIndex: number): (array: Array<T>) => number,
findIndexFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, fromIndex: number, array: Array<T>): number,
findLastIndex<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (array: Array<T>) => number,
findLastIndex<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, array: Array<T>): number,
findLastIndexFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): ((fromIndex: number) => (array: Array<T>) => number) & ((fromIndex: number, array: Array<T>) => number),
findLastIndexFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, fromIndex: number): (array: Array<T>) => number,
findLastIndexFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, fromIndex: number, array: Array<T>): number,
// alias of _.head
first<T>(array: Array<T>): T,
flatten<T, X>(array: Array<Array<T> | X>): Array<T | X>,
unnest<T, X>(array: Array<Array<T> | X>): Array<T | X>,
flattenDeep<T>(array: any[]): Array<T>,
flattenDepth(depth: number): (array: any[]) => any[],
flattenDepth(depth: number, array: any[]): any[],
fromPairs<T>(pairs: Array<T>): Object,
head<T>(array: Array<T>): T,
indexOf<T>(value: T): (array: Array<T>) => number,
indexOf<T>(value: T, array: Array<T>): number,
indexOfFrom<T>(value: T): ((fromIndex: number) => (array: Array<T>) => number) & ((fromIndex: number, array: Array<T>) => number),
indexOfFrom<T>(value: T, fromIndex: number): (array: Array<T>) => number,
indexOfFrom<T>(value: T, fromIndex: number, array: Array<T>): number,
initial<T>(array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
init<T>(array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
intersection<T>(a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
intersection<T>(a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>): Array<T>,
intersectionBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): ((a1: Array<T>) => (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>) & ((a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>),
intersectionBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
intersectionBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>): Array<T>,
intersectionWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>): ((a1: Array<T>) => (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>) & ((a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>),
intersectionWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>, a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
intersectionWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>, a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>): Array<T>,
join<T>(separator: string): (array: Array<T>) => string,
join<T>(separator: string, array: Array<T>): string,
last<T>(array: Array<T>): T,
lastIndexOf<T>(value: T): (array: Array<T>) => number,
lastIndexOf<T>(value: T, array: Array<T>): number,
lastIndexOfFrom<T>(value: T): ((fromIndex: number) => (array: Array<T>) => number) & ((fromIndex: number, array: Array<T>) => number),
lastIndexOfFrom<T>(value: T, fromIndex: number): (array: Array<T>) => number,
lastIndexOfFrom<T>(value: T, fromIndex: number, array: Array<T>): number,
nth<T>(n: number): (array: T[]) => T,
nth<T>(n: number, array: T[]): T,
pull<T>(value: T): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
pull<T>(value: T, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
pullAll<T>(values: Array<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
pullAll<T>(values: Array<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
pullAllBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): ((values: Array<T>) => (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>) & ((values: Array<T>, array: Array<T>) => Array<T>),
pullAllBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, values: Array<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
pullAllBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, values: Array<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
pullAllWith<T>(comparator: Function): ((values: T[]) => (array: T[]) => T[]) & ((values: T[], array: T[]) => T[]),
pullAllWith<T>(comparator: Function, values: T[]): (array: T[]) => T[],
pullAllWith<T>(comparator: Function, values: T[], array: T[]): T[],
pullAt<T>(indexed: Array<number>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
pullAt<T>(indexed: Array<number>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
remove<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
remove<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
reverse<T>(array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
slice<T>(start: number): ((end: number) => (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>) & ((end: number, array: Array<T>) => Array<T>),
slice<T>(start: number, end: number): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
slice<T>(start: number, end: number, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
sortedIndex<T>(value: T): (array: Array<T>) => number,
sortedIndex<T>(value: T, array: Array<T>): number,
sortedIndexBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): ((value: T) => (array: Array<T>) => number) & ((value: T, array: Array<T>) => number),
sortedIndexBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, value: T): (array: Array<T>) => number,
sortedIndexBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, value: T, array: Array<T>): number,
sortedIndexOf<T>(value: T): (array: Array<T>) => number,
sortedIndexOf<T>(value: T, array: Array<T>): number,
sortedLastIndex<T>(value: T): (array: Array<T>) => number,
sortedLastIndex<T>(value: T, array: Array<T>): number,
sortedLastIndexBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): ((value: T) => (array: Array<T>) => number) & ((value: T, array: Array<T>) => number),
sortedLastIndexBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, value: T): (array: Array<T>) => number,
sortedLastIndexBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, value: T, array: Array<T>): number,
sortedLastIndexOf<T>(value: T): (array: Array<T>) => number,
sortedLastIndexOf<T>(value: T, array: Array<T>): number,
sortedUniq<T>(array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
sortedUniqBy<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => mixed): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
sortedUniqBy<T>(iteratee: (value: T) => mixed, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
tail<T>(array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
take<T>(n: number): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
take<T>(n: number, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
takeRight<T>(n: number): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
takeRight<T>(n: number, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
takeLast<T>(n: number): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
takeLast<T>(n: number, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
takeRightWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
takeRightWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
takeLastWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
takeLastWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
takeWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
takeWhile<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
union<T>(a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
union<T>(a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>): Array<T>,
unionBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): ((a1: Array<T>) => (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>) & ((a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>),
unionBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
unionBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>): Array<T>,
unionWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>): ((a1: Array<T>) => (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>) & ((a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>),
unionWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>, a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
unionWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>, a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>): Array<T>,
uniq<T>(array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
uniqBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
uniqBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
uniqWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
uniqWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
unzip<T>(array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
unzipWith<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
unzipWith<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
without<T>(values: Array<T>): (array: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
without<T>(values: Array<T>, array: Array<T>): Array<T>,
xor<T>(a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
xor<T>(a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>): Array<T>,
symmetricDifference<T>(a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
symmetricDifference<T>(a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>): Array<T>,
xorBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): ((a1: Array<T>) => (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>) & ((a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>),
xorBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
xorBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T> ): Array<T>,
symmetricDifferenceBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): ((a1: Array<T>) => (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>) & ((a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>),
symmetricDifferenceBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
symmetricDifferenceBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T> ): Array<T>,
xorWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>): ((a1: Array<T>) => (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>) & ((a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>),
xorWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>, a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
xorWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>, a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>): Array<T>,
symmetricDifferenceWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>): ((a1: Array<T>) => (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>) & ((a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>),
symmetricDifferenceWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>, a1: Array<T>): (a2: Array<T>) => Array<T>,
symmetricDifferenceWith<T>(comparator: Comparator<T>, a1: Array<T>, a2: Array<T>): Array<T>,
zip<A, B>(a1: A[]): (a2: B[]) => Array<[A, B]>,
zip<A, B>(a1: A[], a2: B[]): Array<[A, B]>,
zipAll(arrays: Array<Array<any>>): Array<any>,
zipObject(props: Array<any>): (values: Array<any>) => Object,
zipObject(props: Array<any>, values: Array<any>): Object,
zipObj(props: Array<any>): (values: Array<any>) => Object,
zipObj(props: Array<any>, values: Array<any>): Object,
zipObjectDeep(props: any[]): (values: any) => Object,
zipObjectDeep(props: any[], values: any): Object,
zipWith<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>): ((a1: NestedArray<T>) => (a2: NestedArray<T>) => Array<T>) & ((a1: NestedArray<T>, a2: NestedArray<T>) => Array<T>),
zipWith<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>, a1: NestedArray<T>): (a2: NestedArray<T>) => Array<T>,
zipWith<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>, a1: NestedArray<T>, a2: NestedArray<T>): Array<T>,
// Collection
countBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => { [string]: number },
countBy<T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): { [string]: number },
// alias of _.forEach
each<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<T>,
each<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<T>,
// alias of _.forEachRight
eachRight<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<T>,
eachRight<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<T>,
every<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => boolean,
every<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): boolean,
all<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => boolean,
all<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): boolean,
filter<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<T>,
filter<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<T>,
find<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => T | void,
find<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): T | void,
findFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>): ((fromIndex: number) => (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => T | void) & ((fromIndex: number, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => T | void),
findFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, fromIndex: number): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => T | void,
findFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, fromIndex: number, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): T | void,
findLast<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => T | void,
findLast<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): T | void,
findLastFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>): ((fromIndex: number) => (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => T | void) & ((fromIndex: number, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => T | void),
findLastFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, fromIndex: number): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => T | void,
findLastFrom<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, fromIndex: number, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): T | void,
flatMap<T, U>(iteratee: FlatMapIteratee<T, U> | OFlatMapIteratee<T, U>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<U>,
flatMap<T, U>(iteratee: FlatMapIteratee<T, U> | OFlatMapIteratee<T, U>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<U>,
flatMapDeep<T, U>(iteratee: FlatMapIteratee<T, U> | OFlatMapIteratee<T, U>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<U>,
flatMapDeep<T, U>(iteratee: FlatMapIteratee<T, U> | OFlatMapIteratee<T, U>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<U>,
flatMapDepth<T, U>(iteratee: FlatMapIteratee<T, U> | OFlatMapIteratee<T, U>): ((depth: number) => (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<U>) & ((depth: number, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<U>),
flatMapDepth<T, U>(iteratee: FlatMapIteratee<T, U> | OFlatMapIteratee<T, U>, depth: number): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<U>,
flatMapDepth<T, U>(iteratee: FlatMapIteratee<T, U> | OFlatMapIteratee<T, U>, depth: number, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<U>,
forEach<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<T>,
forEach<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<T>,
forEachRight<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<T>,
forEachRight<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<T>,
groupBy<V, T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => { [key: V]: Array<T> },
groupBy<V, T>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): { [key: V]: Array<T> },
includes(value: string): (str: string) => boolean,
includes(value: string, str: string): boolean,
includes<T>(value: T): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => boolean,
includes<T>(value: T, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): boolean,
contains(value: string): (str: string) => boolean,
contains(value: string, str: string): boolean,
contains<T>(value: T): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => boolean,
contains<T>(value: T, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): boolean,
includesFrom(value: string): ((fromIndex: number) => (str: string) => boolean) & ((fromIndex: number, str: string) => boolean),
includesFrom(value: string, fromIndex: number): (str: string) => boolean,
includesFrom(value: string, fromIndex: number, str: string): boolean,
includesFrom<T>(value: T): ((fromIndex: number) => (collection: Array<T>) => boolean) & ((fromIndex: number, collection: Array<T>) => boolean),
includesFrom<T>(value: T, fromIndex: number): (collection: Array<T>) => boolean,
includesFrom<T>(value: T, fromIndex: number, collection: Array<T>): boolean,
invokeMap<T>(path: ((value: T) => Array<string> | string) | Array<string> | string): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<any>,
invokeMap<T>(path: ((value: T) => Array<string> | string) | Array<string> | string, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<any>,
invokeArgsMap<T>(path: ((value: T) => Array<string> | string) | Array<string> | string): ((collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => (args: Array<any>) => Array<any>) & ((collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }, args: Array<any>) => Array<any>),
invokeArgsMap<T>(path: ((value: T) => Array<string> | string) | Array<string> | string, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): (args: Array<any>) => Array<any>,
invokeArgsMap<T>(path: ((value: T) => Array<string> | string) | Array<string> | string, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }, args: Array<any>): Array<any>,
keyBy<T, V>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => { [key: V]: T },
keyBy<T, V>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): { [key: V]: T },
indexBy<T, V>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => { [key: V]: T },
indexBy<T, V>(iteratee: ValueOnlyIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): { [key: V]: T },
map<T, U>(iteratee: MapIterator<T, U> | OMapIterator<T, U>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}) => Array<U>,
map<T, U>(iteratee: MapIterator<T, U> | OMapIterator<T, U>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}): Array<U>,
map(iteratee: (char: string) => any): (str: string) => string,
map(iteratee: (char: string) => any, str: string): string,
pluck<T, U>(iteratee: MapIterator<T, U> | OMapIterator<T, U>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}) => Array<U>,
pluck<T, U>(iteratee: MapIterator<T, U> | OMapIterator<T, U>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}): Array<U>,
pluck(iteratee: (char: string) => any): (str: string) => string,
pluck(iteratee: (char: string) => any, str: string): string,
orderBy<T>(iteratees: Array<Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<*>> | string): ((orders: Array<"asc" | "desc"> | string) => (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}) => Array<T>) & ((orders: Array<"asc" | "desc"> | string, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}) => Array<T>),
orderBy<T>(iteratees: Array<Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<*>> | string, orders: Array<"asc" | "desc"> | string): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}) => Array<T>,
orderBy<T>(iteratees: Array<Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<*>> | string, orders: Array<"asc" | "desc"> | string, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}): Array<T>,
partition<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => NestedArray<T>,
partition<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): NestedArray<T>,
reduce<T, U>(iteratee: (accumulator: U, value: T) => U): ((accumulator: U) => (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}) => U) & ((accumulator: U, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}) => U),
reduce<T, U>(iteratee: (accumulator: U, value: T) => U, accumulator: U): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}) => U,
reduce<T, U>(iteratee: (accumulator: U, value: T) => U, accumulator: U, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T}): U,
reduceRight<T, U>(iteratee: (value: T, accumulator: U) => U): ((accumulator: U) => (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => U) & ((accumulator: U, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => U),
reduceRight<T, U>(iteratee: (value: T, accumulator: U) => U, accumulator: U): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => U,
reduceRight<T, U>(iteratee: (value: T, accumulator: U) => U, accumulator: U, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): U,
reject<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<T>,
reject<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<T>,
sample<T>(collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): T,
sampleSize<T>(n: number): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<T>,
sampleSize<T>(n: number, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<T>,
shuffle<T>(collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<T>,
size(collection: Array<any> | Object): number,
some<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => boolean,
some<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): boolean,
any<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => boolean,
any<T>(predicate: Predicate<T> | OPredicate<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): boolean,
sortBy<T>(iteratees: Array<Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>> | Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>): (collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }) => Array<T>,
sortBy<T>(iteratees: Array<Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>> | Iteratee<T> | OIteratee<T>, collection: Array<T> | { [id: any]: T }): Array<T>,
// Date
now(): number,
// Function
after(fn: Function): (n: number) => Function,
after(fn: Function, n: number): Function,
ary(func: Function): Function,
nAry(n: number): (func: Function) => Function,
nAry(n: number, func: Function): Function,
before(fn: Function): (n: number) => Function,
before(fn: Function, n: number): Function,
bind(func: Function): (thisArg: any) => Function,
bind(func: Function, thisArg: any): Function,
bindKey(obj: Object): (key: string) => Function,
bindKey(obj: Object, key: string): Function,
curry: Curry,
curryN(arity: number): (func: Function) => Function,
curryN(arity: number, func: Function): Function,
curryRight(func: Function): Function,
curryRightN(arity: number): (func: Function) => Function,
curryRightN(arity: number, func: Function): Function,
debounce(wait: number): (func: Function) => Function,
debounce(wait: number, func: Function): Function,
defer(func: Function): number,
delay(wait: number): (func: Function) => number,
delay(wait: number, func: Function): number,
flip(func: Function): Function,
memoize(func: Function): Function,
negate(predicate: Function): Function,
complement(predicate: Function): Function,
once(func: Function): Function,
overArgs(func: Function): (transforms: Array<Function>) => Function,
overArgs(func: Function, transforms: Array<Function>): Function,
useWith(func: Function): (transforms: Array<Function>) => Function,
useWith(func: Function, transforms: Array<Function>): Function,
partial(func: Function): (partials: any[]) => Function,
partial(func: Function, partials: any[]): Function,
partialRight(func: Function): (partials: Array<any>) => Function,
partialRight(func: Function, partials: Array<any>): Function,
rearg(indexes: Array<number>): (func: Function) => Function,
rearg(indexes: Array<number>, func: Function): Function,
rest(func: Function): Function,
unapply(func: Function): Function,
restFrom(start: number): (func: Function) => Function,
restFrom(start: number, func: Function): Function,
spread(func: Function): Function,
apply(func: Function): Function,
spreadFrom(start: number): (func: Function) => Function,
spreadFrom(start: number, func: Function): Function,
throttle(wait: number): (func: Function) => Function,
throttle(wait: number, func: Function): Function,
unary(func: Function): Function,
wrap(wrapper: Function): (value: any) => Function,
wrap(wrapper: Function, value: any): Function,
// Lang
castArray(value: *): any[],
clone<T>(value: T): T,
cloneDeep<T>(value: T): T,
cloneDeepWith<T, U>(customizer: (value: T, key: number | string, object: T, stack: any) => U): (value: T) => U,
cloneDeepWith<T, U>(customizer: (value: T, key: number | string, object: T, stack: any) => U, value: T): U,
cloneWith<T, U>(customizer: (value: T, key: number | string, object: T, stack: any) => U): (value: T) => U,
cloneWith<T, U>(customizer: (value: T, key: number | string, object: T, stack: any) => U, value: T): U,
conformsTo<T: { [key: string]: mixed }>(predicates: T & { [key: string]: (x: any) => boolean }): (source: T) => boolean,
conformsTo<T: { [key: string]: mixed }>(predicates: T & { [key: string]: (x: any) => boolean }, source: T): boolean,
where<T: { [key: string]: mixed }>(predicates: T & { [key: string]: (x: any) => boolean }): (source: T) => boolean,
where<T: { [key: string]: mixed }>(predicates: T & { [key: string]: (x: any) => boolean }, source: T): boolean,
conforms<T: { [key: string]: mixed }>(predicates: T & { [key: string]: (x: any) => boolean }): (source: T) => boolean,
conforms<T: { [key: string]: mixed }>(predicates: T & { [key: string]: (x: any) => boolean }, source: T): boolean,
eq(value: any): (other: any) => boolean,
eq(value: any, other: any): boolean,
identical(value: any): (other: any) => boolean,
identical(value: any, other: any): boolean,
gt(value: any): (other: any) => boolean,
gt(value: any, other: any): boolean,
gte(value: any): (other: any) => boolean,
gte(value: any, other: any): boolean,
isArguments(value: any): boolean,
isArray(value: any): boolean,
isArrayBuffer(value: any): boolean,
isArrayLike(value: any): boolean,
isArrayLikeObject(value: any): boolean,
isBoolean(value: any): boolean,
isBuffer(value: any): boolean,
isDate(value: any): boolean,
isElement(value: any): boolean,
isEmpty(value: any): boolean,
isEqual(value: any): (other: any) => boolean,
isEqual(value: any, other: any): boolean,
equals(value: any): (other: any) => boolean,
equals(value: any, other: any): boolean,
isEqualWith<T, U>(customizer: (objValue: any, otherValue: any, key: number | string, object: T, other: U, stack: any) => boolean | void): ((value: T) => (other: U) => boolean) & ((value: T, other: U) => boolean),
isEqualWith<T, U>(customizer: (objValue: any, otherValue: any, key: number | string, object: T, other: U, stack: any) => boolean | void, value: T): (other: U) => boolean,
isEqualWith<T, U>(customizer: (objValue: any, otherValue: any, key: number | string, object: T, other: U, stack: any) => boolean | void, value: T, other: U): boolean,
isError(value: any): boolean,
isFinite(value: any): boolean,
isFunction(value: Function): true,
isFunction(value: number | string | void | null | Object): false,
isInteger(value: any): boolean,
isLength(value: any): boolean,
isMap(value: any): boolean,
isMatch(source: Object): (object: Object) => boolean,
isMatch(source: Object, object: Object): boolean,
whereEq(source: Object): (object: Object) => boolean,
whereEq(source: Object, object: Object): boolean,
isMatchWith<T: Object, U: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: number | string, object: T, source: U) => boolean | void): ((source: U) => (object: T) => boolean) & ((source: U, object: T) => boolean),
isMatchWith<T: Object, U: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: number | string, object: T, source: U) => boolean | void, source: U): (object: T) => boolean,
isMatchWith<T: Object, U: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: number | string, object: T, source: U) => boolean | void, source: U, object: T): boolean,
isNaN(value: any): boolean,
isNative(value: any): boolean,
isNil(value: any): boolean,
isNull(value: any): boolean,
isNumber(value: any): boolean,
isObject(value: any): boolean,
isObjectLike(value: any): boolean,
isPlainObject(value: any): boolean,
isRegExp(value: any): boolean,
isSafeInteger(value: any): boolean,
isSet(value: any): boolean,
isString(value: string): true,
isString(value: number | boolean | Function | void | null | Object | Array<any>): false,
isSymbol(value: any): boolean,
isTypedArray(value: any): boolean,
isUndefined(value: any): boolean,
isWeakMap(value: any): boolean,
isWeakSet(value: any): boolean,
lt(value: any): (other: any) => boolean,
lt(value: any, other: any): boolean,
lte(value: any): (other: any) => boolean,
lte(value: any, other: any): boolean,
toArray(value: any): Array<any>,
toFinite(value: any): number,
toInteger(value: any): number,
toLength(value: any): number,
toNumber(value: any): number,
toPlainObject(value: any): Object,
toSafeInteger(value: any): number,
toString(value: any): string,
// Math
add(augend: number): (addend: number) => number,
add(augend: number, addend: number): number,
ceil(number: number): number,
divide(dividend: number): (divisor: number) => number,
divide(dividend: number, divisor: number): number,
floor(number: number): number,
max<T>(array: Array<T>): T,
maxBy<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>): (array: Array<T>) => T,
maxBy<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>, array: Array<T>): T,
mean(array: Array<*>): number,
meanBy<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>): (array: Array<T>) => number,
meanBy<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>, array: Array<T>): number,
min<T>(array: Array<T>): T,
minBy<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>): (array: Array<T>) => T,
minBy<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>, array: Array<T>): T,
multiply(multiplier: number): (multiplicand: number) => number,
multiply(multiplier: number, multiplicand: number): number,
round(number: number): number,
subtract(minuend: number): (subtrahend: number) => number,
subtract(minuend: number, subtrahend: number): number,
sum(array: Array<*>): number,
sumBy<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>): (array: Array<T>) => number,
sumBy<T>(iteratee: Iteratee<T>, array: Array<T>): number,
// number
clamp(lower: number): ((upper: number) => (number: number) => number) & ((upper: number, number: number) => number),
clamp(lower: number, upper: number): (number: number) => number,
clamp(lower: number, upper: number, number: number): number,
inRange(start: number): ((end: number) => (number: number) => boolean) & ((end: number, number: number) => boolean),
inRange(start: number, end: number): (number: number) => boolean,
inRange(start: number, end: number, number: number): boolean,
random(lower: number): (upper: number) => number,
random(lower: number, upper: number): number,
// Object
assign(object: Object): (source: Object) => Object,
assign(object: Object, source: Object): Object,
assignAll(objects: Array<Object>): Object,
assignInAll(objects: Array<Object>): Object,
extendAll(objects: Array<Object>): Object,
assignIn<A, B>(a: A): (b: B) => A & B,
assignIn<A, B>(a: A, b: B): A & B,
assignInWith<T: Object, A: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A) => any | void): ((object: T) => (s1: A) => Object) & ((object: T, s1: A) => Object),
assignInWith<T: Object, A: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A) => any | void, object: T): (s1: A) => Object,
assignInWith<T: Object, A: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A) => any | void, object: T, s1: A): Object,
assignWith<T: Object, A: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A) => any | void): ((object: T) => (s1: A) => Object) & ((object: T, s1: A) => Object),
assignWith<T: Object, A: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A) => any | void, object: T): (s1: A) => Object,
assignWith<T: Object, A: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A) => any | void, object: T, s1: A): Object,
assignInAllWith(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: Object, source: Object) => any | void): (objects: Array<Object>) => Object,
assignInAllWith(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: Object, source: Object) => any | void, objects: Array<Object>): Object,
extendAllWith(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: Object, source: Object) => any | void): (objects: Array<Object>) => Object,
extendAllWith(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: Object, source: Object) => any | void, objects: Array<Object>): Object,
assignAllWith(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: Object, source: Object) => any | void): (objects: Array<Object>) => Object,
assignAllWith(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: Object, source: Object) => any | void, objects: Array<Object>): Object,
at(paths: Array<string>): (object: Object) => Array<any>,
at(paths: Array<string>, object: Object): Array<any>,
props(paths: Array<string>): (object: Object) => Array<any>,
props(paths: Array<string>, object: Object): Array<any>,
paths(paths: Array<string>): (object: Object) => Array<any>,
paths(paths: Array<string>, object: Object): Array<any>,
create<T>(prototype: T): $Supertype<T>,
defaults(source: Object): (object: Object) => Object,
defaults(source: Object, object: Object): Object,
defaultsAll(objects: Array<Object>): Object,
defaultsDeep(source: Object): (object: Object) => Object,
defaultsDeep(source: Object, object: Object): Object,
defaultsDeepAll(objects: Array<Object>): Object,
// alias for _.toPairs
entries(object: Object): NestedArray<any>,
// alias for _.toPairsIn
entriesIn(object: Object): NestedArray<any>,
// alias for _.assignIn
extend<A, B>(a: A): (b: B) => A & B,
extend<A, B>(a: A, b: B): A & B,
// alias for _.assignInWith
extendWith<T: Object, A: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A) => any | void): ((object: T) => (s1: A) => Object) & ((object: T, s1: A) => Object),
extendWith<T: Object, A: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A) => any | void, object: T): (s1: A) => Object,
extendWith<T: Object, A: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A) => any | void, object: T, s1: A): Object,
findKey<A, T: { [id: any]: A }>(predicate: OPredicate<A>): (object: T) => string | void,
findKey<A, T: { [id: any]: A }>(predicate: OPredicate<A>, object: T): string | void,
findLastKey<A, T: { [id: any]: A }>(predicate: OPredicate<A>): (object: T) => string | void,
findLastKey<A, T: { [id: any]: A }>(predicate: OPredicate<A>, object: T): string | void,
forIn(iteratee: OIteratee<*>): (object: Object) => Object,
forIn(iteratee: OIteratee<*>, object: Object): Object,
forInRight(iteratee: OIteratee<*>): (object: Object) => Object,
forInRight(iteratee: OIteratee<*>, object: Object): Object,
forOwn(iteratee: OIteratee<*>): (object: Object) => Object,
forOwn(iteratee: OIteratee<*>, object: Object): Object,
forOwnRight(iteratee: OIteratee<*>): (object: Object) => Object,
forOwnRight(iteratee: OIteratee<*>, object: Object): Object,
functions(object: Object): Array<string>,
functionsIn(object: Object): Array<string>,
get(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object | Array<any>) => any,
get(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object | Array<any>): any,
prop(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object | Array<any>) => any,
prop(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object | Array<any>): any,
path(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object | Array<any>) => any,
path(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object | Array<any>): any,
getOr(defaultValue: any): ((path: Array<string> | string) => (object: Object | Array<any>) => any) & ((path: Array<string> | string, object: Object | Array<any>) => any),
getOr(defaultValue: any, path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object | Array<any>) => any,
getOr(defaultValue: any, path: Array<string> | string, object: Object | Array<any>): any,
propOr(defaultValue: any): ((path: Array<string> | string) => (object: Object | Array<any>) => any) & ((path: Array<string> | string, object: Object | Array<any>) => any),
propOr(defaultValue: any, path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object | Array<any>) => any,
propOr(defaultValue: any, path: Array<string> | string, object: Object | Array<any>): any,
pathOr(defaultValue: any): ((path: Array<string> | string) => (object: Object | Array<any>) => any) & ((path: Array<string> | string, object: Object | Array<any>) => any),
pathOr(defaultValue: any, path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object | Array<any>) => any,
pathOr(defaultValue: any, path: Array<string> | string, object: Object | Array<any>): any,
has(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object) => boolean,
has(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object): boolean,
hasIn(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object) => boolean,
hasIn(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object): boolean,
invert(object: Object): Object,
invertObj(object: Object): Object,
invertBy(iteratee: Function): (object: Object) => Object,
invertBy(iteratee: Function, object: Object): Object,
invoke(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object) => any,
invoke(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object): any,
invokeArgs(path: Array<string> | string): ((object: Object) => (args: Array<any>) => any) & ((object: Object, args: Array<any>) => any),
invokeArgs(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object): (args: Array<any>) => any,
invokeArgs(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object, args: Array<any>): any,
keys(object: Object): Array<string>,
keysIn(object: Object): Array<string>,
mapKeys(iteratee: OIteratee<*>): (object: Object) => Object,
mapKeys(iteratee: OIteratee<*>, object: Object): Object,
mapValues(iteratee: OIteratee<*>): (object: Object) => Object,
mapValues(iteratee: OIteratee<*>, object: Object): Object,
merge(object: Object): (source: Object) => Object,
merge(object: Object, source: Object): Object,
mergeAll(objects: Array<Object>): Object,
mergeWith<T: Object, A: Object, B: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A | B) => any | void): ((object: T) => (s1: A) => Object) & ((object: T, s1: A) => Object),
mergeWith<T: Object, A: Object, B: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A | B) => any | void, object: T): (s1: A) => Object,
mergeWith<T: Object, A: Object, B: Object>(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: T, source: A | B) => any | void, object: T, s1: A): Object,
mergeAllWith(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: Object, source: Object) => any | void): (objects: Array<Object>) => Object,
mergeAllWith(customizer: (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: string, object: Object, source: Object) => any | void, objects: Array<Object>): Object,
omit(props: Array<string>): (object: Object) => Object,
omit(props: Array<string>, object: Object): Object,
omitAll(props: Array<string>): (object: Object) => Object,
omitAll(props: Array<string>, object: Object): Object,
omitBy<A, T: { [id: any]: A }>(predicate: OPredicate<A>): (object: T) => Object,
omitBy<A, T: { [id: any]: A }>(predicate: OPredicate<A>, object: T): Object,
pick(props: Array<string>): (object: Object) => Object,
pick(props: Array<string>, object: Object): Object,
pickAll(props: Array<string>): (object: Object) => Object,
pickAll(props: Array<string>, object: Object): Object,
pickBy<A, T: { [id: any]: A }>(predicate: OPredicate<A>): (object: T) => Object,
pickBy<A, T: { [id: any]: A }>(predicate: OPredicate<A>, object: T): Object,
result(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object) => any,
result(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object): any,
set(path: Array<string> | string): ((value: any) => (object: Object) => Object) & ((value: any, object: Object) => Object),
set(path: Array<string> | string, value: any): (object: Object) => Object,
set(path: Array<string> | string, value: any, object: Object): Object,
assoc(path: Array<string> | string): ((value: any) => (object: Object) => Object) & ((value: any, object: Object) => Object),
assoc(path: Array<string> | string, value: any): (object: Object) => Object,
assoc(path: Array<string> | string, value: any, object: Object): Object,
assocPath(path: Array<string> | string): ((value: any) => (object: Object) => Object) & ((value: any, object: Object) => Object),
assocPath(path: Array<string> | string, value: any): (object: Object) => Object,
assocPath(path: Array<string> | string, value: any, object: Object): Object,
setWith<T>(customizer: (nsValue: any, key: string, nsObject: T) => any): ((path: Array<string> | string) => (((value: any) => (object: T) => Object) & ((value: any, object: T) => Object))) & ((path: Array<string> | string, value: any) => (object: T) => Object) & ((path: Array<string> | string, value: any, object: T) => Object),
setWith<T>(customizer: (nsValue: any, key: string, nsObject: T) => any, path: Array<string> | string): ((value: any) => (object: T) => Object) & ((value: any, object: T) => Object),
setWith<T>(customizer: (nsValue: any, key: string, nsObject: T) => any, path: Array<string> | string, value: any): (object: T) => Object,
setWith<T>(customizer: (nsValue: any, key: string, nsObject: T) => any, path: Array<string> | string, value: any, object: T): Object,
toPairs(object: Object | Array<*>): NestedArray<any>,
toPairsIn(object: Object): NestedArray<any>,
transform(iteratee: OIteratee<*>): ((accumulator: any) => (collection: Object | Array<any>) => any) & ((accumulator: any, collection: Object | Array<any>) => any),
transform(iteratee: OIteratee<*>, accumulator: any): (collection: Object | Array<any>) => any,
transform(iteratee: OIteratee<*>, accumulator: any, collection: Object | Array<any>): any,
unset(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object) => boolean,
unset(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object): boolean,
dissoc(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object) => boolean,
dissoc(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object): boolean,
dissocPath(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object) => boolean,
dissocPath(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object): boolean,
update(path: string[] | string): ((updater: Function) => (object: Object) => Object) & ((updater: Function, object: Object) => Object),
update(path: string[] | string, updater: Function): (object: Object) => Object,
update(path: string[] | string, updater: Function, object: Object): Object,
updateWith(customizer: Function): ((path: string[] | string) => (((updater: Function) => (object: Object) => Object) & ((updater: Function, object: Object) => Object))) & ((path: string[] | string, updater: Function) => (object: Object) => Object) & ((path: string[] | string, updater: Function, object: Object) => Object),
updateWith(customizer: Function, path: string[] | string): ((updater: Function) => (object: Object) => Object) & ((updater: Function, object: Object) => Object),
updateWith(customizer: Function, path: string[] | string, updater: Function): (object: Object) => Object,
updateWith(customizer: Function, path: string[] | string, updater: Function, object: Object): Object,
values(object: Object): Array<any>,
valuesIn(object: Object): Array<any>,
tap<T>(interceptor: (value: T) => any): (value: T) => T,
tap<T>(interceptor: (value: T) => any, value: T): T,
thru<T1, T2>(interceptor: (value: T1) => T2): (value: T1) => T2,
thru<T1, T2>(interceptor: (value: T1) => T2, value: T1): T2,
// String
camelCase(string: string): string,
capitalize(string: string): string,
deburr(string: string): string,
endsWith(target: string): (string: string) => boolean,
endsWith(target: string, string: string): boolean,
escape(string: string): string,
escapeRegExp(string: string): string,
kebabCase(string: string): string,
lowerCase(string: string): string,
lowerFirst(string: string): string,
pad(length: number): (string: string) => string,
pad(length: number, string: string): string,
padChars(chars: string): ((length: number) => (string: string) => string) & ((length: number, string: string) => string),
padChars(chars: string, length: number): (string: string) => string,
padChars(chars: string, length: number, string: string): string,
padEnd(length: number): (string: string) => string,
padEnd(length: number, string: string): string,
padCharsEnd(chars: string): ((length: number) => (string: string) => string) & ((length: number, string: string) => string),
padCharsEnd(chars: string, length: number): (string: string) => string,
padCharsEnd(chars: string, length: number, string: string): string,
padStart(length: number): (string: string) => string,
padStart(length: number, string: string): string,
padCharsStart(chars: string): ((length: number) => (string: string) => string) & ((length: number, string: string) => string),
padCharsStart(chars: string, length: number): (string: string) => string,
padCharsStart(chars: string, length: number, string: string): string,
parseInt(radix: number): (string: string) => number,
parseInt(radix: number, string: string): number,
repeat(n: number): (string: string) => string,
repeat(n: number, string: string): string,
replace(pattern: RegExp | string): ((replacement: ((string: string) => string) | string) => (string: string) => string) & ((replacement: ((string: string) => string) | string, string: string) => string),
replace(pattern: RegExp | string, replacement: ((string: string) => string) | string): (string: string) => string,
replace(pattern: RegExp | string, replacement: ((string: string) => string) | string, string: string): string,
snakeCase(string: string): string,
split(separator: RegExp | string): (string: string) => Array<string>,
split(separator: RegExp | string, string: string): Array<string>,
startCase(string: string): string,
startsWith(target: string): (string: string) => boolean,
startsWith(target: string, string: string): boolean,
template(string: string): Function,
toLower(string: string): string,
toUpper(string: string): string,
trim(string: string): string,
trimChars(chars: string): (string: string) => string,
trimChars(chars: string, string: string): string,
trimEnd(string: string): string,
trimCharsEnd(chars: string): (string: string) => string,
trimCharsEnd(chars: string, string: string): string,
trimStart(string: string): string,
trimCharsStart(chars: string): (string: string) => string,
trimCharsStart(chars: string, string: string): string,
truncate(options: TruncateOptions): (string: string) => string,
truncate(options: TruncateOptions, string: string): string,
unescape(string: string): string,
upperCase(string: string): string,
upperFirst(string: string): string,
words(string: string): Array<string>,
// Util
attempt(func: Function): any,
bindAll(methodNames: Array<string>): (object: Object) => Object,
bindAll(methodNames: Array<string>, object: Object): Object,
cond(pairs: NestedArray<Function>): Function,
constant<T>(value: T): () => T,
always<T>(value: T): () => T,
defaultTo<T1: string | boolean | Object, T2>(defaultValue: T2): (value: T1) => T1,
defaultTo<T1: string | boolean | Object, T2>(defaultValue: T2, value: T1): T1,
// NaN is a number instead of its own type, otherwise it would behave like null/void
defaultTo<T1: number, T2>(defaultValue: T2): (value: T1) => T1 | T2,
defaultTo<T1: number, T2>(defaultValue: T2, value: T1): T1 | T2,
defaultTo<T1: void | null, T2>(defaultValue: T2): (value: T1) => T2,
defaultTo<T1: void | null, T2>(defaultValue: T2, value: T1): T2,
flow: $ComposeReverse,
flow(funcs: Array<Function>): Function,
pipe: $ComposeReverse,
pipe(funcs: Array<Function>): Function,
flowRight: $Compose,
flowRight(funcs: Array<Function>): Function,
compose: $Compose,
compose(funcs: Array<Function>): Function,
identity<T>(value: T): T,
iteratee(func: any): Function,
matches(source: Object): (object: Object) => boolean,
matches(source: Object, object: Object): boolean,
matchesProperty(path: Array<string> | string): (srcValue: any) => Function,
matchesProperty(path: Array<string> | string, srcValue: any): Function,
propEq(path: Array<string> | string): (srcValue: any) => Function,
propEq(path: Array<string> | string, srcValue: any): Function,
pathEq(path: Array<string> | string): (srcValue: any) => Function,
pathEq(path: Array<string> | string, srcValue: any): Function,
method(path: Array<string> | string): Function,
methodOf(object: Object): Function,
mixin<T: Function | Object>(object: T): ((source: Object) => (options: {chain: boolean}) => T) & ((source: Object, options: {chain: boolean}) => T),
mixin<T: Function | Object>(object: T, source: Object): (options: {chain: boolean}) => T,
mixin<T: Function | Object>(object: T, source: Object, options: {chain: boolean}): T,
noConflict(): Lodash,
noop(...args: Array<mixed>): void,
nthArg(n: number): Function,
over(iteratees: Array<Function>): Function,
juxt(iteratees: Array<Function>): Function,
overEvery(predicates: Array<Function>): Function,
allPass(predicates: Array<Function>): Function,
overSome(predicates: Array<Function>): Function,
anyPass(predicates: Array<Function>): Function,
property(path: Array<string> | string): (object: Object | Array<any>) => any,
property(path: Array<string> | string, object: Object | Array<any>): any,
propertyOf(object: Object): (path: Array<string> | string) => Function,
propertyOf(object: Object, path: Array<string> | string): Function,
range(start: number): (end: number) => Array<number>,
range(start: number, end: number): Array<number>,
rangeStep(step: number): ((start: number) => (end: number) => Array<number>) & ((start: number, end: number) => Array<number>),
rangeStep(step: number, start: number): (end: number) => Array<number>,
rangeStep(step: number, start: number, end: number): Array<number>,
rangeRight(start: number): (end: number) => Array<number>,
rangeRight(start: number, end: number): Array<number>,
rangeStepRight(step: number): ((start: number) => (end: number) => Array<number>) & ((start: number, end: number) => Array<number>),
rangeStepRight(step: number, start: number): (end: number) => Array<number>,
rangeStepRight(step: number, start: number, end: number): Array<number>,
runInContext(context: Object): Function,
stubArray(): Array<*>,
stubFalse(): false,
F(): false,
stubObject(): {},
stubString(): "",
stubTrue(): true,
T(): true,
times<T>(iteratee: (i: number) => T): (n: number) => Array<T>,
times<T>(iteratee: (i: number) => T, n: number): Array<T>,
toPath(value: any): Array<string>,
uniqueId(prefix: string): string,
__: any,
placeholder: any,
convert(options: {
cap?: boolean,
curry?: boolean,
fixed?: boolean,
immutable?: boolean,
rearg?: boolean
}): void,
// Properties
VERSION: string,
templateSettings: TemplateSettings
declare var exports: Lodash;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// flow-typed signature: 3409270fb7c9e22d114cc0f4ac1dbf36
// flow-typed version: 148333be22/moment_v2.3.x/flow_>=v0.34.x
// flow-typed signature: 793995d08b898744007089d163219dbe
// flow-typed version: 7a7fdd86ed/moment_v2.3.x/flow_>=v0.34.x
type moment$MomentOptions = {
y?: number|string,
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ declare class moment$MomentDuration {
declare class moment$Moment {
static ISO_8601: string;
static (string?: string, format?: string|Array<string>, strict?: bool): moment$Moment;
static (string?: string, format?: string|Array<string>, locale?: string, strict?: bool): moment$Moment;
static (initDate: ?Object|number|Date|Array<number>|moment$Moment|string): moment$Moment;
static unix(seconds: number): moment$Moment;
@ -208,7 +209,12 @@ declare class moment$Moment {
isAfter(date?: moment$Moment|string|number|Date|Array<number>, units?: ?string): bool;
isSameOrBefore(date?: moment$Moment|string|number|Date|Array<number>, units?: ?string): bool;
isSameOrAfter(date?: moment$Moment|string|number|Date|Array<number>, units?: ?string): bool;
isBetween(date: moment$Moment|string|number|Date|Array<number>): bool;
fromDate: moment$Moment|string|number|Date|Array<number>,
toDate?: ?moment$Moment|string|number|Date|Array<number>,
granularity?: ?string,
inclusion?: ?string
): bool;
isDST(): bool;
isDSTShifted(): bool;
isLeapYear(): bool;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// flow-typed signature: 016d1d07ed837df856600333ae3aa66c
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/prettysize_v^0.1.0/flow_v0.56.0
// flow-typed signature: f57a5bc4b955b3793cf046978994d263
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/prettysize_v^1.1.0/flow_v0.56.0
* This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:
@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ declare module 'prettysize' {
* require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't
* needed.
declare module 'prettysize/tests/tests' {
declare module.exports: any;
// Filename aliases
declare module 'prettysize/index' {
@ -33,6 +31,3 @@ declare module 'prettysize/index' {
declare module 'prettysize/index.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'prettysize'>;
declare module 'prettysize/tests/tests.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'prettysize/tests/tests'>;

flow-typed/npm/react-overlays_vx.x.x.js vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
// flow-typed signature: e44de7e74b5fb44007595730cba57428
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/react-overlays_v^0.8.1/flow_v0.56.0
* This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:
* 'react-overlays'
* Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types.
* Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the
* community by sending a pull request to:
declare module 'react-overlays' {
declare module.exports: any;
* We include stubs for each file inside this npm package in case you need to
* require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't
* needed.
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/Affix' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/AutoAffix' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/index' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/Modal' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/ModalManager' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/Overlay' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/Portal' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/Position' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/RootCloseWrapper' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/addEventListener' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/addFocusListener' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/calculatePosition' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/createChainedFunction' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/getContainer' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/getDocumentHeight' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/isOverflowing' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/manageAriaHidden' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/ownerDocument' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/ownerWindow' {
declare module.exports: any;
// Filename aliases
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/Affix.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/Affix'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/AutoAffix.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/AutoAffix'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/index.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/index'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/Modal.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/Modal'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/ModalManager.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/ModalManager'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/Overlay.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/Overlay'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/Portal.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/Portal'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/Position.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/Position'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/RootCloseWrapper.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/RootCloseWrapper'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/addEventListener.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/utils/addEventListener'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/addFocusListener.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/utils/addFocusListener'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/calculatePosition.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/utils/calculatePosition'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/createChainedFunction.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/utils/createChainedFunction'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/getContainer.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/utils/getContainer'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/getDocumentHeight.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/utils/getDocumentHeight'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/isOverflowing.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/utils/isOverflowing'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/manageAriaHidden.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/utils/manageAriaHidden'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/ownerDocument.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/utils/ownerDocument'>;
declare module 'react-overlays/lib/utils/ownerWindow.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'react-overlays/lib/utils/ownerWindow'>;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// flow-typed signature: acfd06012f517a794ef1b76526eacad3
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/react-router-prop-types_v^0.0.1/flow_v0.56.0
// flow-typed signature: e3e6aeb7fce1dcbc2d7d3d2901a41adb
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/react-router-prop-types_v^0.0.2/flow_v0.56.0
* This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// flow-typed signature: 6b29943f9e2ccc1b3dbd7fef1e32f7f9
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/react-transition-group_v^2.2.0/flow_v0.56.0
// flow-typed signature: 16f23b7001eddf96277b48eb8709b97f
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/react-transition-group_v^2.2.1/flow_v0.56.0
* This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// flow-typed signature: a9383fa5501824f9b5e2f8158f537809
// flow-typed signature: 79b97b5ddc1ea02b9cc38f72bf165b17
// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/webpack-dev-server_v^2.5.1/flow_v0.56.0
@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ declare module 'webpack-dev-server/lib/OptionsValidationError' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'webpack-dev-server/lib/polyfills' {
declare module.exports: any;
declare module 'webpack-dev-server/lib/Server' {
declare module.exports: any;
@ -133,6 +137,9 @@ declare module 'webpack-dev-server/client/webpack.sockjs.config.js' {
declare module 'webpack-dev-server/lib/OptionsValidationError.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'webpack-dev-server/lib/OptionsValidationError'>;
declare module 'webpack-dev-server/lib/polyfills.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'webpack-dev-server/lib/polyfills'>;
declare module 'webpack-dev-server/lib/Server.js' {
declare module.exports: $Exports<'webpack-dev-server/lib/Server'>;

View file

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View file

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