diff --git a/app/controllers/protocols_controller.rb b/app/controllers/protocols_controller.rb
index b27525c2c..181e76a37 100644
--- a/app/controllers/protocols_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/protocols_controller.rb
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class ProtocolsController < ApplicationController
return render_403 unless @protocol.in_repository_published_original? ||
(@protocol.in_repository_draft? && @protocol.parent_id.blank?)
- @published_versions = @protocol.published_versions.order(version_number: :desc)
+ @published_versions = @protocol.published_versions_with_original.order(version_number: :desc)
render json: {
html: render_to_string(partial: 'protocols/index/protocol_versions_modal.html.erb')
diff --git a/app/datatables/protocols_datatable.rb b/app/datatables/protocols_datatable.rb
index ff9765aa7..8cfb621a0 100644
--- a/app/datatables/protocols_datatable.rb
+++ b/app/datatables/protocols_datatable.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
class ProtocolsDatatable < CustomDatatable
# Needed for sanitize_sql_like method
include ActiveRecord::Sanitization::ClassMethods
include InputSanitizeHelper
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
+ PREFIXED_ID_SQL = "('#{Protocol::ID_PREFIX}' || COALESCE(\"protocols\".\"parent_id\", \"protocols\".\"id\"))"
def_delegator :@view, :can_read_protocol_in_repository?
def_delegator :@view, :can_manage_protocol_in_repository?
def_delegator :@view, :edit_protocol_path
@@ -16,42 +20,38 @@ class ProtocolsDatatable < CustomDatatable
def initialize(view, team, type, user)
@team = team
- # :public, :private or :archive
- @type = type
+ @type = type # :active or :archived
@user = user
def sortable_columns
@sortable_columns ||= [
- 'Protocol.name',
- 'Protocol.id',
+ 'name',
+ 'adjusted_parent_id',
- 'Protocol.nr_of_linked_children',
+ 'nr_of_linked_children',
- 'Protocol.published_on',
- 'Protocol.updated_at',
+ 'published_on',
+ 'updated_at',
- 'Protocol.archived_on'
+ 'archived_on'
def searchable_columns
@searchable_columns ||= [
- "Protocol.name",
+ 'Protocol.name',
- "Protocol.#{Protocol::PREFIXED_ID_SQL}",
- "Protocol.updated_at"
+ "Protocol.#{PREFIXED_ID_SQL}",
+ 'Protocol.updated_at',
+ 'ProtocolKeyword.name'
- # This hack is needed to display a correct amount of
- # searched entries (needed for pagination).
- # This is needed because of usage of GROUP operator in SQL.
- # See https://github.com/antillas21/ajax-datatables-rails/issues/112
- def as_json(options = {})
+ def as_json(_options = {})
draw: dt_params[:draw].to_i,
recordsTotal: get_raw_records.length,
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ class ProtocolsDatatable < CustomDatatable
model, column = column.split('.', 2)
model = model.constantize
case column
- when Protocol::PREFIXED_ID_SQL
- casted_column = ::Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(Protocol::PREFIXED_ID_SQL)
+ casted_column = ::Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(PREFIXED_ID_SQL)
when 'published_on'
casted_column = ::Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new('CAST',
[ Arel.sql("to_char( protocols.created_at, '#{ formated_date }' ) AS VARCHAR") ] )
@@ -87,20 +87,21 @@ class ProtocolsDatatable < CustomDatatable
# Returns json of current protocols (already paginated)
def data
records.map do |record|
+ parent = record.parent || record
DT_RowId: record.id,
DT_RowAttr: {
- 'data-permissions-url': permissions_protocol_path(record)
+ 'data-permissions-url': permissions_protocol_path(parent)
- '1': name_html(record),
- '2': record.code,
+ '1': name_html(parent),
+ '2': parent.code,
'3': versions_html(record),
'4': keywords_html(record),
'5': modules_html(record),
- '6': access_html(record),
- '7': escape_input(record.full_username_str),
- '8': I18n.l(record.published_on || record.created_at, format: :full),
- '9': I18n.l(record.updated_at, format: :full),
+ '6': access_html(parent),
+ '7': published_by(record),
+ '8': published_timestamp(record),
+ '9': modified_timestamp(record),
'10': escape_input(record.archived_full_username_str),
'11': (I18n.l(record.archived_on, format: :full) if record.archived_on)
@@ -136,27 +137,37 @@ class ProtocolsDatatable < CustomDatatable
def get_raw_records_base
+ original_without_versions = @team.protocols
+ .left_outer_joins(:published_versions)
+ .where(protocol_type: Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_published_original])
+ .where(published_versions: { id: nil })
+ .select(:id)
+ published_versions = @team.protocols
+ .where(protocol_type: Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_published_version])
+ .select('DISTINCT ON (parent_id) id')
+ new_drafts = @team.protocols
+ .where(protocol_type: Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_draft], parent_id: nil)
+ .select(:id)
+ records = Protocol.where(
+ "protocols.id IN ((#{original_without_versions.to_sql}) " \
+ "UNION " \
+ "(#{published_versions.to_sql}) " \
+ "UNION " \
+ "(#{new_drafts.to_sql}))"
+ )
records =
- Protocol
- .where(team: @team)
- .where('protocols.protocol_type = ? OR protocols.protocol_type = ? AND protocols.parent_id IS NULL',
- Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_published_original],
- Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_draft])
- .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN "user_assignments" "all_user_assignments" '\
- 'ON "all_user_assignments"."assignable_type" = \'Protocol\' '\
- 'AND "all_user_assignments"."assignable_id" = "protocols"."id"')
- .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN protocols protocol_versions "\
- "ON protocol_versions.protocol_type = #{Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_published_version]} "\
- "AND protocol_versions.parent_id = protocols.id")
- .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN protocols protocol_drafts "\
- "ON protocol_drafts.protocol_type = #{Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_draft]} "\
- "AND protocol_drafts.parent_id = protocols.id")
- .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN "protocol_protocol_keywords" '\
+ records
+ .preload(:parent, :latest_published_version, :draft, :protocol_keywords, user_assignments: %i(user user_role))
+ .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN protocols protocol_versions " \
+ "ON protocol_versions.protocol_type = #{Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_published_version]} " \
+ "AND protocol_versions.parent_id = protocols.parent_id")
+ .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN "protocol_protocol_keywords" ' \
'ON "protocol_protocol_keywords"."protocol_id" = "protocols"."id"')
- .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN "protocol_keywords" '\
+ .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN "protocol_keywords" ' \
'ON "protocol_protocol_keywords"."protocol_keyword_id" = "protocol_keywords"."id"')
.with_granted_permissions(@user, ProtocolPermissions::READ)
- .preload(user_assignments: %i(user user_role))
records = records.joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN "users" "archived_users"
ON "archived_users"."id" = "protocols"."archived_by_id"')
@@ -173,9 +184,11 @@ class ProtocolsDatatable < CustomDatatable
def get_raw_records
+ 'COALESCE("protocols"."parent_id", "protocols"."id") AS adjusted_parent_id',
'STRING_AGG(DISTINCT("protocol_keywords"."name"), \', \') AS "protocol_keywords_str"',
- 'COUNT(DISTINCT("protocol_versions"."id")) + 1 AS "nr_of_versions"', # User assignments generate duplicates
- 'COUNT("protocol_drafts"."id") AS "nr_of_drafts"',
+ "CASE WHEN protocols.protocol_type = #{Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_draft]}" \
+ "THEN COUNT(DISTINCT(\"protocol_versions\".\"id\")) ELSE COUNT(DISTINCT(\"protocol_versions\".\"id\")) + 1 " \
+ "END AS nr_of_versions",
'COUNT("user_assignments"."id") AS "nr_of_assigned_users"',
'MAX("users"."full_name") AS "full_username_str"', # "Hack" to get single username
'MAX("archived_users"."full_name") AS "archived_full_username_str"'
@@ -185,19 +198,23 @@ class ProtocolsDatatable < CustomDatatable
# Various helper methods
def name_html(record)
- "#{escape_input(record.name)}"
+ path =
+ if record.in_repository_published_original? && record.latest_published_version.present?
+ protocol_path(record.latest_published_version)
+ else
+ protocol_path(record)
+ end
+ "#{escape_input(record.name)}"
def keywords_html(record)
- if !record.protocol_keywords_str || record.protocol_keywords_str.blank?
- "#{I18n.t("protocols.no_keywords")}"
+ if record.protocol_keywords.blank?
+ "#{I18n.t('protocols.no_keywords')}"
- kws = record.protocol_keywords_str.split(", ")
res = []
- kws.sort_by{ |word| word.downcase }.each do |kw|
- sanitized_kw = sanitize_input(kw)
- res << "#{sanitized_kw}"
+ record.protocol_keywords.sort_by { |kw| kw.name.downcase }.each do |kw|
+ sanitized_kw = sanitize_input(kw.name)
+ res << "#{sanitized_kw}"
res.join(', ')
@@ -206,7 +223,7 @@ class ProtocolsDatatable < CustomDatatable
def modules_html(record)
"" \
- "#{record.nr_of_linked_children}" \
+ "#{record.nr_of_linked_children}" \
@@ -219,12 +236,20 @@ class ProtocolsDatatable < CustomDatatable
@view.controller.render_to_string(partial: 'protocols/index/protocol_access.html.erb', locals: { protocol: record })
- def timestamp_column_html(record)
- if @type == :archived
- I18n.l(record.archived_on, format: :full)
- else
- I18n.l(record.published_on || record.created_at, format: :full)
- end
+ def published_by(record)
+ return '' if record.published_by.blank?
+ escape_input(record.published_by.full_name)
+ end
+ def published_timestamp(record)
+ return '' if record.published_on.blank?
+ I18n.l(record.published_on, format: :full)
+ end
+ def modified_timestamp(record)
+ I18n.l(record.updated_at, format: :full)
# OVERRIDE - This is only called when filtering results;
diff --git a/app/models/protocol.rb b/app/models/protocol.rb
index e6e7c03c7..f5e382888 100644
--- a/app/models/protocol.rb
+++ b/app/models/protocol.rb
@@ -129,6 +129,21 @@ class Protocol < ApplicationRecord
foreign_key: 'previous_version_id',
inverse_of: :previous_version,
dependent: :destroy
+ has_one :latest_published_version,
+ lambda {
+ in_repository_published_version.select('DISTINCT ON (parent_id) *')
+ .order(:parent_id, version_number: :desc)
+ },
+ class_name: 'Protocol',
+ foreign_key: 'parent_id'
+ has_one :draft,
+ -> { in_repository_draft.select('DISTINCT ON (parent_id) *').order(:parent_id) },
+ class_name: 'Protocol',
+ foreign_key: 'parent_id'
+ has_many :published_versions,
+ -> { in_repository_published_version },
+ class_name: 'Protocol',
+ foreign_key: 'parent_id'
has_many :protocol_protocol_keywords,
inverse_of: :protocol,
dependent: :destroy
@@ -213,7 +228,6 @@ class Protocol < ApplicationRecord
user_id: user.id))
def self.filter_by_teams(teams = [])
teams.blank? ? self : where(team: teams)
@@ -234,27 +248,13 @@ class Protocol < ApplicationRecord
in_module? ? my_module.created_by : added_by
- def draft
- return self if in_repository_draft? && parent_id.blank?
- return nil unless in_repository_published_original?
- team.protocols.in_repository_draft.find_by(parent: self)
- end
- def published_versions
- return self.class.none unless in_repository_published_original?
+ def published_versions_with_original
.where(parent: self)
.or(team.protocols.in_repository_published_original.where(id: id))
- def latest_published_version
- published_versions.order(version_number: :desc).first
- end
def permission_parent
in_module? ? my_module : team
diff --git a/app/views/protocols/index/_protocol_versions.html.erb b/app/views/protocols/index/_protocol_versions.html.erb
index ef6071615..96915d131 100644
--- a/app/views/protocols/index/_protocol_versions.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/protocols/index/_protocol_versions.html.erb
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
-<%= link_to versions_modal_protocol_path(protocol), class: 'protocol-versions-link', remote: true do %>
- <% if protocol.in_repository_published_original? %>
+<% if protocol.in_repository_published_original? || protocol.in_repository_published_version? %>
+ <% parent = protocol.parent || protocol %>
+ <%= link_to versions_modal_protocol_path(parent), class: 'protocol-versions-link', remote: true do %>
<%= protocol.nr_of_versions %>
- <% if protocol.nr_of_drafts.positive? %>
- / <%= t("protocols.index.table.draft") %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if protocol.draft.present? %>
+ /
+ <%= link_to protocol_path(parent.draft) do %>
+ <%= t("protocols.index.table.draft") %>
<% end %>
- <% elsif protocol.in_repository_draft? %>
+ <% end %>
+<% elsif protocol.in_repository_draft? %>
+ <%= link_to protocol_path(protocol) do %>
<%= t("protocols.index.table.draft") %>
<% end %>
<% end %>