class User < ApplicationRecord include SearchableModel include SettingsModel include VariablesModel include User::TeamRoles include User::ProjectRoles acts_as_token_authenticatable devise :invitable, :confirmable, :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :async, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :timeoutable, :omniauthable, omniauth_providers: Extends::OMNIAUTH_PROVIDERS, stretches: Constants::PASSWORD_STRETCH_FACTOR has_attached_file :avatar, styles: { medium: Constants::MEDIUM_PIC_FORMAT, thumb: Constants::THUMB_PIC_FORMAT, icon: Constants::ICON_PIC_FORMAT, icon_small: Constants::ICON_SMALL_PIC_FORMAT }, default_url: Constants::DEFAULT_AVATAR_URL auto_strip_attributes :full_name, :initials, nullify: false validates :full_name, presence: true, length: { maximum: Constants::NAME_MAX_LENGTH } validates :initials, presence: true, length: { maximum: Constants::USER_INITIALS_MAX_LENGTH } validates :email, presence: true, length: { maximum: Constants::EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH } validates_attachment :avatar, :content_type => { :content_type => ["image/jpeg", "image/png"] }, size: { less_than: Constants::AVATAR_MAX_SIZE_MB.megabyte, message: I18n.t('client_api.user.avatar_too_big') } validate :time_zone_check store_accessor :settings, :time_zone, :notifications_settings default_settings( time_zone: 'UTC', notifications_settings: { assignments: true, assignments_email: false, recent: true, recent_email: false, system_message_email: false } ) store_accessor :variables, :export_vars default_variables( export_vars: { num_of_export_all_last_24_hours: 0 } ) # Relations has_many :user_identities, inverse_of: :user has_many :user_teams, inverse_of: :user has_many :teams, through: :user_teams has_many :user_projects, inverse_of: :user has_many :projects, through: :user_projects has_many :user_my_modules, inverse_of: :user has_many :my_modules, through: :user_my_modules has_many :comments, inverse_of: :user has_many :activities, inverse_of: :user has_many :results, inverse_of: :user has_many :samples, inverse_of: :user has_many :samples_tables, inverse_of: :user, dependent: :destroy has_many :repositories, inverse_of: :user has_many :repository_table_states, inverse_of: :user, dependent: :destroy has_many :steps, inverse_of: :user has_many :custom_fields, inverse_of: :user has_many :reports, inverse_of: :user has_many :created_assets, class_name: 'Asset', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :modified_assets, class_name: 'Asset', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :created_checklists, class_name: 'Checklist', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :modified_checklists, class_name: 'Checklist', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :created_checklist_items, class_name: 'ChecklistItem', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :modified_checklist_items, class_name: 'ChecklistItem', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :modified_comments, class_name: 'Comment', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :modified_custom_fields, class_name: 'CustomField', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :created_my_module_groups, class_name: 'MyModuleGroup', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :created_my_module_tags, class_name: 'MyModuleTag', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :created_my_modules, class_name: 'MyModule', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :modified_my_modules, class_name: 'MyModule', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :archived_my_modules, class_name: 'MyModule', foreign_key: 'archived_by_id' has_many :restored_my_modules, class_name: 'MyModule', foreign_key: 'restored_by_id' has_many :created_teams, class_name: 'Team', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :modified_teams, class_name: 'Team', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :created_projects, class_name: 'Project', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :modified_projects, class_name: 'Project', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :archived_projects, class_name: 'Project', foreign_key: 'archived_by_id' has_many :restored_projects, class_name: 'Project', foreign_key: 'restored_by_id' has_many :modified_reports, class_name: 'Report', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :modified_results, class_name: 'Result', foreign_key: 'modified_by_id' has_many :archived_results, class_name: 'Result', foreign_key: 'archived_by_id' has_many :restored_results, class_name: 'Result', foreign_key: 'restored_by_id' has_many :created_sample_groups, class_name: 'SampleGroup', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :modified_sample_groups, class_name: 'SampleGroup', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :assigned_sample_my_modules, class_name: 'SampleMyModule', foreign_key: 'assigned_by_id' has_many :created_sample_types, class_name: 'SampleType', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :modified_sample_types, class_name: 'SampleType', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :modified_samples, class_name: 'Sample', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :modified_steps, class_name: 'Step', foreign_key: 'modified_by_id' has_many :created_tables, class_name: 'Table', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :modified_tables, class_name: 'Table', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :created_tags, class_name: 'Tag', foreign_key: 'created_by_id' has_many :tokens, class_name: 'Token', foreign_key: 'user_id', inverse_of: :user has_many :modified_tags, class_name: 'Tag', foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id' has_many :assigned_user_my_modules, class_name: 'UserMyModule', foreign_key: 'assigned_by_id' has_many :assigned_user_teams, class_name: 'UserTeam', foreign_key: 'assigned_by_id' has_many :assigned_user_projects, class_name: 'UserProject', foreign_key: 'assigned_by_id' has_many :added_protocols, class_name: 'Protocol', foreign_key: 'added_by_id', inverse_of: :added_by has_many :archived_protocols, class_name: 'Protocol', foreign_key: 'archived_by_id', inverse_of: :archived_by has_many :restored_protocols, class_name: 'Protocol', foreign_key: 'restored_by_id', inverse_of: :restored_by has_many :assigned_my_module_repository_rows, class_name: 'MyModuleRepositoryRow', foreign_key: 'assigned_by_id' has_many :user_notifications, inverse_of: :user has_many :notifications, through: :user_notifications has_many :zip_exports, inverse_of: :user, dependent: :destroy has_many :datatables_teams, class_name: '::Views::Datatables::DatatablesTeam' has_many :view_states, dependent: :destroy # If other errors besides parameter "avatar" exist, # they will propagate to "avatar" also, so remove them # and put all other (more specific ones) in it after_validation :filter_paperclip_errors before_destroy :destroy_notifications def name full_name end def name=(name) self.full_name = name end def avatar_remote_url=(url_value) self.avatar = URI.parse(url_value) # Assuming url_value is # avatar_file_name == "face.png" # avatar_content_type == "image/png" @avatar_remote_url = url_value end def current_team Team.find_by_id(self.current_team_id) end def self.from_omniauth(auth) includes(:user_identities) .where( 'user_identities.provider=? AND user_identities.uid=?', auth.provider, auth.uid ) .references(:user_identities) .take end # Search all active users for username & email. Can # also specify which team to ignore. def active_only, query = nil, team_to_ignore = nil ) result = User.all if active_only result = result.where.not(confirmed_at: nil) end if team_to_ignore.present? ignored_ids = UserTeam .select(:user_id) .where(team_id: result = result .where(" NOT IN (?)", ignored_ids) end result .where_attributes_like([:full_name, :email], query) .distinct end def empty_avatar(name, size) file_ext = name.split(".").last self.avatar_file_name = name self.avatar_content_type = Rack::Mime.mime_type(".#{file_ext}") self.avatar_file_size = size.to_i end def filter_paperclip_errors if errors.key? :avatar errors.delete(:avatar) messages = [] errors.each do |attribute| errors.full_messages_for(attribute).each do |message| messages << message.split(' ').drop(1).join(' ') end end errors.clear errors.add(:avatar, messages.join(',')) end end # Whether user is active (= confirmed) or not def active? confirmed_at.present? end def active_status_str if active? I18n.t('') else I18n.t('users.enums.status.pending') end end def projects_by_teams(team_id = 0, sort_by = nil, archived = false) archived = archived ? true : false query = Project.all.joins(:user_projects) sql = 'projects.team_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT team_id ' \ 'FROM user_teams WHERE user_teams.user_id = :user_id)' if || !user_teams.find_by(team_id: team_id).try(:admin?) # Admins see all projects of team sql += ' AND (projects.visibility=1 OR user_projects.user_id=:user_id)' end sql += ' AND projects.archived = :archived ' sort = case sort_by when 'old' { created_at: :asc } when 'atoz' { name: :asc } when 'ztoa' { name: :desc } else { created_at: :desc } end if team_id > 0 result = query .where('projects.team_id = ?', team_id) .where(sql, user_id: id, archived: archived) .order(sort) .distinct .group_by(&:team) else result = query .where(sql, user_id: id, archived: archived) .order(sort) .distinct .group_by(&:team) end result || [] end def projects_tree(team, filter_by = nil, sort_by = nil) result = team.projects.includes(active_experiments: :active_my_modules) unless is_admin_of_team?(team) # Only admins see all projects of the team result = result.joins(:user_projects).where( 'visibility=1 OR user_projects.user_id=:user_id', user_id: id ) end result = case filter_by when 'archived' result.where(archived: true) when 'active' result.where(archived: false) else result end sort = case sort_by when 'old' { created_at: :asc } when 'atoz' { name: :asc } when 'ztoa' { name: :desc } else { created_at: :desc } end result.distinct.order(sort) end # Finds all activities of user that is assigned to project. If user # is not an owner of the project, user must be also assigned to # module. def last_activities Activity .joins(project: :user_projects) .joins( 'LEFT OUTER JOIN my_modules ON activities.my_module_id =' ) .joins( 'LEFT OUTER JOIN user_my_modules ON = ' \ 'user_my_modules.my_module_id' ) .where(user_projects: { user_id: self }) .where( 'activities.my_module_id IS NULL OR ' \ 'user_projects.role = 0 OR ' \ 'user_my_modules.user_id = ?', id ) .order(created_at: :desc) end def self.find_by_valid_wopi_token(token) Rails.logger.warn "WOPI: searching by token #{token}" User .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN tokens ON user_id =') .where(tokens: { token: token }) .where('tokens.ttl = 0 OR tokens.ttl > ?', .first end def get_wopi_token # WOPI does not have a good way to request a new token, # so a new token should be provided each time this is called, # while keeping any old tokens as long as they have not yet expired tokens = Token.where(user_id: id).distinct tokens.each do |token| token.delete if token.ttl < end token_string = "#{Devise.friendly_token(20)}-#{id}" # WOPI uses millisecond TTLs ttl = ( + wopi_token = Token.create(token: token_string, ttl: ttl, user_id: id) Rails.logger.warn("WOPI: generating new token #{wopi_token.token}") wopi_token end def teams_ids teams.pluck(:id) end # Returns a hash with user statistics def statistics statistics = {} statistics[:number_of_teams] = teams.count statistics[:number_of_projects] = projects.count number_of_experiments = 0 projects.find_each do |pr| number_of_experiments += pr.experiments.count end statistics[:number_of_experiments] = number_of_experiments statistics[:number_of_protocols] = added_protocols.where( protocol_type: Protocol.protocol_types.slice( :in_repository_private, :in_repository_public, :in_repository_archived ).values ).count statistics end def self.from_azure_jwt_token(token_payload) includes(:user_identities) .where( 'user_identities.provider=? AND user_identities.uid=?', Api.configuration.azure_ad_apps[token_payload[:aud]][:provider], token_payload[:sub] ) .references(:user_identities) .take end def has_linked_account?(provider) user_identities.where(provider: provider).exists? end # json friendly attributes NOTIFICATIONS_TYPES = %w(assignments_notification recent_notification assignments_email_notification recent_email_notification system_message_email_notification) # declare notifications getters NOTIFICATIONS_TYPES.each do |name| define_method(name) do attr_name = name.gsub('_notification', '') notifications_settings.fetch(attr_name.to_sym) end end # declare notifications setters NOTIFICATIONS_TYPES.each do |name| define_method("#{name}=") do |value| attr_name = name.gsub('_notification', '').to_sym notifications_settings[attr_name] = value end end protected def confirmation_required? Rails.configuration.x.enable_email_confirmations end def time_zone_check if time_zone.nil? || errors.add(:time_zone) end end private def destroy_notifications # Find all notifications where user is the only reference # on the notification, and destroy all such notifications # (user_notifications are destroyed when notification is # destroyed). We try to do this efficiently (hence in_groups_of). nids_all = notifications.pluck(:id) nids_all.in_groups_of(1000, false) do |nids| Notification .where(id: nids) .joins(:user_notifications) .group('') .having('count(notification_id) <= 1') .destroy_all end # Now, simply destroy all user notification relations left user_notifications.destroy_all end end