//************************************ // CONSTANTS //************************************ var DRAG_INVALID = 0; var DRAG_MOUSE = 1; var DRAG_TOUCH = 2; // This JS code also contains some .css styling instructions. // Those defaults are used in code where there is a "CSS_STYLE" comment. var DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_STYLE = "Blank"; var DEFAULT_CONNECTION_HOVER_STYLE = { lineWidth: 5 }; var DEFAULT_CONNECTION_OVERLAY_STYLE = [ "Arrow", { location: 1, id: "arrow", length: 12, width: 10, foldback: 1 } ]; var DEFAULT_CONNECTION_LABEL_STYLE = { label: "x", id: "label", cssClass: "connLabel" }; var DEFAULT_ANCHOR_STYLE = "Continuous"; var DEFAULT_CONNECTOR_STYLE = [ "Straight", { gap: 2 } ]; var DEFAULT_CONNECTOR_STYLE_2 = { strokeStyle: '<%= Constants::COLOR_WHITE %>', lineWidth: 1.5, outlineColor: "transparent", outlineWidth: 0 }; // Zoom-level specific variables //var GRID_DIST_EDIT_X = 300; //var GRID_DIST_EDIT_Y = 140; //135 var GRID_DIST_EDIT_X = 10; var GRID_DIST_EDIT_Y = 10; var GRID_DIST_EDIT_STEP_X = 10; var GRID_DIST_EDIT_STEP_Y = 10; var EDIT_ENDPOINT_STYLE = [ "Dot", { radius: 4, cssClass: "ep-normal", hoverClass: "ep-hover" } ]; var EDIT_CONNECTOR_STYLE_2 = { strokeStyle: '<%= Constants::COLOR_WHITE %>', lineWidth: 3, outlineColor: "transparent", outlineWidth: 0 }; /* var GRID_DIST_FULL_X = 340; var GRID_DIST_FULL_Y = 201; var GRID_DIST_MEDIUM_X = 250; var GRID_DIST_MEDIUM_Y = 88; var GRID_DIST_SMALL_X = 100; var GRID_DIST_SMALL_Y = 100; */ /* Migrations: multiply my_modules (x by 32, y by 16) UPDATE my_modules SET x=x*32, y=y*16 themodel.connection.execute("UPDATE my_modules SET x=x*32, y=y*16") */ var GRID_DIST_FULL_X = 10; var GRID_DIST_FULL_Y = 10; var GRID_DIST_MEDIUM_X = 7.3; var GRID_DIST_MEDIUM_Y = 4; var GRID_DIST_SMALL_X = 2.4; var GRID_DIST_SMALL_Y = 5; var SUBMIT_FORM_NAME_SEPARATOR = "|"; //************************************ // GLOBAL VARIABLES //************************************ // Current GUI mode var currentMode = "full_zoom"; // JSNetworkX graph structure, used for graph analysis var graph; // Instance of jsPlumb, a library for canvas manipulation var instance; // ID "generator" for new modules var newModuleIndex = 0; // Global variables for module dragging var leftInitial = 0, topInitial = 0, collided = false; // Global variables for canvas dragging var x_start = 0, y_start = 0; var drag_type = DRAG_INVALID; var draggable = null; // Draggable position (initial values specified here) var draggableLeft = 0.5; var draggableTop = 0.5; var ignoreUnsavedWorkAlert; // Global variable for hammer js var hammertime; /* * As a guideline, all module elements should contain * the following attributes: * * id - ID of the module. * data-module-name - Name of the module. * data-module-id - ID of the module. * data-module-group - ID of the group the module belongs to (if it exists). * data-module-x - X position of the module (integer). * data-module-y - Y position of the module (integer). * data-module-conns - List of module IDs this module is connected * to (outbound connections). */ //************************************ // DEFAULT INITIALIZATION CODE //************************************ /** * Initializes page */ function init() { bindModeChange(); bindAjax(); bindWindowResizeEvent(); initializeGraph(".diagram .module-large"); initializeFullZoom(); } jsPlumb.ready(function () { init(); }); //************************************ // INDIVIDUAL ACTION INIT & DESTROY //************************************ function initializeEdit() { newModuleIndex = 0; ignoreUnsavedWorkAlert = false; // Read permissions from the data attributes of the form var canEditModules = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-edit-modules"), "yes"); var canCreateModules = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-create-modules"), "yes"); var canCloneModules = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-clone-modules"), "yes"); var canMoveModules = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-move-modules"), "yes"); var canDeleteModules = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-delete-modules"), "yes"); var canDragModules = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-reposition-modules"), "yes"); var canEditConnections = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-edit-connections"), "yes"); $("#canvas-container").addClass("canvas-container-edit-mode"); // Hide sidebar & also its toggle button $(".sidebar-container").addClass("collapsed"); $("#wrapper").css("paddingLeft", "0"); $(".navbar-secondary").addClass("navbar-without-sidebar"); $(".show-sidebar").addClass("invisible"); // Also, hide zoom levels button group $("#diagram-buttons").hide(); // Resize container resizeContainer(); positionModules(".diagram .module", GRID_DIST_EDIT_X, GRID_DIST_EDIT_Y); initJsPlumb( "#diagram-container", "#diagram", "div.module", { scrollEnabled: true, gridDistX: GRID_DIST_EDIT_STEP_X, gridDistY: GRID_DIST_EDIT_STEP_Y, endpointStyle: EDIT_ENDPOINT_STYLE, connectorStyle2: EDIT_CONNECTOR_STYLE_2, zoomEnabled: true, modulesDraggable: canDragModules, connectionsEditable: canEditConnections } ); bindEditModeDropdownHandlers(); if (canCreateModules) { bindNewModuleAction(GRID_DIST_EDIT_X, GRID_DIST_EDIT_Y); } bindEditFormSubmission(GRID_DIST_EDIT_X, GRID_DIST_EDIT_Y); if (canEditModules) { initEditModules(); $(".edit-module").on("click touchstart", editModuleHandler); } if (canCloneModules) { bindCloneModuleAction( $(".module-options a.clone-module"), ".diagram .module", GRID_DIST_EDIT_X, GRID_DIST_EDIT_Y); bindCloneModuleGroupAction( $(".module-options a.clone-module-group"), ".diagram .module", GRID_DIST_EDIT_X, GRID_DIST_EDIT_Y); } if (canMoveModules) { initMoveModules(); $(".move-module").on("click touchstart", moveModuleHandler); initMoveModuleGroups(); $(".move-module-group").on("click touchstart", moveModuleGroupHandler); } if (canDeleteModules) { bindDeleteModuleAction(); bindDeleteModuleGroupAction(); } bindEditModeCloseWindow(); bindTouchDropdowns($(".dropdown-toggle")); // Restore draggable position restoreDraggablePosition($("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container")); preventCanvasReloadOnSave(); $("#canvas-container").submit(function (){ animateSpinner( this, true, { color: 'white', shadow: true } ); }); } function destroyEdit() { // Read permissions from the data attributes of the form var canCreateModules = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-create-modules"), "yes"); var canCloneModules = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-clone-modules"), "yes"); var canMoveModules = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-move-modules"), "yes"); var canDeleteModules = _.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-delete-modules"), "yes"); instance.cleanupListeners(); $(".dropdown").off("show.bs.dropdown hide.bs.dropdown"); $("#diagram-container").off("mousewheel mousedown mouseup mousemove"); hammertime.off('pinch'); $("form#update-canvas").off("submit"); if (canDeleteModules) { $(".delete-container a").off("click"); $("#modal-delete-module").off("show.bs.modal hide.bs.modal"); $("#modal-delete-module").find("button[data-action='confirm']").off("click"); $(".buttons-container a.delete-module").off("click touchstart"); $(".buttons-container a.delete-module-group").off("click touchstart"); $("#modal-delete-module-group").off("show.bs.modal hide.bs.modal"); $("#modal-delete-module-group").find("button[data-action='confirm']").off("click"); } if (canCreateModules) { $("#modal-new-module").off("show.bs.modal shown.bs.modal hide.bs.modal"); $("#modal-new-module").find("button[data-action='confirm']").off("click"); $("#canvas-new-module").draggable("destroy"); $("#canvas-new-module").off("click"); } if (canCloneModules) { $(".buttons-container a.clone-module").off("click touchstart"); $(".buttons-container a.clone-module-group").off("click touchstart"); } if (canMoveModules) { $(".move-module").off("click touchstart"); $(".move-module-group").off("click touchstart"); } $("#update-canvas .cancel-edit-canvas").off("click"); $(window).off("beforeunload"); $(document).off("page:before-change"); $(".dropdown-toggle").off("touchstart"); // Remember the draggable position rememberDraggablePosition($("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container")); } function initializeFullZoom() { // Resize container resizeContainer(); positionModules(".diagram .module-large", GRID_DIST_FULL_X, GRID_DIST_FULL_Y); initJsPlumb( "#diagram-container", "#diagram", "div.module-large", { scrollEnabled: true, gridDistX: GRID_DIST_FULL_X, gridDistY: GRID_DIST_FULL_Y }); bindEditDueDateAjax(); bindEditTagsAjax($("div.module-large")); bindFullZoomAjaxTabs(); initModulesHover($("div.module-large"), $("#sidebar-wrapper")); initSidebarClicks($("div.module-large"), $("#sidebar-wrapper"), $("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container"), 20); // Restore draggable position restoreDraggablePosition($("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container")); // Initialize comments Comments.init() $('#diagram-container').on('shown.bs.dropdown', '.dropdown-comment', function() { var commentMenu = $(this).find('.dropdown-menu-fixed'); commentMenu.position({ top: $(this).parent().position().top }); commentMenu.offset({ top: $(this).parent().offset().top + <%= Constants::DROPDOWN_TOP_OFFSET_PX %> }); }); } function destroyFullZoom() { instance.cleanupListeners(); $("#diagram-container").off("mousedown mouseup mousemove"); $(".module-large .buttons-container [role=tab]").off("ajax:before ajax:success ajax:error"); $("div.module-large").off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $("div.module-large a.due-date-link").off("ajax:success ajax:error"); $("#manage-module-due-date-modal [data-action='submit']").off("click"); $("div.module-large a.edit-tags-link").off("ajax:before ajax:success"); $("li[data-module-group]").off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $("li[data-module-group] > span > a.canvas-center-on").off("click"); $("li[data-module-id]").off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $("li[data-module-id] > span > a.canvas-center-on").off("click"); // Clean up comments listeners $(document).off("scroll"); $(".panel.module-large .tab-content") .off("click", "[data-action=edit-comment]"); $(".panel.module-large .tab-content") .off("click", "[data-action=delete-comment]"); // Remember the draggable position rememberDraggablePosition($("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container")); } function initializeMediumZoom() { // Resize container resizeContainer(); positionModules(".diagram .module-medium", GRID_DIST_MEDIUM_X, GRID_DIST_MEDIUM_Y); initJsPlumb("#diagram-container", "#diagram", "div.module-medium", { scrollEnabled: true, gridDistX: GRID_DIST_MEDIUM_X, gridDistY: GRID_DIST_MEDIUM_Y }); bindEditTagsAjax($("div.module-medium")); initModulesHover($("div.module-medium"), $("#sidebar-wrapper")); initSidebarClicks($("div.module-medium"), $("#sidebar-wrapper"), $("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container"), 20); // Restore draggable position restoreDraggablePosition($("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container")); } function destroyMediumZoom() { instance.cleanupListeners(); $("#diagram-container").off("mousedown mouseup mousemove"); $("div.module-medium").off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $("div.module-medium a.edit-tags-link").off("ajax:before ajax:success"); $("li[data-module-group]").off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $("li[data-module-group] > span > a.canvas-center-on").off("click"); $("li[data-module-id]").off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $("li[data-module-id] > span > a.canvas-center-on").off("click"); // Remember the draggable position rememberDraggablePosition($("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container")); } function initializeSmallZoom() { // Resize container resizeContainer(); positionModules(".diagram .module-small", GRID_DIST_SMALL_X, GRID_DIST_SMALL_Y); initJsPlumb("#diagram-container", "#diagram", "div.module-small", { scrollEnabled: true, gridDistX: GRID_DIST_SMALL_X, gridDistY: GRID_DIST_SMALL_Y }); initModulesHover($("div.module-small"), $("#sidebar-wrapper")); initSidebarClicks($("div.module-small"), $("#sidebar-wrapper"), $("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container"), 20); // Restore draggable position restoreDraggablePosition($("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container")); } function destroySmallZoom() { instance.cleanupListeners(); $("#diagram-container").off("mousedown mouseup mousemove"); $("div.module-small").off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $("li[data-module-group]").off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $("li[data-module-group] > span > a.canvas-center-on").off("click"); $("li[data-module-id]").off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $("li[data-module-id] > span > a.canvas-center-on").off("click"); // Remember the draggable position rememberDraggablePosition($("#diagram"), $("#canvas-container")); } //************************************ // FUNCTIONS //************************************ /** * Enable/disable canvas events (related to dragging, zooming, ...). * @param activate - True to activate events; false * to deactivate them. */ var canHammer = function(recognizer, event) { event = event || window.event; if (event==null) { return false; } var result = (event.target instanceof HTMLInputElement && event.target.type == 'text'); return !result; } function toggleCanvasEvents(activate) { var cmd = "pause"; if (activate) { cmd = "active"; } $("#diagram-container").eventPause(cmd, "mousedown mouseup mouseout mousewheel touchstart touchend touchcancel touchmove"); hammertime.get('pinch').set({ enable: canHammer }); } /** * Gets or sets the left CSS position of the element. * @param el - The element. * @param newVal - The new left CSS value, if setting value. * @return The new float value of the element's left CSS position. */ function elLeft(el, newVal) { if (_.isUndefined(newVal)) { return parseFloat($(el).css("left").replace("px", "")); } else { $(el).css("left", newVal + "px"); return newVal; } } /** * Gets or sets the top CSS position of the element. * @param el - The element. * @param newVal - The new top CSS value, if setting value. * @return The new float value of the element's top CSS position. */ function elTop(el, newVal) { if (_.isUndefined(newVal)) { return parseFloat($(el).css("top").replace("px", "")); } else { $(el).css("top", newVal + "px"); return newVal; } } /** * Animate the reposition of the specified element. * @param el - The element to be repositioned. * @param left - The new left CSS property. * @param top - The new top CSS property. */ function animateReposition(el, left, top) { var leftMove, topMove, leftDir, topDir; if (_.isUndefined($(el).css("left"))) { leftMove = left; } else { leftMove = (-parseInt($(el).css("left").replace("px", ""), 10) + left); } if (_.isUndefined($(el).css("top"))) { topMove = top; } else { topMove = (-parseInt($(el).css("top").replace("px", ""), 10) + top); } leftDir = leftMove >=0 ? "+=" : "-="; topDir = topMove >=0 ? "+=" : "-="; el.animate({ left: leftDir + Math.abs(leftMove) + "px", top: topDir + Math.abs(topMove) + "px" }, 300); } /** * Bind the change of the canvas mode. */ function bindModeChange() { var buttons = $('#diagram-buttons').find("a[type='button']"); $('.change-canvas-view').off().on('click', '.sci-toggle-item', function() { $(this).next().click(); }) buttons.on('click', function() { var action = $(this).data("action"); // Ignore clicks on the currently active button if (_.isEqual(action, currentMode)) { return false; } // Else, call destroy action function switch (action) { case "edit": destroyEdit(); break; case "full_zoom": destroyFullZoom(); break; case "medium_zoom": destroyMediumZoom(); break; case "small_zoom": destroySmallZoom(); break; } }); } function bindTouchDropdowns(selector) { selector.on("touchstart", function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); } function bindEditModeCloseWindow() { var alertText = $("#update-canvas").attr("data-unsaved-work-text"); $("#update-canvas .cancel-edit-canvas").click(function(ev) { ignoreUnsavedWorkAlert = true; }); $(window).on("beforeunload", function(ev) { if (ignoreUnsavedWorkAlert) { // Remove unload listeners $(window).off("beforeunload"); $(document).off("page:before-change"); ev.returnValue = undefined; return undefined; } else { return alertText; } }); $(document).on("page:before-change", function(ev) { var exit; if (ignoreUnsavedWorkAlert) { exit = true; } else { exit = confirm(alertText); } if (exit) { // Remove unload listeners $(window).off("beforeunload"); $(document).off("page:before-change"); } return exit; }); } function bindEditModeDropdownHandlers(node) { // When "module clone/delete" dropdowns are opened, // module needs to increase z-index in order for the dropdown // menu to be above connections etc. $(".dropdown", node).on("show.bs.dropdown", function(event) { $(this).parents(".module").css("z-index", "30"); }); $(".dropdown", node).on("hide.bs.dropdown", function(event) { $(this).parents(".module").css("z-index", "20"); }); } function resizeContainer() { // Resize diagram container var cont = $("#diagram-container"); if (cont.length > 0) { cont.css( "height", ($(window).height() - cont.offset().top - 15) + "px" ); } } function bindWindowResizeEvent() { $(window).resize(function() { resizeContainer(); }); } function bindFullZoomAjaxTabs() { var manageUsersModal = null; var manageUsersModalBody = null; // Initialize users editing modal remote loading. function initUsersEditLink($el) { $el.find(".manage-users-link") .on("ajax:before", function () { var moduleId = $(this).closest(".panel-default").attr("data-module-id"); manageUsersModal.attr("data-module-id", moduleId); manageUsersModal.modal('show'); }) .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { $("#manage-module-users-modal-module").text(data.my_module.name); initUsersModalBody(data); }); } // Initialize reloading manage user modal content after posting new // user. function initAddUserForm() { manageUsersModalBody.find(".add-user-form") .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { initUsersModalBody(data); }); } // Initialize remove user from my_module links. function initRemoveUserLinks() { manageUsersModalBody.find(".remove-user-link") .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { initUsersModalBody(data); }); } // Initialize ajax listeners and elements style on modal body. This // function must be called when modal body is changed. function initUsersModalBody(data) { manageUsersModalBody.html(data.html); manageUsersModalBody.find(".selectpicker").selectpicker(); initAddUserForm(); initRemoveUserLinks(); } manageUsersModal = $("#manage-module-users-modal"); manageUsersModalBody = manageUsersModal.find(".modal-body"); // Reload users tab HTML element when modal is closed manageUsersModal.on("hide.bs.modal", function () { var moduleEl = $("div[data-module-id='" + $(this).attr("data-module-id") + "']"); // Load HTML to refresh users list $.ajax({ url: moduleEl.attr("data-module-users-tab-url"), type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { moduleEl.find("#" + moduleEl.attr("data-module-id") + "_users").html(data.html); CounterBadge.updateCounterBadge(data.counter, data.my_module_id, 'users'); initUsersEditLink(moduleEl); }, error: function (data) { // TODO } }); }); // Remove users modal content when modal window is closed. manageUsersModal.on("hidden.bs.modal", function () { manageUsersModalBody.html(""); }); // initialize my_module tab remote loading var elements = $(".module-large .buttons-container [role=tab]"); elements.on("ajax:before", function (e) { var $this = $(this); var parentNode = $this.parents("li"); var targetId = $this.attr("aria-controls"); if (parentNode.hasClass("active")) { parentNode.removeClass("active"); $("#" + targetId).removeClass("active"); $this.parents(".module-large").addClass("expanded"); return false; } }) .on("ajax:success", function (e, data, status, xhr) { // Hide all potentially shown tabs elements.parents("li").removeClass("active"); $(".tab-content").children().removeClass("active"); $(".module-large").removeClass("expanded"); var $this = $(this); var targetId = $this.attr("aria-controls"); var target = $("#" + targetId); var targetContents = target.attr("data-contents"); var parentNode = $this.parents("ul").parent(); target.html(data.html); if (targetContents === "info") { initEditDescription(parentNode); } else if (targetContents === "users") { initUsersEditLink(parentNode); } else if (targetContents === "comments") { } $this.parents("ul").parent().find(".active").removeClass("active"); $this.parents("li").addClass("active"); target.addClass("active"); $this.parents(".module-large").addClass("expanded"); // Call scrollBotton after the comments are displayed // so that the scrollHight can be calculated if ( targetContents === 'comments' ) { Comments.init('simple') } }) .on("ajax:error", function (e, xhr, status, error) { // TODO }); } function bindEditDueDateAjax() { var editDueDateModal = null; var editDueDateModalBody = null; var editDueDateModalTitle = null; var editDueDateModalSubmitBtn = null; editDueDateModal = $("#manage-module-due-date-modal"); editDueDateModalBody = editDueDateModal.find(".modal-body"); editDueDateModalTitle = editDueDateModal.find("#manage-module-due-date-modal-label"); editDueDateModalSubmitBtn = editDueDateModal.find("[data-action='submit']"); $("div.module-large .panel-body .due-date-link") .on("ajax:success", function(ev, data, status) { var dueDateLink = $(this); if (!dueDateLink.hasClass("due-date-refresh")) { dueDateLink = dueDateLink.parent().next().find(".due-date-refresh"); } var moduleEl = dueDateLink.closest("div.module-large"); // Load contents editDueDateModalBody.html(data.html); editDueDateModalTitle.text(data.title); // Add listener to form inside modal editDueDateModalBody.find("form") .on("ajax:success", function(ev2, data2, status2) { // Update module's due date dueDateLink.html(data2.card_due_date_label); // Update module's classes if needed moduleEl .removeClass("alert-red") .removeClass("alert-yellow"); _.each(data2.alerts, function(alert) { moduleEl.addClass(alert); }); // Close modal editDueDateModal.modal("hide"); }) .on("ajax:error", function(ev2, data2, status2) { // Display errors if needed $(this).renderFormErrors("my_module", data2.responseJSON); }); // Disable canvas dragging events toggleCanvasEvents(false); // Open modal editDueDateModal.modal("show"); }) .on("ajax:error", function(ev, data, status) { // TODO }); editDueDateModalSubmitBtn.on("click", function() { // Submit the form inside the modal editDueDateModalBody.find("form").submit(); }); editDueDateModal.on("hidden.bs.modal", function() { editDueDateModalBody.find("form").off("ajax:success ajax:error"); editDueDateModalBody.html(""); // Re-activate canvas dragging events toggleCanvasEvents(true); }); } function bindEditTagsAjax(elements) { var manageTagsModal = null; var manageTagsModalBody = null; // Initialize reloading of manage tags modal content after posting new // tag. function initAddTagForm() { manageTagsModalBody.find(".add-tag-form") .submit(function() { var selectOptions = manageTagsModalBody.find('#new_my_module_tag .dropdown-menu li').length; if (selectOptions === 0 && this.id == 'new_my_module_tag') return false; return true; }) .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { initTagsModalBody(data); }); } // Initialize edit tag & remove tag functionality from my_module links. function initTagRowLinks() { manageTagsModalBody.find(".edit-tag-link") .on("click", function (e) { var $this = $(this); var li = $this.parents("li.list-group-item"); var editDiv = $(li.find("div.tag-edit")); // Revert all rows to their original states manageTagsModalBody.find("li.list-group-item").each(function(){ var li = $(this); li.css("background-color", li.data("color")); li.find(".edit-tag-form").clearFormErrors(); li.find("input[type=text]").val(li.data("name")); }); // Hide all other edit divs, show all show divs manageTagsModalBody.find("div.tag-edit").hide(); manageTagsModalBody.find("div.tag-show").show(); editDiv.find("input[type=text]").val(li.data("name")); editDiv.find('.edit-tag-color').colorselector('setColor', li.data("color")); li.find("div.tag-show").hide(); editDiv.show(); }); manageTagsModalBody.find("div.tag-edit .dropdown-colorselector > .dropdown-menu li a") .on("click", function (e) { // Change background of the
  • var $this = $(this); var li = $this.parents("li.list-group-item"); li.css("background-color", $this.data("value")); }); manageTagsModalBody.find(".remove-tag-link") .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { initTagsModalBody(data); }); manageTagsModalBody.find(".delete-tag-form") .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { initTagsModalBody(data); }); manageTagsModalBody.find(".edit-tag-form") .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { if (data.my_module) initTagsModalBody(data); }) .on("ajax:error", function (e, data) { $(this).renderFormErrors("tag", data.responseJSON); }); manageTagsModalBody.find(".cancel-tag-link") .on("click", function (e, data) { var $this = $(this); var li = $this.parents("li.list-group-item"); li.css("background-color", li.data("color")); li.find(".edit-tag-form").clearFormErrors(); li.find("div.tag-edit").hide(); li.find("div.tag-show").show(); }); } // Initialize ajax listeners and elements style on modal body. This // function must be called when modal body is changed. function initTagsModalBody(data) { manageTagsModal.data('module-id', data.my_module.id) manageTagsModalBody.html(data.html); manageTagsModalBody.find(".selectpicker").selectpicker(); initAddTagForm(); initTagRowLinks(); } manageTagsModal = $("#manage-module-tags-modal"); manageTagsModalBody = manageTagsModal.find(".modal-body"); // Reload tags HTML element when modal is closed manageTagsModal.off().on("hide.bs.modal", function(){ var task = $("div.panel[data-module-id='" + manageTagsModal.data('module-id') + "']"); // Load HTML $.ajax({ url: $('#canvas-container').attr('data-module-tags-url'), type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function(data) { $.each(data.my_modules, function(index, my_module){ $('div.panel[data-module-id=' + my_module.id + ']') .find(".edit-tags-link") .html(my_module.tags_html); }); }, error: function(data){ // TODO } }); }); // Remove modal content when modal window is closed. manageTagsModal.on("hidden.bs.modal", function () { manageTagsModalBody.html(""); }); // initialize my_module tab remote loading $(elements).find("a.edit-tags-link") .on("ajax:before", function () { var moduleId = $(this).closest(".panel-default").attr("data-module-id"); manageTagsModal.attr("data-module-id", moduleId); manageTagsModal.modal('show'); }) .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { $("#manage-module-tags-modal-module").text(data.my_module.name); initTagsModalBody(data); }) .on('click', function(){ $(this).addClass('updated-module-tags'); }); } /** * Bind change of GUI buttons to Ajax success callback. */ function bindAjax() { $('#diagram-buttons .ajax').on('ajax:success', function(evt, data) { // Set toggled button state $("#diagram-buttons a").removeClass("active"); $("#diagram-buttons a").removeAttr("aria-pressed"); $("#diagram-buttons a").removeData("toggle"); $(evt.target).addClass("active"); $(evt.target).attr("aria-pressed", true); $(evt.target).data("toggle", "button"); // Fill contents of container with AJAX content var target = $('#canvas-container'); $(target).html(data); // Re-run canvas GUI initialization code var action = $(evt.target).data("action"); switch (action) { case "edit": initializeEdit(); break; case "full_zoom": initializeFullZoom(); break; case "medium_zoom": initializeMediumZoom(); break; case "small_zoom": initializeSmallZoom(); break; } currentMode = action; }); $('#diagram-buttons .ajax').on('ajax:error', function(evt, data) { // Redirect to provided URL var json = $.parseJSON(data.responseText); $(location).attr('href', json.redirect_url); }); } /** * Add a new node to the graph. * @param moduleId - The ID of the module to add. * @param module - The module jQuery element. */ function addNode(moduleId, module) { var connsAttr = module.attr("data-module-conns"); var conns = _.isUndefined(connsAttr) ? [] : connsAttr.split(", "); graph.addNode( moduleId, { name: module.data["module-name"], x: module.data["module-x"], y: module.data["module-y"], conns: conns } ); } /** * Initialize the global graph variable from modules. * @param modulesSel - The jQuery selector text of module elements. */ function initializeGraph(modulesSel) { var modules = $(modulesSel); graph = new jsnx.DiGraph(); var module, moduleId; _.each(modules, function(m) { module = $(m); moduleId = module.attr("data-module-id"); if (!graph.hasNode(moduleId)) { addNode(moduleId, module); } var outs = module.attr("data-module-conns").split(", "); _.each(outs, function(targetId) { if (targetId === "") { return; } if (!graph.hasNode(targetId)) { addNode(targetId, $(".diagram .module[data-module-id=" + targetId + "]")); } graph.addEdge(module.attr("data-module-id"), targetId); }); }); } /** * Get the connected components of a specified graph and module. Alas, this * function doesn't exist in jsnetworkx. * @param graph - The graph instance. * @param moduleId - We're only interested in the connected component in which * the specified module is located. * @return A list of node IDs representing a connected component. */ function connectedComponents(graph, moduleId) { function getNeighbors(graph, node, visited) { visited.push(node); var neighbours = _.union(graph.predecessors(node), graph.successors(node)); var unvisitedNeighbors = _.filter(neighbours, function(n) { return !_.contains(visited, n); }); var result = _.flatten(_.map(unvisitedNeighbors, function(neighbour) { nodes = getNeighbors(graph, neighbour, visited); _.each(nodes, function(n) { if (!_.contains(visited, n)) { visited.push(n); } }); return nodes; })); result.push(node); return result; } return _.uniq(getNeighbors(graph, moduleId, [])); } /** * Create a virtual new module (without links & functionality). * @param event - The event, can be null. */ function createVirtualModule(event) { // Generate new module div var newModule = document.createElement("div"); $(newModule) .addClass("panel panel-default module new") .css("z-index", "900") .attr("data-module-name", "") .attr("data-module-group-name","") .attr("data-module-x", "") .attr("data-module-y", "") .attr("data-module-conns", "") .appendTo(draggable); var panelHeading = document.createElement("div"); $(panelHeading) .addClass("panel-heading") .appendTo($(newModule)); var panelTitle = document.createElement("div"); $(panelTitle) .addClass("panel-title") .html("") .appendTo($(panelHeading)); if (_.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-edit-connections"), "yes")) { var panelBody = document.createElement("div"); $(panelBody) .addClass("panel-body ep") .appendTo($(newModule)); } var overlayContainer = document.createElement("div"); $(overlayContainer) .addClass("overlay") .appendTo($(newModule)); return $(newModule); } /** * Update a previously created virtual module with HTML elements. * @param module - The jQuery module selector. * @param id - The new module id. * @param name - The module name. * @param gridDistX - The grid distance in X direction. * @param gridDistY - The grid distance in Y direction. * @return The updated module. */ function updateModuleHtml(module, id, name, gridDistX, gridDistY) { // Update some stuff inside the module module .attr("id", id) .attr("data-module-id", id) .attr("data-module-name", name) .css("z-index", 20); var panelHeading = module.find(".panel-heading"); module.find(".panel-title").html(name); module.find(".ep").html($("#drag-connections-placeholder").text().trim()); // Add dropdown var dropdown = document.createElement("div"); $(dropdown) .addClass("dropdown pull-right module-options") .appendTo($(panelHeading)); var dropdownToggle = document.createElement("a"); $(dropdownToggle) .addClass("dropdown-toggle") .attr("id", id + "_options") .attr("data-toggle", "dropdown") .attr("aria-haspopup", "true") .attr("aria-expanded", "true") .appendTo(dropdown); var toggleIcon = document.createElement("span"); $(toggleIcon) .addClass("fas") .addClass("fa-caret-down") .attr("aria-hidden", "true") .appendTo(dropdownToggle); var dropdownMenu = document.createElement("ul"); $(dropdownMenu) .addClass("dropdown-menu") .addClass("custom-dropdown-menu") .addClass("no-scale") .attr("aria-labelledby", id + "_options") .appendTo(dropdown); var dropdownMenuHeader = document.createElement("li"); $(dropdownMenuHeader) .addClass("dropdown-header") .html($("#dropdown-header-placeholder").text().trim()) .appendTo(dropdownMenu); // Add edit links if neccesary if (_.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-edit-modules"), "yes")) { var editModuleItem = document.createElement("li"); $(editModuleItem).appendTo(dropdownMenu); var editModuleLink = document.createElement("a"); $(editModuleLink) .attr("href", "") .attr("data-module-id", id) .addClass("edit-module") .html($("#edit-link-placeholder").text().trim()) .appendTo(editModuleItem); // Add click handler for the edit module $(editModuleLink).on("click touchstart", editModuleHandler); } // Add clone links if neccesary if (_.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-clone-modules"), "yes")) { var cloneModuleItem = document.createElement("li"); $(cloneModuleItem).appendTo(dropdownMenu); var cloneModuleLink = document.createElement("a"); $(cloneModuleLink) .attr("href", "") .attr("data-module-id", id) .addClass("clone-module") .html($("#clone-link-placeholder").text().trim()) .appendTo(cloneModuleItem); // Add clone click handler for the new module bindCloneModuleAction($(cloneModuleLink), ".diagram .module", gridDistX, gridDistY); var cloneModuleGroupItem = document.createElement("li"); $(cloneModuleGroupItem).appendTo(dropdownMenu); $(cloneModuleGroupItem).hide(); var cloneModuleGroupLink = document.createElement("a"); $(cloneModuleGroupLink) .attr("href", "") .attr("data-module-id", id) .addClass("clone-module-group") .html($("#clone-group-link-placeholder").text().trim()) .appendTo(cloneModuleGroupItem); // Add clone click handler for the new module bindCloneModuleGroupAction($(cloneModuleGroupLink), ".diagram .module", gridDistX, gridDistY); bindEditModeDropdownHandlers(module); } // Add move links if neccesary if (_.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-move-modules"), "yes")) { var moveModuleItem = document.createElement("li"); $(moveModuleItem).appendTo(dropdownMenu); var moveModuleLink = document.createElement("a"); $(moveModuleLink) .attr("href", "") .attr("data-module-id", id) .addClass("move-module") .html($("#move-link-placeholder").text().trim()) .appendTo(moveModuleItem); // Add clone click handler for the new module $(moveModuleLink).on("click touchstart", moveModuleHandler); // Add buttons for module groups var moveModuleGroupItem = document.createElement("li"); $(moveModuleGroupItem).appendTo(dropdownMenu); $(moveModuleGroupItem).hide(); var moveModuleGroupLink = document.createElement("a"); $(moveModuleGroupLink) .attr("href", "") .attr("data-module-id", id) .addClass("move-module-group") .html($("#move-group-link-placeholder").text().trim()) .appendTo(moveModuleGroupItem); $(moveModuleGroupLink).on("click touchstart", moveModuleGroupHandler); } // Add delete links if neccesary if (_.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-delete-modules"), "yes")) { var deleteModuleItem = document.createElement("li"); $(deleteModuleItem).appendTo(dropdownMenu); var deleteModuleLink = document.createElement("a"); $(deleteModuleLink) .attr("href", "") .attr("data-module-id", id) .addClass("delete-module") .html($("#delete-link-placeholder").text().trim()) .appendTo(deleteModuleItem); // Add delete click handler for the new module $(deleteModuleLink).on("click touchstart", deleteModuleHandler); var deleteModuleGroupItem = document.createElement("li"); $(deleteModuleGroupItem).appendTo(dropdownMenu); $(deleteModuleGroupItem).hide(); var deleteModuleGroupLink = document.createElement("a"); $(deleteModuleGroupLink) .attr("href", "") .attr("data-module-id", id) .addClass("delete-module-group") .html($("#delete-group-link-placeholder").text().trim()) .appendTo(deleteModuleGroupItem); // Add delete click handler for the new module $(deleteModuleGroupLink).on("click touchstart", deleteModuleGroupHandler); } // Set it up for jsPlumb, depending on permissions if (_.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-reposition-modules"), "yes")) { addDraggablesToInstance(module, gridDistX, gridDistY); } if (_.isEqual($("#update-canvas").data("can-edit-connections"), "yes")) { setElementsAsDropTargets(module); setElementsAsDragSources(module, null, null, EDIT_CONNECTOR_STYLE_2); } // Add dropdown touch support bindTouchDropdowns($(dropdownToggle)); // Re-zoom dropdown menu, so the new module's no-scale dropdown gets // rescaled $(dropdownMenu).css("transform", "scale(" + (1.0 / instance.getZoom()) + ")"); $(dropdownMenu).css("transform-origin", "0 0"); // Add IDs to the form var formAddInput = $('#update-canvas form input#add'); var formAddNameInput = $('#update-canvas form input#add-names'); var inputVal = formAddInput.attr("value"); var inputNameVal = formAddNameInput.attr("value"); if (_.isUndefined(inputVal) || inputVal === "") { formAddInput.attr("value", id); formAddNameInput.attr("value", name); } else { formAddInput.attr("value", inputVal + "," + id); formAddNameInput.attr("value", inputNameVal + SUBMIT_FORM_NAME_SEPARATOR + name); } return module; } /** * Bind the new module button action. * @param gridDistX - The canvas grid distance in X direction. * @param gridDistY - The canvas grid distance in Y direction. */ function bindNewModuleAction(gridDistX, gridDistY) { function handleDragStart(event, ui) { collided = false; } function handleDrag(event, ui) { // Custom grid implementation is needed // (so the new module snaps on the same grid offset // as the other modules) var l = ui.position.left; var t = ui.position.top; var gdx = gridDistX; var gdy = gridDistY; var z = instance.getZoom(); ui.position.left = Math.floor(l / (gdx * z)) * gdx; ui.position.top = Math.floor(t / (gdy * z)) * gdy; // Check if collision occured var modules = $(".module"); var module; for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { module = $(modules[i]); if (module.hasClass("new")) { continue; } if (_.isEqual(ui.helper.position(), module.position())) { // Collision! collided = true; break; } else { collided = false; } } if (collided) { ui.helper.addClass("collided"); } else { ui.helper.removeClass("collided"); } } function handleDragStop(event, ui) { if (!collided) { // Disable scroll on canvas temporarily, as it can be // dragged from modal area toggleCanvasEvents(false); // Copy the ui.helper, since it's gonna vanish soon! var clone = ui.helper.clone(true, true); clone.appendTo(draggable); clone.css("z-index", "20"); // Open modal window $("#modal-new-module").modal({ "backdrop": "static" }); } collided = false; } function handleNewNameConfirm(ev) { var input = $("#new-module-name-input"); // Validate module name var moduleNameValid = textValidator(ev, input, <%= Constants::NAME_MIN_LENGTH %>, <%= Constants::NAME_MAX_LENGTH %>, true); if (moduleNameValid) { // Set the "clicked" property to true modal.data("submit", "true"); } return moduleNameValid; } var newModuleBtn = $("#canvas-new-module"); var modal = $("#modal-new-module"); newModuleBtn.draggable({ cursor: "move", helper: createVirtualModule, start: handleDragStart, drag: handleDrag, stop: handleDragStop }); // Prevent "new module" button from submitting form newModuleBtn.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); // Bind the confirm button on modal modal.find("button[data-action='confirm']").on("click", function(ev) { handleNewNameConfirm(ev); }); // Also, bind on modal window open & close modal.on("show.bs.modal", function(ev) { // Clear input $(this).removeData("submit"); $(this).find("#new-module-name-input").val(""); // Remove potential error classes from form $(this).find("#new-module-name-input").parent().removeClass("has-error"); $(this).find("span.help-block").remove(); // Bind onto input keypress (to prevent form from being submitted) $(this).find("#new-module-name-input").keydown(function(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 13) { if (handleNewNameConfirm(ev)) { // Close modal modal.modal("hide"); } // In any case, prevent form submission ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return false; } }); }); modal.on("shown.bs.modal", function(event) { // Focus the text element $(this).find("#new-module-name-input").focus(); }); modal.on("hide.bs.modal", function (event) { var newModule = $(".module.new"); $(this).find("#new-module-name-input").off("keydown"); if (_.isEqual($(event.target).data("submit"), "true")) { // If modal was successfully submitted, generate the module var id = "n" + newModuleIndex++; graph.addNode(id); var name = $(this).find("#new-module-name-input").val(); updateModuleHtml(newModule, id, name, gridDistX, gridDistY); newModule.removeClass("new"); } else { // Else, remove the element newModule.remove(); } // In any case, enable scrolling on edit screen again toggleCanvasEvents(true); }); } function initEditModules() { function handleRenameConfirm(modal, ev) { var input = modal.find("#edit-module-name-input"); // Validate module name var moduleNameValid = textValidator(ev, input, <%= Constants::NAME_MIN_LENGTH %>, <%= Constants::NAME_MAX_LENGTH %>, true); if (moduleNameValid) { var newName = input.val(); var moduleId = modal.attr("data-module-id"); var moduleEl = $("#" + moduleId); // Update the module's name in GUI moduleEl.attr("data-module-name", newName); moduleEl.find(".panel-heading .panel-title").html(newName); // Add this information to form var formAddInput = $('#update-canvas form input#add'); var formAddNameInput = $('#update-canvas form input#add-names'); var formRenameInput = $("#update-canvas form input#rename"); var addedIds = formAddInput.attr("value").split(","); var existingIndex = _.indexOf(addedIds, moduleEl.attr("data-module-id")); if (existingIndex === -1) { // Actually rename an existing module var renameVal = JSON.parse(formRenameInput.attr("value")); renameVal[moduleEl.attr("data-module-id")] = newName; formRenameInput.attr("value", JSON.stringify(renameVal)); } else { // Just rename the add-name entry var addedNames = formAddNameInput.attr("value").split(SUBMIT_FORM_NAME_SEPARATOR); addedNames[existingIndex] = newName; formAddNameInput.attr("value", addedNames.join(SUBMIT_FORM_NAME_SEPARATOR)); } // Hide modal modal.modal("hide"); } } $("#modal-edit-module") .on("show.bs.modal", function (event) { var modal = $(this); var moduleId = modal.attr("data-module-id"); var moduleEl = $("#" + moduleId); var input = modal.find("#edit-module-name-input"); // Set the input to the current module's name input.attr("value", moduleEl.attr("data-module-name")); input.val(moduleEl.attr("data-module-name")); // Bind on enter button input.keydown(function(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 13) { // "Submit" modal handleRenameConfirm(modal, ev); // In any case, prevent form submission ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return false; } }); }) .on("shown.bs.modal", function(event) { // Focus the text element $(this).find("#edit-module-name-input").focus(); }) .on("hide.bs.modal", function (event) { // Remove potential error classes $(this).find("#edit-module-name-input").parent().removeClass("has-error"); $(this).find("span.help-block").remove(); $(this).find("#edit-module-name-input").off("keydown"); // When hiding modal, re-enable events toggleCanvasEvents(true); }); // Bind the confirm button on modal $("#modal-edit-module").find("button[data-action='confirm']").on("click", function(ev) { var modal = $(this).closest(".modal"); handleRenameConfirm(modal, ev); }); } /** * Handler when editing a specific module. */ editModuleHandler = function(ev) { var modal = $("#modal-edit-module"); var moduleEl = $(this).closest(".module"); // Set modal's module id modal.attr("data-module-id", moduleEl.attr("data-module-id")); // Disable dragging & zooming events on canvas temporarily toggleCanvasEvents(false); // Show modal modal.modal("show"); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return false; }; /** * Initialize editing of module groups. */ /** * Handler when editing a module group. */ function initMoveModules() { function handleMoveConfirm(modal) { var moduleId = modal.attr("data-module-id"); var moduleEl = $("#" + moduleId); var input = modal.find('.selectpicker'); var moveToExperimentId = input.val(); // Add this information to form var formMoveInput = $("#update-canvas form input#move"); // Save mapping to input var moveVal = JSON.parse(formMoveInput.attr("value")); moveVal[moduleEl.attr("data-module-id")] = moveToExperimentId; formMoveInput.attr("value", JSON.stringify(moveVal)); updateFormWithModulesData(moduleEl, '', GRID_DIST_EDIT_X, GRID_DIST_EDIT_Y); // Delete module from canvas deleteModule(moduleEl.attr("data-module-id"), true); // Hide modal modal.modal("hide"); } $("#modal-move-module") .on("show.bs.modal", function (event) { var modal = $(this); var moduleId = modal.attr("data-module-id"); var moduleEl = $("#" + moduleId); var input = modal.find('.selectpicker'); // Bind on enter button input.keydown(function(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 13) { // "Submit" modal handleMoveConfirm(modal); // In any case, prevent form submission ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return false; } }); }) .on("shown.bs.modal", function(event) { // Focus the text element $(this).find(".selectpicker").selectpicker().focus(); }) .on("hide.bs.modal", function (event) { // When hiding modal, re-enable events toggleCanvasEvents(true); }); // Bind the confirm button on modal $("#modal-move-module").find("button[data-action='confirm']").on("click", function(event) { var modal = $(this).closest(".modal"); handleMoveConfirm(modal); }); } /** * Handler when trying to move a specific module. */ moveModuleHandler = function(ev) { var modal = $("#modal-move-module"); var moduleEl = $(this).closest(".module"); // Set modal's module id modal.attr("data-module-id", moduleEl.attr("data-module-id")); // Disable dragging & zooming events on canvas temporarily toggleCanvasEvents(false); // Show modal modal.modal("show"); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return false; }; /** * Initialize editing of module groups. */ function initMoveModuleGroups() { function handleMoveModuleGroupConfirm(modal) { var moduleId = modal.attr("data-module-id"); var moduleEl = $("#" + moduleId); var input = modal.find('.selectpicker'); var moveToExperimentId = input.val(); // Retrieve all modules in this module group var components = connectedComponents(graph, moduleId.toString()); var group = _.map(components, function(id) { return $("#" + id); }); var conns = _.filter(graph.edges(), function(conn) { return _.contains(components, conn[0]) || _.contains(components, conn[1]); }); updateFormWithModulesData(group, conns.toString(), GRID_DIST_EDIT_X, GRID_DIST_EDIT_Y); // Add move information to form var formMoveInput = $("#update-canvas form input#move"); moveModules = []; _.each(group, function(m) { moveModules.push(m.attr("data-module-id")); }); // Put the array into input var moveVal = JSON.parse(formMoveInput.attr("value")); moveVal[moveModules] = moveToExperimentId; formMoveInput.attr("value", JSON.stringify(moveVal)); _.each(group, function(m) { deleteModule(m.attr("data-module-id")); }); // Hide modal modal.modal("hide"); } $("#modal-move-module-group") .on("show.bs.modal", function (event) { var modal = $(this); var moduleId = modal.attr("data-module-id"); var moduleEl = $("#" + moduleId); var input = modal.find('.selectpicker'); // Bind on enter button input.keydown(function(ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 13) { // "Submit" modal handleMoveConfirm(modal); // In any case, prevent form submission ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return false; } }); }) .on("shown.bs.modal", function(event) { // Focus the text element $(this).find(".selectpicker").selectpicker().focus(); }) .on("hide.bs.modal", function (event) { // When hiding modal, re-enable events toggleCanvasEvents(true); }); // Bind the confirm button on modal $("#modal-move-module-group").find("button[data-action='confirm']").on("click", function(event) { var modal = $(this).closest(".modal"); handleMoveModuleGroupConfirm(modal); }); } /** * Handler when editing a module group. */ moveModuleGroupHandler = function(ev) { var modal = $("#modal-move-module-group"); var moduleEl = $(this).closest(".module"); // Set modal's module id modal.attr("data-module-id", moduleEl.attr("data-module-id")); // Disable dragging & zooming events on canvas temporarily toggleCanvasEvents(false); // Show modal modal.modal("show"); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); return false; }; /** * Bind the delete module buttons actions. */ function bindDeleteModuleAction() { // First, bind the delete module handler onto all "delete module" links $(".module-options a.delete-module").on("click touchstart", deleteModuleHandler); // Then, bind on modal events var modal = $("#modal-delete-module"); // Bind the confirm button on modal modal.find("button[data-action='confirm']").on("click", function(event) { // Set the "clicked" property to true modal.data("submit", "true"); }); // Also, bind on modal window open & close modal.on("show.bs.modal", function(event) { // Remove submit flag $(this).removeData("submit"); // Disable dragging & zooming events on canvas temporarily toggleCanvasEvents(false); }); modal.on("hide.bs.modal", function (event) { if (_.isEqual($(event.target).data("submit"), "true")) { // If modal was successfully submitted, delete the module var id = $(event.target).data("module-id"); deleteModule(id.toString(), true); } // In any case, re-enable events on canvas toggleCanvasEvents(true); }); } function deleteModule(id, linkConnections) { var ins = graph.inEdges(id); var outs = graph.outEdges(id); var tempModuleEl; // Remove id from the graph structure, along with all connections if (graph.hasNode(id)) { graph.removeNode(id); } // Remove the module
    , along with all connections instance.remove($("#" + id)); // Connect the sources to destinations if (linkConnections) { _.each(ins, function(inEdge) { _.each(outs, function(outEdge) { // Only connect 2 nodes if // such a connection doesn't exist already if (!graph.hasEdge(inEdge[0], outEdge[1])) { graph.addEdge(inEdge[0], outEdge[1]); instance.connect({ source: $("#" + inEdge[0]), target: $("#" + outEdge[1]) }); } }); }); //Hide module group options for unconnected modules if (outs.length === 0) { // If node is sink _.each (ins, function(inEdge) { if (graph.degree(inEdge[0]) === 0) { tempModuleEl = $("#" + inEdge[0]); tempModuleEl.find(".clone-module-group").parents("li").hide(); tempModuleEl.find(".move-module-group").parents("li").hide(); tempModuleEl.find(".delete-module-group").parents("li").hide(); } }); } if (ins.length === 0) { // If node is source _.each (outs, function(outEdge) { if (graph.degree(outEdge[1]) === 0) { tempModuleEl = $("#" + outEdge[1]); tempModuleEl.find(".clone-module-group").parents("li").hide(); tempModuleEl.find(".move-module-group").parents("li").hide(); tempModuleEl.find(".delete-module-group").parents("li").hide(); } }); } } // Add ID to the form var formAddInput = $('#update-canvas form input#add'); var formAddNamesInput = $('#update-canvas form input#add-names'); var formClonedInput = $('#update-canvas form input#cloned'); var formRemoveInput = $('#update-canvas form input#remove'); var formMoveInput = $('#update-canvas form input#move'); var inputVal, newVal; var vals, idx; var addToRemoveList = true; // If the module was moved, we don't need to do anything with it inputVal = formMoveInput.attr("value"); if (!_.isUndefined(inputVal) && inputVal !== "") { moved = []; $.each(JSON.parse(formMoveInput.val()), function(key, value) { if (key.match(/.*,.*/)) moved = moved.concat(key.split(',')); else moved.push(key); }); if (_.contains(moved, id)) { addToRemoveList = false; return; } } // If the module we are deleting was added via JS // (and hasn't been saved yet), we don't need to "add" it // neither "remove" it, it simply ceases to exist inputVal = formAddInput.attr("value"); if (!_.isUndefined(inputVal) && inputVal !== "") { vals = inputVal.split(","); if (_.contains(vals, id)) { addToRemoveList = false; idx = vals.indexOf(id); vals.splice(idx, 1); formAddInput.attr("value", vals.join()); vals = formAddNamesInput.attr("value").split(SUBMIT_FORM_NAME_SEPARATOR); vals.splice(idx, 1); formAddNamesInput.attr("value", vals.join(SUBMIT_FORM_NAME_SEPARATOR)); } } // Okay, the module was not created, but it might be cloned, // so we need to check that as well if (!addToRemoveList) { inputVal = formClonedInput.attr("value"); if (!_.isUndefined(inputVal) && inputVal !== "") { vals = _.map(inputVal.split(";"), function(val) { return val.split(",")[1]; }); if (_.contains(vals, id)) { addToRemoveList = false; // Remove the cloned module from the cloned list newVal = ""; _.each(inputVal.split(";"), function(val) { if (!_.isEqual(val.split(",")[1], id)) { newVal = (newVal === "" ? "" : (newVal + ";")) + val; } }); formClonedInput.attr("value", newVal); } } } if (addToRemoveList) { inputVal = formRemoveInput.attr("value"); if (_.isUndefined(inputVal) || inputVal === "") { formRemoveInput.attr("value", id); } else { formRemoveInput.attr("value", inputVal + "," + id); } } } /** * Handler function when deleting a single module. */ deleteModuleHandler =function() { var id = $(this).data("module-id"); var modal = $("#modal-delete-module"); var name = $(".module#" + id).data("module-name"); var template = modal.find("#message-template").text().trim(); // Set the modal message modal.find("#delete-message").text(template.replace("%{module}", name)); // Send module id to modal modal.data("module-id", id); // Display delete modal modal.modal({ "backdrop": "static" }); return false; }; /** * Bind the delete module group buttons actions. */ function bindDeleteModuleGroupAction() { // First, bind the delete module group handler onto all // "delete module group" links $(".module-options a.delete-module-group").on("click touchstart", deleteModuleGroupHandler); // Then, bind on modal events var modal = $("#modal-delete-module-group"); // Bind the confirm button on modal modal.find("button[data-action='confirm']").on("click", function(event) { // Set the "clicked" property to true modal.data("submit", "true"); }); // Also, bind on modal window open & close modal.on("show.bs.modal", function(event) { // Remove submit flag $(this).removeData("submit"); // Disable dragging & zooming events on canvas temporarily toggleCanvasEvents(false); }); modal.on("hide.bs.modal", function (event) { if (_.isEqual($(event.target).data("submit"), "true")) { // If modal was successfully submitted, delete the module var id = $(event.target).data("module-id"); // Find all modules in the connected component var modules = connectedComponents(graph, id.toString()); // Delete all modules of the module group _.each(modules, function(moduleId) { deleteModule(moduleId, false); }); } // In any case, re-enable events on canvas toggleCanvasEvents(true); }); } /** * Handler function when deleting module group. */ deleteModuleGroupHandler = function() { var id = $(this).data("module-id"); var modal = $("#modal-delete-module-group"); var name = $(".module#" + id).data("module-name"); var template = modal.find("#message-template").text().trim(); // Set the modal message modal.find("#delete-message").text(template.replace("%{module}", name)); // Send module id to modal modal.data("module-id", id); // Display delete modal modal.modal({ "backdrop": "static" }); return false; }; /** * Bind the clone module action. * @param element - jQUery selector for the element on which the click action will run. * @param modulesSel - The selector string for all modules. * @param gridDistX - The grid distance in X direction. * @param gridDistY - The grid distance in Y direction. */ function bindCloneModuleAction(element, modulesSel, gridDistX, gridDistY) { element.on("click touchstart", function(event) { cloneModuleHandler($(this).data("module-id"), modulesSel, gridDistX, gridDistY); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); } /** * Handler function when cloning a single module. * @param moduleId - The ID of the original module. * @param modulesSel - The selector string for all modules. * @param gridDistX - The grid distance in X direction. * @param gridDistY - The grid distance in Y direction. */ cloneModuleHandler = function(moduleId, modulesSel, gridDistX, gridDistY) { var modules = $(modulesSel); var module = modules.filter("#" + moduleId); // Position for the cloned module var top = elTop(module) + (3 * gridDistY); var left = elLeft(module) + (3 * gridDistX); cloneModule(module, gridDistX, gridDistY, left, top); // Hide all open dropdowns $(".module-options").removeClass("open"); module.css("z-index", 20); }; /** * Clone the original module. * @param originalModule - The jQuery original module selector. * @param gridDistX - The grid distance in X direction. * @param gridDistY - The grid distance in Y direction. * @param left - The left position of the new module. * @param top - The top position of the new module. * @return The new module. */ function cloneModule(originalModule, gridDistX, gridDistY, left, top) { var moduleId = originalModule.data("module-id"); // Create new module element var id = "n" + newModuleIndex++; graph.addNode(id); var newModule = createVirtualModule(); elLeft(newModule, left); elTop(newModule, top); updateModuleHtml(newModule, id, originalModule.data("module-name"), gridDistX, gridDistY); newModule.removeClass("new"); // Add the cloned module id into the hidden input field var formAddInput = $('#update-canvas form input#add'); var formAddNamesInput = $('#update-canvas form input#add-names'); var formClonedInput = $('#update-canvas form input#cloned'); var inputVal, inputNameVal; // If we cloned a module with virtual id, there are 2 possibilities: // 1. Original module is newly created, which means that our cloned // module can also simply be treated as a new module; // 2. Original module is a cloned module, which means we want to extend // original module's original module into this new module var originalId = moduleId; var originalWasCloned = false; var fillClonedInput = true; if (_.isEqual(moduleId.toString().charAt(0), "n")) { // Find the original module's "original module", and retrieve its id // If such ID cannot be found, original module was not cloned fillClonedInput = false; inputVal = formClonedInput.attr("value"); _.each(inputVal.split(";"), function(val) { var val2 = val.split(","); if (_.isEqual(val2[1], moduleId)) { originalId = val2[0]; fillClonedInput = true; } }); } if (fillClonedInput) { inputVal = formClonedInput.attr("value"); if (_.isUndefined(inputVal) || inputVal === "") { formClonedInput.attr("value", originalId + "," + id); } else { formClonedInput.attr("value", inputVal + ";" + originalId + "," + id); } } instance.repaintEverything(); return newModule; } /** * Bind the clone module group action. * @param element - jQUery selector for the element on which the click action will run. * @param modulesSel - The selector string for all modules. * @param gridDistX - The grid distance in X direction. * @param gridDistY - The grid distance in Y direction. */ function bindCloneModuleGroupAction(element, modulesSel, gridDistX, gridDistY) { element.on("click touchstart", function(event) { cloneModuleGroupHandler($(this).data("module-id"), modulesSel, gridDistX, gridDistY); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); } /** * Handler function when cloning a module group. * @param moduleId - The ID of the original module. * @param modulesSel - The selector string for all modules. * @param gridDistX - The grid distance in X direction. * @param gridDistY - The grid distance in Y direction. */ cloneModuleGroupHandler = function(moduleId, modulesSel, gridDistX, gridDistY) { var modules = $(modulesSel); // Retrieve all modules in this module group var components = connectedComponents(graph, moduleId.toString()); var group = _.map(components, function(id) { return $("#" + id); }); // Calculate the size of the rectangle containing the whole workflow var width, height; var minX = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxX = -Number.MAX_VALUE; var minY = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxY = -Number.MAX_VALUE; _.each(group, function(m) { var l = elLeft(m); var t = elTop(m); if (l < minX) { minX = l; } if (l > maxX) { maxX = l; } if (t < minY) { minY = t; } if (t > maxY) { maxY = t; } }); m_width = modules.first().width(); m_height = modules.first().height(); width = maxX - minX + m_width + (3 * gridDistX); height = maxY - minY + m_height + (3 * gridDistY); // Find the appropriate "free space" var left = minX != Number.MAX_VALUE ? minX : 0; var top = maxY != -Number.MAX_VALUE ? maxY : 0; var offset = 0; var moduleContained; while (true) { moduleContained = false; for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { var module = $(modules[i]); // Skip modules from the module group if (_.contains(components, module.data("module-id").toString())) { continue; } var ml = elLeft(module); var mt = elTop(module); if (ml >= left && ml <= left + width - gridDistX && mt >= top + offset && mt <= top + offset + height - gridDistY) { moduleContained = true; break; } } // If no module contained, exit if (!moduleContained) { break; } offset += gridDistY; } // Alright, clone all modules from the group and // move them by the vertical offset clones = {}; _.each(group, function(m) { var nm = cloneModule(m, gridDistX, gridDistY, elLeft(m), elTop(m) + height + offset - gridDistY); //Show module group options nm.find(".clone-module-group").parents("li").show(); nm.find(".move-module-group").parents("li").show(); nm.find(".delete-module-group").parents("li").show(); clones[m.attr("data-module-id")] = nm.attr("data-module-id"); }); // Also, copy the outbound connections _.each(_.keys(clones), function(originalId) { var clonedId = clones[originalId]; _.each(graph.successors(originalId), function(outNode) { graph.addEdge(clonedId, clones[outNode]); instance.connect({ source: $("#" + clonedId), target: $("#" + clones[outNode]) }); }); }); // Hide all open dropdowns $(".module-options").removeClass("open"); $("#" + moduleId.toString()).css("z-index", 20); // Repainting is needed twice (weird, huh) instance.repaintEverything(); instance.repaintEverything(); }; /** * Before submission, graph & module group info needs to be * copied into hidden input fields via form * submission callback. * @param gridDistX - The canvas grid distance in X direction. * @param gridDistY - The canvas grid distance in Y direction. */ function bindEditFormSubmission(gridDistX, gridDistY) { $('#update-canvas form').submit(function(){ var modules = $(".diagram .module"); updateFormWithModulesData(modules, graph.edges().toString(), gridDistX, gridDistY) ignoreUnsavedWorkAlert = true; return true; }); } /** * Update form with given modules position and connections. * @param modules - Modules, which should be inserted into form * @param connections- Connections, which should be inserted into form (empty if * no connections) * @param gridDistX - The canvas grid distance in X direction. * @param gridDistY - The canvas grid distance in Y direction. */ function updateFormWithModulesData(modules, connections, gridDistX, gridDistY) { var connectionsDiv = $('#update-canvas form input#connections'); var positionsDiv = $('#update-canvas form input#positions'); var moduleNamesDiv = $('#update-canvas form input#module-groups'); // Connections are easy, just copy graph data if (connections) { if (connectionsDiv.val()) connectionsDiv.attr("value", connectionsDiv.val() + ',' + connections.toString()); else connectionsDiv.attr("value", connections.toString()); } // Positions are a bit more tricky, but still pretty straightforward var moduleGroupNames = {}; var positionsVal = ""; var module, id, x, y; _.each(modules, function(m) { module = $(m); id = module.attr("data-module-id"); x = elLeft(module) / gridDistX; y = elTop(module) / gridDistY; positionsVal += id + "," + x + "," + y + ";"; moduleGroupNames[id] = module.attr("data-module-group-name"); }); positionsDiv.attr("value", positionsVal + positionsDiv.val()); if (moduleNamesDiv.val()) moduleNamesDiv.attr("value", JSON.stringify($.extend(JSON.parse(moduleNamesDiv.val()), moduleGroupNames))); else moduleNamesDiv.attr("value", JSON.stringify(moduleGroupNames)); } /** * Position the modules onto the canvas. * @param modulesSel - The jQuery selector text of module elements. * @param gridDistX - The X canvas grid distance. * @param gridDistY - The Y canvas grid distance. */ function positionModules(modulesSel, gridDistX, gridDistY) { var modules = $(modulesSel); var module, x, y; _.each(modules, function(m) { module = $(m); x = module.data("module-x"); y = module.data("module-y"); elLeft(module, x * gridDistX); elTop(module, y * gridDistY); }); } /** * Add draggable element/s to the jsPlumb instance. * @param elements - The elements selector. * @param gridDistX - The grid distance in X direction. * @param gridDistY - The grid distance in Y direction. */ function addDraggablesToInstance(elements, gridDistX, gridDistY) { function handleDragStart(event, ui) { var draggedModule = $(event.el); leftInitial = elLeft(draggedModule); topInitial = elTop(draggedModule); collided = false; draggedModule .css("z-index", "25") .addClass("dragged"); } function handleDrag(event, ui) { var draggedModule = $(event.el); var modules = $(".module"); // Check if collision occured var module; for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { module = $(modules[i]); if (_.isEqual(module, draggedModule)) { continue; } if (_.isEqual(draggedModule.position(), module.position())) { // Collision! collided = true; break; } else { collided = false; } } if (collided) { draggedModule.addClass("collided"); } else { draggedModule.removeClass("collided"); } } function handleDragStop(event, ui) { var draggedModule = $(event.el); draggedModule .css("z-index", "20") .removeClass("dragged"); // Reposition element to back where it was if (collided) { draggedModule.removeClass("collided"); elLeft(draggedModule, leftInitial); elTop(draggedModule, topInitial); instance.revalidate(draggedModule); instance.repaintEverything(); } collided = false; } instance.draggable(elements, { snapThreshold: Math.max(gridDistX, gridDistY), grid: [gridDistX, gridDistY], start: handleDragStart, drag: handleDrag, stop: handleDragStop }); } /** * Set the specified elements as drop targets in jsPlumb instance. * @param elements - The elements to be used as drop targets. */ function setElementsAsDropTargets(elements) { instance.makeTarget(elements, { dropOptions: { hoverClass: "dragHover" }, anchor: "AutoDefault", allowLoopback: false }); } /** * Set the specified elements as drag sources in jsPlumb instance. * @param elements - The elements to be used as drag sources. * @param anchorStyle - Anchor style. * @param connectorStyle - Connector style. * @param connectorStyle2 - Connector style 2. */ function setElementsAsDragSources(elements, anchorStyle, connectorStyle, connectorStyle2) { // CSS_STYLE var newAnchorStyle = anchorStyle || DEFAULT_ANCHOR_STYLE; var newConnectorStyle = connectorStyle || DEFAULT_CONNECTOR_STYLE; var newConnectorStyle2 = connectorStyle2 || DEFAULT_CONNECTOR_STYLE_2; instance.makeSource(elements, { filter: ".ep", anchor: newAnchorStyle, connector: newConnectorStyle, allowLoopback: false, connectorStyle: newConnectorStyle2, }); } /** * Zooms the specified instance element, while retaining * the non-zoomable children. * @param zoomableElement - The element to be zoomed. * @param zoom - The zoom level (value between 0 and 1). * @param origin - The zoom origin, can be null. */ function zoomInstance(zoomableElement, zoom, origin) { zoomableElement.css("transform", "scale(" + zoom + ")"); if (!_.isUndefined(origin)) { zoomableElement.css("transform-origin", origin); } instance.setZoom(zoom); // Make sure the no-scale elements are kept on original scale: var noscale = zoomableElement.find(".no-scale"); noscale.css("transform", "scale(" + (1.0 / zoom) + ")"); noscale.css("transform-origin", "0 0"); } /** * Calculates the draggable element's size. * @param draggable - The draggable element. * @return - An object {width: , height: }. */ function calculateDraggableSize(draggable) { // Since draggable's width & height is usually 0, // we need to calculate its actual width & height // by extracting positions of its children (e.g. modules) var minX = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxX = -Number.MAX_VALUE; var minY = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxY = -Number.MAX_VALUE; var child, left, top, right, bottom; _.each(draggable.children(), function(c) { child = $(c); left = elLeft(child); top = elTop(child); right = left + child.width(); bottom = top + child.height(); if (left < minX) { minX = left; } if (right > maxX) { maxX = right; } if (top < minY) { minY = top; } if (bottom > maxY) { maxY = bottom; } }); if (minX === Number.MAX_VALUE) { minX = -1; } if (maxX === -Number.MAX_VALUE) { maxX = 1; } if (minY === Number.MAX_VALUE) { minY = -1; } if (maxY === -Number.MAX_VALUE) { maxY = 1; } return { width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY }; } /** * Remembers the draggable element's position. * @param draggable - The draggable element. * @param parent - The parent element to which the draggable element * is relative to. */ function rememberDraggablePosition(draggable, parent) { // Calculate the center of the draggable's parent X & Y var centerX = parent.width() / 2 - elLeft(draggable); var centerY = parent.height() / 2 - elTop(draggable); var draggableSize = calculateDraggableSize(draggable); draggableLeft = centerX / draggableSize.width; draggableTop = centerY / draggableSize.height; } /** * Restores the draggable element's position. * @param draggable - The draggable element. */ function restoreDraggablePosition(draggable, parent) { // Calculate the center of the draggable's parent X & Y var centerX = parent.width() / 2; var centerY = parent.height() / 2; var draggableSize = calculateDraggableSize(draggable); var left = draggableLeft * draggableSize.width; var top = draggableTop * draggableSize.height; elLeft(draggable, centerX - left); elTop(draggable, centerY - top); } /** * Initialize the modules hover animation. * @param modules - The modules jQuery selector. * @param sidebar - The sidebar jQuery selector. */ function initModulesHover(modules, sidebar) { function handlerIn() { var moduleId = $(this).data("module-id"); if (!_.isUndefined(moduleId)) { var currentModule = modules.filter("[data-module-id='" + moduleId + "']"); var currentMenu = sidebar.find("[data-module-id='" + moduleId + "']"); currentModule.addClass("module-hover"); currentMenu.addClass("module-hover"); } } function handlerOut() { var moduleId = $(this).data("module-id"); if (!_.isUndefined(moduleId)) { var currentModule = modules.filter("[data-module-id='" + moduleId + "']"); var currentMenu = sidebar.find("[data-module-id='" + moduleId + "']"); currentModule.removeClass("module-hover"); currentMenu.removeClass("module-hover"); } } modules.hover(handlerIn, handlerOut); sidebar.find("[data-module-id]").hover(handlerIn, handlerOut); } /** * Calculates the specified module group size. * @param modules - The modules belonging to this module group. * @return - An object {width: , height: }. */ function calculateModuleGroupSize(modules) { var minX = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxX = -Number.MAX_VALUE; var minY = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxY = -Number.MAX_VALUE; var module, left, top, right, bottom; _.each(modules, function(m) { module = $(m); left = elLeft(module); top = elTop(module); right = left + module.width(); bottom = top + module.height(); if (left < minX) { minX = left; } if (right > maxX) { maxX = right; } if (top < minY) { minY = top; } if (bottom > maxY) { maxY = bottom; } }); if (minX === Number.MAX_VALUE) { minX = -1; } if (maxX === -Number.MAX_VALUE) { maxX = 1; } if (minY === Number.MAX_VALUE) { minY = -1; } if (maxY === -Number.MAX_VALUE) { maxY = 1; } return { left: minX, top: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY }; } /** * Initialize the modules click action on sidebar * so the modules are then centered in canvas. * @param modules - The modules jQuery selector. * @param sidebar - The sidebar jQuery selector. * @param draggable - The canvas draggable jQuery selector. * @param parent - The parent of the draggable element. * @param modulePadding - The top-left padding form module display. */ function initSidebarClicks(modules, sidebar, draggable, parent, modulePadding) { function moduleHandler(event) { var moduleId = $(this).data("module-id"); var module = modules.filter("[data-module-id='" + moduleId + "']"); var centerX = parent.width() / 2; var centerY = parent.height() / 2; var left = centerX - elLeft(module) - (module.width() / 2); var top = centerY - elTop(module) - (module.height() / 2); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); animateReposition(draggable, left, top); return false; } sidebar.find(".canvas-center-on").click(moduleHandler); } /** * Initialize the jsPlumb by creating a new jsPlumb instance * (overrides the currently set global variable 'instance'). * @param containerSel - The jQuery selector text of the canvas container. * @param containerChildSel - The jQuery selector text of the canvas container child. * @param modulesSel - The jQuery selector text of module elements. * @param params - Various parameters: * @param params.gridDistX - Grid distance between modules in X direction. * @param params.gridDistY - Grid distance between modules in Y direction. * @param params.modulesDraggable - True if modules are draggable. * @param params.connectionsEditable - True if connections can be created/edited/removed. * @param params.zoomEnabled - True if zooming in/out is enabled. * @param params.zoomMin - The minimum zoom level (0. or greater, 1.0 is no zoom). * @param params.zoomMax - The maximum zoom level (0. or greater, 1.0 is no zoom). * @param params.zoomDist - The distance to travel towards mouse position on zoom. * @param params.scrollEnabled - True if dragging/scrolling of content is enabled. * @param params.endpointStyle - jsPlumb endpoint style. * @param params.connectionHoverStyle - jsPlumb style. * @param params.connectionOverlayStyle - jsPlumb style. * @param params.connectionLabelStyle - jsPlumb style. * @param params.anchorStyle - jsPlumb anchor style. * @param params.connectorStyle - jsPlumb endpoint style. * @param params.connectorStyle2 - jsPlumb endpoint style. */ function initJsPlumb(containerSel, containerChildSel, modulesSel, params) { // Functions used for scrolling function mouseUp(event) { container.off("mousemove touchmove"); } function mouseDown(event) { var source = $(event.target); if (!$(modulesSel).is(source) && $(modulesSel).has(source).length === 0 && source.is($(container))) { // Only do drag & drop if it doesn't // origin from module element drag_type = DRAG_INVALID; if (event.type == "mousedown" && (event.which || event.button) == 1) { drag_type = DRAG_MOUSE; } else if (event.type == "touchstart" && event.originalEvent.touches.length == 1) { drag_type = DRAG_TOUCH; } if (drag_type > 0) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); x_start = calcOffsetX(event); y_start = calcOffsetY(event); container.on("mousemove touchmove", moveDiagram); } } function moveDiagram(event, x_offset, y_offset) { // This function is invoked on mousemove var x_pos = 0, y_pos = 0, x_el = 0, y_el = 0; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); x_el = draggable.offset().left - draggable.parent().offset().left; y_el = draggable.offset().top - draggable.parent().offset().top; // Scale offset for X // (otherwise, this function only works on scale = 1.0) x_so = draggable.parent().width() / 2 * (1 - instance.getZoom()); var fastOffsetX = calcOffsetX(event); var fastOffsetY = calcOffsetY(event); x_pos = x_el - x_so + (fastOffsetX - x_start); y_pos = y_el + (fastOffsetY - y_start); x_start = fastOffsetX; y_start = fastOffsetY; if (draggable !== null) { elLeft(draggable, x_pos); elTop(draggable, y_pos); } } } // This needs to be here due to Firefox function calcOffsetX(e) { return (drag_type == DRAG_TOUCH ? (e.originalEvent.touches[0].offsetX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX) : (e.offsetX || e.pageX) ) - $(e.target).offset().left; } function calcOffsetY(e) { return (drag_type == DRAG_TOUCH ? (e.originalEvent.touches[0].offsetY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY) : (e.offsetY || e.pageY) ) - $(e.target).offset().top; } // Default parameter values var params2 = params ? params : {}; var gridDistX = params2.gridDistX || 350; var gridDistY = params2.gridDistY || 350; var modulesDraggable = params2.modulesDraggable || false; var connectionsEditable = params2.connectionsEditable || false; var zoomEnabled = params2.zoomEnabled || false; var zoomMin = params2.zoomMin || 0.3; var zoomMax = params2.zoomMax || 1.0; var zoomDist = params2.zoomDist || 150; var scrollEnabled = params2.scrollEnabled || true; // CSS_STYLE var endpointStyle = params2.endpointStyle || DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_STYLE; var connectionHoverStyle = params2.connectionHoverStyle || DEFAULT_CONNECTION_HOVER_STYLE; var connectionOverlayStyle = params2.connectionOverlayStyle || DEFAULT_CONNECTION_OVERLAY_STYLE; var connectionLabelStyle = params2.connectionLabelStyle || DEFAULT_CONNECTION_LABEL_STYLE; var anchorStyle = params2.anchorStyle || null; var connectorStyle = params2.connectorStyle || null; var connectorStyle2 = params2.connectorStyle2 || null; // End of parameters block var container = $(containerSel); var containerChild = $(containerChildSel); // Script for multitouch events hammertime = new Hammer(document.getElementById("canvas-container")); hammertime.get('pinch').set({ enable: canHammer }); function hammerZoom (event) { zoom = instance.getZoom() * event.scale; if (zoom < zoomMin) zoom = zoomMin; else if (zoom > zoomMax) zoom = zoomMax; zoomInstance(containerChild, zoom); } // Setup some styling defaults for jsPlumb instance = jsPlumb.getInstance({ Endpoint: endpointStyle, ConnectionOverlays: [ connectionOverlayStyle ], Container: containerChild }); window.jsp = instance; var modules = $(modulesSel); var jsp_modules = jsPlumb.getSelector(modulesSel); draggable = $(containerChildSel); if (modulesDraggable) { // Initialize draggable elements addDraggablesToInstance(jsp_modules, gridDistX, gridDistY); } if (connectionsEditable) { instance.bind("beforeDetach", function(connection) { }); // Prevent a connection to be made if it already exists between 2 modules instance.bind("beforeDrop", function(info) { var newConnection = info.connection; var allConnections = instance.getAllConnections(); var conn; for (var i = 0; i < allConnections.length; i++) { conn = allConnections[i]; if (_.isEqual(conn.source, newConnection.source) && _.isEqual(conn.target, newConnection.target)) { return false; } } // Now, check if we created a cycle var srcNode = $(newConnection.source).attr("data-module-id"); var targetNode = $(newConnection.target).attr("data-module-id"); graph.addEdge(srcNode, targetNode); if (!jsnx.isDirectedAcyclicGraph(graph)) { graph.removeEdge(srcNode, targetNode); return false; } var srcModuleEl = $("#" + srcNode); var targetModuleEl = $("#" + targetNode); //Modules should belong to module group now //Show module group options for target and source srcModuleEl.find(".clone-module-group").parents("li").show(); srcModuleEl.find(".move-module-group").parents("li").show(); srcModuleEl.find(".delete-module-group").parents("li").show(); targetModuleEl.find(".clone-module-group").parents("li").show(); targetModuleEl.find(".move-module-group").parents("li").show(); targetModuleEl.find(".delete-module-group").parents("li").show(); return true; }); // Bind a connection listener. Note that the parameter passed to this function contains more than // just the new connection - see the documentation for a full list of what is included in 'info'. // this listener sets the connection's internal // id as the label overlay's text. instance.bind("connection", function (info) { _.each(instance.getAllConnections(), function(conn) { conn.endpoints[0].setEnabled(false); conn.endpoints[1].setEnabled(false); }); }); // Bind a click listener to each connection instance.bind("click", function (c) { // Remove the edge from our graph data structure graph.removeEdge(c.sourceId, c.targetId); // Remove edge from GUI instance.detach(c); // Hide module group options if source or target module // is not part of a module group anymore var srcModuleEl = $("#" + c.sourceId); var targetModuleEl = $("#" + c.targetId); //First source if (graph.degree(c.sourceId) === 0) { srcModuleEl.find(".clone-module-group").parents("li").hide(); srcModuleEl.find(".move-module-group").parents("li").hide(); srcModuleEl.find(".delete-module-group").parents("li").hide(); } if (graph.degree(c.targetId) === 0) { targetModuleEl.find(".clone-module-group").parents("li").hide(); targetModuleEl.find(".move-module-group").parents("li").hide(); targetModuleEl.find(".delete-module-group").parents("li").hide(); } }); } // Suspend drawing and initialize if (modules.length > 0) { instance.batch(function () { // Set elements as connection sources setElementsAsDragSources(jsp_modules, anchorStyle, connectorStyle, connectorStyle2); // Initialise all elements as connection targets setElementsAsDropTargets(jsp_modules); // Initialize module connections var module, outs; _.each(modules, function(m) { module = $(m); outs = graph.successors(module.attr("data-module-id")); _.each(outs, function(out) { instance.connect({source: module, target: $("div[data-module-id=" + out + "]")}) }); }); }); } // Enable/disable connection endpoints /* _.each(instance.getAllConnections(), function(conn) { conn.endpoints[0].setEnabled(connectionsEditable); conn.endpoints[1].setEnabled(connectionsEditable); }); */ _.each(instance.getAllConnections(), function(conn) { conn.endpoints[0].setEnabled(false); conn.endpoints[1].setEnabled(false); }); // Update style on existing connections if (connectionsEditable) { _.each(instance.getAllConnections(), function(conn) { conn.setHoverPaintStyle(connectionHoverStyle); conn.setLabel(connectionLabelStyle); }); } // Make sure the new connections will have same style if (connectionsEditable) { instance.importDefaults({ HoverPaintStyle: connectionHoverStyle, ConnectionOverlays: [ connectionOverlayStyle, [ "Label", connectionLabelStyle ] ] }); } else { instance.importDefaults({ HoverPaintStyle: connectionHoverStyle, ConnectionOverlays: [ connectionOverlayStyle ] }); } // Enable / disable instance configs if (modules.length > 0) { instance.setDraggable(jsp_modules, modulesDraggable); instance.setSourceEnabled(jsp_modules, connectionsEditable); instance.setTargetEnabled(jsp_modules, connectionsEditable); } // Bind the mouse scroll event to scaling if (zoomEnabled) { container.mousewheel(function(event) { zoom = instance.getZoom() + (event.deltaY / 20); if (zoom < zoomMin || zoom > zoomMax) { return; } zoomInstance(containerChild, zoom); }); hammertime.on('pinch', hammerZoom); } if (scrollEnabled) { // Make the jsPlumb container movable/draggable for "google maps" effect container.on("mousedown touchstart", mouseDown); container.on("mouseup mouseout touchend", mouseUp); } // If this is not triggered, dropdown in edit mode // don't work on Firefox prior to zooming the canvas zoomInstance(containerChild, 1.0); jsPlumb.fire("jsPlumbLoaded", instance); } // Opens edit mode if redirected from empty experiment (function noWorkflowimgEditMode(){ if( getParam('editMode') ){ $("#edit-canvas-button").click(); } })(); /** prevent reload page */ var preventCanvasReloadOnSave = (function() { 'use strict'; function confirmReload() { if( confirm(I18n.t('experiments.canvas.reload_on_submit')) ) { return true; } else { return false } } function preventCanvasReload() { document.onkeydown = function(){ switch (event.keyCode){ case 116: event.returnValue = false; return confirmReload(); case 82: if (event.ctrlKey){ event.returnValue = false; return confirmReload(); } } } } function bindToCanvasSave(fun) { $('#canvas-save').on('click', function() { fun(); }) } return function() { bindToCanvasSave(preventCanvasReload) }; })();