class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base include SearchableModel include DatabaseHelper include Encryptor include WopiUtil require 'tempfile' # Lock duration set to 30 minutes LOCK_DURATION = 60*30 # Paperclip validation has_attached_file :file, { styles: { medium: '300x300>' } } validates_attachment :file, presence: true, size: { less_than: FILE_MAX_SIZE.megabytes } validates :estimated_size, presence: true validates :file_present, inclusion: { in: [true, false] } # Should be checked for any security leaks do_not_validate_attachment_file_type :file before_file_post_process :allow_styles_on_images # Asset validation # This could cause some problems if you create empty asset and want to # assign it to result validate :step_or_result belongs_to :created_by, foreign_key: 'created_by_id', class_name: 'User' belongs_to :last_modified_by, foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id', class_name: 'User' has_one :step_asset, inverse_of: :asset, dependent: :destroy has_one :step, through: :step_asset, dependent: :nullify has_one :result_asset, inverse_of: :asset, dependent: :destroy has_one :result, through: :result_asset, dependent: :nullify has_many :report_elements, inverse_of: :asset, dependent: :destroy has_one :asset_text_datum, inverse_of: :asset, dependent: :destroy # Specific file errors propagate to "file" error hash key, # so use just these errors after_validation :filter_paperclip_errors # Needed because Paperclip validatates on creation after_initialize :filter_paperclip_errors, if: :new_record? attr_accessor :file_content, :file_info, :preview_cached def file_empty(name, size) file_ext = name.split(".").last self.file_file_name = name self.file_content_type = Rack::Mime.mime_type(".#{file_ext}") self.file_file_size = size self.file_updated_at = self.file_present = false end def self.new_empty(name, size) asset = asset.file_empty name, size asset end def user, include_archived, query = nil, page = 1 ) step_ids = Step .search(user, include_archived, nil, SHOW_ALL_RESULTS) .joins(:step_assets) .select("") .distinct result_ids = Result .search(user, include_archived, nil, SHOW_ALL_RESULTS) .joins(:result_asset) .select("") .distinct if query a_query = query.strip .gsub("_","\\_") .gsub("%","\\%") .split(/\s+/) .map {|t| "%" + t + "%" } else a_query = query end # Trim whitespace and replace it with OR character. Make prefixed # wildcard search term and escape special characters. # For example, search term 'demo project' is transformed to # 'demo:*|project:*' which makes word inclusive search with postfix # wildcard. s_query = query.gsub(/[!()&|:]/, " ") .strip .split(/\s+/) .map {|t| t + ":*" } .join("|") .gsub('\'', '"') ids = Asset .select(:id) .distinct .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN step_assets ON step_assets.asset_id =") .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN result_assets ON result_assets.asset_id =") .joins("LEFT JOIN asset_text_data ON = asset_text_data.asset_id") .where("( IN (?) OR IN (?))", step_ids, result_ids) .where( "(assets.file_file_name ILIKE ANY (array[?]) " + "OR asset_text_data.data_vector @@ to_tsquery(?))", a_query, s_query ) # Show all results if needed if page != SHOW_ALL_RESULTS ids = ids .limit(SEARCH_LIMIT) .offset((page - 1) * SEARCH_LIMIT) end Asset .joins("LEFT JOIN asset_text_data ON = asset_text_data.asset_id") .select("assets.*") .select("ts_headline(data, to_tsquery('" + s_query + "'), 'StartSel=, StopSel=') headline") .where(" IN (?)", ids) end def is_image? !(self.file.content_type =~ /^image/).nil? end def text? TEXT_EXTRACT_FILE_TYPES.any? { |v| file_content_type.start_with? v } end # TODO: get the current_user # before_save do # if current_user # self.created_by ||= current_user # self.last_modified_by = current_user if self.changed? # end # end def is_stored_on_s3? file.options[:storage].to_sym == :s3 end def post_process_file(org = nil) # Update self.empty self.update(file_present: true) # Extract asset text if it's of correct type if text? "Asset #{id}: Creating extract text job" # The extract_asset_text also includes # estimated size calculation delay(queue: :assets).extract_asset_text(org) else # Update asset's estimated size immediately update_estimated_size(org) end end def extract_asset_text(org = nil) if file.blank? return end begin file_path = file.path if file.is_stored_on_s3? fa = file.fetch file_path = fa.path end if (!Yomu.class_eval('@@server_pid')) Yomu.server(:text,nil) sleep(5) end y = file_path text_data = y.text if asset_text_datum.present? # Update existing text datum if it exists asset_text_datum.update(data: text_data) else # Create new text datum AssetTextDatum.create(data: text_data, asset: self) end "Asset #{id}: Asset file successfully extracted" # Finally, update asset's estimated size to include # the data vector update_estimated_size(org) rescue Exception => e Rails.logger.fatal "Asset #{id}: Error extracting contents from asset file #{file.path}: " + e.message ensure File.delete file_path if fa end end def destroy report_elements.destroy_all asset_text_datum.destroy if asset_text_datum.present? # Nullify needed to force paperclip file deletion self.file = nil save delete end # If organization is provided, its space_taken # is updated as well def update_estimated_size(org = nil) if file_file_size.blank? return end es = file_file_size if asset_text_datum.present? and asset_text_datum.persisted? then asset_text_datum.reload es += get_octet_length_record(asset_text_datum, :data) es += get_octet_length_record(asset_text_datum, :data_vector) end es = es * ASSET_ESTIMATED_SIZE_FACTOR update(estimated_size: es) "Asset #{id}: Estimated size successfully calculated" # Finally, update organization's space if org.present? org.take_space(es) end end def url(style = :original, timeout: 30) if file.is_stored_on_s3? presigned_url(style, timeout: timeout) else file.url(style) end end # When using S3 file upload, we can limit file accessibility with url signing def presigned_url(style = :original, download: false, timeout: 30) if file.is_stored_on_s3? if download download_arg = 'attachment; filename=' + URI.escape(file_file_name) else download_arg = nil end signer = S3_BUCKET.client) signer.presigned_url(:get_object, bucket:, key: file.path(style)[1..-1], expires_in: timeout, # this response header forces object download response_content_disposition: download_arg) end end def open if file.is_stored_on_s3?, "rb") else, "rb") end end # Preserving attachments (on client-side) between failed validations (only usable for small/few files!) # Needs to be called before save method and view needs to have :file_content and :file_info hidden field # If file is an image, it can be viewed on front-end using @preview_cached with image_tag tag def preserve(file_data) if file_data[:file_content].present? restore_cached(file_data[:file_content], file_data[:file_info]) end cache end def can_perform_action(action) file_ext = file_file_name.split(".").last action = get_action(file_ext,action) if action.nil? return false end true end def get_action_url(user,action,with_tokens = true) file_ext = file_file_name.split(".").last action = get_action(file_ext,action) if !action.nil? action_url = action.urlsrc action_url = action_url.gsub(//, "IsLicensedUser=0&") action_url = action_url.gsub(//, "IsLicensedUser=0") action_url = action_url.gsub(/<.*?=.*?>/, "") rest_url = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.wopi_rest_endpoint_url(host: ENV["WOPI_ENDPOINT_URL"],id: id) action_url = action_url + "WOPISrc=#{rest_url}" if with_tokens action_url = action_url + "&access_token=#{user.get_wopi_token}&access_token_ttl=#{(user.wopi_token_ttl*1000).to_s}" else action_url end else return nil end end #is_locked, lock_asset and refresh_lock rely on the asset being locked in the database to prevent race conditions def is_locked if lock.nil? return false else return true end end def lock_asset(lock_string) self.lock = lock_string self.lock_ttl = + LOCK_DURATION delay(queue: :assets, run_at: LOCK_DURATION.seconds.from_now).unlock_expired! end def refresh_lock self.lock_ttl = + LOCK_DURATION delay(queue: :assets, run_at: LOCK_DURATION.seconds.from_now).unlock_expired! end def unlock self.lock = nil self.lock_ttl = nil! end def unlock_expired self.with_lock do if !self.lock_ttl.nil? and self.lock_ttl>= self.lock = nil self.lock_ttl = nil! end end end def update_contents(new_file) new_file.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :original_filename } new_file.original_filename = self.file_file_name self.file = new_file if self.version.nil? self.version = 1 else self.version = self.version + 1 end end protected # Checks if attachments is an image (in post processing imagemagick will # generate styles) def allow_styles_on_images if !(file.content_type =~ %r{^(image|(x-)?application)/(x-png|pjpeg|jpeg|jpg|png|gif)$}) return false end end private def filter_paperclip_errors if errors.size > 1 temp_errors = errors[:file] errors.clear errors.set(:file, temp_errors) end end def file_changed? previous_changes.present? and ( ( previous_changes.key? "file_file_name" and previous_changes["file_file_name"].first != previous_changes["file_file_name"].last ) or ( previous_changes.key? "file_file_size" and previous_changes["file_file_size"].first != previous_changes["file_file_size"].last ) ) end def step_or_result # We must allow both step and result to be blank because of GUI # (even though it's not really a "valid" asset) if step.present? && result.present? errors.add(:base, "Asset can only be result or step, not both.") end end def cache fetched_file = file.fetch file_content = @file_content = encrypt(file_content) @file_info = %Q[{"content_type" : "#{file.content_type}", "original_filename" : "#{file.original_filename}"}] @file_info = encrypt(@file_info) if !(file.content_type =~ /^image/).nil? @preview_cached = "data:image/png;base64," + Base64.encode64(file_content) end end def restore_cached(file_content, file_info) decoded_data = decrypt(file_content) decoded_data_info = decrypt(file_info) decoded_data_info = JSON.parse decoded_data_info data = data.class_eval do attr_accessor :content_type, :original_filename end data.content_type = decoded_data_info['content_type'] data.original_filename = File.basename(decoded_data_info['original_filename']) self.file = data end end