Feature: Invite people to SciNote As an owner of a team Want to add new User to my team throughout the SciNote Background: Given default screen size Given the following users are registered: | name | email | password | team | role | | Karli Novak | nonadmin@myorg.com | asdf1243 | BioSistemika Process | admin | | Marija Novak | marija@myorg.com | asdf1243 | Cell | admin | #And "nonadmin@myorg.com" is signed in with "asdf1243" - Cannot be used here if you want to access "Sign up" page @javascript Scenario: Successful Add team member1 Given "nonadmin@myorg.com" is signed in with "asdf1243" And Settings page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user And I click "Add team members" button And I fill bootsrap tags input with "lojze@myorg.com" And confirm with ENTER key to ".bootstrap-tagsinput>input" And I click "Invite Users" button And I click "As Normal Users" link Then I should see "lojze@myorg.com - User successfully invited to SciNote and team BioSistemika Process as Normal user." massage of "Invitation results:" modal window And I click "Close" button And I should see "pending" And I should see "lojze@myorg.com" @javascript Scenario: Successful Add team member2 Given "nonadmin@myorg.com" is signed in with "asdf1243" And Settings page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user And I click "Add team members" button And I fill bootsrap tags input with "marija@myorg.com" And confirm with ENTER key to ".bootstrap-tagsinput>input" And I click "Invite Users" button And I click "As Normal Users" link Then I should see "marija@myorg.com - User was already a member of SciNote - successfully invited to team BioSistemika Process as Normal user." massage of "Invitation results:" modal window And I click "Close" button And I should see "active" And I should see "marija@myorg.com" @javascript Scenario: Checking Add team members Given "nonadmin@myorg.com" is signed in with "asdf1243" And Settings page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user And I click "Add team members" button And I fill bootsrap tags input with "marija@myorg.com" And confirm with ENTER key to ".bootstrap-tagsinput>input" And I fill bootsrap tags input with "lojze@myorg.com" And confirm with ENTER key to ".bootstrap-tagsinput>input" And I click "Invite Users" button And I click "As Normal Users" link And I click "Close" button Then I should see "active" Then I should see "pending" Then I should see "marija@myorg.com" Then I should see "lojze@myorg.com" @javascript Scenario: Unsuccessful Add team member Given "nonadmin@myorg.com" is signed in with "asdf1243" And Settings page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user And I click "Add team members" button And I fill bootsrap tags input with "anicamyorg.com" And confirm with ENTER key to ".bootstrap-tagsinput>input" And I click "Invite Users" button And I click "As Normal Users" link Then I should see "anicamyorg.com - Invalid email." massage of "Invitation results:" modal window And I click "Close" button @javascript Scenario: Successful Sign up Given I visit the sign up page And I fill in "Karolina" in "#user_full_name" field And I fill in "mypassword3333" in "#user_password" field And I fill in "karolina@myorg.com" in "#user_email" field And I fill in "mypassword3333" in "#user_password_confirmation" field And I fill in "Circle" in "#team_name" field And I click "Sign up" button And I should see "Circle" Then I should see "Hi, Karolina" @javascript Scenario: Unsuccessful Sign up, Password confirmation does not match Given I visit the sign up page And I fill in "Agata Novakovic" in "#user_full_name" field And I fill in "mypassword6666" in "#user_password" field And I fill in "agata@myorg.com" in "#user_email" field And I fill in "mypassword6665 " in "#user_password_confirmation" field And I fill in "Flop" in "#team_name" field And I click "Sign up" button Then I should see "doesn't match Password" error message @javascript Scenario: Unsuccessful Sign up, Team name is missing Given I visit the sign up page And I fill in "Agata Novakovic" in "#user_full_name" field And I fill in "mypassword6666" in "#user_password" field And I fill in "agata@myorg.com" in "#user_email" field And I fill in "mypassword6666" in "#user_password_confirmation" field And I click "Sign up" button Then I should see "is too short (minimum is 2 characters)" error message