# frozen_string_literal: true # handles the import of repository records # requires 4 parameters: # @sheet: the csv file with imported rows # @mappings: mappings for columns # @user: current_user # @repository: the repository in which we import the items module RepositoryImportParser class Importer IMPORT_BATCH_SIZE = 500 def initialize(sheet, mappings, user, repository) @columns = [] @name_index = -1 @total_new_rows = 0 @new_rows_added = 0 @header_skipped = false @repository = repository @sheet = sheet @rows = SpreadsheetParser.spreadsheet_enumerator(@sheet) @mappings = mappings @user = user @repository_columns = @repository.repository_columns end def run fetch_columns return check_for_duplicate_columns if check_for_duplicate_columns import_rows! end private def fetch_columns @mappings.each.with_index do |(_, value), index| if value == '-1' # Fill blank space, so our indices stay the same @columns << nil @name_index = index else column = @repository_columns.preload(Extends::REPOSITORY_IMPORT_COLUMN_PRELOADS).find_by(id: value) next unless column && Extends::REPOSITORY_IMPORTABLE_TYPES.include?(column.data_type.to_sym) @columns << column end end end def check_for_duplicate_columns col_compact = @columns.compact if col_compact.map(&:id).uniq.length != col_compact.length { status: :error, nr_of_added: @new_rows_added, total_nr: @total_new_rows } end end def import_rows! errors = false @repository.transaction do batch_counter = 0 full_row_import_batch = [] @rows.each do |row| # Skip empty rows next if row.empty? unless @header_skipped @header_skipped = true next end @total_new_rows += 1 new_full_row = {} SpreadsheetParser.parse_row(row, @sheet).each.with_index do |value, index| if index == @name_index new_row = RepositoryRow.new(name: value, repository: @repository, created_by: @user, last_modified_by: @user) unless new_row.valid? errors = true break end new_full_row[:repository_row] = new_row next end next unless @columns[index] new_full_row[index] = value end if new_full_row[:repository_row].present? full_row_import_batch << new_full_row batch_counter += 1 end next if batch_counter < IMPORT_BATCH_SIZE import_batch_to_database(full_row_import_batch) full_row_import_batch = [] batch_counter = 0 end # Import of the remaining rows import_batch_to_database(full_row_import_batch) if full_row_import_batch.any? end if errors return { status: :error, nr_of_added: @new_rows_added, total_nr: @total_new_rows } end { status: :ok, nr_of_added: @new_rows_added, total_nr: @total_new_rows } end def import_batch_to_database(full_row_import_batch) repository_rows = full_row_import_batch.collect { |row| row[:repository_row] } @new_rows_added += RepositoryRow.import(repository_rows, recursive: false, validate: false).ids.length repository_rows.each { |row| row.run_callbacks(:create) } import_mappings = Hash[@columns.map { |column| column&.data_type&.to_sym } .compact .uniq .map { |data_type| [data_type, []] }] full_row_import_batch.each do |row| next unless row[:repository_row].id row.reject { |k| k == :repository_row }.each do |index, value| column = @columns[index] cell_value_attributes = { created_by: @user, last_modified_by: @user, repository_cell_attributes: { repository_row: row[:repository_row], repository_column: column, importing: true } } cell_value = column.data_type.constantize.import_from_text(value, cell_value_attributes) next if cell_value.nil? cell_value.repository_cell.value = cell_value import_mappings[column.data_type.to_sym] << cell_value end end import_mappings.each do |data_type, cell_values| data_type.to_s.constantize.import(cell_values, recursive: true, validate: false) end end end end