# frozen_string_literal: true class AssetsController < ApplicationController include WopiUtil include AssetsActions include ActiveStorage::SetCurrent include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include ActionView::Context include ActiveStorageFileUtil include ApplicationHelper include InputSanitizeHelper include FileIconsHelper include MyModulesHelper helper_method :wopi_file_edit_button_status before_action :load_vars, except: :create_wopi_file before_action :check_read_permission, except: %i(edit destroy create_wopi_file toggle_view_mode) before_action :check_edit_permission, only: %i(edit destroy toggle_view_mode) def file_preview render json: { html: render_to_string( partial: 'shared/file_preview/content.html.erb', locals: { asset: @asset, can_edit: can_manage_asset?(@asset), gallery: params[:gallery], preview: params[:preview] } ) } end def toggle_view_mode @asset.view_mode = toggle_view_mode_params[:view_mode] if @asset.save(touch: false) gallery_view_id = if @assoc.is_a?(Step) @assoc.id elsif @assoc.is_a?(Result) @assoc.my_module.id end html = render_to_string(partial: 'assets/asset.html.erb', locals: { asset: @asset, gallery_view_id: gallery_view_id }) respond_to do |format| format.json do render json: { html: html }, status: :ok end end end end def load_asset gallery_view_id = if @assoc.is_a?(Step) @assoc.id elsif @assoc.is_a?(Result) @assoc.my_module.id end render json: { html: render_to_string(partial: 'assets/asset.html.erb', locals: { asset: @asset, gallery_view_id: gallery_view_id }) } end def file_url return render_404 unless @asset.file.attached? render plain: @asset.file.blob.service_url end def download redirect_to rails_blob_path(@asset.file, disposition: 'attachment') end def edit action = @asset.file_size.zero? && !@asset.locked? ? 'editnew' : 'edit' @action_url = append_wd_params(@asset.get_action_url(current_user, action, false)) @favicon_url = @asset.favicon_url('edit') tkn = current_user.get_wopi_token @token = tkn.token @ttl = (tkn.ttl * 1000).to_s @asset.step&.protocol&.update(updated_at: Time.zone.now) create_wopi_file_activity(current_user, true) render layout: false end def view @action_url = append_wd_params(@asset.get_action_url(current_user, 'view', false)) @favicon_url = @asset.favicon_url('view') tkn = current_user.get_wopi_token @token = tkn.token @ttl = (tkn.ttl * 1000).to_s render layout: false end def pdf_preview return render plain: '', status: :not_acceptable unless previewable_document?(@asset.blob) return render plain: '', status: :accepted unless @asset.pdf_preview_ready? redirect_to @asset.file_pdf_preview.service_url end def create_start_edit_image_activity create_edit_image_activity(@asset, current_user, :start_editing) end def update_image @asset = Asset.find(params[:id]) orig_file_size = @asset.file_size orig_file_name = @asset.file_name return render_403 unless can_read_team?(@asset.team) @asset.file.attach(io: params.require(:image), filename: orig_file_name) @asset.save! create_edit_image_activity(@asset, current_user, :finish_editing) # release previous image space @asset.team.release_space(orig_file_size) # Post process file here @asset.post_process_file(@asset.team) @asset.step&.protocol&.update(updated_at: Time.zone.now) render_html = if [Result, Step].include?(@assoc.class) gallery_view_id = if @assoc.is_a?(Step) @assoc.id elsif @assoc.is_a?(Result) @assoc.my_module.id end render_to_string( partial: 'assets/asset.html.erb', locals: { asset: @asset, gallery_view_id: gallery_view_id }, formats: :html ) else render_to_string( partial: 'assets/asset_link.html.erb', locals: { asset: @asset, display_image_tag: true }, formats: :html ) end respond_to do |format| format.json do render json: { html: render_html } end end end # POST: create_wopi_file_path def create_wopi_file # Presence validation params.require(%i(element_type element_id file_type)) # File type validation render_403 && return unless %w(docx xlsx pptx).include?(params[:file_type]) # Asset validation asset = Asset.new(created_by: current_user, team: current_team) asset.file.attach(io: StringIO.new, filename: "#{params[:file_name]}.#{params[:file_type]}", content_type: wopi_content_type(params[:file_type])) unless asset.valid?(:wopi_file_creation) render json: { message: asset.errors }, status: :bad_request and return end # Create file depending on the type if params[:element_type] == 'Step' step = Step.find(params[:element_id].to_i) render_403 && return unless can_manage_step?(step) step_asset = StepAsset.create!(step: step, asset: asset) asset.update!(view_mode: step.assets_view_mode) step.protocol&.update(updated_at: Time.zone.now) edit_url = edit_asset_url(step_asset.asset_id) elsif params[:element_type] == 'Result' my_module = MyModule.find(params[:element_id].to_i) render_403 and return unless can_manage_my_module?(my_module) # First create result and then the asset result = Result.create(name: asset.file_name, my_module: my_module, user: current_user) result_asset = ResultAsset.create!(result: result, asset: asset) edit_url = edit_asset_url(result_asset.asset_id) else render_404 and return end # Prepare file preview in advance asset.medium_preview.processed && asset.large_preview.processed # Return edit url and asset info render json: { attributes: AssetSerializer.new(asset, scope: { user: current_user }).as_json, success: true, edit_url: edit_url }, status: :ok end def destroy if @asset.destroy case @assoc when Step if @assoc.protocol.in_module? log_step_activity( :task_step_file_deleted, @assoc, @assoc.my_module.experiment.project, my_module: @assoc.my_module.id, file: @asset.file_name ) else log_step_activity( :protocol_step_file_deleted, @assoc, nil, protocol: @assoc.protocol.id, file: @asset.file_name ) end when Result log_result_activity(:edit_result, @assoc) end render json: { flash: I18n.t('assets.file_deleted', file_name: @asset.file_name) } else render json: {}, status: :unprocessable_entity end end private def load_vars @asset = Asset.find_by(id: params[:id]) return render_404 unless @asset @assoc ||= @asset.step @assoc ||= @asset.result @assoc ||= @asset.repository_cell if @assoc.class == Step @protocol = @asset.step.protocol elsif @assoc.class == Result @my_module = @assoc.my_module elsif @assoc.class == RepositoryCell @repository = @assoc.repository_column.repository end end def check_read_permission render_403 and return unless can_read_asset?(@asset) end def check_edit_permission render_403 and return unless can_manage_asset?(@asset) end def append_wd_params(url) exclude_params = %w(wdPreviousSession wdPreviousCorrelation) wd_params = params.as_json.select { |key, _value| key[/^wd.*/] && !(exclude_params.include? key) }.to_query url + '&' + wd_params end def asset_params params.permit(:file) end def toggle_view_mode_params params.require(:asset).permit(:view_mode) end def asset_data_type(asset) return 'wopi' if wopi_file?(asset) return 'image' if asset.image? 'file' end def log_step_activity(type_of, step, project = nil, message_items = {}) default_items = { step: step.id, step_position: { id: step.id, value_for: 'position_plus_one' } } message_items = default_items.merge(message_items) Activities::CreateActivityService .call(activity_type: type_of, owner: current_user, subject: step.protocol, team: current_team, project: project, message_items: message_items) end def log_result_activity(type_of, result) Activities::CreateActivityService .call(activity_type: type_of, owner: current_user, subject: result, team: result.my_module.experiment.project.team, project: result.my_module.experiment.project, message_items: { result: result.id, type_of_result: t('activities.result_type.text') }) end end