class Constants #============================================================================= # String lengths #============================================================================= # Min characters for short text fields NAME_MIN_LENGTH = 2 # Max characters for short text fields NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 255 # Max characters for short text fields, after which they get truncated NAME_TRUNCATION_LENGTH = 25 # Max edge length MAX_EDGE_LENGTH = 75 # Max character for listing projects in dropdown MAX_NAME_TRUNCATION = 150 # Max characters for short text fields, in dropdownList NAME_TRUNCATION_LENGTH_DROPDOWN = 20 # Max characters for long text fields TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 10000 # Max characters for rich text fields (in html format) RICH_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 1000000 # Max characters for color field (given in HEX format) COLOR_MAX_LENGTH = 7 # Max characters for text in dropdown list element DROPDOWN_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 15 # Max characters for text in modal list element MODAL_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 55 # Max characters limit for (on most operating systems, it's ~255 characters, # but this is with a bit more safety margin) FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH = 100 # Max characters for filenames, after which they get truncated FILENAME_TRUNCATION_LENGTH = 50 # Max characters for names of exported files and folders, after which they get # truncated EXPORTED_FILENAME_TRUNCATION_LENGTH = 20 USER_INITIALS_MAX_LENGTH = 4 # Password 'key stretching' factor PASSWORD_STRETCH_FACTOR = 10 # Standard max length for email EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH = 254 # Some big value which is still supported by all databases, no matter what # data type is used INFINITY = ((2**32) / 2) - 1 # Prevents integer overflow for reminder delta seconds MAX_NUMBER_OF_REMINDER_WEEKS = 816 #============================================================================= # Query/display limits #============================================================================= # General limited/unlimited query/display elements for pages SEARCH_LIMIT = 20 # General global search limit for object groups GLOBAL_SEARCH_PREVIEW_LIMIT = 4 SEARCH_NO_LIMIT = -1 # General limited query/display elements for popup modals MODAL_SEARCH_LIMIT = 5 # Comments limited query/display elements for pages COMMENTS_SEARCH_LIMIT = 10 # Activity limited query/display elements for pages ACTIVITY_AND_NOTIF_SEARCH_LIMIT = 20 # Infinite Scroll load limit (elements per page) INFINITE_SCROLL_LIMIT = 20 # Maximum number of users that can be invited in a single action INVITE_USERS_LIMIT = 20 # Maximum nr. of search results for atwho (smart annotations) ATWHO_SEARCH_LIMIT = 10 # Max characters for repository name in Atwho modal ATWHO_REP_NAME_LIMIT = 16 # Results limited query/display elements for pages RESULTS_PER_PAGE_LIMIT = 10 #Experiments more button appears EXPERIMENT_LONG_DESCRIPTION = 80 # Infinite scroll default elements per page DEFAULT_ELEMENTS_PER_PAGE = 20 # Default navigator width DEFAULT_NAV_WIDTH = 208 #============================================================================= # File and data memory size #============================================================================= # Max table JSON size in MB TABLE_JSON_MAX_SIZE_MB = 20 # Max uploaded user picture avatar size in MB AVATAR_MAX_SIZE_MB = 0.2 # PDF preview file limit in MB PDF_PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE_MB = 10 #============================================================================= # Application space #============================================================================= # Minimal space needed for team (in B) MINIMAL_TEAM_SPACE_TAKEN = 1.megabyte # Additional space of each file is added to its estimated size to account for # DB indexes size etc. ASSET_ESTIMATED_SIZE_FACTOR = 1.1 #============================================================================= # Format sizes #============================================================================= # Picture size formats LARGE_PIC_FORMAT = [800, 600].freeze MEDIUM_PIC_FORMAT = [300, 300].freeze THUMB_PIC_FORMAT = [100, 100].freeze ICON_PIC_FORMAT = [40, 40].freeze ICON_SMALL_PIC_FORMAT = [30, 30].freeze # Hands-on-table number of starting columns and rows HANDSONTABLE_INIT_COLS_CNT = 5 HANDSONTABLE_INIT_ROWS_CNT = 5 # Word reports format. All units in Twips. # A twip is 1/20 of a point. Word documents are printed at 72dpi. 1in == 72pt == 1440 twips. # Here is default A4 REPORT_DOCX_WIDTH = 12240 REPORT_DOCX_HEIGHT = 15840 REPORT_DOCX_MARGIN_TOP = 720 REPORT_DOCX_MARGIN_RIGHT = 720 REPORT_DOCX_MARGIN_BOTTOM = 720 REPORT_DOCX_MARGIN_LEFT = 720 # Word borders in eighth point units. # A eighth point is 1/8 of a point. A border size of 4 is equivalent to 0.5pt. REPORT_DOCX_TABLE_BORDER_SIZE = 4 # All font size in half points REPORT_DOCX_REPORT_TITLE_SIZE = 36 REPORT_DOCX_EXPERIMENT_TITLE_SIZE = 32 REPORT_DOCX_MY_MODULE_TITLE_SIZE = 28 REPORT_DOCX_STEP_TITLE_SIZE = 22 REPORT_DOCX_STEP_ELEMENTS_TITLE_SIZE = 20 #============================================================================= # Styling #============================================================================= # Dropdown top offset from the parent DROPDOWN_TOP_OFFSET_PX = 20 #============================================================================= # Date and time #============================================================================= # URL expire time, used for presigned file URLs, because outsiders shouldn't # have access to them, but some buffer time is needed for file to be loaded URL_SHORT_EXPIRE_TIME = 30 # Same as URL_EXPIRE_TIME, except for cases where the URL migth be used in # another page, and hence the URL mustn't expire by then (e.g. when generating # report and than using same HTML code in PDF, and consequently same file # URL); it expires in exactly one day URL_LONG_EXPIRE_TIME = 86_400 DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = '%m/%d/%Y'.freeze SUPPORTED_DATE_FORMATS = [ # US formats '%m/%d/%Y', '%m.%d.%Y', '%m. %d. %Y', '%m-%d-%Y', '%-m/%-d/%Y', '%-m.%-d.%Y', '%-m. %-d. %Y', '%-m-%-d-%Y', # European formats '%d/%m/%Y', '%d.%m.%Y', '%d. %m. %Y', '%d-%b-%Y', '%Y-%m-%d', '%d.%b.%Y', '%Y/%b/%d', '%d, %B, %Y', '%B, %d, %Y', '%-d/%-m/%Y', '%-d.%-m.%Y', '%-d. %-m. %Y', '%d-%m-%Y', '%Y-%-m-%-d', '%-d-%b-%Y', '%Y-%b-%-d', '%-d, %B, %Y', '%B, %-d, %Y' ].freeze #============================================================================= # Application colors # # NOTE: Don't use shortened syntax, e.g. #000 for #000000, as some Gems need # full syntax! #============================================================================= TAG_COLORS = %i( #C4D3A0 #5EC66F #46C3C8 #A3CCE4 #3B99FD #104DA9 #6F2DC1 #FF69B4 #DF3562 #AD0015 #FF5C00 #E9A845 #B06500 #663300 #1D2939 #98A2B3 #DCE0E7 ).freeze # Theme colors BRAND_PRIMARY = '#104da9'.freeze # $brand-primary # Grayscale colors COLOR_WHITE = '#ffffff'.freeze # $color-white COLOR_CONCRETE = '#f0f0f6'.freeze # $color-concrete COLOR_ALTO = '#d0d0d8'.freeze # $color-alto COLOR_SILVER_CHALICE = '#a0a0a8'.freeze # $color-silver-chalice COLOR_VOLCANO = '#404048'.freeze # $color-volcano COLOR_BLACK = '#231f20'.freeze # $color-black # Fonts FONT_FAMILY_BASE = 'Inter,"Open Sans",Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;'.freeze # $font-family-base #============================================================================= # External URLs #============================================================================= HTTP = 'http://'.freeze TUTORIALS_URL = ENV.fetch('VIDEO_TUTORIALS_URL', "#{HTTP}").freeze SUPPORT_URL = ENV.fetch('KNOWLEDGE_CENTER_URL', '').freeze FREE_TRIAL_URL = ''.freeze # Default user picture avatar DEFAULT_AVATAR_URL = '/images/:style/missing.svg'.freeze ACADEMY_BL_LINK = ''.freeze PWA_URL = 'https://:pwa_domain/teams/:team_id/projects/:project_id/experiments/:experiment_id/tasks/:task_id/protocol/:protocol_id/:step_id?domain=:domain'.freeze TWO_FACTOR_URL = { google: { android: '', ios: '' }, microsoft: { android: '', ios: '' }, two_fa: { android: '', ios: '' }, } SCINOTE_FLUICS_URL = ''.freeze SCINOTE_ZEBRA_DOWNLOAD_URL = ''.freeze SCINOTE_ZEBRA_BLOG_URL = ''.freeze SCINOTE_ZEBRA_SUPPORT_URL = ''.freeze TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_CODE_COUNT = 6 TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_CODE_LENGTH = 12 API_KEY_EXPIRES_IN = 1.year #============================================================================= # Protocol importers #============================================================================= PROTOCOLS_ENDPOINTS = { protocolsio: { v3: 'ProtocolsIo::V3' } }.freeze PROTOCOLS_IO_URL = ''.freeze PROTOCOLS_IO_V3_API = { base_uri: '', default_timeout: 10, debug_level: :debug, sort_mappings: { alpha_asc: { order_field: :name, order_dir: :asc }, alpha_desc: { order_field: :name, order_dir: :desc }, newest: { order_field: :date, order_dir: :desc }, oldest: { order_field: :date, order_dir: :asc } }, endpoints: { protocols: { default_query_params: { filter: :public, key: '', order_field: :activity, order_dir: :desc, page_size: 50, page_id: 0, fields: 'id,title,authors,created_on,uri,stats,published_on' } }, publications: { default_query_params: { latest: 20 } } }, source_id: 'protocolsio/v3' }.freeze PROTOCOLS_DESC_TAGS = %w(a img i br).freeze #============================================================================= # Other #============================================================================= FILE_TEXT_FORMATS = %w(doc docm docx dot dotm dotx odt rtf).freeze FILE_TABLE_FORMATS = %w(csv ods xls xlsb xlsm xlsx).freeze FILE_PRESENTATION_FORMATS = %w(odp pot potm potx pps ppsm ppsx ppt pptm pptx).freeze WOPI_EDITABLE_FORMATS = %w( docx docm odt xlsx xlsm xlsb ods pptx ppsx odp ).freeze TEXT_EXTRACT_FILE_TYPES = [ 'application/msword', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template', 'application/pdf', 'application/rtf', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'application/', 'application/', 'application/', 'text/plain' ].freeze PREVIEWABLE_FILE_TYPES = TEXT_EXTRACT_FILE_TYPES # default preview timeout to 15 minutes PREVIEW_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = ENV['PREVIEW_TIMEOUT_SECONDS'] ? ENV['PREVIEW_TIMEOUT_SECONDS'].to_i : 900 WHITELISTED_IMAGE_TYPES = [ 'gif', 'jpeg', 'pjpeg', 'png', 'x-png', 'svg+xml', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'jpg' ].freeze WHITELISTED_IMAGE_TYPES_EDITABLE = %w( jpeg pjpeg png ).freeze config = Sanitize::Config::RELAXED.deep_dup config[:attributes][:all] << 'id' config[:attributes][:all] << 'contenteditable' config[:attributes]['img'] << 'data-mce-token' config[:attributes]['img'] << 'data-source-type' config[:attributes]['a'] << 'data-turbolinks' config[:protocols]['img']['src'] << 'data' INPUT_SANITIZE_CONFIG = Sanitize::Config.freeze_config(config) REPOSITORY_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 10 REPOSITORY_LIST_ITEMS_PER_COLUMN = 500 REPOSITORY_CHECKLIST_ITEMS_PER_COLUMN = 50 REPOSITORY_STOCK_UNIT_ITEMS_PER_COLUMN = 50 REPOSITORY_NUMBER_TYPE_DEFAULT_DECIMALS = 2 REPOSITORY_NUMBER_TYPE_MAX_DECIMALS = 10 REPOSITORY_DATETIME_REMINDER_PRESET = 10 # Repository default table state REPOSITORY_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE = { 'time' => 0, 'start' => 0, 'length' => REPOSITORY_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, 'order' => [[3, 'asc']], # Default sorting by 'name' column 'columns' => [], 'assigned' => 'assigned', 'ColReorder' => [*0..10] } 11.times do |i| REPOSITORY_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE['columns'] << { 'visible' => (i < 7 && i != 4), # relationship column is hidden by default 'searchable' => (i >= 1 && i != 4), # Checkboxes and relationship column is not searchable 'search' => { 'search' => '', 'smart' => true, 'regex' => false, 'caseInsensitive' => true } } end REPOSITORY_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE.freeze # Repository default table state REPOSITORY_SNAPSHOT_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE = { 'time' => 0, 'start' => 0, 'length' => REPOSITORY_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, 'order' => [[1, 'asc']], # Default sorting by 'ID' column 'columns' => [], 'assigned' => 'assigned', 'ColReorder' => [*0..4] } REPOSITORY_SNAPSHOT_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE['columns'] = REPOSITORY_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE['columns'][0..4].deep_dup REPOSITORY_SNAPSHOT_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE['columns'][4]['visible'] = true REPOSITORY_SNAPSHOT_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE.freeze # For default custom column template, any searchable default # column can be reused REPOSITORY_TABLE_STATE_CUSTOM_COLUMN_TEMPLATE = REPOSITORY_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE['columns'][1].deep_dup .freeze EXPORTABLE_ZIP_EXPIRATION_DAYS = 7 REPOSITORY_LIST_ITEMS_DELIMITERS_MAP = { return: "\n", comma: ',', semicolon: ';', space: ' ' }.freeze REPOSITORY_LIST_ITEMS_DELIMITERS_ICON_MAP = { auto: "*", return: "↵", comma: ',', semicolon: ';', space: '⎵' }.freeze IMPORT_REPOSITORY_ITEMS_LIMIT = 2000 IMPORT_REPOSITORY_ITEMS_MIN_LIMIT = 2 DEFAULT_TEAM_REPOSITORIES_LIMIT = 6 # Very basic regex to check for validity of emails BASIC_EMAIL_REGEX = URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP TINY_MCE_ASSET_REGEX = /data-mce-token="(\w+)"/ # Team name for default admin user DEFAULT_PRIVATE_TEAM_NAME = 'My projects'.freeze TEMPLATES_PROJECT_NAME = 'SciNote Examples'.freeze # Interval time for polling status state FAST_STATUS_POLLING_INTERVAL = 5000 SLOW_STATUS_POLLING_INTERVAL = 10000 # Interval time for polling asset changes when editing with SciNote Edit ASSET_POLLING_INTERVAL = 5000 ASSET_SYNC_TOKEN_EXPIRATION = 1.year ASSET_SYNC_URL = ENV['ASSET_SYNC_URL'].freeze # Grover timeout in ms GROVER_TIMEOUT_MS = 450000 # SciNote Edit supported versions MIN_SCINOTE_EDIT_VERSION = ENV['MIN_SCINOTE_EDIT_VERSION'].freeze MAX_SCINOTE_EDIT_VERSION = ENV['MAX_SCINOTE_EDIT_VERSION'].freeze # quick search QUICK_SEARCH_LIMIT = 5 QUICK_SEARCH_SEARCHABLE_OBJECTS = %w(project experiment my_module protocol repository_row report project_folder result label_template).freeze # ) \ / ( # /|\ )\_/( /|\ # * / | \ (/\|/\) / | \ * # |`.____________________/__|__o____\`|'/___o__|__\___________________.'| # | '^` \|/ '^` | # | V | # | _____ _ _ __ | # | |_ _| |__ __ _ _ __ | | __ _ _ ___ _ _ ( | | # | | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ / | | | |/ _ \| | | | | ) | # | | | | | | | (_| | | | | < | |_| | ( | | |_| | \_/ | # | |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\ \__, |\___/ \_,|_| _ | # | |___/ (_) | # | | # | Special Thank You for supporting SciNote on Kicstarter goes | # | to the following supporters | # | ._________________________________________________________________. | # |' l /\ / \\ \ /\ l `| # * l / V )) V \ l * # l/ // \I KICKSTARTER_SUPPORTERS = [ 'Manuela Lanzafame', 'Fluckiger Rudolf', 'Emily Gleason', 'Benjamin E Doremus', 'Chord Pet Wearable', 'Chris Taylor', 'Abraham White', 'Ryotaro Eguchi', 'Simon Waldherr', 'Isaac Sandaljian', 'Markus Rademacher' ].freeze end