class MyModule < ApplicationRecord include ArchivableModel include SearchableModel include SearchableByNameModel include TinyMceImages enum state: Extends::TASKS_STATES before_create :create_blank_protocol auto_strip_attributes :name, :description, nullify: false validates :name, length: { minimum: Constants::NAME_MIN_LENGTH, maximum: Constants::NAME_MAX_LENGTH } validates :description, length: { maximum: Constants::RICH_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH } validates :x, :y, :workflow_order, presence: true validates :experiment, presence: true validates :my_module_group, presence: true, if: proc { |mm| !mm.my_module_group_id.nil? } validate :coordinates_uniqueness_check, if: :active? belongs_to :created_by, foreign_key: 'created_by_id', class_name: 'User', optional: true belongs_to :last_modified_by, foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id', class_name: 'User', optional: true belongs_to :archived_by, foreign_key: 'archived_by_id', class_name: 'User', optional: true belongs_to :restored_by, foreign_key: 'restored_by_id', class_name: 'User', optional: true belongs_to :experiment, inverse_of: :my_modules, touch: true belongs_to :my_module_group, inverse_of: :my_modules, optional: true has_many :results, inverse_of: :my_module, dependent: :destroy has_many :my_module_tags, inverse_of: :my_module, dependent: :destroy has_many :tags, through: :my_module_tags has_many :task_comments, foreign_key: :associated_id, dependent: :destroy has_many :inputs, class_name: 'Connection', foreign_key: 'input_id', inverse_of: :to, dependent: :destroy has_many :outputs, class_name: 'Connection', foreign_key: 'output_id', inverse_of: :from, dependent: :destroy has_many :my_modules, through: :outputs, source: :to has_many :my_module_antecessors, through: :inputs, source: :from, class_name: 'MyModule' has_many :sample_my_modules, inverse_of: :my_module, dependent: :destroy has_many :samples, through: :sample_my_modules has_many :my_module_repository_rows, inverse_of: :my_module, dependent: :destroy has_many :repository_rows, through: :my_module_repository_rows has_many :user_my_modules, inverse_of: :my_module, dependent: :destroy has_many :users, through: :user_my_modules has_many :report_elements, inverse_of: :my_module, dependent: :destroy has_many :protocols, inverse_of: :my_module, dependent: :destroy # Associations for old activity type has_many :activities, inverse_of: :my_module scope :is_archived, ->(is_archived) { where('archived = ?', is_archived) } scope :active, -> { where(archived: false) } scope :overdue, -> { where('my_modules.due_date < ?', Time.current.utc) } scope :without_group, -> { active.where(my_module_group: nil) } scope :one_day_prior, (lambda do where('my_modules.due_date > ? AND my_modules.due_date < ?', Time.current.utc, Time.current.utc + end) scope :workflow_ordered, -> { order(workflow_order: :asc) } scope :uncomplete, -> { where(state: 'uncompleted') } # A module takes this much space in canvas (x, y) in database WIDTH = 30 HEIGHT = 14 def user, include_archived, query = nil, page = 1, current_team = nil, options = {} ) exp_ids = Experiment .search(user, include_archived, nil, Constants::SEARCH_NO_LIMIT) .pluck(:id) if current_team experiments_ids = Experiment .search(user, include_archived, nil, 1, current_team) .select('id') new_query = MyModule .distinct .where('my_modules.experiment_id IN (?)', experiments_ids) .where_attributes_like([:name, :description], query, options) if include_archived return new_query else return new_query.where('my_modules.archived = ?', false) end elsif include_archived new_query = MyModule .distinct .where('my_modules.experiment_id IN (?)', exp_ids) .where_attributes_like([:name, :description], query, options) else new_query = MyModule .distinct .where('my_modules.experiment_id IN (?)', exp_ids) .where('my_modules.archived = ?', false) .where_attributes_like([:name, :description], query, options) end # Show all results if needed if page == Constants::SEARCH_NO_LIMIT new_query else new_query .limit(Constants::SEARCH_LIMIT) .offset((page - 1) * Constants::SEARCH_LIMIT) end end def self.viewable_by_user(user, teams) where(experiment: Experiment.viewable_by_user(user, teams)) end def navigable? !experiment.archived? && experiment.navigable? end # Removes assigned samples from module and connections with other # modules. def archive(current_user) self.x = 0 self.y = 0 # Remove association with module group. self.my_module_group = nil MyModule.transaction do archived = super # Unassociate all samples from module. archived = SampleMyModule.where(my_module: self).destroy_all if archived # Remove all connection between modules. archived = Connection.where(input_id: id).delete_all if archived archived = Connection.where(output_id: id).delete_all if archived unless archived raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end archived end # Similar as super restore, but also calculate new module position def restore(current_user) restored = false # Calculate new module position new_pos = get_new_position self.x = new_pos[:x] self.y = new_pos[:y] MyModule.transaction do restored = super unless restored raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end experiment.generate_workflow_img restored end def repository_rows_count(repository) my_module_repository_rows.joins(repository_row: :repository) .where('': .count end def unassigned_users User.find_by_sql( "SELECT DISTINCT, users.full_name FROM users " + "INNER JOIN user_projects ON = user_projects.user_id " + "INNER JOIN experiments ON experiments.project_id = user_projects.project_id " + "WHERE = #{experiment_id.to_s}" + " AND NOT IN " + "(SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM user_my_modules WHERE user_my_modules.my_module_id = #{id.to_s})" ) end def unassigned_samples Sample.where(team_id: samples) end def unassigned_tags Tag.find_by_sql( "SELECT DISTINCT,, tags.color FROM tags " + "INNER JOIN experiments ON experiments.project_id = tags.project_id " + "WHERE = #{experiment_id.to_s} AND NOT IN " + "(SELECT DISTINCT tag_id FROM my_module_tags WHERE my_module_tags.my_module_id = #{id.to_s})" ) end def last_activities(count = Constants::ACTIVITY_AND_NOTIF_SEARCH_LIMIT) Activity.where(my_module_id: id).order(:created_at).last(count) end # Get module comments ordered by created_at time. Results are paginated # using last comment id and per_page parameters. def last_comments(last_id = 1, per_page = Constants::COMMENTS_SEARCH_LIMIT) last_id = Constants::INFINITY if last_id <= 1 comments = TaskComment.joins(:my_module) .where(my_modules: { id: id }) .where(' < ?', last_id) .order(created_at: :desc) .limit(per_page) comments.reverse end def last_activities(last_id = 1, count = Constants::ACTIVITY_AND_NOTIF_SEARCH_LIMIT) last_id = Constants::INFINITY if last_id <= 1 Activity.joins(:my_module) .where(my_module_id: id) .where(' < ?', last_id) .order(created_at: :desc) .limit(count) .uniq end def protocol # Temporary function (until we fully support # multiple protocols per module) protocols.count > 0 ? protocols.first : nil end def first_n_samples(count = Constants::SEARCH_LIMIT) samples.order(name: :asc).limit(count) end def number_of_samples samples.count end def is_overdue?(datetime = DateTime.current) due_date.present? && datetime.utc > due_date.end_of_day.utc end def overdue_for_days(datetime = DateTime.current) if due_date.blank? || due_date.end_of_day.utc > datetime.utc 0 else ((datetime.utc.to_i - due_date.end_of_day.utc.to_i) / end end def is_one_day_prior?(datetime = DateTime.current) is_due_in?(datetime, end def is_due_in?(datetime, diff) due_date.present? && datetime.utc < due_date.end_of_day.utc && datetime.utc > (due_date.end_of_day.utc - diff) end def space_taken st = 0 protocol.steps.find_each do |step| st += step.space_taken end results .includes(:result_asset) .find_each do |result| st += result.space_taken end st end def archived_results results .select('results.*') .select(' AS result_asset_id') .select(' AS result_table_id') .select(' AS result_text_id') .joins('LEFT JOIN result_assets AS ra ON ra.result_id =') .joins('LEFT JOIN result_tables AS rt ON rt.result_id =') .joins('LEFT JOIN result_texts AS rx ON rx.result_id =') .where(:archived => true) end # Treat this module as root, get all modules of that subtree def downstream_modules final = [] modules = [self] until modules.empty? my_module = modules.shift final << my_module unless final.include?(my_module) modules.push(*my_module.my_modules) end final end # Treat this module as inversed root, get all modules of that inversed subtree def upstream_modules final = [] modules = [self] until modules.empty? my_module = modules.shift final << my_module unless final.include?(my_module) modules.push(*my_module.my_module_antecessors) end final end # Generate the samples belonging to this module # in JSON form, suitable for display in handsontable.js def samples_json_hot(order) data = [] samples.order(created_at: order).each do |sample| sample_json = [] sample_json << if sample.sample_type.present? sample_json << else sample_json << I18n.t("samples.table.no_type") end if sample.sample_group.present? sample_json << else sample_json << I18n.t("samples.table.no_group") end sample_json << I18n.l(sample.created_at, format: :full) sample_json << sample.user.full_name data << sample_json end # Prepare column headers headers = [ I18n.t("samples.table.sample_name"), I18n.t("samples.table.sample_type"), I18n.t("samples.table.sample_group"), I18n.t("samples.table.added_on"), I18n.t("samples.table.added_by") ] { data: data, headers: headers } end # Generate the repository rows belonging to this module # in JSON form, suitable for display in handsontable.js def repository_json_hot(repository_id, order) data = [] repository_rows .includes(:created_by) .where(repository_id: repository_id) .order(created_at: order).find_each do |row| row_json = [] row_json << row_json << row_json << I18n.l(row.created_at, format: :full) row_json << row.created_by.full_name data << row_json end # Prepare column headers headers = [ I18n.t(''), I18n.t('repositories.table.row_name'), I18n.t('repositories.table.added_on'), I18n.t('repositories.table.added_by') ] { data: data, headers: headers } end def repository_json(repository_id, order, user) headers = [ I18n.t(''), I18n.t('repositories.table.row_name'), I18n.t('repositories.table.added_on'), I18n.t('repositories.table.added_by') ] repository = Repository.find_by_id(repository_id) return false unless repository repository.repository_columns.order(:id).each do |column| headers.push( end params = { assigned: 'assigned', search: {}, order: { values: { column: '1', dir: order } } } records =, params, user, self) { headers: headers, data: records } end def repository_docx_json(repository_id) headers = [ I18n.t(''), I18n.t('repositories.table.row_name'), I18n.t('repositories.table.added_on'), I18n.t('repositories.table.added_by') ] custom_columns = [] repository = Repository.find_by(id: repository_id) return false unless repository repository.repository_columns.order(:id).each do |column| headers.push( custom_columns.push( end records = repository_rows.where(repository_id: repository_id).select(:id, :name, :created_at, :created_by_id) { headers: headers, rows: records, custom_columns: custom_columns } end def deep_clone(current_user) deep_clone_to_experiment(current_user, experiment) end def deep_clone_to_experiment(current_user, experiment_dest) # Copy the module clone = name, experiment: experiment_dest, description: description, x: x, y: y) # set new position if cloning in the same experiment clone.attributes = get_new_position if clone.experiment == experiment! # Remove the automatically generated protocol, # & clone the protocol instead clone.protocol.destroy clone.reload # Update the cloned protocol if neccesary clone_tinymce_assets(clone, clone.protocols << protocol.deep_clone_my_module(self, current_user) clone.reload # fixes linked protocols clone.protocols.each do |protocol| next unless protocol.linked? protocol.updated_at = protocol.parent_updated_at end clone end # Find an empty position for the restored module. It's # basically a first empty row with empty space inside x=[0, 32). def get_new_position return { x: 0, y: 0 } if experiment.blank? # Get all modules position that overlap with first column, [0, WIDTH) and # sort them by y coordinate. positions = experiment.active_modules.collect { |m| [m.x, m.y] } .select { |x, _| x >= 0 && x < WIDTH } .sort_by { |_, y| y } return { x: 0, y: 0 } if positions.empty? || positions.first[1] >= HEIGHT # It looks we'll have to find a gap between the modules if it exists (at # least 2*HEIGHT wide ind = positions.each_cons(2).map { |f, s| s[1] - f[1] } .index { |y| y >= 2 * HEIGHT } return { x: 0, y: positions[ind][1] + HEIGHT } if ind # We lucked out, no gaps, therefore we need to add it after the last element { x: 0, y: positions.last[1] + HEIGHT } end def completed? state == 'completed' end # Check if my_module is ready to become completed def check_completness_status if protocol && protocol.steps.count > 0 completed = true protocol.steps.find_each do |step| completed = false unless step.completed end return true if completed end false end def complete self.state = 'completed' self.completed_on = end def uncomplete self.state = 'uncompleted' self.completed_on = nil end def self.my_modules_list_partial ungrouped_tasks = joins(experiment: :project) .select(' as experiment_name, as project_name, as task_name,') ungrouped_tasks.group_by { |i| [i[:project_name], i[:experiment_name]] }.map do |group, tasks| { project_name: group[0], experiment_name: group[1], tasks: { |task| { id:, task_name: task.task_name } } } end end private def create_blank_protocol protocols << Protocol.new_blank_for_module(self) end def coordinates_uniqueness_check if experiment && x, y: y).where.not(id: id).any? errors.add(:position, I18n.t('activerecord.errors.models.my_module.attributes.position.not_unique')) end end end