module Users class OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController include UsersGenerator skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token before_action :sign_up_with_provider_enabled?, only: :linkedin # You should configure your model like this: # devise :omniauthable, omniauth_providers: [:twitter] # You should also create an action method in this controller like this: # def twitter # end def linkedin auth_hash = request.env['omniauth.auth'] @user = User.from_omniauth(auth_hash) if @user && @user.current_team_id? # User already exists and has been signed up with LinkedIn; just sign in set_flash_message(:notice, :success, kind: I18n.t('devise.linkedin.provider_name')) sign_in_and_redirect @user elsif @user # User already exists and has started sign up with LinkedIn; # but doesn't have team (needs to complete sign up - agrees to TOS) set_flash_message(:alert, :failure, kind: I18n.t('devise.linkedin.provider_name'), reason: I18n.t('devise.linkedin.complete_sign_up')) redirect_to users_sign_up_provider_path(user: @user) elsif User.find_by_email(auth_hash['info']['email']) # email is already taken, so sign up with Linked in is not allowed set_flash_message(:alert, :failure, kind: I18n.t('devise.linkedin.provider_name'), reason: I18n.t('devise.linkedin.email_already_taken', email: auth_hash['info']['email'])) redirect_to after_omniauth_failure_path_for(resource_name) else # Create new user and identity; and redirect to complete sign up form full_name = "#{auth_hash['info']['first_name']} #{auth_hash['info']['last_name']}" @user = full_name: full_name, initials: generate_initials(full_name), email: auth_hash['info']['email'], password: generate_user_password ) if auth_hash['info']['picture_url'] avatar =['info']['picture_url']) @user.avatar.attach(io: avatar, filename: 'linkedin_avatar.jpg') end user_identity = @user, provider: auth_hash['provider'], uid: auth_hash['uid']) unless && set_flash_message(:alert, :failure, kind: I18n.t('devise.linkedin.provider_name'), reason: I18n.t('devise.linkedin.failed_to_save')) redirect_to after_omniauth_failure_path_for(resource_name) and return end # Confirm user @user.update_column(:confirmed_at, @user.created_at) redirect_to users_sign_up_provider_path(user: @user) end end # More info at: # # GET|POST /resource/auth/twitter # def passthru # super # end # GET|POST /users/auth/twitter/callback # def failure # super # end # protected # The path used when OmniAuth fails # def after_omniauth_failure_path_for(scope) # super(scope) # end private def sign_up_with_provider_enabled? render_403 unless Rails.configuration.x.enable_user_registration render_403 unless Rails.configuration.x.linkedin_signin_enabled end def generate_initials(full_name) initials = full_name.titleize.scan(/[A-Z]+/).join initials = initials.strip.empty? ? 'PLCH' : initials[0..3] initials end end end