module ProtocolsIoHelper #============================================================================= # limits #============================================================================= TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = Constants::TEXT_MAX_LENGTH PIO_ELEMENT_RESERVED_LENGTH_BIG = TEXT_MAX_LENGTH * 0.015 PIO_ELEMENT_RESERVED_LENGTH_MEDIUM = TEXT_MAX_LENGTH * 0.01 PIO_ELEMENT_RESERVED_LENGTH_SMALL = TEXT_MAX_LENGTH * 0.005 # PROTOCOLS.IO PROTOCOL ATTRIBUTES PIO_P_AVAILABLE_LENGTH = TEXT_MAX_LENGTH - (PIO_ELEMENT_RESERVED_LENGTH_SMALL * 2 + PIO_ELEMENT_RESERVED_LENGTH_MEDIUM * 8 + PIO_ELEMENT_RESERVED_LENGTH_BIG * 2) # -- 2 small = created at , publish date PROTOCOL ATTRIBUTES # -- 8 medium = description,tags,before_start,warning,guidelines, # manuscript_citation,keywords,vendor_name PROTOCOL ATTRIBUTES # -- 2 big = vendor_link, link PROTOCOL ATTRIBUTES # PROTOCOLS.IO STEP ATTRIBUTES PIO_S_AVAILABLE_LENGTH = TEXT_MAX_LENGTH - (PIO_ELEMENT_RESERVED_LENGTH_SMALL * 20) # -- 20 small = description,expected_result,safety_information # software_package version, software_package os_name, # software_package os_version,software_package link, # software_package repository,software_package developer,software_package name # commands os_version,commands os_name, commands name,commands description, # sub protocol full name (author), sub protocol name, sub protocol link, # dataset link,dataset name, safety_information link, # -- 0 medium = # -- 0 big = PIO_TITLE_TOOLONG_LEN = I18n.t('protocols.protocols_io_import.title_too_long').length + 2 PIO_STEP_TOOLONG_LEN = I18n.t('protocols.protocols_io_import.too_long').length # The + 2 above (in title) is there because if the length was at the limit, # the cutter method had issues, this gives it some space def protocolsio_string_to_table_element(description_string) string_without_tables = string_html_table_remove(description_string) table_regex = %r{
tables = {}
table_strings = description_string.scan(table_regex)
table_strings.each_with_index do |table, table_counter|
tables[table_counter.to_s] = {}
tr_strings = table[0].scan(tr_regex)
contents = {}
contents['data'] = []
tr_strings.each_with_index do |tr, tr_counter|
td_strings = tr[0].scan(td_regex)
contents['data'][tr_counter] = []
td_strings.each do |td|
td_stripped = ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags(td[0])
tables[table_counter.to_s]['contents'] = Base64.encode64(
contents.to_s.sub('=>', ':')
tables[table_counter.to_s]['name'] = nil
# return string_without_tables, tables
return tables, string_without_tables
def string_html_table_remove(description_string)
description_string.remove!("\n", "\t", "\r", "\f")
table_whole_regex = %r{( |