class Constants #============================================================================= # String lengths #============================================================================= # Min characters for short text fields NAME_MIN_LENGTH = 2 # Max characters for short text fields NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 255 # Max characters for short text fields, after which they get truncated NAME_TRUNCATION_LENGTH = 25 # Max characters for long text fields TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 10000 # Max characters for color field (given in HEX format) COLOR_MAX_LENGTH = 7 # Max characters for text in dropdown list element DROPDOWN_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 15 # Max characters for filenames, after which they get truncated FILENAME_TRUNCATION_LENGTH = 50 USER_INITIALS_MAX_LENGTH = 4 # Password 'key stretching' factor PASSWORD_STRETCH_FACTOR = 10 # Standard max length for email EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH = 254 # Some big value which is still supported by all databases, no matter what # data type is used INFINITY = 2**32 / 2 - 1 #============================================================================= # Query/display limits #============================================================================= # General limited/unlimited query/display elements for pages SEARCH_LIMIT = 20 SEARCH_NO_LIMIT = -1 # General limited query/display elements for popup modals MODAL_SEARCH_LIMIT = 5 # Comments limited query/display elements for pages COMMENTS_SEARCH_LIMIT = 10 # Activity limited query/display elements for pages ACTIVITY_AND_NOTIF_SEARCH_LIMIT = 10 # Maximum number of users that can be invited in a single action INVITE_USERS_LIMIT = 20 #============================================================================= # File and data memory size #============================================================================= # Max table JSON size in MB TABLE_JSON_MAX_SIZE_MB = 20 # Max uploaded file size in MB FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB = 50 # Max uploaded user picture avatar size in MB AVATAR_MAX_SIZE_MB = 0.2 #============================================================================= # Application space #============================================================================= # Minimal space needed for organization (in B) MINIMAL_ORGANIZATION_SPACE_TAKEN = 1.megabyte # Additional space of each file is added to its estimated size to account for # DB indexes size etc. ASSET_ESTIMATED_SIZE_FACTOR = 1.1 #============================================================================= # Format sizes #============================================================================= # Picture size formats MEDIUM_PIC_FORMAT = '300x300>'.freeze THUMB_PIC_FORMAT = '100x100>'.freeze ICON_PIC_FORMAT = '40x40>'.freeze ICON_SMALL_PIC_FORMAT = '30x30>'.freeze # Hands-on-table number of starting columns and rows HANDSONTABLE_INIT_COLS_CNT = 5 HANDSONTABLE_INIT_ROWS_CNT = 5 # Screen width which is still suitable for sidebar to be shown, otherwise # hidden SCREEN_WIDTH_LARGE = 928 #============================================================================= # Styling #============================================================================= # Dropdown top offset from the parent DROPDOWN_TOP_OFFSET_PX = 20 #============================================================================= # Time #============================================================================= # URL expire time, used for presigned file URLs, because outsiders shouldn't # have access to them, but some buffer time is needed for file to be loaded URL_SHORT_EXPIRE_TIME = 30 # Same as URL_EXPIRE_TIME, except for cases where the URL migth be used in # another page, and hence the URL mustn't expire by then (e.g. when generating # report and than using same HTML code in PDF, and consequently same file # URL); it expires in exactly one day URL_LONG_EXPIRE_TIME = 86_400 #============================================================================= # Application colors # # NOTE: Don't use shortened syntax, e.g. #000 for #000000, as some Gems need # full syntax! #============================================================================= TAG_COLORS = [ '#6C159E', '#159B5E', '#FF4500', '#008B8B', '#757575', '#32CD32', '#FFD700', '#48D1CC', '#15369E', '#FF69B4', '#CD5C5C', '#C9C9C9', '#6495ED', '#DC143C', '#FF8C00', '#C71585', '#000000' ].freeze # Theme colors COLOR_THEME_PRIMARY = '#37a0d9'.freeze # $color-theme-primary COLOR_THEME_SECONDARY = '#8fd13f'.freeze # $color-theme-secondary COLOR_THEME_DARK = '#6d6e71'.freeze # $color-theme-dark # Grayscale colors COLOR_WHITE = '#ffffff'.freeze # $color-white COLOR_ALABASTER = '#fcfcfc'.freeze # $color-alabaster COLOR_SNOW = '#f9f9f9'.freeze # $color-snow COLOR_WILD_SAND = '#f5f5f5'.freeze # $color-wild-sand COLOR_CONCRETE = '#f2f2f2'.freeze # $color-concrete COLOR_GALLERY = '#eeeeee'.freeze # $color-gallery COLOR_GAINSBORO = '#e3e3e3'.freeze # $color-gainsboro COLOR_ALTO = '#d2d2d2'.freeze # $color-alto COLOR_SILVER = '#c5c5c5'.freeze # $color-silver COLOR_DARK_GRAY = '#adadad'.freeze # $color-dark-gray COLOR_SILVER_CHALICE = '#a0a0a0'.freeze # $color-silver-chalice COLOR_GRAY = '#909088'.freeze # $color-gray COLOR_DOVE_GRAY = '#666666'.freeze # $color-dove-gray COLOR_EMPEROR = '#555555'.freeze # $color-emperor COLOR_MINE_SHAFT = '#333333'.freeze # $color-mine-shaft COLOR_NERO = '#262626'.freeze # $color-nero COLOR_BLACK = '#000000'.freeze # $color-black # Miscelaneous colors COLOR_MYSTIC = '#eaeff2'.freeze # $color-mystic COLOR_CANDLELIGHT = '#ffda23'.freeze # $color-candlelight # Red colors COLOR_MOJO = '#cf4b48'.freeze # $color-mojo COLOR_APPLE_BLOSSOM = '#a94442'.freeze # $color-apple-blossom COLOR_MILANO_RED = '#a70b05'.freeze # $color-milano-red #============================================================================= # External URLs #============================================================================= HTTP = 'http://'.freeze TUTORIALS_URL = (HTTP + '').freeze FAQ_URL = (HTTP + '').freeze SUPPORT_URL = (HTTP + '').freeze PLANS_URL = (HTTP + '').freeze CONTACT_URL = (HTTP + '').freeze RELEASE_NOTES_URL = (HTTP + '').freeze # Default user picture avatar DEFAULT_AVATAR_URL = '/images/:style/missing.png'.freeze #============================================================================= # Other #============================================================================= # Application version APP_VERSION = '1.4.0'.freeze TEXT_EXTRACT_FILE_TYPES = [ 'application/pdf', 'application/rtf', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'application/', 'application/', 'application/', 'text/plain' ].freeze # Very basic regex to check for validity of emails BASIC_EMAIL_REGEX = /^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+$/ # Organization name for default admin user DEFAULT_PRIVATE_ORG_NAME = 'My projects'.freeze # ) \ / ( # /|\ )\_/( /|\ # * / | \ (/\|/\) / | \ * # |`.____________________/__|__o____\`|'/___o__|__\___________________.'| # | '^` \|/ '^` | # | V | # | _____ _ _ __ | # | |_ _| |__ __ _ _ __ | | __ _ _ ___ _ _ ( | | # | | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ / | | | |/ _ \| | | | | ) | # | | | | | | | (_| | | | | < | |_| | ( | | |_| | \_/ | # | |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\ \__, |\___/ \_,|_| _ | # | |___/ (_) | # | | # | Special Thank You for supporting sciNote on Kicstarter goes | # | to the following supporters | # | ._________________________________________________________________. | # |' l /\ / \\ \ /\ l `| # * l / V )) V \ l * # l/ // \I KICKSTARTER_SUPPORTERS = [ 'Manuela Lanzafame', 'Fluckiger Rudolf', 'Emily Gleason', 'Benjamin E Doremus', 'Chord Pet Wearable', 'Chris Taylor', 'Abraham White', 'Ryotaro Eguchi', 'Simon Waldherr', 'Isaac Sandaljian', 'Markus Rademacher' ].freeze end