(function(){ var count = 0; function init(){ $("[data-id]").each(function(){ var that = $(this); initProjectExperiment(that); }); } function initProjectExperiment(element){ var container = element.find(".workflowimg-container"); var url = container.data("check-img"); var timestamp = container.data("timestamp"); var img_url = container.data('updated-img'); animateSpinner(container, true, { color: '#555', top: '60%', zIndex: '100' }); checkUpdatedImg(img_url, url, timestamp, container); } // checks if the experiment image is updated function checkUpdatedImg(img_url, url, timestamp, container){ if (count < 30 && timestamp){ $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", data: { "timestamp": timestamp }, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { getNewWorkforwImg(container, img_url); container.show(); animateSpinner(container, false); }, error: function (ev) { if (ev.status == 404) { setTimeout(function () { checkUpdatedImg(img_url, url, timestamp, container) }, 5000); } else { animateSpinner(container, false); } count++; } }); } else { animateSpinner(container, false); } } // fetch the new experiment image function getNewWorkforwImg(el, url){ $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { el.children('img').remove(); el.append(data.workflowimg); }, error: function (ev) { // TODO } }); } init(); })();