# frozen_string_literal: true class TinyMceAsset < ApplicationRecord extend ProtocolsExporter attr_accessor :reference before_create :set_reference, optional: true after_create :update_estimated_size, :self_destruct after_destroy :release_team_space belongs_to :team, inverse_of: :tiny_mce_assets, optional: true belongs_to :step, inverse_of: :tiny_mce_assets, touch: true, optional: true belongs_to :result_text, inverse_of: :tiny_mce_assets, touch: true, optional: true belongs_to :object, polymorphic: true, optional: true, inverse_of: :tiny_mce_assets has_attached_file :image, styles: { large: [Constants::LARGE_PIC_FORMAT, :jpg] }, convert_options: { large: '-quality 100 -strip' } validates_attachment_content_type :image, content_type: %r{^image/#{ Regexp.union( Constants::WHITELISTED_IMAGE_TYPES ) }} validates_attachment :image, presence: true, size: { less_than: Rails.configuration.x\ .file_max_size_mb.megabytes } validates :estimated_size, presence: true def self.update_images(object, images) images = JSON.parse(images) current_images = object.tiny_mce_assets.pluck(:id) images_to_delete = current_images.reject do |x| (images.include? Base62.encode(x)) end images.each do |image| image_to_update = find_by_id(Base62.decode(image)) image_to_update&.update(object: object, saved: true) unless image_to_update.object end where(id: images_to_delete).destroy_all object.delay(queue: :assets).copy_unknown_tiny_mce_images rescue StandardError => e Rails.logger.error e.message end def self.generate_url(description, obj = nil) # Check tinymce for old format description = update_old_tinymce(description, obj) description = Nokogiri::HTML(description) tm_assets = description.css('img[data-mce-token]') tm_assets.each do |tm_asset| asset_id = tm_asset.attr('data-mce-token') new_asset_url = find_by_id(Base62.decode(asset_id)) if new_asset_url tm_asset.attributes['src'].value = new_asset_url.url tm_asset['class'] = 'img-responsive' end end description.css('body').inner_html.to_s end def presigned_url(style = :large, download: false, timeout: Constants::URL_LONG_EXPIRE_TIME) if is_stored_on_s3? download_arg = ('attachment; filename=' + CGI.escape(image_file_name) if download) signer = Aws::S3::Presigner.new(client: S3_BUCKET.client) signer.presigned_url(:get_object, bucket: S3_BUCKET.name, key: image.path(style)[1..-1], expires_in: timeout, response_content_disposition: download_arg) end end def is_stored_on_s3? image.options[:storage].to_sym == :s3 end def url(style = :large, timeout: Constants::URL_LONG_EXPIRE_TIME) if image.is_stored_on_s3? presigned_url(style, timeout: timeout) else image.url(style) end end def open if image.is_stored_on_s3? Kernel.open(presigned_url, 'rb') else File.open(image.path, 'rb') end end def self.delete_unsaved_image(id) asset = find_by_id(id) asset.destroy if asset && !asset.saved end def self.update_old_tinymce(description, obj = nil, import = false) return description unless description description.scan(/\[~tiny_mce_id:(\w+)\]/).flatten.each do |token| old_format = /\[~tiny_mce_id:#{token}\]/ new_format = "" asset = find_by_id(token) # impor flag only for import from file cases, because we don't have image in DB unless asset || import # remove tag if asset deleted description.sub!(old_format, '') next end # If object (step or result text) don't have direct assciation to tinyMCE image, we need copy it. asset.clone_tinymce_asset(obj) if obj && obj != asset.object description.sub!(old_format, new_format) end description end def self.save_to_eln(ostream, dir) if exists? order(:id).each do |tiny_mce_asset| asset_guid = get_guid(tiny_mce_asset.id) asset_file_name = "rte-#{asset_guid.to_s + File.extname(tiny_mce_asset.image_file_name).to_s}" ostream.put_next_entry("#{dir}/#{asset_file_name}") input_file = tiny_mce_asset.open ostream.print(input_file.read) input_file.close end end ostream end def clone_tinymce_asset(obj) begin # It will trigger only for Step or ResultText team_id = if obj.class.name == 'Step' obj.protocol.team_id else obj.result.my_module.protocol.team_id end rescue StandardError => e Rails.logger.error e.message team_id = nil end return false unless team_id tiny_img_clone = TinyMceAsset.new( image: image, estimated_size: estimated_size, object: obj, team_id: team_id ) tiny_img_clone.save! obj.tiny_mce_assets << tiny_img_clone # Prepare array of image to update cloned_img_ids = [[id, tiny_img_clone.id]] obj_field = Extends::RICH_TEXT_FIELD_MAPPINGS[obj.class.name] # Update description with new format obj.update(obj_field => TinyMceAsset.update_old_tinymce(obj[obj_field])) # reassign images obj.reassign_tiny_mce_image_references(cloned_img_ids) end private def self_destruct TinyMceAsset.delay(queue: :assets, run_at: 1.days.from_now).delete_unsaved_image(id) end def update_estimated_size return if image_file_size.blank? es = image_file_size * Constants::ASSET_ESTIMATED_SIZE_FACTOR update(estimated_size: es) Rails.logger.info "Asset #{id}: Estimated size successfully calculated" # update team space taken team.take_space(es) team.save end def release_team_space team.release_space(estimated_size) team.save end def set_reference obj_type = "#{@reference.class.to_s.underscore}=".to_sym public_send(obj_type, @reference) if @reference end end