class Protocol < ActiveRecord::Base include SearchableModel include RenamingUtil after_save :update_linked_children after_destroy :decrement_linked_children enum protocol_type: { unlinked: 0, linked: 1, in_repository_private: 2, in_repository_public: 3, in_repository_archived: 4 } # Name is required when its actually specified (i.e. :in_repository? is true) validates :name, length: { maximum: NAME_MAX_LENGTH } validates :organization, presence: true validates :protocol_type, presence: true with_options if: :in_module? do |protocol| protocol.validates :my_module, presence: true protocol.validates :published_on, absence: true protocol.validates :archived_by, absence: true protocol.validates :archived_on, absence: true end with_options if: :linked? do |protocol| protocol.validates :added_by, presence: true protocol.validates :parent, presence: true protocol.validates :parent_updated_at, presence: true end with_options if: :in_repository? do |protocol| protocol.validates :name, presence: true protocol.validates :added_by, presence: true protocol.validates :my_module, absence: true protocol.validates :parent, absence: true protocol.validates :parent_updated_at, absence: true end with_options if: :in_repository_public? do |protocol| # Public protocol must have unique name inside its organization protocol.validates_uniqueness_of :name, scope: [:organization], conditions: -> { where(protocol_type: Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_public]) } protocol.validates :published_on, presence: true end with_options if: :in_repository_private? do |protocol| # Private protocol must have unique name inside its organization & user scope protocol.validates_uniqueness_of :name, scope: [:organization, :added_by], conditions: -> { where(protocol_type: Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_private]) } end with_options if: :in_repository_archived? do |protocol| # Archived protocol must have unique name inside its organization & user scope protocol.validates_uniqueness_of :name, scope: [:organization, :added_by], conditions: -> { where(protocol_type: Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_archived]) } protocol.validates :archived_by, presence: true protocol.validates :archived_on, presence: true end belongs_to :added_by, foreign_key: 'added_by_id', class_name: 'User', inverse_of: :added_protocols belongs_to :my_module, inverse_of: :protocols belongs_to :organization, inverse_of: :protocols belongs_to :parent, foreign_key: 'parent_id', class_name: 'Protocol' belongs_to :archived_by, foreign_key: 'archived_by_id', class_name: 'User', inverse_of: :archived_protocols belongs_to :restored_by, foreign_key: 'restored_by_id', class_name: 'User', inverse_of: :restored_protocols has_many :linked_children, class_name: 'Protocol', foreign_key: 'parent_id' has_many :protocol_protocol_keywords, inverse_of: :protocol, dependent: :destroy has_many :protocol_keywords, through: :protocol_protocol_keywords has_many :steps, inverse_of: :protocol, dependent: :destroy def, include_archived, query = nil, page = 1) org_ids = Organization .joins(:user_organizations) .where("user_organizations.user_id = ?", .select("id") .distinct module_ids = MyModule .search(user, include_archived, nil, SHOW_ALL_RESULTS) .select("id") where_str = "(protocol_type IN (?) AND my_module_id IN (?)) OR " + "(protocol_type = ? AND protocols.organization_id IN (?) AND added_by_id = ?) OR " + "(protocol_type = ? AND protocols.organization_id IN (?))" if include_archived where_str += " OR (protocol_type = ? AND protocols.organization_id IN (?) AND added_by_id = ?)" new_query = Protocol .where( where_str, [Protocol.protocol_types[:unlinked], Protocol.protocol_types[:linked]], module_ids, Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_private], org_ids,, Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_public], org_ids, Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_archived], org_ids, ) else new_query = Protocol .where( where_str, [Protocol.protocol_types[:unlinked], Protocol.protocol_types[:linked]], module_ids, Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_private], org_ids,, Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_public], org_ids ) end if query a_query = query.strip .gsub("_","\\_") .gsub("%","\\%") .split(/\s+/) .map {|t| "%" + t + "%" } else a_query = query end new_query = new_query .distinct .joins("LEFT JOIN protocol_protocol_keywords ON = protocol_protocol_keywords.protocol_id") .joins("LEFT JOIN protocol_keywords ON = protocol_protocol_keywords.protocol_keyword_id") .where_attributes_like( [ "", "protocols.description", "protocols.authors", "" ], a_query ) # Show all results if needed if page == SHOW_ALL_RESULTS new_query else new_query .limit(SEARCH_LIMIT) .offset((page - 1) * SEARCH_LIMIT) end end def linked_modules MyModule.joins(:protocols).where('protocols.parent_id = ?', id) end def linked_experiments(linked_mod) Experiment.where('id IN (?)', linked_mod.pluck(:experiment_id).uniq) end def linked_projects(linked_exp) Project.where('id IN (?)', linked_exp.pluck(:project_id).uniq) end def self.new_blank_for_module(my_module) organization: my_module.experiment.project.organization, protocol_type: :unlinked, my_module: my_module ) end # Deep-clone given array of assets def self.deep_clone_assets(assets_to_clone, org) assets_to_clone.each do |src_id, dest_id| src = Asset.find_by_id(src_id) dest = Asset.find_by_id(dest_id) if src.present? and dest.present? then # Clone file dest.file = src.file # Clone extracted text data if it exists if (atd = src.asset_text_datum).present? then atd2 = data:, asset: dest ) end # Update estimated size of cloned asset # (& file_present flag) dest.update( estimated_size: src.estimated_size, file_present: true ) # Update organization's space taken org.reload org.take_space(dest.estimated_size) end end end def self.clone_contents(src, dest, current_user, clone_keywords) assets_to_clone = [] # Update keywords if clone_keywords then src.protocol_keywords.each do |keyword| ProtocolProtocolKeyword.create( protocol: dest, protocol_keyword: keyword ) end end # Copy steps src.steps.each do |step| step2 = name:, description: step.description, position: step.position, completed: false, user: current_user, protocol: dest) # Copy checklists step.checklists.each do |checklist| checklist2 = name:, step: step2 ) checklist2.created_by = current_user checklist2.last_modified_by = current_user checklist.checklist_items.each do |item| item2 = text: item.text, checked: false, checklist: checklist2) item2.created_by = current_user item2.last_modified_by = current_user end step2.checklists << checklist2 end # "Shallow" Copy assets step.assets.each do |asset| asset2 = Asset.new_empty( asset.file_file_name, asset.file_file_size ) asset2.created_by = current_user asset2.last_modified_by = current_user step2.assets << asset2 assets_to_clone << [,] end # Copy tables step.tables.each do |table| table2 = contents: table.contents) table2.created_by = current_user table2.last_modified_by = current_user step2.tables << table2 end end # Call clone helper Protocol.delay(queue: :assets).deep_clone_assets( assets_to_clone, dest.organization ) end def in_repository_active? in_repository_private? || in_repository_public? end def in_repository? in_repository_active? || in_repository_archived? end def in_module? unlinked? || linked? end def linked_no_diff? linked? && updated_at == parent_updated_at && parent.updated_at == parent_updated_at end def newer_than_parent? linked? && parent.updated_at == parent_updated_at && updated_at > parent_updated_at end def parent_newer? linked? && updated_at == parent_updated_at && parent.updated_at > parent_updated_at end def parent_and_self_newer? linked? && parent.updated_at > parent_updated_at && updated_at > parent_updated_at end def number_of_steps steps.count end def completed_steps { |step| step.completed } end def space_taken st = 0 self.steps.find_each do |step| st += step.space_taken end st end def make_private(user) # Don't update "updated_at" timestamp self.record_timestamps = false self.added_by = user self.published_on = nil self.archived_by = nil self.archived_on = nil self.restored_by = nil self.restored_on = nil self.protocol_type = Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_private] save end # This publish action simply moves the protocol from # the private section in the repository into the public # section def publish(user) # Don't update "updated_at" timestamp self.record_timestamps = false self.added_by = user self.published_on = self.archived_by = nil self.archived_on = nil self.restored_by = nil self.restored_on = nil self.protocol_type = Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_public] save end def archive(user) # Don't update "updated_at" timestamp self.record_timestamps = false # We keep published_on present, so we know (upon restoring) # where the protocol was located self.archived_by = user self.archived_on = self.restored_by = nil self.restored_on = nil self.protocol_type = Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_archived] result = save # Update all module protocols that had # parent set to this protocol if result then Protocol.where(parent: self).find_each do |p| p.update( parent: nil, parent_updated_at: nil, protocol_type: :unlinked ) end end result end def restore(user) # Don't update "updated_at" timestamp self.record_timestamps = false self.archived_by = nil self.archived_on = nil self.restored_by = user self.restored_on = if self.published_on.present? self.published_on = self.protocol_type = Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_public] else self.protocol_type = Protocol.protocol_types[:in_repository_private] end save end def update_keywords(keywords) result = true begin Protocol.transaction do self.record_timestamps = false # First, destroy all keywords self.protocol_protocol_keywords.destroy_all if keywords.present? keywords.each do |kw_name| kw = ProtocolKeyword.find_by(name: kw_name) if kw.blank? kw = ProtocolKeyword.create( name: kw_name, organization: self.organization ) end self.protocol_keywords << kw end end end rescue result = false end result end def unlink self.parent = nil self.parent_updated_at = nil self.protocol_type = Protocol.protocol_types[:unlinked]! end def update_parent(current_user) # First, destroy parent's step contents parent.destroy_contents(current_user) parent.reload # Now, clone step contents Protocol.clone_contents(self, self.parent, current_user, false) # Lastly, update the metadata parent.reload parent.record_timestamps = false parent.updated_at = self.updated_at! self.record_timestamps = false self.parent_updated_at = self.updated_at! end def update_from_parent(current_user) # First, destroy step contents destroy_contents(current_user) # Now, clone parent's step contents Protocol.clone_contents(self.parent, self, current_user, false) # Lastly, update the metadata self.reload self.record_timestamps = false self.updated_at = self.parent.updated_at self.parent_updated_at = self.parent.updated_at self.added_by = current_user! end def load_from_repository(source, current_user) # First, destroy step contents destroy_contents(current_user) # Now, clone source's step contents Protocol.clone_contents(source, self, current_user, false) # Lastly, update the metadata self.reload self.record_timestamps = false self.updated_at = source.updated_at self.parent = source self.parent_updated_at = source.updated_at self.added_by = current_user self.protocol_type = Protocol.protocol_types[:linked]! end def copy_to_repository(new_name, new_protocol_type, link_protocols, current_user) clone = name: new_name, protocol_type: new_protocol_type, added_by: current_user, organization: self.organization ) if clone.in_repository_public? clone.published_on = end # Don't proceed further if clone is invalid if clone.invalid? return clone end # Okay, clone seems to be valid: let's clone it clone = deep_clone(clone, current_user) # If the above operation went well, update published_on # timestamp if clone.in_repository_public? clone.update(published_on: end # Link protocols if neccesary if link_protocols then self.reload self.record_timestamps = false self.added_by = current_user self.parent = clone ts = clone.updated_at self.parent_updated_at = ts self.updated_at = ts self.protocol_type = Protocol.protocol_types[:linked]! end return clone end def deep_clone_my_module(my_module, current_user) clone = Protocol.new_blank_for_module(my_module) = clone.authors = self.authors clone.description = self.description clone.protocol_type = self.protocol_type if self.linked? clone.added_by = current_user clone.parent = self.parent clone.parent_updated_at = self.parent_updated_at end deep_clone(clone, current_user) end def deep_clone_repository(current_user) clone = name:, authors: self.authors, description: self.description, added_by: current_user, organization: self.organization, protocol_type: self.protocol_type, published_on: self.in_repository_public? ? : nil, ) deep_clone(clone, current_user) end def destroy_contents(current_user) # Calculate total space taken by the protocol st = self.space_taken self.steps.find_each do |step| unless step.destroy(current_user) then raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed end end # Release space taken by the step self.organization.release_space(st) # Reload protocol self.reload end private def deep_clone(clone, current_user) # Save cloned protocol first success = # Rename protocol if needed unless success rename_record(clone, :name) success = end unless success raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved end Protocol.clone_contents(self, clone, current_user, true) clone.reload return clone end def update_linked_children # Increment/decrement the parent's nr of linked children if self.parent_id_changed? if self.parent_id_was != nil p = Protocol.find_by_id(self.parent_id_was) p.record_timestamps = false p.decrement!(:nr_of_linked_children) end if self.parent_id != nil self.parent.record_timestamps = false self.parent.increment!(:nr_of_linked_children) end end end def decrement_linked_children self.parent.decrement!(:nr_of_linked_children) if self.parent.present? end end