(function(){ 'use strict'; /** * Toggle the view/edit form visibility. * @param form - The jQuery form selector. * @param edit - True to set form to edit mode; * false to set form to view mode. */ function toggleFormVisibility(form, edit) { if (edit) { form.find("[data-part='view']").hide(); form.find("[data-part='edit']").show(); form.find("[data-part='edit'] input:not([type='file']):not([type='submit']):first").focus(); } else { form.find("[data-part='view']").show(); form.find("[data-part='edit'] input").blur(); form.find("[data-part='edit']").hide(); // Clear all errors on the parent form form.clearFormErrors(); // Clear any neccesary fields form.find("input[data-role='clear']").val(""); // Copy field data var val = form.find("input[data-role='src']").val(); form.find("input[data-role='edit']").val(val); } } var forms = $("form[data-for]"); // Add "edit form" listeners forms .find("[data-action='edit']").click(function() { var form = $(this).closest("form"); // First, hide all form edits _.each(forms, function(form) { toggleFormVisibility($(form), false); }); // Then, edit the current form toggleFormVisibility(form, true); }); // Add "cancel form" listeners forms .find("[data-action='cancel']").click(function() { var form = $(this).closest("form"); // Hide the edit portion of the form toggleFormVisibility(form, false); }); // Add form submit listeners forms .on("ajax:success", function(ev, data, status) { // Simply reload the page location.reload(); }) .on("ajax:error", function(ev, data, status) { // Render form errors $(this).renderFormErrors("user", data.responseJSON); }); notificationsSettings(); initNotificationSettingsForm(); // Setup notification checkbox buttons function notificationsSettings() { var notification_settings = [ "recent_notification", "assignments_notification" ] for (var i = 0; i < notification_settings.length; i++ ) { var setting = $('[name="' + notification_settings[i] + '"]'); var dependant = $('[name="' + notification_settings[i] + '_email"]'); dependant.checkboxpicker({ onActiveCls: 'btn-primary' }); setting .checkboxpicker({ onActiveCls: 'btn-primary' }).change(function() { if ( $(this).prop('checked') ) { enableDependant($('[name="' + $(this).attr('name') + '_email"]')); } else { disableDependant($('[name="' + $(this).attr('name') + '_email"]')); } }); if ( setting.attr('value') === 'true' ) { setting.prop('checked', true); } else { setting.prop('checked', false); disableDependant(dependant); } setEmailSwitch(dependant); } function setEmailSwitch(setting) { setting .checkboxpicker({ onActiveCls: 'btn-primary' }); if ( setting.attr('value') === 'true' ) { setting.prop('checked', true); enableDependant(setting); } else { setting.prop('checked', false); } } function disableDependant(dependant) { dependant.checkboxpicker().prop('disabled', true); dependant.checkboxpicker().prop('checked', false); } function enableDependant(dependant) { dependant.checkboxpicker().prop('disabled', false); } // Initialize system messages var system_message_notification = $('[name="system_message_notification"]'); system_message_notification .checkboxpicker({ onActiveCls: 'btn-primary' }); system_message_notification.prop('checked', true); system_message_notification.prop('disabled', true); // Initialize system messages email var system_message_notification_mail = $('[name="system_message_notification_email"]'); system_message_notification_mail .checkboxpicker({ onActiveCls: 'btn-primary' }); system_message_notification_mail.prop( 'checked', system_message_notification_mail.attr('value') === 'true' ); } // triggers submit action when the user clicks function initNotificationSettingsForm() { $('#notifications-settings-panel') .find('.btn-group') .on('click', function() { $(this).submit(); }); } })();