module Api class AzureJwt require 'jwt' KEYS_CACHING_PERIOD = 7.days LEEWAY = 30 def self.fetch_rsa_key(k_id, app_id) cache_key = "api_azure_ad_rsa_key_#{k_id}" Rails.cache.fetch(cache_key, expires_in: KEYS_CACHING_PERIOD) do settings = ApplicationSettings.instance provider_conf = settings.values['azure_ad_apps']&.find { |v| v['app_id'] == app_id } raise JWT::VerificationError, 'Azure AD: No application configured with such ID' unless provider_conf conf_url = provider_conf['conf_url'] keys_url = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get(URI(conf_url)))['jwks_uri'] data = JSON.parse(Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(keys_url))) verif_key = data['keys'].find { |key| key['kid'] == k_id } raise JWT::VerificationError, 'Azure AD: No keys from key endpoint match the key in the token' unless verif_key end end def self.decode(token) # First, extract key id from token header, # [1] is position of the header. # We will use this ID to fetch correct public key needed for # verification of the token signature unverified_token = JWT.decode(token, nil, false) k_id = unverified_token[1]['kid'] raise JWT::VerificationError, 'Azure AD: No Key ID in token header' unless k_id # Now search for matching app variables in configuration app_id = unverified_token[0]['aud'] settings = ApplicationSettings.instance provider_conf = settings.values['azure_ad_apps']&.find { |v| v['app_id'] == app_id } raise JWT::VerificationError, 'Azure AD: No application configured with such ID' unless provider_conf # Decode token payload and verify it's signature. payload, header = JWT.decode( token,, app_id)), true, algorithm: 'RS256', verify_expiration: true, verify_aud: true, aud: app_id, verify_iss: true, iss: provider_conf['iss'], nbf_leeway: LEEWAY ) [,] end end end