namespace :versions do desc 'Generate a new release name' task generate_release_name: :environment do def rand_el(arr) arr[rand(arr.count)] end # Load the data from JSON adjectives = JSON.parse('lib/tasks/versions/adjectives.json')) scientists = JSON.parse('lib/tasks/versions/scientists.json')) puts '------------------------------------' puts '' puts 'SciNote release name generator v0.1 ALPHA' puts '' puts '------------------------------------' puts '' puts 'Choose what you would like to do:' puts '1) Provide a scientist by yourself' puts '2) Randomly choose a scientist from a pre-defined list' res = $stdin.gets.strip unless['', '1', '2']) puts 'Invalid parameter, exiting' next end # First, pick scientist name if['', '1']) puts 'Enter full scientist first name (all but surname) ' \ 'in capitalized case' first_name = $stdin.gets.strip puts 'Enter full scientist surname ' \ 'in capitalized case' last_name = $stdin.gets.strip key = last_name[0].downcase.to_sym full_name = "#{first_name} #{last_name}" else key = rand_el(scientists.keys) full_name = rand_el(scientists[key]) last_name = full_name.split(' ')[-1] puts "Randomly chosen scientist: #{full_name}" puts '' end # Now, pick adjective adjective = rand_el(adjectives[key]) puts '------------------------------------' puts 'Tadaaaa!' puts 'The new release will be named......' puts '(waaaaait for iiiiit)' puts '' puts '##############################################' puts " #{adjective.capitalize} #{last_name}" puts " (full name: #{full_name})" puts '##############################################' loop do puts '' puts 'What would you like to do?' puts '(E) Exit' puts '(a) generate new adjective' puts '(s) generate new random scientist' res = $stdin.gets.strip unless['', 'e', 'E', 'a', 'A', 's', 'S']) puts 'Invalid parameter!' next end break if['', 'e', 'E']) if S)) key = rand_el(scientists.keys) full_name = rand_el(scientists[key]) last_name = full_name.split(' ')[-1] end adjective = rand_el(adjectives[key]) puts '' puts '##############################################' puts " #{adjective.capitalize} #{last_name} " puts " (full name: #{full_name})" puts '##############################################' end end end