# feature/protocol. feature Feature: Protocol As a member of a project want to add/ edit/ delete a tag want to add/ edit task description want to complete / uncomplete task want to add / change due date Background: Given default screen size2 Given the "BioSistemika Process" team exists Given the following users are registered | name | email | password | password_confirmation | | Karli Novak | nonadmin@myorg.com | mypassword1234 | mypassword1234 | And "nonadmin@myorg.com" is in "BioSistemika Process" team as a "admin" Given Demo project exists for the "BioSistemika Process" team And "nonadmin@myorg.com" is signed in with "mypassword1234" @javascript Scenario: Successful add new tag to a task Given I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task And I click element with css ".search-field" And I click element with css ".edit-tags-link" And I click on "New" tag button And I click on Edit sign of "New tag" tag And I fill in "Star" in "#tag_name" field And I click element with css ".btn-colorselector" And I select "#15369E" color And I click element with css ".save-tag-link" Then I should see "Star" And I click "Close" button Then I should see "Star" # Make this test shorter and more isolated @javascript @wip Scenario: Successful change a tag to a task Given I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task And I click element with css ".search-field" And I click element with css ".edit-tags-link" And I click on "New" tag button And I click on Edit sign of "New tag" tag And I fill in "Sun" in "#tag_name" field And I click element with css ".btn-colorselector" And I select "#15369E" color And I click element with css ".save-tag-link" And I click on Edit sign of "Dry lab" tag And I fill in "Sky" in "#tag_name" field And I click element with css ".btn-colorselector" And I select "#DC143C" color And I click element with css ".save-tag-link" And WAIT And I click "fa-times" icon at position 2 within "#manage-module-tags-modal .modal-body" And I click "Close" button And I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task Then I should see "Sun" Then I should not see "Sky" @javascript Scenario: Successful add a tag to a task Given I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task And I click element with css ".search-field" And I click element with css ".edit-tags-link" And I click element with css ".bootstrap-select" And WAIT And I click on "Plant" within dropdown menu And I click "Add" button And WAIT And I click element with css ".bootstrap-select" And WAIT And I click on "Bacteria" within dropdown menu And I click "Add" button And I click "Close" button And I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task Then I should see "Plant" Then I should see "Bacteria" @javascript Scenario: Successful delete a tag Given I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task And I click element with css ".search-field" And I click element with css ".edit-tags-link" And I click element with css ".delete-tag-link" And I click "Close" button And I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task Then I should not see "Dry lab" @javascript Scenario: Successful add description Given I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task And I click element with css "#my_module_description_view" And confirm with ENTER key to "#my_module_description_textarea_ifr" And I fill in "I was on Triglav one summer" in "#my_module_description_textarea" rich text editor field And I click element with css ".tinymce-save-button" Then I should see "I was on Triglav one summer" @javascript Scenario: Successful change description Given I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task And I click element with css "#my_module_description_view" And confirm with ENTER key to "#my_module_description_textarea_ifr" And I fill in "I was on Triglav one summer" in "#my_module_description_textarea" rich text editor field And I click element with css ".tinymce-save-button" And I click element with css "#my_module_description_view" And confirm with ENTER key to "#my_module_description_textarea_ifr" And I fill in "I will go to Krn one day." in "#my_module_description_textarea" rich text editor field And I click element with css ".tinymce-save-button" Then I should see "I will go to Krn one day." @javascript Scenario: Successful Complete task Given I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task And I click "Complete task" button Then I should see "Uncomplete task" @javascript Scenario: Successful Uncomplete task Given I'm on the Protocols page of a "Experiment design" task And I click "Complete task" button And I click "Uncomplete task" button Then I should see "Complete task"