Then(/^I click on Avatar$/) do find('img.avatar').click end Given(/^I'm on the profile page$/) do visit '/settings/account/profile' end Then(/^I click on Browse button$/) do find('input#user_avatar').click end Then(/^I change "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)" email$/) do |prev_email, new_email| wait_for_ajax find(:css, "input[value='#{prev_email}']").set(new_email) end Then(/^I fill in "([^"]*)" in Current password field$/) do |password| find(:css, 'input[id="settings_page.current_password"]').set(password) end Then(/^I fill in "([^"]*)" in New password field$/) do |password| find(:css, 'input[id="settings_page.new_password"]').set(password) end Then(/^I fill in "([^"]*)" in New password confirmation field$/) do |password| find(:css, 'input[id="settings_page.new_password_confirmation"]').set(password) end