en: dashboard: current_tasks: title: "Current tasks" search: "Search tasks" navbar: assigned: "Assigned to me" all: "All" filter: title: "Filters" clear: "Clear" sort: "Sort by" due_first: "Due first" due_last: "Due last" start_first: "Started first" start_last: "Started last" atoz: "Name A to Z" ztoa: "Name Z to A" id_asc: "ID ascending" id_desc: "ID descending" display: "Display statuses" statuses: placeholder: "Select statuses" all_selected: "All selected" selected: "selected" uncompleted_tasks: "Tasks in progress" completed_tasks: "Tasks completed" project: "Project" select_project: "All Projects" experiment: "Experiment" select_experiment: "All Experiments" apply: "Apply" show_results: "Show results" no_tasks: assigned_tasks: title: "There are no tasks assigned to you at the moment." description: "Use the “+ New task” button above to create a new one, or assign yourself to an existing task." team_tasks: title: "Your Team has no tasks at the moment." search_result: title: "No results." due_date_html: "Due date: %{date}" due_date_overdue_html: "Due date: %{date} (overdue)" completed_on_html: "Completed on: %{date}" calendar: due_on: Due on dow: su: "Su" mo: "Mo" tu: "Tu" we: "We" th: "Th" fr: "Fr" sa: "Sa" quick_start: title: "Quick start" description: "Quickly start a new task, create a new project or a new report." new_task: "New task" new_protocol: "New protocol" new_report: "New report" placeholder: title: "Cannot create." description: "As a guest in this team you cannot create anything." create_task_modal: title: "Create new task" description: "Simply type in the fields below to find or create space for your new task to live in" project: "Project" task_name: "Task name" task_name_placeholder: "Enter task name" task_name_error: "Task name must be at least %{length} characters long." project_visibility_label: "Visible to" project_visibility_members: "Project members" project_visibility_all: "All team members" experiment: "Experiment" user_role: "User role" project_placeholder: "Select or create project" experiment_placeholder: "Select or create experiment" user_role_placeholder: "Select default user role" experiment_disabled_placeholder: "Select Project to enable Experiments" filter_create_new: "Create" cancel: "Cancel" create: "Create" new_project: "Create \"%{name}\" Project" new_experiment: "Create \"%{name}\" Experiment" recent_work: title: "Recent work" no_results: title: "You have not worked on anything recently." description: "All tasks, projects, inventories protocols and reports, you last worked on will appear here, when you make some changes." modes: all: "All" projects: "PROJECTS" repositories: "INVENTORIES" protocols: "PROTOCOLS" reports: "REPORTS" subject_type: Project: "Project" Experiment: "Experiment" MyModule: "Task" RepositoryBase: "Inventory" Protocol: "Protocol" Report: "Report"