/* * Truncate long strings where is necessary. */ function truncateLongString( el, chars ) { if($.type(el) !== 'string'){ var input = $.trim(el.text()); } else { var input = $.trim(el); } var html = ""; if( $.type(el) !== 'string' && el.children().hasClass("glyphicon")) { html = el.children()[0]; } if( input.length >= chars ){ if($.type(el) != 'string') { var newText = el.text().slice(0, chars); }else { var newText = el.slice(0, chars); } for( var i = newText.length; i > 0; i--){ if(newText[i] === ' ' && i > 10){ newText = newText.slice(0, i); break; } } if ( html ) { el.text(html.outerHTML + newText + '...' ); } else { if($.type(el) === 'string'){ return newText + '...'; } else { el.text(newText + '...' ); } } } else { return el; } } /* * Usefull for converting locals messages to error format * (i.e. no dot at the end). */ String.prototype.strToErrorFormat = function() { var length = this.length; if (this[length - 1] === ".") { length -= 1; } return this.slice(0, length); }