/* global TinyMCE I18n animateSpinner importProtocolFromFile */ /* global HelperModule GLOBAL_CONSTANTS */ /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define, no-alert, no-restricted-globals, no-underscore-dangle */ //= require my_modules //= require protocols/import_export/import // Currently selected row in "load from protocol" modal var selectedRow = null; function initEditMyModuleDescription() { var viewObject = $('#my_module_description_view'); viewObject.on('click', function(e) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('record-info-link')) return; TinyMCE.init('#my_module_description_textarea'); }).on('click', 'a', function(e) { if ($(this).hasClass('record-info-link')) return; e.stopPropagation(); }); setTimeout(function() { TinyMCE.wrapTables(viewObject); }, 100); } function initEditProtocolDescription() { var viewObject = $('#protocol_description_view'); viewObject.on('click', function(e) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('record-info-link')) return; TinyMCE.init('#protocol_description_textarea', { afterInitCallback: refreshProtocolStatusBar }); }).on('click', 'a', function(e) { if ($(this).hasClass('record-info-link')) return; e.stopPropagation(); }); } function initCopyToRepository() { var link = "[data-action='copy-to-repository']"; var modal = '#copy-to-repository-modal'; var modalBody = '.modal-body'; var submitBtn = ".modal-footer [data-action='submit']"; $('.my-modules-protocols-index') .on('ajax:success', link, function(e, data) { $(modal).find(modalBody).html(data.html); $(modal).find(modalBody).find("[data-role='copy-to-repository']") .on('ajax:success', function(e2, data2) { if (data2.refresh !== null) { // Reload page location.reload(); } else { // Simply hide the modal $(modal).modal('hide'); } }) .on('ajax:error', function(e2, data2) { // Display errors in form $(modal).find(submitBtn)[0].disabled = false; if (data2.status === 422) { $(this).renderFormErrors('protocol', data2.responseJSON); } else { // Simply display global error alert(data2.responseJSON.message); } }); $(modal).modal('show'); $(modal).find(submitBtn)[0].disabled = false; }) .on('ajax:error', function() {}); $(modal).on('click', submitBtn, function() { // Submit the embedded form $(modal).find(submitBtn)[0].disabled = true; $(modal).find('form').submit(); }); $(modal).find(modalBody).on('click', "[data-role='link-check']", function() { var text = $(this).closest('.modal-body').find("[data-role='link-text']"); if ($(this).prop('checked')) { text.show(); } else { text.hide(); } }); $(modal).on('hidden.bs.modal', function() { $(modal).find(modalBody).find("[data-role='copy-to-repository']") .off('ajax:success ajax:error'); $(modal).find(modalBody).html(''); }); } function initLinkUpdate() { var modal = $('#confirm-link-update-modal'); var modalTitle = modal.find('.modal-title'); var modalBody = modal.find('.modal-body'); var updateBtn = modal.find(".modal-footer [data-action='submit']"); $("[data-action='unlink'], [data-action='revert'], [data-action='update-parent'], [data-action='update-self']") .on('ajax:success', function(e, data) { modalTitle.text(data.title); modalBody.text(data.message); updateBtn.text(data.btn_text); modal.attr('data-url', data.url); modal.modal('show'); }); modal.on('hidden.bs.modal', function() { modalBody.html(''); }); if (!$._data(updateBtn[0], 'events')) { updateBtn.on('click', function() { // POST via ajax $.ajax({ url: modal.attr('data-url'), type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function() { // Simply reload page location.reload(); }, error: function(ev) { // Display error message in alert() alert(ev.responseJSON.message); // Hide modal modal.modal('hide'); } }); }); } $('[data-role="protocol-status-bar"] .preview-protocol').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); } function initLoadFromRepository() { var modal = $('#load-from-repository-modal'); var modalBody = modal.find('.modal-body'); var loadBtn = modal.find(".modal-footer [data-action='submit']"); $("[data-action='load-from-repository']") .on('ajax:success', function(e, data) { modalBody.html(data.html); // Disable load btn loadBtn.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); modal.modal('show'); // Init Datatable on recent tab initLoadFromRepositoryTable(modalBody.find('#recent-tab')); modalBody.find("a[data-toggle='tab']") .on('hide.bs.tab', function(el) { // Destroy Handsontable in to-be-hidden tab var content = $($(el.target).attr('href')); destroyLoadFromRepositoryTable(content); }) .on('shown.bs.tab', function(el) { // Initialize Handsontable in to-be-shown tab var content = $($(el.target).attr('href')); initLoadFromRepositoryTable(content); }); loadBtn.on('click', function() { loadFromRepository(); }); }); modal.on('hidden.bs.modal', function() { // Destroy the current Datatable destroyLoadFromRepositoryTable(modalBody.find('.tab-pane.active')); modalBody.find("a[data-toggle='tab']") .off('hide.bs.tab shown.bs.tab'); loadBtn.off('click'); modalBody.html(''); }); } function initLoadFromRepositoryTable(content) { var tableEl = content.find("[data-role='datatable']"); var datatable = tableEl.DataTable({ dom: "RBfl<'row'<'col-sm-12't>><'row'<'col-sm-7'i><'col-sm-5'p>>", sScrollX: '100%', sScrollXInner: '100%', buttons: [], processing: true, serverSide: true, responsive: true, order: tableEl.data('default-order') || [[1, 'asc']], ajax: { url: tableEl.data('source'), type: 'POST' }, colReorder: { fixedColumnsLeft: 1000000 // Disable reordering }, columnDefs: [{ targets: 0, searchable: false, orderable: false, sWidth: '1%', render: function() { return ""; } }, { targets: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], searchable: true, orderable: true }], columns: [ { data: '0' }, { data: '1' }, { data: '2' }, { data: '3' }, { data: '4' }, { data: '5' }, { data: '6' } ], oLanguage: { sSearch: I18n.t('general.filter') }, rowCallback: function(row, data) { // Get row ID var rowId = data.DT_RowId; $(row).attr('data-row-id', rowId); // If row ID is in the list of selected row IDs if (rowId === selectedRow) { $(row).find("input[type='radio']").prop('checked', true); $(row).addClass('selected'); } }, fnDrawCallback: function() { animateSpinner(this, false); }, preDrawCallback: function() { animateSpinner(this); } }); // Handle click on table cells with radio buttons tableEl.find('tbody').on('click', 'td', function() { $(this).parent().find("input[type='radio']").trigger('click'); }); // Handle clicks on radio buttons tableEl.find('tbody').on('click', "input[type='radio']", function(e) { // Get row ID var row = $(this).closest('tr'); var data = datatable.row(row).data(); var rowId = data.DT_RowId; // Uncheck all radio buttons tableEl.find("tbody input[type='radio']") .prop('checked', false) .closest('tr') .removeClass('selected'); // Select the current row row.find("input[type='radio']").prop('checked', true); selectedRow = rowId; row.addClass('selected'); // Enable load btn content.closest('.modal') .find(".modal-footer [data-action='submit']") .removeAttr('disabled'); e.stopPropagation(); }); tableEl.find('tbody').on('click', "a[data-action='filter']", function(e) { var link = $(this); var query = link.attr('data-param'); // Re-search data datatable.search(query).draw(); // Don't propagate this further up e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); } function destroyLoadFromRepositoryTable(content) { var tableEl = content.find("[data-role='datatable']"); // Unbind event listeners tableEl.find('tbody').off('click', "a[data-action='filter']"); tableEl.find('tbody').off('click', "input[type='radio']"); tableEl.find('tbody').off('click', 'td'); // Destroy datatable tableEl.DataTable().destroy(); tableEl.find('tbody').html(''); selectedRow = null; // Disable load btn content.closest('.modal') .find(".modal-footer [data-action='submit']") .attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } function loadFromRepository() { var modal = $('#load-from-repository-modal'); var checkLinked = $("[data-role='protocol-status-bar']") .text(); var confirmMessage = ''; if (checkLinked.trim() !== '(unlinked)') { confirmMessage = I18n.t('my_modules.protocols.load_from_repository_modal.import_to_linked_task_rep'); } else { confirmMessage = I18n.t('my_modules.protocols.load_from_repository_modal.confirm_message'); } if (selectedRow !== null && confirm(confirmMessage)) { // POST via ajax $.ajax({ url: modal.attr('data-url'), type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { source_id: selectedRow }, success: function() { // Simply reload page location.reload(); }, error: function(response) { if (response.status === 403) { HelperModule.flashAlertMsg(I18n.t('general.no_permissions'), 'danger'); } else { alert(response.responseJSON.message); } modal.modal('hide'); } }); } } function refreshProtocolStatusBar() { // Get the status bar URL var url = $("[data-role='protocol-status-bar-url']").attr('data-url'); // Fetch new updated at label $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { $('.my-module-protocol-status').replaceWith(data.html); initLinkUpdate(); } }); } function initImport() { var fileInput = $("[data-action='load-from-file']"); // Make sure multiple selections of same file // always prompt new modal fileInput.find("input[type='file']").on('click', function() { this.value = null; }); // Hack to hide "No file chosen" tooltip fileInput.attr('title', window.URL ? ' ' : ''); fileInput.on('change', function(ev) { var importUrl = fileInput.attr('data-import-url'); importProtocolFromFile( ev.target.files[0], importUrl, null, true, function(datas) { var data = datas[0]; if (data.status === 'ok') { // Simply reload page location.reload(); } else if (data.status === 'locked') { alert(I18n.t('my_modules.protocols.load_from_file_error_locked')); } else { if (data.status === 'size_too_large') { alert(I18n.t('my_modules.protocols.load_from_file_size_error', { size: GLOBAL_CONSTANTS.FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB })); } else { alert(I18n.t('my_modules.protocols.load_from_file_error')); } animateSpinner(null, false); } } ); // Clear input on self $(this).val(''); }); } function initDetailsDropdown() { $('#task-details .task-section-caret').on('click', function() { if (!$('.task-details').hasClass('collapsing')) { $(this).closest('#task-details').toggleClass('expanded'); } }); } function initProtocolSectionOpenEvent() { $('#protocol-container').on('shown.bs.collapse', function() { $(this).find("[data-role='hot-table']").each(function() { var $container = $(this).find("[data-role='step-hot-table']"); var hot = $container.handsontable('getInstance'); hot.render(); }); }); } /** * Initializes page */ function init() { initEditMyModuleDescription(); initEditProtocolDescription(); initLinkUpdate(); initLoadFromRepository(); refreshProtocolStatusBar(); initImport(); initProtocolSectionOpenEvent(); initDetailsDropdown(); } init();