// Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. // All this logic will automatically be available in application.js. // TODO // - error handling of assigning user to project, check XHR data.errors // - error handling of removing user from project, check XHR data.errors // - refresh project users tab after manage user modal is closed // - refactor view handling using library, ex. backbone.js function project_comment_edit(id) { document.getElementById('edit_comment_'+id).type='text'; $('#span_comment_'+id).hide(); return false; } function project_update_comment(id) { if (document.getElementById('edit_comment_'+id).type=='text') { var txt = document.getElementById('edit_comment_'+id).value; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/projects/update_comment_projects', dataType: 'json', data: {id: id, msg: txt}, success: function (data) { document.getElementById('edit_comment_'+id).type='hidden'; var txt = document.getElementById('edit_comment_'+id).value; $('#span_comment_'+id).text(txt); $('#span_comment_'+id).show(); } }); } } function project_comment_delete(id) { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this comment?')) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/projects/delete_comment_projects', dataType: 'json', data: {id: id}, success: function (data) { $('.content-comments').find('#'+id).remove(); } }); } return false; } (function () { var newProjectModal = null; var newProjectModalForm = null; var newProjectModalBody = null; var newProjectBtn = null; var editProjectModal = null; var editProjectModalTitle = null; var editProjectModalForm = null; var editProjectBtn = null; var manageUsersModal = null; var manageUsersModalBody = null; var manageUsersModalFooter = null; /** * Stupid Bootstrap btn-group bug hotfix * @param btnGroup - The button group element. */ function activateBtnGroup(btnGroup) { var btns = btnGroup.find(".btn"); btns.find("input[type='radio']") .removeAttr("checked") .prop("checked", false); btns.filter(".active") .find("input[type='radio']") .attr("checked", "checked") .prop("checked", true); } /** * Initialize the JS for new project modal to work. */ function initNewProjectModal() { newProjectModalForm.submit(function() { // Stupid Bootstrap btn-group bug hotfix activateBtnGroup( newProjectModal .find("form .btn-group[data-toggle='buttons']") ); }); newProjectModal.on("hidden.bs.modal", function () { // When closing the new project modal, clear its input vals // and potential errors newProjectModalForm.clear_form_errors(); // Clear input fields newProjectModalForm.clear_form_fields(); var orgSelect = newProjectModalForm.find('select#project_organization_id'); orgSelect.val(0); orgSelect.selectpicker('refresh'); var orgHidden = newProjectModalForm.find('input#project_visibility_hidden'); var orgVisible = newProjectModalForm.find('input#project_visibility_visible'); orgHidden.prop("checked", true); orgHidden.attr("checked", "checked"); orgHidden.parent().addClass("active"); orgVisible.prop("checked", false); orgVisible.parent().removeClass("active"); }) .on("show.bs.modal", function() { var orgSelect = newProjectModalForm.find('select#project_organization_id'); orgSelect.selectpicker('refresh'); }); newProjectModalForm .on("ajax:beforeSend", function(){ animateSpinner(newProjectModalBody); }) .on("ajax:success", function(data, status, jqxhr) { // Redirect to response page $(location).attr("href", status.url); }) .on("ajax:error", function(jqxhr, status, error) { $(this).render_form_errors("project", status.responseJSON); }) .on("ajax:complete", function(){ animateSpinner(newProjectModalBody, false); }); newProjectBtn.click(function(e) { // Show the modal newProjectModal.modal("show"); return false; }); } /** * Initialize the JS for edit project modal to work. */ function initEditProjectModal() { // Edit button click handler editProjectBtn.click(function() { // Stupid Bootstrap btn-group bug hotfix activateBtnGroup( editProjectModalBody .find("form .btn-group[data-toggle='buttons']") ); // Submit the modal body's form editProjectModalBody.find("form").submit(); }); // On hide modal handler editProjectModal.on("hidden.bs.modal", function() { editProjectModalBody.html(""); }); $(".panel-project a[data-action='edit']") .on("ajax:success", function(ev, data, status) { // Update modal title editProjectModalTitle.html(data.title); // Set modal body editProjectModalBody.html(data.html); // Add modal body's submit handler editProjectModal.find("form") .on("ajax:beforeSend", function(){ animateSpinner(this); }) .on("ajax:success", function(ev2, data2, status2) { // Project saved, replace changed project's title var responseHtml = $(data2.html); var id = responseHtml.attr("data-id"); var newTitle = responseHtml.find(".panel-title"); var existingTitle = $(".panel-project[data-id='" + id + "'] .panel-title"); existingTitle.after(newTitle); existingTitle.remove(); // Hide modal editProjectModal.modal("hide"); }) .on("ajax:error", function(ev2, data2, status2) { $(this).render_form_errors("project", data2.responseJSON); }) .on("ajax:complete", function(){ animateSpinner(this, false); }); // Show the modal editProjectModal.modal("show"); }) .on("ajax:error", function(ev, data, status) { // TODO }); } function initManageUsersModal() { // Reload users tab HTML element when modal is closed manageUsersModal.on("hide.bs.modal", function () { var projectEl = $("#" + $(this).attr("data-project-id")); // Load HTML to refresh users list $.ajax({ url: projectEl.attr("data-project-users-tab-url"), type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { projectEl.find("#users-" + projectEl.attr("id")).html(data.html); initUsersEditLink(projectEl); }, error: function (data) { // TODO } }); }); // Remove modal content when modal window is closed. manageUsersModal.on("hidden.bs.modal", function () { manageUsersModalBody.html(""); manageUsersModalFooter.html(""); }); } // Initialize users editing modal remote loading. function initUsersEditLink($el) { $el.find(".manage-users-link") .on("ajax:before", function () { var projectId = $(this).closest(".panel-default").attr("id"); manageUsersModal.attr("data-project-id", projectId); manageUsersModal.modal('show'); }) .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { $("#manage-users-modal-project").text(data.project.name); initUsersModalBody(data); }); } // Initialize comment form. function initCommentForm($el) { var $form = $el.find("ul form"); $(".help-block", $form).addClass("hide"); $form.on("ajax:send", function (data) { $("#comment_message", $form).attr("readonly", true); }) .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { if (data.html) { var list = $form.parents("ul"); var s1 = data.html var id = s1.substring(s1.lastIndexOf("delete(")+7,s1.lastIndexOf(")'")) // Remove potential "no comments" element list.parent().find(".content-comments") .find("li.no-comments").remove(); list.parent().find(".content-comments") .prepend("
  • " + data.html + "
  • ") .scrollTop(0); list.parents("ul").find("> li.comment:gt(8)").remove(); $("#comment_message", $form).val(""); $(".form-group", $form) .removeClass("has-error"); $(".help-block", $form) .html("") .addClass("hide"); } }) .on("ajax:error", function (ev, xhr) { if (xhr.status === 400) { var messageError = xhr.responseJSON.errors.message; if (messageError) { $(".form-group", $form) .addClass("has-error"); $(".help-block", $form) .html(messageError[0]) .removeClass("hide"); } } }) .on("ajax:complete", function () { $("#comment_message", $form) .attr("readonly", false) .focus(); }); } // Initialize show more comments link. function initCommentsLink($el) { $el.find(".btn-more-comments") .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { if (data.html) { var list = $(this).parents("ul"); var moreBtn = list.find(".btn-more-comments"); var listItem = moreBtn.parents('li'); $(data.html).insertBefore(listItem); if (data.results_number < data.per_page) { moreBtn.remove(); } else { moreBtn.attr("href", data.more_url); } } }); } // Initialize reloading manage user modal content after posting new // user. function initAddUserForm() { manageUsersModalBody.find(".add-user-form") .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { initUsersModalBody(data); if (data.status === 'error') { $(this).addClass("has-error"); var errorBlock = $(this).find("span.help-block"); if (errorBlock .length && errorBlock.length > 0) { errorBlock.html(data.error); } else { $(this).append("" + data.error + ""); } } }); } // Initialize remove user from project links. function initRemoveUserLinks() { manageUsersModalBody.find(".remove-user-link") .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { initUsersModalBody(data); }); } // function initUserRoleForms() { manageUsersModalBody.find(".update-user-form select") .on("change", function () { $(this).parents("form").submit(); }); manageUsersModalBody.find(".update-user-form") .on("ajax:success", function (e, data) { initUsersModalBody(data); }) .on("ajax:error", function (e, xhr, status, error) { // TODO }); } // Initialize ajax listeners and elements style on modal body. This // function must be called when modal body is changed. function initUsersModalBody(data) { manageUsersModalBody.html(data.html_body); manageUsersModalFooter.html(data.html_footer); manageUsersModalBody.find(".selectpicker").selectpicker(); initAddUserForm(); initRemoveUserLinks(); initUserRoleForms(); } function init() { newProjectModal = $("#new-project-modal"); newProjectModalForm = newProjectModal.find("form"); newProjectModalBody = newProjectModal.find(".modal-body"); newProjectBtn = $("#new-project-btn"); editProjectModal = $("#edit-project-modal"); editProjectModalTitle = editProjectModal.find("#edit-project-modal-label"); editProjectModalBody = editProjectModal.find(".modal-body"); editProjectBtn = editProjectModal.find(".btn[data-action='submit']"); manageUsersModal = $("#manage-users-modal"); manageUsersModalBody = manageUsersModal.find(".modal-body"); manageUsersModalFooter = manageUsersModal.find(".modal-footer"); initNewProjectModal(); initEditProjectModal(); initManageUsersModal(); // initialize project tab remote loading $(".panel-project .panel-footer [role=tab]") .on("ajax:before", function (e) { var $this = $(this); var parentNode = $this.parents("li"); var targetId = $this.attr("aria-controls"); if (parentNode.hasClass("active")) { // TODO move to fn parentNode.removeClass("active"); $("#" + targetId).removeClass("active"); return false; } }) .on("ajax:success", function (e, data, status, xhr) { var $this = $(this); var targetId = $this.attr("aria-controls"); var target = $("#" + targetId); var parentNode = $this.parents("ul").parent(); target.html(data.html); initUsersEditLink(parentNode); initCommentForm(parentNode); initCommentsLink(parentNode); // TODO move to fn parentNode.find(".active").removeClass("active"); $this.parents("li").addClass("active"); target.addClass("active"); }) .on("ajax:error", function (e, xhr, status, error) { // TODO }); // Initialize first-time tutorial if (Cookies.get('tutorial_data')) { var tutorialData = JSON.parse(Cookies.get('tutorial_data')); var goToStep = 1; var demoProjectId = tutorialData[0].project; if (Cookies.get('current_tutorial_step')) { goToStep = parseInt(Cookies.get('current_tutorial_step'), 10); } var demoProject = $("#" + demoProjectId); if (goToStep < 4) { var projectOptionsTutorial = $("#projects-toolbar").attr("data-project-options-step-text"); demoProject.attr('data-step', '3'); demoProject.attr('data-intro', projectOptionsTutorial); demoProject.attr('data-tooltipClass', 'custom next-page-link'); if (demoProject.offset().top > window.innerHeight / 2) { demoProject.attr('data-position', 'top'); } // Otherwise show bottom var $introjs = introJs(); $introjs .setOptions({ overlayOpacity: '0.2', nextLabel: 'Next', doneLabel: 'End tutorial', skipLabel: 'End tutorial', showBullets: false, showStepNumbers: false, exitOnOverlayClick: false, exitOnEsc: false, disableInteraction: true, tooltipClass: 'custom', tooltipPosition: 'right' }) .goToStep(goToStep) .onafterchange(function (tarEl) { Cookies.set('current_tutorial_step', this._currentStep+1); if (this._currentStep == 2) { // Go to project canvas setTimeout(function() { $('.next-page-link a.introjs-nextbutton') .removeClass('introjs-disabled') .attr('href', $('#' + demoProjectId + '-project-canvas-link').attr('href')); // Disabling interactions for individual steps is // not (yet) possible in intro.js $(".introjs-disableInteraction").remove(); }, 500); } }) .start(); // Destroy first-time tutorial cookies when skip tutorial // or end tutorial is clicked $('.introjs-skipbutton').each(function (){ $(this).click(function (){ Cookies.remove('tutorial_data'); Cookies.remove('current_tutorial_step'); restore_after_tutorial(); }); }); window.onresize = function() { if (goToStep == 3) { introJs().refresh(); } }; } else if (goToStep > 18) { var archiveProjectTutorial = $("#projects-toolbar").attr("data-archive-project-step-text"); Cookies.set('current_tutorial_step', '20'); var position = "right"; if (demoProject.offset().left > window.innerWidth / 2 || window.innerWidth < demoProject.width() + 100) { if (demoProject.offset().top > 500 && demoProject.offset().top > window.innerHeight / 2) { position = "top"; } else { position = "bottom"; } } introJs() .setOptions({ steps: [{ element: document.getElementById(demoProjectId), intro: archiveProjectTutorial, position: position }], overlayOpacity: '0.2', doneLabel: 'Start using sciNote', showBullets: false, showStepNumbers: false, disableInteraction: true, exitOnOverlayClick: false, exitOnEsc: false, tooltipClass: 'custom disabled-next' }) .oncomplete(function () { Cookies.remove('tutorial_data'); Cookies.remove('current_tutorial_step'); restore_after_tutorial(); }) .start(); window.onresize = function() { switch (position) { case "right": $(".introjs-tooltip").css("left", (demoProject.width() + 20) + "px"); break; default: $(".introjs-tooltip").css("left", (demoProject.width()/2 - $(".introjs-tooltip").width()/2) + "px"); } }; } } } function project_tutorial_helper(){ $(document).ready(function(){ if( $('div').hasClass('introjs-overlay')){ $.each($('.panel'), function(i, el){ $(el) .find('.panel-title') .css({ 'pointer-events': 'none' }); $(el) .find('.tab-content') .css({ 'pointer-events': 'none' }); $(el) .find('.form-submit-link') .css({ 'pointer-events': 'none', 'color': '#d2d2d2'}); }); } }); } function restore_after_tutorial(){ $.each($('.panel'), function(i, el){ $(el) .find('.tab-content') .css({ 'pointer-events': 'auto' }); $(el) .find('.panel-title') .css({ 'pointer-events': 'auto' }); $(el) .find('.form-submit-link') .css({ 'pointer-events': 'auto', 'color': '#262626'}); }); } init(); project_tutorial_helper(); }());