(function() { 'use strict'; tinymce.PluginManager.requireLangPack('customimageuploader'); tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.CustomImageUploader', { CustomImageUploader: function(ed, url) { var form, iframe, win, throbber, editor = ed; function showDialog() { win = editor.windowManager.open({ title: "<%= I18n.t 'tiny_mce.upload_window_title' %>", width: 520 + parseInt(editor.getLang( 'customimageuploader.delta_width', 0 ), 10), height: 180 + parseInt(editor.getLang( 'customimageuploader.delta_height', 0 ), 10), body: [ {type: 'iframe', url: 'javascript:void(0)'}, {type: 'textbox', name: 'file', label: "<%= I18n.t 'tiny_mce.upload_window_label' %>", subtype: 'file'}, {type: 'container', classes: 'error', html: "
"}, {type: 'container', classes: 'throbber'}, ], buttons: [ {text: "<%= I18n.t 'tiny_mce.insert_btn' %>", onclick: insertImage, subtype: 'primary'}, {text: "<%= I18n.t 'general.cancel' %>", onclick: ed.windowManager.close} ], }, { plugin_url: url }); win.off('submit'); win.on('submit', insertImage); iframe = win.find('iframe')[0]; form = createElement('form', { action: ed.getParam('customimageuploader_form_url', '/tinymce_assets'), target: iframe._id, method: 'POST', enctype: 'multipart/form-data', accept_charset: 'UTF-8', }); iframe.getEl().name = iframe._id; // Create some needed hidden inputs form.appendChild(createElement('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'utf8', value: '✓'})); form.appendChild(createElement('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'authenticity_token', value: getMetaContents('csrf-token')})); form.appendChild(createElement('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'object_type', value: $(ed.getElement()) .data('object-type')})); form.appendChild(createElement('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'object_id', value: $(ed.getElement()) .data('object-id')})); form.appendChild(createElement('input', {type: 'hidden', name: 'hint', value: ed.getParam('uploadimage_hint', '')})); var el = win.getEl(); var body = document.getElementById(el.id + '-body'); // Copy everything TinyMCE made into our form var containers = body.getElementsByClassName('mce-container'); for(var i = 0; i < containers.length; i++) { form.appendChild(containers[i]); } var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { var ctrl = inputs[i]; if(ctrl.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'input' && ctrl.type != 'hidden') { if(ctrl.type == 'file') { ctrl.name = 'file'; tinymce.DOM.setStyles(ctrl, { 'border': 0, 'boxShadow': 'none', 'webkitBoxShadow': 'none', }); } else { ctrl.name = 'alt'; } } } body.appendChild(form); } function insertImage() { if(getInputValue('file') == '') { return handleError("<%= I18n.t 'tiny_mce.error_message'"); } throbber = new top.tinymce.ui.Throbber(win.getEl()); throbber.show(); clearErrors(); /* Add event listeners. * We remove the existing to avoid them being called twice in case * of errors and re-submitting afterwards. */ var target = iframe.getEl(); if(target.attachEvent) { target.detachEvent('onload', uploadDone); target.attachEvent('onload', uploadDone); } else { target.removeEventListener('load', uploadDone); target.addEventListener('load', uploadDone, false); } form.submit(); } function uploadDone() { if(throbber) { throbber.hide(); } var target = iframe.getEl(); if(target.document || target.contentDocument) { var doc = target.contentDocument || target.contentWindow.document; handleResponse(doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML); } else { handleError("Didn't get a response from the server"); } } function handleResponse(ret) { try { var json = tinymce.util.JSON.parse(ret); if(json['error']) { handleError(json['error']['message']); } else { ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, buildHTML(json)); ed.windowManager.close(); } } catch(e) { handleError('Got a bad response from the server'); } } function clearErrors() { var message = win.find('.error')[0].getEl(); if(message) message.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML = ' '; } function handleError(error) { var message = win.find('.error')[0].getEl(); if(message) message.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML = ed.translate(error); } function createElement(element, attributes) { var el = document.createElement(element); for(var property in attributes) { if (!(attributes[property] instanceof Function)) { el[property] = attributes[property]; } } return el; } function buildHTML(json) { var imgstr = ""; return imgstr; } function getInputValue(name) { var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(var i in inputs) if(inputs[i].name == name) return inputs[i].value; return ""; } function getMetaContents(mn) { var m = document.getElementsByTagName('meta'); for(var i in m) if(m[i].name == mn) return m[i].content; return null; } // Add a button that opens a window editor.addButton('customimageuploader', { tooltip: ed.translate('Insert an image from your computer'), icon: 'image', onclick: showDialog }); // Adds a menu item to the tools menu editor.addMenuItem('customimageuploader', { text: ed.translate('Insert an image from your computer'), icon: 'image', context: 'insert', onclick: showDialog }); } }); tinymce.PluginManager.add('customimageuploader', tinymce.plugins.CustomImageUploader); })();