namespace :data do Rails.logger = desc "Remove expired temporary files" task clean_temp_files: :environment do "Cleaning temporary files older than 3 days" TempFile.where("created_at < ?", 3.days.ago).each do |tmp_file| TempFile.transaction do begin tmp_file.destroy! rescue Exception => e Rails.logger.error "Failed to destroy temporary file #{}: #{e}" raise ActiveRecord::Rollback else "Temporary file ##{} removed" end end end end def destroy_users(users) users.each do |user| User.transaction do begin # Destroy user_team, and possibly team if user.teams.count > 0 oids = user.teams.pluck(:id) oids.each do |oid| team = Team.find(oid) user_team = user.user_teams.where(team: team).first destroy_team = (team.users.count == 1 && team.created_by == user) if !user_team.destroy(nil) then raise Exception end team.destroy! if destroy_team end end user.destroy! rescue Exception => e Rails.logger.error "Failed to destroy unconfirmed user #{}: #{e}" raise ActiveRecord::Rollback else "Unconfirmed user ##{} removed" end end end end desc "Remove unconfirmed user accounts" task clean_unconfirmed_users: :environment do "Cleaning unconfirmed users" # First, remove the users who signed up by themselves users = User .where(confirmed_at: nil) .where.not(confirmation_token: nil) .where(invitation_token: nil) .where("created_at < ?", Devise.confirm_within.ago) destroy_users(users) # Now, remove users who were invited users = User .where(confirmed_at: nil) .where(invitation_accepted_at: nil) .where(confirmation_token: nil) .where.not(invitation_token: nil) .where("created_at < ?", Devise.invite_for.ago) destroy_users(users) # Remove users who didn't finish signup with LinkedIn users = User.joins(:user_identities) .where(confirmed_at: nil) .where('created_at < ?', Devise.confirm_within.ago) destroy_users(users) end desc "Remove temporary and obsolete data" task clean: [:environment, :clean_temp_files, :clean_unconfirmed_users] end