module SearchableModel extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Helper function for relations that # adds OR ILIKE where clause for all specified attributes # for the given search query scope :where_attributes_like, ->(attributes, query) do attrs = [] if attributes.blank? or query.blank? # Do nothing in this case elsif attributes.is_a? Symbol attrs = [attributes.to_s] elsif attributes.is_a? String attrs = [attributes] elsif attributes.is_a? Array attrs = attributes.collect { |a| a.to_s } else raise ArgumentError, ":attributes must be an array, symbol or string" end if query.is_a? Array if (attrs.length > 0) where_str = ( { |a,i| "#{a} ILIKE ANY (array[ :t#{i}]) OR " }).join[0..-5] vals = ( { |a,i| [ "t#{i}".to_sym, query ] }).to_h return where(where_str, vals) end else if (attrs.length > 0) where_str = ( { |a,i| "#{a} ILIKE :t#{i} OR " }).join[0..-5] vals = ( { |a,i| [ "t#{i}".to_sym, "%#{query}%" ] }).to_h return where(where_str, vals) end end end end end