# feature/teams.feature Feature: Teams settings As a creator of team I want to change a user role I want to add and change team description I want to edit team name Background: Given the following users is registered: | name | email | password | team | role | |Karli Novak (creator)| nonadmin@myorg.com | mypassword1234 | BioSistemika Process Company | Administrator| |Marija Novak | marija@myorg.com | mypassword5555 | BioSistemika Process | Normal user | |Suazana Novak | suazana@myorg.com | mypassword6666 | BioSistemika Process | Guest user | Scenario: User left a team Given team BioSistemika Process settings page of a Marija Novak user And I click to Leave team button of BioSistemika Process team in Team table Then I click to Leave button of "Leave team BioSistemika Process" modal window Then I should see "Successfuly left team BioSistemika Process."