class CreateProtocols < ActiveRecord::Migration def up # First, create protocol table create_table :protocols do |t| t.string :name t.text :authors t.text :description t.integer :added_by_id t.integer :my_module_id t.integer :team_id, null: false t.integer :protocol_type, null: false, default: 0 t.integer :parent_id t.datetime :parent_updated_at t.integer :archived_by_id t.datetime :archived_on t.integer :restored_by_id t.datetime :restored_on t.timestamps null: false end add_foreign_key :protocols, :users, column: :added_by_id add_foreign_key :protocols, :my_modules, column: :my_module_id add_foreign_key :protocols, :teams, column: :team_id add_foreign_key :protocols, :protocols, column: :parent_id add_foreign_key :protocols, :users, column: :archived_by_id add_foreign_key :protocols, :users, column: :restored_by_id add_index :protocols, :name add_index :protocols, :authors add_index :protocols, :description add_index :protocols, :added_by_id add_index :protocols, :my_module_id add_index :protocols, :team_id add_index :protocols, :parent_id add_index :protocols, :archived_by_id add_index :protocols, :restored_by_id # Also create keywords, this will be unused at the start create_table :protocol_keywords do |t| t.string :name t.timestamps null: false end add_index :protocol_keywords, :name # .. and the many-to-many association create_table :protocol_protocol_keywords do |t| t.integer :protocol_id, null: false t.integer :protocol_keyword_id, null: false end add_foreign_key :protocol_protocol_keywords, :protocols add_foreign_key :protocol_protocol_keywords, :protocol_keywords add_index :protocol_protocol_keywords, :protocol_id add_index :protocol_protocol_keywords, :protocol_keyword_id # Alright: now, the "real" data migration needs to happen add_column :steps, :protocol_id, :integer add_foreign_key :steps, :protocols, column: :protocol_id add_index :steps, :protocol_id MyModule.find_each do |my_module| protocol = my_module_id:, team_id:, protocol_type: 0 ) false) Step.where(my_module_id: do |step| step.update_column(:protocol_id, end end remove_index :steps, column: :my_module_id remove_foreign_key :steps, :my_modules remove_column :steps, :my_module_id change_column_null :steps, :protocol_id, false end def down add_column :steps, :my_module_id, :integer add_foreign_key :steps, :my_modules add_index :steps, :my_module_id MyModule.find_each do |my_module| protocol = Protocol.where(my_module_id: if protocol.present? Step.where(protocol_id: do |step| step.update_column(:my_module_id, end end end remove_index :steps, column: :protocol_id remove_foreign_key :steps, :protocols remove_column :steps, :protocol_id # Simply drop the rest of the protocols # (the ones that are team-wide) remove_index :protocol_protocol_keywords, column: :protocol_id remove_index :protocol_protocol_keywords, column: :protocol_keyword_id remove_foreign_key :protocol_protocol_keywords, :protocols remove_foreign_key :protocol_protocol_keywords, :protocol_keywords drop_table :protocol_protocol_keywords remove_index :protocol_keywords, column: :name drop_table :protocol_keywords remove_index :protocols, column: :name remove_index :protocols, column: :authors remove_index :protocols, column: :description remove_index :protocols, column: :added_by_id remove_index :protocols, column: :my_module_id remove_index :protocols, column: :team_id remove_index :protocols, column: :parent_id remove_index :protocols, column: :archived_by_id remove_index :protocols, column: :restored_by_id remove_foreign_key :protocols, column: :added_by_id remove_foreign_key :protocols, :my_modules remove_foreign_key :protocols, :teams remove_foreign_key :protocols, column: :parent_id remove_foreign_key :protocols, column: :archived_by_id remove_foreign_key :protocols, column: :restored_by_id drop_table :protocols end end