class MigrateOrganizationsStructure < ActiveRecord::Migration def up # Update estimated size of all assets Asset.includes(:asset_text_datum).find_each do |asset| asset.update_estimated_size asset.update(file_present: true) end # Calculate organizations' taken space Organization.find_each do |org| org.calculate_space_taken end # Finally, the trickiest task: Re-define organizations demo_org = Organization.find_by(name: "Demo organization") if demo_org demo_org.user_organizations.each do |uo| uo.destroy end end Organization.find_each do |org| user = org.users.first org.update(created_by: user) end UserOrganization.find_each do |uo| uo.update(role: 2) end end def down # We cannot re-assign users to demo organization or re-update # their previous user-organization roles # But we can remove created_by field from organizations Organization.find_each do |org| org.update(created_by: nil) end # Resetting calculated assets & organizations' space # to 0 doesn't make much sense even when downgrading migration end end