# Ignoring so Heroku builds pass #TARGET_ROOT = "#{Dir.pwd}/app/javascript/src/componentLoader".freeze #COMPONENTS_ROOT = "#{TARGET_ROOT}/components".freeze #UBER_CONFIG_PATH = "#{TARGET_ROOT}/availableAddons.js".freeze # #begin ## clear previous build #FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob("#{COMPONENTS_ROOT}/*") #FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob(UBER_CONFIG_PATH) #File.new(UBER_CONFIG_PATH, 'w+') #enabled_addons = [] # #Dir.foreach('addons/') do |path| # addons_client_root = "addons/#{path}/client" # next unless Dir.exist? addons_client_root # File.open(UBER_CONFIG_PATH, 'w') do |file| # file.puts("import #{path} from \'./components/#{path}/config.js\';") # end # enabled_addons << "#{path}" # File.symlink("#{Dir.pwd}/#{addons_client_root}", "#{COMPONENTS_ROOT}/#{path}") #end # #File.open(UBER_CONFIG_PATH, 'a') do |file| # file.puts("export default { #{enabled_addons.join(", ").gsub(/\"/, '')} };") #end # ## handles error on the platforms that does not support symlink ## http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/File.html#symlink-method #rescue # puts '[sciNote] Unable to load React components from addons!' # puts '[sciNote] Your system does not support symlink!' #end