/* global _ */ var SmartAnnotation = (function() { 'use strict'; // stop the user annotation popover on click propagation function atwhoStopPropagation(element) { $(element).on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); } function SetAtWho(field) { var FilterTypeEnum = Object.freeze({ USER: { tag: 'users', dataUrl: $(document.body).attr('data-atwho-users-url') }, TASK: { tag: 'sa-tasks', dataUrl: $(document.body).attr('data-atwho-task-url') }, PROJECT: { tag: 'sa-projects', dataUrl: $(document.body).attr('data-atwho-project-url') }, EXPERIMENT: { tag: 'sa-experiments', dataUrl: $(document.body).attr('data-atwho-experiment-url') }, REPOSITORY: { tag: 'sa-repositories', dataUrl: $(document.body).attr('data-atwho-rep-items-url') }, MENU: { tag: 'menu', dataUrl: $(document.body).attr('data-atwho-menu-items') } }); var DEFAULT_SEARCH_FILTER = FilterTypeEnum.REPOSITORY; function matchHighlighter(html, query) { var $html = $(html); var $liText = $html.find('.item-text'); if ($liText.length === 0 || !query) return html; $.each($liText, function(i, item) { $(item).html($(item).text().replace(new RegExp(query.split(' ').join('|'), 'gi'), '$&')); }); return $html; } // Generates suggestion dropdown filter function generateFilterMenu() { var menu = ''; $.ajax({ async: false, dataType: 'json', url: $(document.body).attr('data-atwho-repositories-url'), success: function(data) { menu = data.html; } }); return menu; } function atWhoSettings(at) { return { at: at, callbacks: { remoteFilter: function(query, callback) { var $currentAtWho = $('.atwho-view[style]'); var filterType; var params = { query: query }; filterType = FilterTypeEnum[$currentAtWho.find('.tab-pane.active').data('object-type')]; if (!filterType) { callback([{ name: '' }]); return false; } if (filterType.tag === 'sa-repositories') { let repositoryTab = $currentAtWho.find('[data-object-type="REPOSITORY"]'); let activeRepository = repositoryTab.find('.btn-primary'); if (activeRepository.length) { params.repository_id = activeRepository.data('object-id'); } } $.getJSON(filterType.dataUrl, params, function(data) { callback(data.res); if (data.repository) { $currentAtWho.find(`.repository-object[data-object-id="${data.repository}"]`) .addClass('btn-primary').removeClass('btn-light'); } }); return true; }, tplEval: function(_tpl, items) { return items.name; }, highlighter: function(li, query) { return matchHighlighter(li, query); }, beforeInsert: function(value, li) { return `[#${li.attr('data-name')}~${li.attr('data-type')}~${li.attr('data-id')}]`; }, matcher: function(flag, subtext, shouldStartWithSpace) { var a; var y; var match; var regexp; var cleanedFlag = flag.replace(/[-[]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&'); if (shouldStartWithSpace) { cleanedFlag = '(?:^|\\s)' + cleanedFlag; } a = decodeURI('%C3%80'); y = decodeURI('%C3%BF'); regexp = new RegExp(cleanedFlag + `([A-Za-z${a}-${y}0-9_/:\\s+-]*)$|${cleanedFlag}([^\\x00-\\xff]*)$`, 'gi'); match = regexp.exec(subtext); if (match) { return match[2] || match[1]; } return null; } }, headerTpl: generateFilterMenu(), startWithSpace: true, acceptSpaceBar: true, displayTimeout: 120000 }; } function init() { $(field) .on('shown.atwho', function() { var $currentAtWho = $('.atwho-view[style]'); $currentAtWho.find('.tab-button').off().on('shown.bs.tab', function() { $(field).click().focus(); $(this).closest('.nav-tabs').find('.tab-button').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); }); $currentAtWho.find('.repository-object').off().on('click', function() { $(this).parent().find('.repository-object').removeClass('btn-primary') .addClass('btn-light'); $(this).addClass('btn-primary').removeClass('btn-light'); $(field).click().focus(); }); if ($currentAtWho.find('.tab-pane.active').length === 0) { let filterType = DEFAULT_SEARCH_FILTER; $currentAtWho.find(`.${filterType.tag}`).click(); } }) .on('reposition.atwho', function(event, flag, query) { let inputFieldLeft = query.$inputor.offset().left; if (inputFieldLeft > $(window).width()) { let leftPosition; if (inputFieldLeft < flag.left + $(window).scrollLeft()) { leftPosition = inputFieldLeft; } else { leftPosition = flag.left + $(window).scrollLeft(); } query.$el.find('.atwho-view').css('left', leftPosition + 'px'); } if ($('.repository-show').length) { query.$el.find('.atwho-view').css('top', flag.top + 'px'); } }) .atwho({ at: '@', callbacks: { remoteFilter: function(query, callback) { $.getJSON(FilterTypeEnum.USER.dataUrl, { query: query }, function(data) { callback(data.users); }); }, tplEval: function(_tpl, map) { return map.name; }, highlighter: function(li, query) { return matchHighlighter(li, query); }, beforeInsert: function(value, li) { return `[@${li.attr('data-full-name')}~${li.attr('data-id')}]`; } }, startsWithSpace: true, acceptSpaceBar: true, displayTimeout: 120000 }) .atwho(atWhoSettings('#')); // .atwho(atWhoSettings('task#', FilterTypeEnum.TASK)) Waiting for better times // .atwho(atWhoSettings('project#', FilterTypeEnum.PROJECT)) // .atwho(atWhoSettings('experiment#', FilterTypeEnum.EXPERIMENT)) // .atwho(atWhoSettings('sample#', FilterTypeEnum.REPOSITORY)); } return { init: init }; } // Closes the atwho popup * needed in repositories to close the popup // if nothing is selected and the user leaves the form * function closePopup() { $('.atwho-header-res').find('.fa-times').click(); } function initialize(field) { var atWho = new SetAtWho(field); atWho.init(); } return Object.freeze({ init: initialize, preventPropagation: atwhoStopPropagation, closePopup: closePopup }); }()); // initialize the smart annotations (function() { $(document).on('focus', '[data-atwho-edit]', function() { if (_.isUndefined($(this).data('atwho'))) { SmartAnnotation.init(this); } }); }());