en: devise: confirmations: new: head_title: "Resend confirmation instructions" title: "Resend confirmation instructions" submit: "Resend confirmation instructions" passwords: edit: head_title: "Change password" title: "Change your password" password: "New password" password_length: "(%{min_length} characters minimum)" password_confirm: "Confirm new password" submit: "Change my password" new: head_title: "Forgot password" title: "Forgot your password?" submit: "Send me reset password instructions" names: length_too_short: "Name can't be blank" length_too_long: "Name is too long (maximum is %{max_length} characters)" registrations: password_changed: "Password successfully updated." sessions: new: head_title: "Log in" title: "Log in" email_placeholder: "username@email.com" password_placeholder: "pass****" submit: "Log in" create: org_name: "%{user}'s projects" unlocks: new: head_title: "Resend unlock instructions" title: "Resend unlock instructions" submit: "Resend unlock instructions" links: login: "Log in" signup: "Sign up" forgot: "Forgot your password?" not_receive_confirmation: "Didn't receive confirmation instructions?" not_receive_unlock: "Didn't receive unlock instructions?" sign_in_provider: "Sign in with %{provider}" helpers: label: organization: name: "Team name" user: full_name: "Full name" initials: "Initials" avatar: "Avatar" head: title: "sciNote | %{title}" nav: search: "Search" user_greeting: "Hi, %{full_name}" advanced_search: "Advanced search" title: "sciNote" user: profile: "My profile" settings: "Settings" logout: "Log out" activities: none: "No activities!" label: projects: "Projects" protocols: "Protocols" calendar: "Calendar" activities: "Activities" sidebar: title: "Navigation" no_module_group: "No workflow" nav2: projects: canvas: "Overview" samples: "Samples" activities: "Activity" reports: "Reports" modules: steps: "Protocols" results: "Results" activities: "Activity" samples: "Samples" archive: "Archive" search: index: head_title: "Search" page_title: "Search" results_title_html: "Search Results for '%{query}'" public: "Public" private: "Private" archived: "Archived" created_by: "Created by: " created_at: "Created at: " last_modified_by: "Last modified by: " last_modified_at: "Last modified at: " keywords: "Keywords: " authors: "Authors: " description: "Description: " no_description: "No description" organization: "Team: " project: "Project: " protocol: "Protocol: " modules: "Tasks: " tag_no_modules: "not added to any tasks" sample_no_modules: "not assigned to any tasks" module: "Task: " step: "Step: " result: "Result: " no_name: "(no name)" error: no_results: "No results for %{q}." query_length: "Search query is too short. It should contain at least %{n} characters." max_length: "Search query is too long. The query is limited to %{n} characters." samples: sample: "Sample: " sample_type: "Sample type: " no_sample_type: "No sample type" sample_group: "Sample group: " no_sample_group: "No sample group" added_on: "Added on: " added_by: "Added by: " custom_field: "%{cf}: " comments: project: "Project comment" my_module: "Task comment" step: "Step comment" result: "Result comment" projects: index: head_title: "Home" new: "New project" visibility_private: "Project is private. Only invited users can see it." visibility_public: "Project is public. Everybody from the team can see it." user_project: "%{user} joined on %{timestamp}." no_activities: "No activities!" no_comments: "No comments!" no_users: "No users!" manage_users: "Manage users" no_notifications: "No notifications!" module_overdue_html: "Task %{module} is overdue (%{days})." module_overdue_days: one: "1 day" other: "%{count} days" module_one_day_due_html: "Task %{module} is due in less than 1 day." new_comment: "New comment" user_role: "Role: " user_full_name: "User: " edit_user: "Edit role" delete_user: "Remove user from project" delete_user_confirm: "Are you sure you wish to remove user %{user} from project %{project}?" organization_filter: "Show projects from" all_filter: "All" sort: "Sort by" sort_new: "Newest first" sort_old: "Oldest first" sort_atoz: "From A to Z" sort_ztoa: "From Z to A" start_date: "Start date" activity_tab: "Activity" users_tab: "Users" notifications_tab: "Notifications" comment_tab: "Comments" new_comment: "New comment" content_loading: "Loading..." edit_option: "Edit" archive_option: "Archive" archive_confirm: "Are you sure to archive project?" restore_option: "Restore" options_header: "Options" comment_placeholder: "Your Message" more_comments: "More Comments" no_archived_projects: "No archived projects!" back_to_projects_index: "Back to home" modal_new_project: modal_title: "Create new project" create: "Create project" name: "Project name" name_placeholder: "My project" organization: "Team" visibility: "Visibility" visibility_hidden: "Private" visibility_visible: "Public" modal_edit_project: modal_title: "Edit project %{project}" submit: "Update project" modal_manage_users: modal_title: "Manage users for" no_users: "No users!" create: "Add" select_user_role: "Select Role" invite_users_link: "Invite users" invite_users_details: "to team %{organization}." contact_admins: "To invite additional users to team %{organization}, contact its administrator/s." no_orgs: title: "It's empty here!" text: "It seems you're not a member of any team. See team management to sort it out." btn: "Manage teams" create: success_flash: "Project %{name} successfully created." update: success_flash: "Project %{name} successfully updated." error_flash: "Project %{name} not updated." archive: head_title: "Projects Archive" success_flash: "Project %{name} successfully archived." error_flash: "Project %{name} not archived." restore: success_flash: "Project %{name} successfully restored." error_flash: "Project %{name} not restored." show: head_title: "%{project}" canvas: head_title: "%{project} | Overview" canvas_edit: "Edit workflow" modal_manage_tags: head_title: "Manage tags for" subtitle: "Showing tags of task %{module}" no_tags: "No tags!" edit_tag: "Edit tag." remove_tag: "Remove tag from task %{module}." delete_tag: "Permanently delete tag from all tasks." save_tag: "Save tag." cancel_tag: "Cancel changes to the tag." create: "Add tag" create_new: "Create new tag" edit: new_module: "New task" new_module_hover: "Drag me onto canvas" save: "Save workflow" save_short: "Save" cancel: "Cancel" unsaved_work: "Are you sure you want to leave this page? All unsaved data will be lost." drag_connections: "Drag connection/s from here" options_header: "Options" edit_module: "Rename task" edit_module_group: "Rename workflow" clone_module: "Clone task" clone_module_group: "Clone workflow" delete_module: "Archive task" delete_module_group: "Archive workflow" modal_new_module: title: "Add new task" name: "Task name" name_placeholder: "My task" confirm: "Add task" error_length: "Name must contain from 2 to 50 characters." error_invalid: "Name contains invalid characters ('|')." error_whitespaces: "Name cannot be blank." modal_edit_module: title: "Rename task" name: "Task name" confirm: "Rename task" modal_edit_module_group: title: "Rename workflow" name: "Workflow name" confirm: "Rename workflow" modal_delete_module: title: "Archive task" confirm: "Archive task" message: "Are you sure you wish to archive task %{module}? Task's samples and position will be removed." modal_delete_module_group: title: "Archive workflow" confirm: "Archive workflow" message: "Are you sure you wish to archive the workflow task %{module} belongs to? All workflow tasks' samples and positions will be removed." popups: info_tab: "Task info" no_description: "This task has no description." full_info: "Edit description" users_tab: "Assigned users" no_users: "This task has no assigned users." manage_users: "Manage users" module_user_join: "Joined on %{date}." module_user_join_full: "%{user} joined on %{date} at %{time}." activities_tab: "Activity" no_activities: "No activities!" more_activities: "All activities" comments_tab: "Comments" no_comments: "No comments!" more_comments: "More Comments" comment_placeholder: "Your Message" new_comment: "New comment" samples_tab: "Samples" no_samples: "No samples!" manage_samples: "Manage samples" full_zoom: due_date: "Due date" no_due_date: "not set" modal_manage_users: modal_title: "Manage users for" no_users: "No users" user_join: "Joined on %{date}." user_join_full: "%{user} joined on %{date} at %{time}." create: "Add" invite_users_link: "Invite users" invite_users_details: "to team %{organization}." contact_admins: "To invite additional users to team %{organization}, contact its administrator/s." update: success_flash: "Project successfully updated." samples: head_title: "%{project} | Sample library" activities: head_title: "%{project} | Activity" reports: print_title: "%{project} | Report" index: head_title: "%{project} | Reports" new: "New report" edit: "Edit report" delete: "Delete report/s" thead_name: "Report name" thead_created_by: "Created by" thead_last_modified_by: "Last modified by" thead_created_at: "Created at" thead_updated_at: "Last updated at" no_reports: "No reports!" modal_delete: head_title: "Delete report/s" message: "Are you sure to delete selected report/s?" delete: "Delete" new: head_title: "%{project} | New report" nav_title: "Report for: " nav_print: "Print" nav_pdf: "Export to PDF" nav_save: "Save report" nav_close: "Close" nav_sort_by: "Sort report by" nav_sort_asc: "Oldest on top" nav_sort_desc: "Newest on top" nav_sort: "Sort" sidebar_title: "Navigation" global_sort: "Sorting whole report will undo any custom sorting you might have done. Proceed?" unsaved_work: "Are you sure you want to leave this page? All unsaved data will be lost." elements: modals: project_contents: head_title: "Add contents to report" project_tab: "Choose tasks" modules_tab: "Tasks content" steps_tab: "Protocols content" results_tab: "Results content" project_contents_inner: instructions: "Select projects/workflows/tasks to include in the report" no_modules: "The project contains no tasks" no_module_group: "No workflow" module_contents: head_title: "Add contents to task %{module}" module_tab: "Task content" steps_tab: "Protocols content" results_tab: "Results content" module_contents_inner: instructions: "Choose what information from task/s to include in the report" header: "Report elements" steps: "Completed protocol steps" no_steps: "Task contains no protocols" results: "Results" result_assets: "Files" result_tables: "Tables" result_texts: "Texts" no_results: "Task contains no results" activity: "Activity" samples: "Samples" step_contents: head_title: "Add contents to step %{step}" step_tab: "Step content" results_tab: "Results content" step_contents_inner: instructions: "Choose what information from task protocol step/s to include in the report" header: "Report elements" tables: "Tables" no_tables: "Step contains no tables" assets: "Files" no_assets: "Step contains no uploaded files" checklists: "Checklists" no_checklists: "Step contains no checklists" comments: "Comments" result_contents: head_title: "Add contents to result %{result}" result_contents_inner: instructions: "Include result/s comments in the report?" comments: "Comments" add: "Add to report" save_report: head_title: "Save report" name: "Report name" name_placeholder: "My report" description: "Report description" description_placeholder: "My report description..." save: "Save" all: sort_asc: "Sort report element contents by oldest on top" sort_desc: "Sort report element contents by newest on top" move_up: "Move report element up" move_down: "Move report element down" remove: "Remove report element from the report" new_element: title: "Add new report element/s here" project_header: user_time: "Project created on %{timestamp}." title: "Report for project %{project}" module: user_time: "Task created on %{timestamp}." due_date: "Due date: %{due_date}" no_due_date: "No due date" no_description: "No description" tags_header: "Task tags:" no_tags: "No tags" module_activity: name: "Activity of task %{my_module}" sidebar_name: "Activity" no_activity: "No activities" module_samples: name: "Samples of task %{my_module}" sidebar_name: "Samples" no_samples: "No samples" result_asset: file_name: "[ %{file} ]" user_time: "Uploaded by %{user} on %{timestamp}." result_table: user_time: "Created by %{user} on %{timestamp}." result_text: user_time: "Created by %{user} on %{timestamp}." step: sidebar_name: "Step %{pos}: %{name}" user_time: "Completed by %{user} on %{timestamp}." step_pos: "Step %{pos}:" no_description: "No description" step_table: sidebar_name: "Table" # TODO user_time: "Table created on %{timestamp}." step_asset: sidebar_name: "File %{file}" file_name: "[ %{file} ]" user_time: "File uploaded on %{timestamp}." step_checklist: checklist_name: "[ %{name} ]" user_time: "Checklist created on %{timestamp}." result_comments: sidebar_name: "Comments" name: "Comments for result %{result}" no_comments: "No comments" comment_prefix: "%{user} on %{date} at %{time}:" step_comments: sidebar_name: "Comments" name: "Comments for step %{step}" no_comments: "No comments" comment_prefix: "%{user} on %{date} at %{time}:" module_archive: head_title: "%{project} | Archived tasks" no_archived_modules: "No archived tasks!" restore_option: "Restore" archived_on: "Archived on" archived_on_title: "Task archived on %{date} at %{time}." user_organizations: enums: role: guest: "Guest" normal_user: "Normal user" admin: "Administrator" user_projects: enums: role: owner: "Owner" normal_user: "User" technician: "Technician" viewer: "Viewer" new: head_title: "%{project} | Add user" title: "Add user to project %{project}" create: "Add" role: "Role" create: success_flash: "User %{user} successfully added to project %{project}." error_flash: "User %{user} not added to project %{project}." select_user_role: "Please select a user role." add_user_generic_error: "An error occured. " edit: head_title: "%{project} | Edit user role" title: "Edit role for user %{user} on project %{project}" update: "Update role" update_role: "Change Role" update: success_flash: "Successfully changed project role for user %{user} on project %{project}." error_flash: "Project role not changed for user %{user} on project %{project}." destroy: success_flash: "Successfully removed user %{user} from project %{project}." error_flash: "User %{user} not removed from project %{project}." my_modules: show: head_title: "%{project} | %{module}" archive_action: "Archive" archive_confirm_text: "All samples will be unassigned from the task when archiving. Are you sure to archive task?" edit: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Edit" title: "Edit task %{module}" name: "Task name" due_date: "Due date" save: "Save task" description: title: "Edit task %{module} description" label: "Description" due_date: title: "Edit task %{module} due date" label: "Due date" update: success_flash: "Successfully modified task %{module}." destroy: success_flash: "Successfully removed task %{module} from project %{project}." samples: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Sample library" module_archive: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Archive" archived_on: "Archived on" archived_on_title: "Result archived on %{date} at %{time}." option_download: "Download" no_archived_results: "No archived results!" archive_timelabel: "archived on %{date}" module_header: start_date: "Start date:" due_date: "Due date:" tags: "Tags:" no_tags: "No tags" no_description: "No description" protocols: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Protocols" protocol_status_bar: private_parent: "(private)" unlinked: "(unlinked)" public_desc: "This protocol is public; everyone from team can see it." private_desc: "This protocol is private; it is only visible to you." added_by: "Added by" added_by_tooltip: "Added at %{ts}" private_protocol_desc: "The parent protocol is private. Only its author can manage it." no_description: "no description" keywords: "Keywords" no_keywords: "no keywords" btns: unlink: "Unlink protocol" unlink_title: "Unlink this protocol from the parent in the repository" revert: "Revert protocol" revert_title: "Revert the protocol to the repository version. This will discard any local changes." update_parent: "Update repository version" update_parent_title: "Update the repository protocol with this version" update_self: "Update from repository" update_self_title: "Update this protocol with the version stored in the repository" btns_unlinked: title: "Unlinked" text: "This protocol is not stored in the protocol repository." btns_linked_no_diff: title: "Linked" text: "This protocol is linked with the version stored in the protocol repository." btns_newer_than_parent: title: "Newer version in task" text: "This version of protocol is newer than the version stored in protocol repository." btns_parent_newer: title: "Newer version in repository" text: "There is a newer version of this protocol in the repository." btns_parent_and_self_newer: title: "Newer version in repository and task" text: "There is a newer version of this protocol in the repository. This version of protocol is newer than the version stored in protocol repository." buttons: load_protocol: "Load protocol" load_protocol_from_repository: "from repository" load_protocol_from_file: "from file" export: "Export protocol" copy_to_repository: "Copy protocol to repository" confirm_link_update_modal: unlink_title: "Unlink protocol" unlink_message: "Are you sure you want to unlink the task protocol from the repository version? This will stop any tracking of changes." unlink_btn_text: "Unlink" revert_title: "Revert protocol" revert_message: "Are you sure you want to revert the task protocol to the repository version? This will override any local changes you made." revert_btn_text: "Revert" update_parent_title: "Update repository version" update_parent_message: "Are you sure you want to update the repository protocol with this version? This will override any other changes made in the repository version." update_self_title: "Update from repository" update_self_message: "Are you sure you want to update this protocol with the version from the repository? This will override any local changes you made." unlink_flash: "Protocol was successfully unlinked." unlink_error: "Failed to unlink protocol." revert_flash: "Protocol was successfully reverted to protocol version." revert_error: "Failed to revert protocol." update_parent_flash: "Protocol in repository was successfully updated with the version from the task." update_parent_error: "Failed to update repository version of the protocol." update_from_parent_flash: "Version in the repository was successfully updated." update_from_parent_error: "Failed to update the protocol with the version in the repository." load_from_repository_flash: "Successfully loaded the protocol from the repository." load_from_repository_error: "Failed to load the protocol from the repository." load_from_repository_modal: title: "Load protocol from repository" text: "Choose the protocol to be loaded to the task." text2: "This will overwrite the current protocol!" tab_public: "Public protocols" tab_private: "Private protocols" thead_name: "Name" thead_keywords: "Keywords" thead_nr_of_linked_children: "No. of linked tasks" thead_published_by: "Published by" thead_added_by: "Added by" thead_published_on: "Published at" thead_created_at: "Created at" thead_updated_at: "Last modified at" confirm_message: "Are you sure you wish to load protocol from repository? This action will overwrite the current protocol." load: "Load" copy_to_repository_modal: title: "Copy protocol to repository" name_label: "Repository protocol name" name_placeholder: "My protocol" type_label: "Copy to" type_public: "Public protocols" type_private: "Private protocols" type_text: "You can copy the protocol to public team repository, or to your private protocols." link_label: "Link task to this repository protocol" link_text: "Warning! This will unlink the currently linked protocol." error_400: "Due to unknown error, protocol could not be copied to repository." confirm: "Copy to repository" load_from_file_flash: "Successfully loaded the protocol from the file." load_from_file_error: "Failed to load the protocol from file." results: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Results" add_label: "Add new result:" new_text_result: "Text" new_table_result: "Table" new_asset_result: "File" published_on: "Published on %{timestamp} by %{user}" published_table: "entered a table on %{timestamp}." published_text: "entered a text on %{timestamp}." published_asset: "uploaded a file on %{timestamp}." expand_label: "Expand all" collapse_label: "Collapse all" empty_name: "Add title" archive_confirm: "Are you sure to archive result?" info_tab: "Info" comments_tab: "Comments" comment_title: "%{user} at %{time}:" options: comment_title: "Comments" no_comments: "No comments" new_comment: "New comment" edit_title: "Edit result" archive_title: "Archive result" activities: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Activity" no_activities: "There are no activities for this task." more_activities: "Load older activities" my_module_tags: new: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Add tag" title: "Add tag to task %{module}" create: "Add tag" new_tag: "Create new tag" create: success_flash: "Successfully added tag %{tag} to task %{module}." error_flash: "Could not create new tag for task %{module}." destroy: success_flash: "Successfully removed tag %{tag} from task %{module}." error_flash: "Tag %{tag} could not be removed from %{module}." my_module_comments: new: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Add comment" title: "Add comment to task %{module}" create: "Add comment" create: success_flash: "Successfully added comment to task %{module}." my_module_groups: new: name: "Workflow %{index}" suffix: "..." tags: new: head_title: "Create tag" title: "Create a new tag" name: "Tag name" name_placeholder: "My tag" color: "Tag color" create: "Create tag" create: new_name: "New tag" success_flash: "Successfully created tag %{tag}." error_flash: "Could not create a new tag." destroy: success_flash: "Successfully removed tag %{tag}." error_flash: "Could not remove tag %{tag}." project_comments: new: head_title: "%{project} | Add comment" title: "Add comment to project %{project}" create: "Add comment" create: success_flash: "Successfully added comment to project %{project}." result_texts: new: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Add text result" title: "Add result to task %{module}" create: "Add text result" edit: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Edit text result" title: "Edit result from task %{module}" update: "Update text result" create: success_flash: "Successfully added text result to task %{module}" update: success_flash: "Successfully updated text result in task %{module}" archive: success_flash: "Successfully archived text result in task %{module}" destroy: success_flash: "Text result successfully deleted." result_assets: new: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Add file result" title: "Add result to task %{module}" create: "Add file result" edit: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Edit file result" title: "Edit result from task %{module}" uploaded_asset: "Uploaded file" update: "Update file result" create: success_flash: "Successfully added file result to task %{module}" update: success_flash: "Successfully updated file result in task %{module}" archive: success_flash: "Successfully archived file result in task %{module}" destroy: success_flash: "File result successfully deleted." result_tables: new: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Add table result" title: "Add result to task %{module}" create: "Add table result" edit: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Edit table result" title: "Edit result from task %{module}" update: "Update table result" create: success_flash: "Successfully added table result to task %{module}" update: success_flash: "Successfully updated table result in task %{module}" archive: success_flash: "Successfully archived table result in task %{module}" destroy: success_flash: "Table result successfully deleted." samples: actions: "Actions" add_new_sample: "Add new sample" import: "Import" export: "Export" assign_samples_to_module: "Assign" unassign_samples_to_module: "Unassign" delete_samples: "Delete" edit_sample: "Edit" save_sample: "Save" cancel_save: "Cancel" column_visibility: "Visible columns" add_new_sample_type: "Add sample type" add_new_sample_group: "Add sample group" add_new_column: "Add column" modal_import: title: "Import samples" notice: "You may upload .csv file (comma separated) or tab separated file (.txt or .tdv) or Excel file (.xls, .xlsx). First row should include header names, followed by rows with sample data." upload: "Upload file" modal_delete: title: "Delete samples" notice: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected samples?" other_samples: "Only samples created by you will be deleted." delete: "Delete samples" modal_add_custom_field: title_html: "Add new column to team %{organization}" create: "Add new column" modal_add_new_sample_group: title_html: "Add new sample group to team %{organization}" create: "Add new sample group" modal_add_new_sample_type: title_html: "Add new sample type to team %{organization}" create: "Add new sample type" table: assigned: "Assigned" sample_name: "Sample name" sample_type: "Sample type" sample_group: "Sample group" added_on: "Added on" added_by: "Added by" no_group: "No sample group" no_type: "No sample type" new: head_title: "%{organization} | Add new sample" title: "Add new sample to team %{organization}" create: "Add new sample" sample_type: "Sample type" sample_group: "Sample group" no_group: "No sample group" no_type: "No sample type" edit_sample_type: "Edit sample type" edit_sample_group: "Edit sample group" edit: head_title: "%{organization} | Edit sample" title: "Edit sample %{sample} from team %{organization}" create: "Edit sample" scf_does_not_exist: "This field does not exists." create: success_flash: "Successfully added sample to team %{organization}" update: success_flash: "Successfully updated sample %{sample} to team %{organization}" destroy: success_flash: "%{sample_number} samples successfully deleted." contains_other_samples_flash: "%{sample_number} samples successfully deleted. %{other_samples_number} of the selected samples were created by other users and were not deleted." no_sample_selected_flash: "There were no selected samples." no_deleted_samples_flash: "No samples were deleted. %{other_samples_number} of the selected samples were created by other users and were not deleted." js: permission_error: "You don't have permission to edit this sample." not_found_error: "This sample does not exist." sample_types: edit: head_title: "%{organization} | Edit sample type" title: "Edit sample type %{sample_type} from team %{organization}" create: "Edit sample type" create: success_flash: "Successfully added sample type %{sample_type} to team %{organization}." update: success_flash: "Successfully updated sample type %{sample_type} to team %{organization}." destroy: success_flash: "Sample type %{sample_type} successfully deleted." custom_fields: new: title_html: "Add new column to team %{organization}" create: "Add new column" create: success_flash: "Successfully added column %{custom_field} to team %{organization}." organizations: parse_sheet: head_title: "%{organization} | Import samples" title: "Import samples to team %{organization}" help_text: "Match the columns of your uploaded file with already existing columns in database." scinote_columns_html: "sciNote columns:" file_columns: "Imported columns:" example_value: "Imported file content:" import_samples: "Import samples" do_not_include_column: "Do not include this column" errors: invalid_file: "The file you provided is invalid." invalid_extension: "The file has invalid extension." empty_file: "You've selected empty file. There's not much to import." temp_file_failure: "We couldn't create temporary file. Please contact administrator." no_file_selected: "You didn't select any file." errors_list_title: "Samples were not imported because one or more errors was found:" file_size_exceeded: "Must be less than 50MB" list_row: "Row %{row}" list_error: "%{key}: %{val}" import_samples: head_title: "%{organization} | Import samples" title: "Import samples to team %{organization}" sample: one: "1 sample" other: "%{count} samples" success_flash: "%{nr} of %{samples} successfully imported." partial_success_flash: "%{nr} of %{samples} successfully imported. Other rows contained errors." errors: temp_file_not_found: "This file could not be found. Your session might expire." session_expired: "Your session expired. Please retry importing samples again." no_data_to_parse: "There's nothing to be parsed." no_sample_name: "Sample name is required!" duplicated_values: "Two or more columns have the same mapping." sample_groups: color_label: "Sample group color" edit: head_title: "%{organization} | Edit sample group" title: "Edit sample group %{sample_group} from team %{organization}" create: "Edit sample group" create: success_flash: "Successfully added sample group %{sample_group} to team %{organization}." update: success_flash: "Successfully updated sample group %{sample_group} to team %{organization}." destroy: success_flash: "Sample group %{sample_group} successfully deleted." activities: index: today: "Today" more_activities: "More Activities" no_activities: "No activities!" modal: modal_title: "Activities" create_project: "%{user} created project %{project}." rename_project: "%{user} renamed project %{project_old} to %{project_new}." change_project_visibility: "%{user} changed project %{project}'s visibility to %{visibility}." archive_project: "%{user} moved project %{project} to archive." restore_project: "%{user} restored project %{project} from archive." assign_user_to_project: "%{assigned_user} was added as %{role} to project %{project} by %{assigned_by_user}." change_user_role_on_project: "%{actor} changed %{user}'s role on project %{project} to %{role}." unassign_user_from_project: "%{unassigned_user} was removed from project %{project} by %{unassigned_by_user}." create_module: "%{user} created task %{module}." assign_user_to_module: "%{assigned_user} was added to task %{module} by %{assigned_by_user}." unassign_user_from_module: "%{unassigned_user} was removed from task %{module} by %{unassigned_by_user}." clone_module: "%{user} cloned %{module_new} from %{module_original}." archive_module: "%{user} moved task %{module} to archive." restore_module: "%{user} restored task %{module} from archive." change_module_description: "%{user} changed task %{module}'s description." create_step: "%{user} created Step %{step} %{step_name}." destroy_step: "%{user} deleted Step %{step} %{step_name}." add_comment_to_step: "%{user} commented on Step %{step} %{step_name}." complete_step: "%{user} completed Step %{step} %{step_name} (%{completed}/%{all} completed)." uncomplete_step: "%{user} uncompleted Step %{step} %{step_name} (%{completed}/%{all} completed)." check_step_checklist_item: "%{user} completed task %{checkbox} (%{completed}/%{all} completed) in Step %{step} %{step_name}." uncheck_step_checklist_item: "%{user} uncompleted task %{checkbox} (%{completed}/%{all} completed) in Step %{step} %{step_name}." edit_step: "%{user} edited Step %{step} %{step_name}." add_asset_result: "%{user} added file result %{result}." add_text_result: "%{user} added text result %{result}." add_table_result: "%{user} added table result %{result}." add_comment_to_result: "%{user} commented on result %{result}." archive_asset_result: "%{user} archived file result %{result}." archive_text_result: "%{user} archived text result %{result}." archive_table_result: "%{user} archived table result %{result}." edit_asset_result: "%{user} edited file result %{result}." edit_text_result: "%{user} edited text result %{result}." edit_table_result: "%{user} edited table result %{result}." user_my_modules: new: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Add user" title: "Add user to task %{module}" create: "Add user to task" no_users_available: "All users of the current project all already added to this task." assign_user: "Add user" back_button: "Back to task" create: success_flash: "Successfully added user %{user} to task %{module}." error_flash: "User %{user} could not be added to task %{module}." destroy: success_flash: "Successfully removed user %{user} from task %{module}." error_flash: "User %{user} could not be removed from task %{module}." step_comments: new: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Add comment to step" title: "Add comment to step %{step}" create: "Add comment" create: success_flash: "Successfully added comment to step %{step}." result_comments: new: head_title: "%{project} | %{module} | Add comment to result" title: "Add comment to result" create: "Add comment" create: success_flash: "Successfully added comment to result." users: enums: status: active: "Active" pending: "Pending" invitations: edit: head_title: "Accept invitation" name_label: "Team name" name_help: "Team name is required in order to create your own team. (min 4 characters)" registrations: edit: head_title: "My profile" title: "My profile" avatar_label: "Avatar" avatar_btn: "Change avatar" avatar_title: "Change avatar" avatar_edit_label: "Upload new avatar file" avatar_submit: "Upload" name_label: "Full name" name_title: "Change name" initials_label: "Initials" initials_title: "Change initials" email_label: "Email" email_title: "Change email" new_email_label: "New email" current_password_label: "Current password" password_explanation: "(we need your current password to confirm your changes)" waiting_for_confirm: "Currently waiting confirmation for: %{email}" password_label: "Password" password_title: "Change password" new_password_label: "New password" new_password_2_label: "New password confirmation" new: head_title: "Sign up" name_help: "Team name is required in order to create your own team. (min 4 characters)" settings: navigation: preferences: "My preferences" organizations: "My teams" preferences: head_title: "Settings | My preferences" edit: time_zone_label: "Time zone" time_zone_sublabel: "Time zone setting affects all time & date fields throughout application." time_zone_title: "Time zone" update_flash: "Preferences successfully updated." tutorial: modal_title: "Repeat tutorial" no_organizations: "Seems like you are not a member of any team. Tutorials can be run only by team members." repeat_tutorial: "Repeat tutorial" select_organization_instruction: "Select the team where you wish to create the demo project." select_organization: "Select team" tutorial_reset_flash: "Tutorial can now be repeated." tutorial_reset_error: "Tutorial could not be repeated." organizations: head_title: "Settings | My teams" breadcrumbs: all: "All teams" new_organization: "New team" index: member_of: one: "You are member of %{count} team." other: "You are member of %{count} teams." no_organizations: "You are not a member of any team." new_organization: "New team" thead_name: "Team" thead_role: "Role" thead_created_at: "Created at" thead_joined_on: "Joined on" thead_members: "Members" na: "n/a" leave: "Leave team" leave_uo_heading: "Leave team %{org}" leave_uo_message: "Are you sure you wish to leave team %{org}? This action is irreversible." leave_uo_alert_heading: "Leaving team has following consequences:" leave_uo_alert_line_1: "you will lose access to all content belonging to the team (including projects, tasks, protocols and activities);" leave_uo_alert_line_2: "all projects in the team where you were the sole Owner will receive a new owner from the team administrators;" leave_uo_alert_line_3: "all repository protocols in the team belonging to you will be reassigned onto a new owner from team administrators." leave_uo_confirm: "Leave" leave_flash: "Successfuly left team %{org}." new: name_label: "Team name" name_placeholder: "My team" name_sublabel: "Pick a name that would best describe your team (e.g. 'University of ..., Department of ...')." description_label: "Description" description_sublabel: "Describe your team." create: "Create team" edit: header_created_at: "Created at:" header_joined_on: "Joined on:" header_space_taken: "Space taken:" header_no_description: "No description" name_title: "Edit team name" name_label: "Name" description_title: "Edit team description" description_label: "Description" manage_users: "Manage users" add_user: "Invite user" thead_user_name: "Member name" thead_email: "Member email" thead_joined_on: "Joined on" thead_status: "Status" thead_role: "Role" user_dropdown: btn_label: "Edit" role_label: "User role" remove_label: "Remove" destroy_uo_heading: "Remove user %{user} from team %{org}" destroy_uo_message: "Are you sure you wish to remove user %{user} from team %{org}?" destroy_uo_alert_heading: "Removing user from team has following consequences:" destroy_uo_alert_line_1: "user will lose access to all content belonging to the team (including projects, tasks, protocols and activities);" destroy_uo_alert_line_2: "all projects in the team where user was the sole Owner will be reassigned onto you as a new owner;" destroy_uo_alert_line_3: "all repository protocols in the team belonging to user will be reassigned onto you." destroy_uo_confirm: "Remove user" delete_organization_heading: "Delete team" can_delete_message: "This team can be deleted because it doesn't have any projects." delete_text: "Delete team." cannot_delete_message_projects: "Cannot delete this team. Only empty teams (without any projects) can be deleted." modal_add_user: title: "Invite user to team" existing_heading: "Invite existing sciNote user" existing_label: "Find existing user by name or email:" existing_placeholder: "Name or email" existing_query_too_short: "Query is too short (minimum is 3 characters)" existing_query_blank: "Query can't be blank" existing_results_title: "Choose user" no_existing_users: "No existing users found." existing_users_members_smalltext: one: "The search matched 1 user that is already member of the team." other: "The search matched %{count} users that are already members of the team." no_existing_users_members_smalltext: one: "No existing users that could be invited found; the search, however, matched 1 user that is already member of the team." other: "No existing users that could be invited found; the search, however, matched %{count} users that are already members of the team." existing_users_smalltext: "Only showing top %{nr} matched results." existing_flash_success: "User %{user} successfully invited to team as %{role}." existing_flash_error: "Error inviting user to team." new_heading: "Invite new user" new_label_name: "Type in the new user's full name:" new_placeholder_name: "Full name" new_label_email: "Type in the new user's email:" new_placeholder_email: "Email" new_flash_success: "User %{user} successfully invited to team as %{role}. Confirmation email was sent to %{email}." invite: "Invite user" invite_guest: "as Guest" invite_user: "as Normal user" invite_admin: "as Administrator" modal_destroy_organization: title: "Delete team" message: "Are you sure you wish to delete team %{org}? All of the users will be removed from the team as well. This action is irreversible." confirm: "Delete team" flash_success: "Team %{org} was successfully deleted." protocols: nav: breadcrumbs: manager: "Protocol management" edit: "Edit protocol" import_export: load_file_error: "Failed to load the protocol file." import_modal: title_import: "Import protocol/s" title_import_into_protocol: "Load protocol from file" import_into_protocol_message: "This will overwrite the current protocol!" import_into_protocol_confirm: "Are you sure you wish to load protocol from repository? This action will overwrite the current protocol." name_label: "Protocol name" authors_label: "Authors" description_label: "Description" created_at_label: "Created at" updated_at_label: "Last modified at" preview_title: "Protocol preview" preview_title_position: " | %{current} of %{total}" tables_header: "Tables" assets_header: "Files" import_current: "Import current" import_all: "Import all" import: "Import" export: export_results: title: "Export results" message_failed: "Failed to export %{nr} protocols." message_ok: "Successfully exported %{nr} protocols." row_success: "Exported" row_failed: "Failed" header: created_at: "Created at" updated_at: "Last modified at" added_by: "Added by" keywords: "Keywords" authors: "Authors" no_authors: "No authors" description: "Description" no_description: "No description" edit_name_modal: title: "Edit name of protocol %{protocol}" label: "Name" edit_keywords_modal: title: "Edit keywords of protocol %{protocol}" update_failed: "Could not update protocol keywords." edit_authors_modal: title: "Edit authors of protocol %{protocol}" label: "Authors" edit_description_modal: title: "Edit description of protocol %{protocol}" label: "Description" index: head_title: "Protocol management" navigation: public: "Public protocols" private: "Private protocols" public_description: "Public protocols are visible and can be used by everyone from the team." private_description: "Private protocols are only visible to you." create_new: "Create new" edit: "Edit" clone_btn: "Clone" import: "Import" export: "Export" make_private: "Make private" publish: "Publish" archive_action: "Archive" thead_name: "Name" thead_keywords: "Keywords" thead_nr_of_linked_children: "No. of linked tasks" thead_published_by: "Published by" thead_added_by: "Added by" thead_archived_by: "Archived by" thead_published_on: "Published at" thead_created_at: "Created at" thead_archived_on: "Archived at" thead_updated_at: "Last modified at" linked_children: title: "Tasks linked to protocol %{protocol}" used_in: "Number of tasks linked to this protocol: %{nr}" no_linked_children: "This protocol is not linked to any task." archive: description: "Archived protocols can only be seen by you. Restoring protocols will return them to their previous location (public/private)." restore: "Restore" no_orgs: title: "It's empty here!" text: "It seems you're not a member of any team. See team management to sort it out." btn: "Manage teams" make_private_unauthorized: "You do not have permission to make selected protocols private." make_private_error: "Error occured while making selected protocols private." publish_unauthorized: "You do not have permission to publish selected protocols." publish_error: "Error occured while publishing selected protocols." archive_unauthorized: "You do not have permission to archive selected protocols." archive_error: "Error occured while archiving selected protocols." restore_unauthorized: "You do not have permission to restore selected protocols." restore_error: "Error occured while restoring selected protocols." row_renamed_html: "%{old_name} to %{new_name}" no_protocol_name: "(no name)" create: title: "Create new protocol" name_label: "Protocol name" name_placeholder: "My protocol" message_public: "When you create a new public protocol, it will instantly be visible to all members of the team." message_private: "When you create a new private protocol, it will only be visible to you." submit: "Create" clone: success_flash: "Successfully cloned protocol '%{new}' from protocol '%{original}'." error_flash: "Failed to clone protocol '%{original}'." make_private_results: title: "Make private results" message_failed: "Failed to make %{nr} protocols private." message_ok: "Successfully made %{nr} protocols private." row_success: "Made private" row_renamed: "Made private & renamed" row_failed: "Failed" publish_results: title: "Publish results" message_failed: "Failed to publish %{nr} protocols." message_ok: "Successfully published %{nr} protocols." row_success: "Published" row_renamed: "Published & renamed" row_failed: "Failed" import_results: title: "Import results" message_failed: "Failed to import %{nr} protocol/s." message_ok: "Successfully imported %{nr} protocol/s." row_success: "Imported" row_renamed: "Imported & renamed" row_failed: "Failed" row_file_too_large: "(Protocol too large)" confirm_archive: title: "Archive protocols" message: "Are you sure you wish to archive the selected protocols? All the task protocols will be unlinked." confirm: "Archive" archive_results: title: "Archive results" message_failed: "Failed to archive %{nr} protocols." message_ok: "Successfully archived %{nr} protocols." row_success: "Archived" row_renamed: "Archived & renamed" row_failed: "Failed" restore_results: title: "Restore results" message_failed: "Failed to restore %{nr} protocols." message_ok: "Successfully restored %{nr} protocols." row_success: "Restored" row_renamed: "Restored & renamed" row_failed: "Failed" row_in_repository_public: "%{protocol} - into public protocols" row_in_repository_private: "%{protocol} - into private protocols" steps: expand_label: "Expand all" collapse_label: "Collapse all" new_step: "Add new" subtitle: "Protocol steps" no_steps: "Protocol has no steps." published_on: "Published on %{timestamp} by %{user}" info_tab: "Info" comments_tab: "Comments" no_description: "This step has no description." tables: "Tables" files: "Files" empty_checklist: "No items" comment_title: "%{user} at %{time}:" options: up_arrow_title: "Move step up" down_arrow_title: "Move step down" comment_title: "Comments" no_comments: "No comments" new_comments: "New comment" edit_title: "Edit step" delete_title: "Delete step" duplicate_title: "Duplicate step" complete_title: "Complete step" uncomplete_title: "Uncomplete step" new: add_step_title: "Add new step" tab_checklists: "Checklists" tab_assets: "Files" tab_tables: "Tables" add_step: "Add" name: "Step name" name_placeholder: "mRNA sequencing" description: "Description" description_placeholder: "Write what should be done here ..." checklist_panel_title: "Checklist" checklist_name: "Checklist name" checklist_name_placeholder: "Checklist name" checklist_items: "Items" checklist_item_placeholder: "Task" checklist_add_item: "Add item" add_checklist: "Add checklist" table_panel_title: "Table" table_placeholder: "Table contents" add_table: "Add table" asset_panel_title: "File" add_asset: "Add file" edit: edit_step_title: "Edit step" edit_step: "Save" destroy: confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete step %{step}?" success_flash: "Step %{step} successfully deleted." edit: head_title: "Edit protocol" no_keywords: "No keywords" general: update: "Update" edit: "Edit" cancel: "Cancel" close: "Close" check_all: "Check all" no_comments: "No comments!" more_comments: "More comments" comment_placeholder: "Your Message" module: one: "task" other: "tasks" public: "public" private: "private" search: "Search" file_size_exceeded: "File size must be less than %{file_size} MB." file_blank: "Please select a file." file_loading: "%{fileName} is loading..." mailer: invitation_to_organization: subject: "You have been invited to team" text: "User %{addedBy} has added you to team %{organization}." time: formats: full: "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" # This format is used for JS datetimepicker, # only in different notation; # it should be the same as the above full format full_js: "D.M.YYYY HH:mm" # This format is used only in datatables # to format the timestamp in SQL so it can # be easily searched by input param datatables_date: 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI' full_date: "%d.%m.%Y" time: "%H:%M" short: "%H" tutorial: next: "Next" skip_tutorial: "Skip tutorial" end_tutorial: "End tutorial" finish_tutorial: "Start using sciNote" tutorial_welcome_title_html: "Welcome to sciNote" create_project_html: "sciNote organizes your work in projects. Click here to create a project and it will appear under the Team you've chosen. Choose public if you want everyone from the team to view the project or choose private so only the people who you invite to the project can see it." project_options_html: "In the bottom row of the project box you can view and add comments , invite collaborators , and see the latest activity and notifications . You can also edit the project's name and visibility or archive it. You can recall the project from the archive at any time. Click on the project name Demo project - qPCR to continue." canvas_overview_html: "A task is a basic unit of your experiment. Within a task, you can add protocols, results and add samples. You can connect tasks into workflows to assure traceability of your work. You can grab the task or entire workflow and move it in all directions on the canvas." canvas_click_edit_workflow_html: " Click Edit workflow to add tasks or modify your existing workflow." edit_workflow_html: "To add a new task to the workflow, click on New task and drag it onto canvas." edit_workflow_click_save_html: "Click Save workflow to save the changes you've made." sidebar_html: "Browse the contents in the folder structure or navigate to a specific task on the canvas by clicking the navigate icon ." sidebar_click_module_html: "Click on the task name qPCR to see its contents." module_protocols_html: "Add steps to a protocol, create checklists or upload existing protocol files. After finishing one step, click Complete step to proceed to the next step. Exact time and the person who completed the step are recorded and can be seen at any time in Activity tab." module_protocols_click_results_html: "Click on the Results tab to upload experiment results." module_results_html: "You can upload any type of a file, insert table or write comments." module_results_click_samples_html: "Click on the Samples tab to import, export or assign samples to the task." samples_html: "You can easily import sample tables from Excel or tab-delimited files. If you assign samples to one task in a workflow, these samples will be automatically assigned to downstream tasks." breadcrumbs_html: "You can always use these breadcrumbs to navigate back. Click on the Reports tab to go to Demo project - qPCR reports page." reports_index_html: "You can automatically generate reports for meetings, projects, patents or theses." reports_index_click_new_report_html: "Click New report to create a new report." new_report_html: "To add report elements to the report, click on the —+— sign on the sheet. Select the report contents in the tabs and click Add to report. You can save the report as a PDF on your computer or save it within sciNote to view and modify later." new_report_click_org_html: "Click on %{private_org} in breadcrumbs to return to the Dashboard." archive_project_html: "Archive demo project by clicking on the down arrow . You can always access the archive by clicking the button on the top right side of the dashboard and restore any item you have archived." # This section contains general words that can be used in any parts of # application. errors: upload: "Upload error. Try again or contact the administrator." Add: "Add" Asset: "File" Assets: "Files" Download: "Download" Module: "Task" Modules: "Tasks" Project: "Project" Projects: "Projects" Result: "Result" Results: "Results" Protocol: "Protocol" Protocols: "Protocols" Checklist: "Checklist" Checklists: "Checklists" Table: "Table" Tables: "Tables" Sample: "Sample" Samples: "Samples" Reports: "Reports" Comments: "Comments" Step: "Step" Steps: "Steps" Tag: "Tag" Tags: "Tags" Workflow: "Workflow" Workflows: "Workflows" More: "More"