class RepositoryTableStateService attr_reader :user, :repository def initialize(user, repository) @user = user @repository = repository end # We're using Constants::REPOSITORY_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE as a reference for # default table state; this Ruby Hash makes heavy use of Ruby symbols # notation; HOWEVER, the state that is saved on the RepositoryTableState # record, has EVERYTHING (booleans, symbols, keys, ...) saved as Strings. def load_state state = RepositoryTableState.where(user: @user, repository: @repository).take if state.blank? state = self.create_default_state end state end def update_state(state) self.load_state .update(state: state) end def create_default_state # Destroy any state object before recreating a new one RepositoryTableState.where(user: @user, repository: @repository).destroy_all return RepositoryTableState.create( user: @user, repository: @repository, state: generate_default_state ) end private def generate_default_state default_columns_num = Constants::REPOSITORY_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE[:length] # This state should be strings-only state = HashUtil.deep_stringify_keys_and_values( Constants::REPOSITORY_TABLE_DEFAULT_STATE ) repository.repository_columns.each_with_index do |_, index| real_index = default_columns_num + index state['columns'][real_index.to_s] = HashUtil.deep_stringify_keys_and_values( Constants::REPOSITORY_TABLE_STATE_CUSTOM_COLUMN_TEMPLATE ) state['ColReorder'] << real_index.to_s end state['length'] = state['columns'].length.to_s state['time'] = state end end