Feature: Addon versions As a sciNote User I want know what addon are activated So that I know what features are enabled Background: Given the "BioSistemika Process" team exists Given the following users are registered | email | password | password_confirmation | full_name | initials | | admin@myorg.com | mypassword1234 | mypassword1234 | Karli Novak | KN | And "admin@myorg.com" is in "BioSistemika Process" team as a "admin" And is signed in with "admin@myorg.com", "mypassword1234" @javascript Scenario: Open the sciNote addons modal Given I'm on the profile page And I click "#nav-info-dropdown" icon And I click "About sciNote" link within ".dropdown.open" Then I should see "About sciNote" And I should see "sciNote core version" And I should see "Addon versions"