/* * Converts JSON data received from the server to flat array of values. */ function jsonToValuesArray(jsonData) { var errMsgs = []; for (var key in jsonData) { var values = jsonData[key]; $.each(values, function (idx, val) { errMsgs.push(val); }); } return errMsgs; } /* * Calls callback function on AJAX success (because built-in functions don't * work!) */ $.fn.onAjaxComplete = function (cb) { $(this) .on('ajax:success', function () { cb(); }) .on('ajax:error', function () { cb(); }); } /** * Checkbox on/off logic. For each checkbox hierarchy add 'checkbox-tree' class * to a parent 'div' surrounding the checkbox hierarchy, represented with 'ul', * and apply this function to some ancestor tag. * @param {object} dependencies Hash of checkbox IDs (as keys), on whose * children and itself the corresponding checkbox object (as value) and its' * children depend on, BUT are in a seperate 'tree branch' * @param {boolean} checkAll Whether to check all the checkboxes by default, * otherwise leave them as is (the parameter can be left out) */ $.fn.checkboxTreeLogic = function(dependencies, checkAll) { var $checkboxTree = $(this).find('.checkbox-tree').addBack('.checkbox-tree'); var $checkboxTreeCheckboxes = $checkboxTree.find('input:checkbox'); if (checkAll) { $checkboxTreeCheckboxes.prop('checked', true); } $checkboxTreeCheckboxes.change(function() { // Update descendent checkboxes var $checkbox = $(this); var checkboxChecked = $checkbox.prop('checked'); var $childCheckboxes = $checkbox.closest('li').find('ul input:checkbox'); $childCheckboxes.each(function() { $(this).prop('checked', checkboxChecked); }); // Update ancestor checkboxes // Loop until topmost checkbox is reached or until there's no parent // checkbox while ($checkbox.length) { var $checkboxesContainer = $checkbox.closest('ul'); var $parentCheckbox = $checkboxesContainer.siblings() .find('input:checkbox'); var $checkboxes = $checkboxesContainer.find('input:checkbox'); var $checkedCheckboxes = $checkboxes.filter(':checked'); $parentCheckbox.prop('checked', $checkboxes.length === $checkedCheckboxes.length); $checkbox = $parentCheckbox; } // Disable/enable dependent checkboxes $.each(dependencies, function(responsibleParentID, $dependentParent) { var $responsibleParent = $checkboxTree.find('#' + responsibleParentID); if ($responsibleParent.length) { var enable = $responsibleParent.closest('li') .find('input:checkbox:checked').length $dependentParent.closest('li').find('input:checkbox') .prop('disabled', !enable); } }); }).trigger('change'); }; /** * Show modal on link click and handle its' submition and validation. * * On link click it gets HTTP reponse with modal partial, shows it, and then on * submit gets JSON response, displays errors if any or either refreshes the * page or redirects it (if 'url' parameter is specified in JSON response). * @param {string} modalID Modal ID * @param {string} modelName Modal Name * @param {object} $fn Link objects for opening the modal (can have more * links for same modal) */ $.fn.initSubmitModal = function(modalID, modelName) { /** * Popup modal validator * @param {object} $modal Modal object */ function modalResponse($modal) { var $modalForm = $modal.find('form'); $modalForm .on('ajax:success', function(ev, data) { if (_.isUndefined(data)) { location.reload(); } else { $(location).attr('href', data.url); } }) .on('ajax:error', function(e, data) { $(this).renderFormErrors(modelName, data.responseJSON); }) .animateSpinner(true); } var $linksToModal = $(this); $linksToModal .on('ajax:success', function(e, data) { // Add and show modal $('body').append($.parseHTML(data.html)); $(modalID).modal('show', { backdrop: true, keyboard: false }); $(".modal-body").find("input[type='text']").focus(); modalResponse($(modalID)); // Remove modal when it gets closed $(modalID).on('hidden.bs.modal', function() { $(modalID).remove(); }); }) .on('ajax:error', function() { // TODO }) .animateSpinner(); };