class StepsController < ApplicationController include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ApplicationHelper include StepsActions include MarvinJsActions before_action :load_vars, only: %i(edit update destroy show toggle_step_state checklistitem_state update_view_state move_up move_down update_asset_view_mode elements attachments upload_attachment duplicate) before_action :load_vars_nested, only: %i(new create index reorder) before_action :convert_table_contents_to_utf8, only: %i(create update) before_action :check_protocol_manage_permissions, only: %i(reorder) before_action :check_view_permissions, only: %i(show index attachments elements) before_action :check_create_permissions, only: %i(new create) before_action :check_manage_permissions, only: %i(edit update destroy move_up move_down update_view_state update_asset_view_mode upload_attachment) before_action :check_complete_and_checkbox_permissions, only: %i(toggle_step_state checklistitem_state) def index render json: @protocol.steps.in_order, each_serializer: StepSerializer, user: current_user end def elements render json: @step.step_orderable_elements.order(:position), each_serializer: StepOrderableElementSerializer, user: current_user end def attachments render json: @step.assets, each_serializer: AssetSerializer, user: current_user end def upload_attachment @step.transaction do @asset = @step.assets.create!( created_by: current_user, last_modified_by: current_user, team: current_team, view_mode: @step.assets_view_mode ) @asset.file.attach(params[:signed_blob_id]) @asset.post_process_file( default_message_items = { step:, step_position: { id:, value_for: 'position_plus_one' } } if @protocol.in_module? log_activity( :task_step_file_added, @my_module.experiment.project, { file: @asset.file_name, my_module: }.merge(default_message_items) ) else log_activity( :protocol_step_file_added, nil, { file: @asset.file_name, protocol: }.merge(default_message_items) ) end end render json: @asset, serializer: AssetSerializer, user: current_user end def new @step = respond_to do |format| format.json do render json: { html: render_to_string(partial: 'new.html.erb') } end end end def create @step = name: t('protocols.steps.default_name'), completed: false, user: current_user, last_modified_by: current_user ) @step = @protocol.insert_step(@step, params[:position]) # Generate activity if @protocol.in_module? log_activity(:create_step, @my_module.experiment.project, { my_module: }.merge(step_message_items)) else log_activity(:add_step_to_protocol_repository, nil, { protocol: }.merge(step_message_items)) end render json: @step, serializer: StepSerializer, user: current_user end def create_old @step = @step.transaction do new_step_params = step_params # Attach newly uploaded files, and than remove their blob ids from the parameters new_step_params[:assets_attributes]&.each do |key, value| next unless value[:signed_blob_id] asset = Asset.create!(created_by: current_user, last_modified_by: current_user, team: current_team) asset.file.attach(value[:signed_blob_id]) @step.assets << asset new_step_params[:assets_attributes].delete(key) end @step.assign_attributes(new_step_params) # gerate a tag that replaces img tag in database @step.completed = false @step.position = @protocol.number_of_steps @step.protocol = @protocol @step.user = current_user @step.last_modified_by = current_user @step.tables.each do |table| table.created_by = current_user = current_team end # Update default checked state @step.checklists.each do |checklist| checklist.checklist_items.each do |checklist_item| checklist_item.checked = false end end # link tiny_mce_assets to the step TinyMceAsset.update_images(@step, params[:tiny_mce_images], current_user)! # Post process all assets @step.assets.each do |asset| asset.post_process_file( end # link tiny_mce_assets to the step TinyMceAsset.update_images(@step, params[:tiny_mce_images], current_user) create_annotation_notifications(@step) # Generate activity if @protocol.in_module? log_activity( :create_step, @my_module.experiment.project, { my_module: }.merge(step_message_items) ) else log_activity(:add_step_to_protocol_repository, nil, { protocol: }.merge(step_message_items)) end end respond_to do |format| if @step.errors.blank? format.json do render json: { html: render_to_string( partial: 'steps/step.html.erb', locals: { step: @step } ) }, status: :ok end else format.json do render json: @step.errors.to_json, status: :bad_request end end end end def show respond_to do |format| format.json do render json: { html: render_to_string( partial: 'steps/step.html.erb', locals: { step: @step } ) }, status: :ok end end end def edit respond_to do |format| format.json do render json: { html: render_to_string(partial: 'edit.html.erb') }, status: :ok end end end def update if @step.update(step_params) # Generate activity if @protocol.in_module? log_activity( :edit_step, @my_module.experiment.project, { my_module: }.merge(step_message_items) ) else log_activity( :edit_step_in_protocol_repository, nil, { protocol: }.merge(step_message_items) ) end render json: @step, serializer: StepSerializer, user: current_user else render json: {}, status: :unprocessable_entity end end def duplicate ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do position = @step.position @protocol.steps.where('position > ?', position).order(position: :desc).each do |step| step.update(position: step.position + 1) end new_step = @step.duplicate(@protocol, current_user, step_position: position + 1, step_name: + ' (1)') if @protocol.in_module? log_activity( :task_step_duplicated, @my_module.experiment.project, { my_module: }.merge(step_message_items) ) else log_activity( :protocol_step_duplicated, nil, { protocol: }.merge(step_message_items) ) end render json: new_step, serializer: StepSerializer, user: current_user end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid head :unprocessable_entity end def update_old respond_to do |format| old_description = @step.description old_checklists = fetch_old_checklists_data(@step) new_checklists = fetch_new_checklists_data previous_size = @step.space_taken step_params_all = step_params # process only destroy update on step references. This prevents # skipping deleting reference in case update validation fails. # NOTE - step_params_all variable is updated destroy_attributes(step_params_all) # Attach newly uploaded files, and than remove their blob ids from the parameters new_assets = [] step_params_all[:assets_attributes]&.each do |key, value| next unless value[:signed_blob_id] new_asset = @step.assets.create!( created_by: current_user, last_modified_by: current_user, team: current_team, view_mode: @step.assets_view_mode ) new_asset.file .attach(value[:signed_blob_id]) new_assets.push( step_params_all[:assets_attributes].delete(key) end @step.assign_attributes(step_params_all) @step.last_modified_by = current_user @step.tables.each do |table| table.created_by = current_user if table.new_record? table.last_modified_by = current_user unless table.new_record? = current_team end update_checklist_items_without_callback(step_params_all) if TinyMceAsset.update_images(@step, params[:tiny_mce_images], current_user) @step.reload # generates notification on step upadate update_annotation_notifications(@step, old_description, new_checklists, old_checklists) # Release team's space taken team = team.release_space(previous_size) # Post process step assets @step.assets.each do |asset| asset.post_process_file(team) if new_assets.include? end # Generate activity if @protocol.in_module? log_activity(:edit_step, @my_module.experiment.project, my_module: else log_activity(:edit_step_in_protocol_repository, nil, protocol: end format.json { render json: { html: render_to_string({ partial: 'step.html.erb', locals: { step: @step } }) } } else format.json { render json: @step.errors.to_json, status: :bad_request } end end end def update_view_state view_state = @step.current_view_state(current_user) view_state.state['assets']['sort'] = params.require(:assets).require(:order)! if view_state.changed? respond_to do |format| format.json do render json: {}, status: :ok end end end def update_asset_view_mode html = '' ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do @step.assets_view_mode = params[:assets_view_mode]!(touch: false) @step.assets.update_all(view_mode: @step.assets_view_mode) end render json: { view_mode: @step.assets_view_mode }, status: :ok rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e Rails.logger.error(e.message) render json: { errors: e.message }, status: :unprocessable_entity end def destroy if @step.can_destroy? # Calculate space taken by this step team = previous_size = @step.space_taken # Generate activity if @protocol.in_module? log_activity( :destroy_step, @my_module.experiment.project, { my_module: }.merge(step_message_items) ) else log_activity(:delete_step_in_protocol_repository, nil, { protocol: }.merge(step_message_items)) end # Destroy the step @step.destroy # Release space taken by the step team.release_space(previous_size) end render json: @step, serializer: StepSerializer, user: current_user end # Responds to checkbox toggling in steps view def checklistitem_state respond_to do |format| checked = params[:checked] == 'true' changed = @chk_item.checked != checked @chk_item.checked = checked if format.json { render json: {}, status: :accepted } # Create activity if changed completed_items = @chk_item.checklist.checklist_items .where(checked: true).count all_items = @chk_item.checklist.checklist_items.count text_activity = smart_annotation_parser(@chk_item.text) .gsub(/\s+/, ' ') type_of = if checked :check_step_checklist_item else :uncheck_step_checklist_item end # This should always hold true (only in module can # check items be checked, but still check just in case) if @protocol.in_module? log_activity(type_of, @protocol.my_module.experiment.project, my_module:, step:, step_position: { id:, value_for: 'position_plus_one' }, checkbox: text_activity, num_completed: completed_items.to_s, num_all: all_items.to_s) end end else format.json { render json: {}, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # Complete/uncomplete step def toggle_step_state @step.completed = params[:completed] == 'true' @step.last_modified_by = current_user if # Create activity if @step.saved_change_to_completed completed_steps = @protocol.steps.where(completed: true).count all_steps = @protocol.steps.count type_of = @step.completed ? :complete_step : :uncomplete_step # Toggling step state can only occur in # module protocols, so my_module is always # not nil; nonetheless, check if my_module is present if @protocol.in_module? log_activity( type_of, @protocol.my_module.experiment.project, { my_module:, num_completed: completed_steps.to_s, num_all: all_steps.to_s }.merge(step_message_items) ) end end render json: @step, serializer: StepSerializer, user: current_user else render json: {}, status: :unprocessable_entity end end def move_up respond_to do |format| format.json do @step.move_up render json: { steps_order: @protocol.steps.order(:position).select(:id, :position) } end end end def move_down respond_to do |format| format.json do @step.move_down render json: { steps_order: @protocol.steps.order(:position).select(:id, :position) } end end end def reorder @protocol.with_lock do params[:step_positions].each do |id, position| @protocol.steps.find(id).update_column(:position, position) end if @protocol.in_module? log_activity(:task_steps_rearranged, @my_module.experiment.project, my_module: else log_activity(:protocol_steps_rearranged, nil, protocol: end @protocol.touch end render json: { steps_order: @protocol.steps.order(:position).select(:id, :position) } end private # This function is used for partial update of step references and # it's useful when you want to execute destroy action on attribute # collection separately from normal update action, for example if # you don't want that update validation interupt destroy action. # In case of step model you can delete checkboxes, assets or tables. def destroy_attributes(params) update_params = {} delete_step_tables(params) extract_destroy_params(params, update_params) @step.update(update_params) unless update_params.blank? end # Delete the step table def delete_step_tables(params) return unless params[:tables_attributes].present? params[:tables_attributes].each do |_, table| next unless table['_destroy'] table_to_destroy = Table.find_by_id(table['id']) next if table_to_destroy.nil? table_to_destroy.report_elements.destroy_all end end # Checks if hash contains destroy parameter '_destroy' and returns # boolean value. def has_destroy_params?(params) params.each do |key, values| next unless values.respond_to?(:each) params[key].each do |_, attrs| return true if attrs[:_destroy] == '1' end end false end # Extracts part of hash that contains destroy parameters. It deletes # values that contains destroy parameters from original variable and # puts them into update_params variable. def extract_destroy_params(params, update_params) params.each do |key, values| next unless values.respond_to?(:each) update_params[key] = {} unless update_params[key] attr_params = update_params[key] params[key].each do |pos, attrs| if attrs[:_destroy] == '1' if attrs[:id].present? asset = Asset.find_by_id(attrs[:id]) if asset.try(&:locked?) asset.errors.add(:base, 'This file is locked.') else attr_params[pos] = { id: attrs[:id], _destroy: '1' } end end params[key].delete(pos) elsif has_destroy_params?(params[key][pos]) attr_params[pos] = { id: attrs[:id] } extract_destroy_params(params[key][pos], attr_params[pos]) end end end end def load_vars @step = Step.find_by(id: params[:id]) return render_404 unless @step @protocol = @step.protocol @chk_item = ChecklistItem.find_by(id: params[:checklistitem_id]) if params[:checklistitem_id] @my_module = @protocol.my_module if @protocol.in_module? end def load_vars_nested @protocol = Protocol.find_by(id: params[:protocol_id]) return render_404 unless @protocol @my_module = @protocol.my_module if @protocol.in_module? end def convert_table_contents_to_utf8 if params.include? :step and params[:step].include? :tables_attributes then params[:step][:tables_attributes].each do |k,v| params[:step][:tables_attributes][k][:contents] = v[:contents].encode(Encoding::UTF_8).force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end end end def update_checklist_items_without_callback(params) params.dig('checklists_attributes')&.values&.each do |cl| ck = @step.checklists.find_by(id: cl[:id]) next if ck.nil? # ck is new checklist, skip update positions cl['checklist_items_attributes']&.each do |item| # Here item is somehow array of index and parameters [0, paramteters<Object>], should be fixed on FE also item_record = ck.checklist_items.find_by(id: item[1][:id]) next unless item_record item_record.update_attribute('position', item[1][:position]) end end end def check_view_permissions render_403 unless can_read_protocol_in_module?(@protocol) || can_read_protocol_in_repository?(@protocol) end def check_protocol_manage_permissions render_403 unless can_manage_protocol_in_module?(@protocol) || can_manage_protocol_in_repository?(@protocol) end def check_manage_permissions render_403 unless can_manage_step?(@step) end def check_create_permissions if @my_module render_403 unless can_manage_my_module_steps?(@my_module) else render_403 unless can_manage_protocol_in_repository?(@protocol) end end def check_complete_and_checkbox_permissions render_403 unless can_complete_or_checkbox_step?(@protocol) end def step_params params.require(:step).permit(:name) end def step_params_old params.require(:step).permit( :name, :description, checklists_attributes: [ :id, :name, :_destroy, checklist_items_attributes: [ :id, :text, :position, :_destroy ] ], assets_attributes: [ :id, :_destroy, :signed_blob_id ], tables_attributes: [ :id, :name, :contents, :_destroy ], marvin_js_assets_attributes: %i( id _destroy ), bio_eddie_assets_attributes: %i( id _destroy ) ) end def log_activity(type_of, project = nil, message_items = {}) Activities::CreateActivityService .call(activity_type: type_of, owner: current_user, subject: @protocol, team: current_team, project: project, message_items: message_items) end def step_message_items { step: { id:, value_for: 'name' }, step_position: { id:, value_for: 'position_plus_one' } } end end