module ClientApi class TeamsController < ApplicationController MissingTeamError = # TODO remove this when the user authentication will be implemented skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token def index success_response end def change_team change_current_team success_response rescue MissingTeamError error_response end private def success_response respond_to do |format| format.json do render template: '/client_api/teams/index', status: :ok, locals: teams end end end def error_response respond_to do |format| format.json do render json: { message: 'Bad boy!' }, status: :bad_request end end end def teams { teams: current_user.teams } end def change_current_team team_id = params.fetch(:team_id) { raise MissingTeamError } unless current_user.teams.pluck(:id).include? team_id raise MissingTeamError end current_user.update_attribute(:current_team_id, team_id) end end end