When(/^I click "(.+)" button$/) do |button| click_on(button) end Given(/^Show me the page$/) do save_and_open_page end Then(/^I should be redirected to the homepage$/) do current_path.should =~ /^\/$/ end Given(/^I click "(.+)" link$/) do |link| click_link link end Given(/^I click "(.+)" link within "(.+)"$/) do |link, element| within("##{element}") do click_link link end end Then(/^I should see "(.+)"$/) do |text| wait_for_ajax expect(page).to have_content(text) end Then(/^I should be on homepage$/) do expect(page).to have_current_path(root_path) end Given(/^the "([^"]*)" team exists$/) do |team_name| FactoryGirl.create(:team, name: team_name) end Given(/^I'm on the home page of "([^"]*)" team$/) do |team_name| team = Team.find_by_name(team_name) @current_user.update_attribute(:current_team_id, team.id) visit root_path end Given(/^"([^"]*)" is in "([^"]*)" team as a "([^"]*)"$/) do |user_email, team_name, role| team = Team.find_by_name(team_name) user = User.find_by_email(user_email) FactoryGirl.create( :user_team, user: user, team: team, role: UserTeam.roles.fetch(role)) end Then(/^I attach a "([^"]*)" file to "([^"]*)" field$/) do |file, field_id| wait_for_ajax attach_file(field_id, Rails.root.join('features', 'assets', file)) # "expensive" operation needs some time :=) sleep(0.3) end Then(/^I should see "([^"]*)" error message under "([^"]*)" field$/) do |message, field_id| parent = find_by_id(field_id).first(:xpath, './/..') expect(parent).to have_content(message) end Then(/^I click on "([^"]*)"$/) do |button| click_on button end Then(/^I click on image within "([^"]*)" element$/) do |container| within(container) do find('img').click end wait_for_ajax end Then(/^I should see "([^"]*)" flash message$/) do |message| wait_for_ajax expect(find_by_id('alert-flash')).to have_content(message) end Then(/^I click on Edit on "([^"]*)" input field$/) do |container_id| wait_for_ajax container = page.find_by_id(container_id) within(container) do find('button').click end end Then(/^I fill in "([^"]*)" in "([^"]*)" input field$/) do |text, container_id| container = page.find_by_id(container_id) container.find('input').set(text) end Then(/^I should see "([^"]*)" in "([^"]*)" input field$/) do |text, container_id| container = page.find_by_id(container_id) expect(container).to have_xpath("//input[@value='#{text}']") end