require 'rails_helper'

describe Project, type: :model do
  it 'should be of class Project' do
    expect(subject.class).to eq Project

  describe 'Database table' do
    it { should have_db_column :id }
    it { should have_db_column :name }
    it { should have_db_column :visibility }
    it { should have_db_column :due_date }
    it { should have_db_column :team_id }
    it { should have_db_column :created_at }
    it { should have_db_column :updated_at }
    it { should have_db_column :archived }
    it { should have_db_column :archived_on }
    it { should have_db_column :created_by_id }
    it { should have_db_column :last_modified_by_id }
    it { should have_db_column :archived_by_id }
    it { should have_db_column :restored_by_id }
    it { should have_db_column :restored_on }
    it { should have_db_column :experiments_order }

  describe 'Relations' do
    it { should belong_to :team }
    it { should belong_to(:created_by).class_name('User') }
    it { should belong_to(:last_modified_by).class_name('User') }
    it { should belong_to(:archived_by).class_name('User') }
    it { should belong_to(:restored_by).class_name('User') }
    it { should have_many :user_projects }
    it { should have_many :users }
    it { should have_many :experiments }
    it { should have_many :project_comments }
    it { should have_many :activities }
    it { should have_many :tags }
    it { should have_many :reports }
    it { should have_many :report_elements }

  describe 'Should be a valid object' do
    let(:user) { create :user }
    let(:team) { create :team, created_by: user }
    it { should validate_presence_of :visibility }
    it { should validate_presence_of :team }
    it do
      should validate_length_of(:name).is_at_least(Constants::NAME_MIN_LENGTH)

    it 'should have a unique name scoped to team' do
      create :project, created_by: user, last_modified_by: user, team: team
      project_two = build :project, created_by: user,
                                    last_modified_by: user,
                                    team: team
      expect(project_two).to_not be_valid