# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe "Api::Service::ProtocolsController", type: :request do before :all do @user = create(:user) @team = create(:team, :change_user_team, created_by: @user) @project = create(:project, name: Faker::Name.unique.name, created_by: @user, team: @team) @experiment = create(:experiment, created_by: @user, last_modified_by: @user, project: @project, created_by: @user) @my_module = create( :my_module, :with_due_date, created_by: @user, last_modified_by: @user, experiment: @experiment ) @protocol = create(:protocol, team: @team, my_module: @my_module, name: "Test protocol") create_list(:step, 3, protocol: @protocol) @valid_headers = { 'Authorization'=> 'Bearer ' + generate_token(@user.id), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } end describe 'POST reorder steps, #reorder_steps' do let(:action) do post( api_service_team_protocol_reorder_steps_path( team_id: @team.id, protocol_id: @protocol.id ), params: request_body.to_json, headers: @valid_headers ) end context 'when has valid params' do let(:request_body) do { step_order: @protocol.steps.pluck(:id).each_with_index.map do |id, i| { id: id, position: @protocol.steps.length - 1 - i } end } end it 'returns status 200 and reorderes steps' do action expect(response).to have_http_status 200 new_step_order = @protocol.steps.order(position: :asc).pluck(:id, :position) expect(new_step_order).to( eq( request_body[:step_order].map(&:values).sort { |a, b| a[1] <=> b[1] } ) ) end end context "when step order doesn't include all step ids" do let(:request_body) do { step_order: @protocol.steps.last(2).pluck(:id).each_with_index.map do |id, i| { id: id, position: @protocol.steps.length - 1 - i } end } end it 'returns status 400' do action expect(response).to have_http_status 400 end end context "when step order doesn't have the correct positions" do let(:request_body) do { step_order: @protocol.steps.last(2).pluck(:id).each_with_index.map do |id, i| { id: id, position: i + 1 } end } end it 'returns status 400' do action expect(response).to have_http_status 400 end end context 'when has missing param' do let(:request_body) do {} end it 'renders 400' do action expect(response).to have_http_status(400) end end end end