module Users class InvitationsController < Devise::InvitationsController def update # Instantialize a new organization with the provided name @org = = params[:organization][:name] super do |user| if user.errors.empty? @org.created_by = user UserOrganization.create( user: user, organization: @org, role: 'admin' ) end end end def accept_resource unless @org.valid? # Find the user being invited resource = User.find_by_invitation_token( update_resource_params[:invitation_token], false ) # Check if user's data (passwords etc.) is valid resource.assign_attributes( update_resource_params.except(:invitation_token) ) resource.valid? # Call validation to generate errors # In any case, add the organization name error resource.errors.add(:base, @org.errors.to_a.first) return resource end super end end end